
试题 试卷


题型:阅读判断 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    People already know a lot about animals. However, there are still some things about animals that may surprise you. Here are some facts about animals you probably didn't know.

    Cows do have best friends and feel stressed when they are separated. Scientists have found that cows are very social animals and a cow always makes friends with other cows. When a cow is with its friends, it feels relaxed, compared with when it is alone.

    During breeding season, a male penguin(企鹅) will offer a small stone to a female penguin as a gift. If she takes it, they will become partners. When the female penguin lays an egg, she and her partner may carry it on their feet, because some penguins don't build nests(鸟巢).

    Crocodiles(鳄鱼) swallow(吞) stones. Crocodiles always swallow their food instead of eating it like other animals. They swallow stones which break the food into very small pieces in their stomachs. These stones may stay in their stomachs all their lives.

    Elephants use plants to treat pain or other illness. Scientists once found a pregnant (怀孕) elephant in Africa who ate a kind of plant which was not part of her normal food. Four days later, she gave birth to a baby elephant. The same plant was used by the local pregnant women.

(1)、A cow hates making friends with other cows.
(2)、All the male penguins will build nests if the female penguins lay eggs.
(3)、Crocodiles swallow stones to help with digestion(消化).
(4)、Elephants eat plants only when they are hungry.
(5)、The passage mainly tells us some surprising facts about animals.

    There's much to see under the sea, but you need to remember that light behave differently in water than in air. The objects appear closer to you than they exactly are. You might find yourself reaching out to touch something and completely missing it.

    Objects under water will appear larger than they would on the surface, too. Be careful not to tell any stories about the big fish that got away. That fish might not be so big after all! It's just because sometimes things can seem to be as much as about 33 percent bigger in water!

    What's more, in deeper water, colors just don't seem as bright. In fact, it looks as if some colors are missing. Remember the color of an object results from the wavelength (波长) of light that are reflected (反射) from its surface. And light is taken in as it moves down through the water.

    Swimmers wear wet suits to keep warm underwater. Let's take a bright red, yellow, and blue wet suit as an example. These colors are hard to miss on the surface of water. Watch carefully the changes in color as you descend in the water. The red part now looks almost black because the red light wavelengths, the longest among these three colors, are missing. As you go down deeper, the same thing will happen to the yellow part and in the end to the blue part. Even at a place of about 6 to 9 meters underwater, you will look terrible, like a ghost(鬼怪) ! And you have to wait for your return to the surface to enjoy the bright colors again!


    Technology is everywhere. We see it any place we go and, in fact, almost all of us carry some piece of technology with us every time we leave the house. What I always forget, though, is just how useful and powerful technology can be when we want to help others.

    There is not a single room in my house that does not have some electronic devices (设备)lying around in it. Whenever I am at home, I am almost always using at least one electronic device. If you walked into my living room on any given day, you would find that, first, I have the television on. At the same time, I usually have my laptop resting on my knee, or I will be using my mobile phone. Even when I'm not at home I am always using my phone, and at work or in cafés, I sit down and connect to the local wireless network on my laptop.

    I must say that I waste a lot of time on the computer and the time I spend on it could be much better spent if I were to take up a little online volunteering.

    The technology we carry about everywhere can have a great power to do good for the world and to help others and recently I discovered just how much online volunteering there is to do in the world. From using your language skills to do translations, to developing and managing projects and helping with IT work, there is so much that so many people can do to help people in their own countries and across the world. The United Nations, in fact, has a huge page with "Volunteers Recruited" on its website.

    This work can support the poor and help charities who cannot pay for staff members. Many organizations only require you to work an hour a week﹣some even less. And the support provided by online volunteers can really help make a difference to those in need.

