
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新目标(Go for it)版英语七年级下学期 期末检测题一


    Hello, everyone!  1 to Class 3. I'm your new English teacher, Mr. Yang. Now let me tell you our class  2. First, you can't be late 3 class. You must 4 on time. Second, you must bring your English books and notebooks to every 5. Third, you must   6 English during the pair work activities. If it's 7 for you, you can ask me for help. Fourth, if you have any  8, you must put up your hands(举手). You can't talk or stand up without permission(未经许可). These are all the rules. They are good for you,  9 you must follow them. I hope we can have a good 10 every day.

A、Take     B、Welcome   C、Thanks
A、rules B、stories C、things
A、to B、for  C、at
A、get B、stop C、arrive
A、club    B、dream          C、lesson
A、speak B、tell   C、say 
A、long B、easy   C、difficult
A、habits B、questions     C、exercises
A、so B、but   C、because
A、time   B、test C、trip

    Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence(智力) and feelings.

    In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states(州) have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.

    The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 report by scientists, IQ(智商) of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).

    Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18℃, people become stronger.

    Low air pressure(气压) may make people forgetful(健忘). People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days. People feel best at a temperature of about 18℃.

    Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weather's problem.


    There are many different kinds of disasters around the world. As an adult you know what to do during a disaster, but what about the children? Some adults think it would probably never happen to them, so they don't teach their children what to do. Before it's too late, here are ways to help you prepare your children for a disaster.

    Educate: It is always good to let your children know about possible disasters. This doesn't mean children have to live in fear. When teaching them about disasters, keep the conversation positive (积极的) by telling them there is a solution (解决办法) to the disaster. Keep the conversations short, allow for questions and answer them honestly.

    Prepare: Always be prepared. And that is the best piece of advice for children. For example, when preparing for bad weather, get the tools you need, like candles, radios, food, water and medicine. Teach your children what is needed in certain disasters so that they know what is available for them, if ever needed.

    Plan: You should always have a plan for you and your children for any dangerous situation. Write out a simple list that they can read. The plan could start with "listen to an adult's advice and/or call 119".

    Practise: Once you have got the correct safety tools and worked out the right plan, practise every few months. Practising what to do during a disaster with your children will help them if the time comes.

    Disasters can't be avoided but they can be lessened once you are prepared and ready for one.

