
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Two hundred years ago the English poet William Wordsworth wrote "I wander'd Lonely as a Cloud", a poem that expresses a basic spirit of early English Romanticism.

    What makes this poem an example of Romantic thinking? It isn't just that Wordsworth chooses to write about natural scene:it is the way he describes the scene as if it had human emotions. For him, nature is not only a neutral (无感情色彩的) mixture of scenery, colours, plants, rocks, soil, water and air. It is a living force that feels joy and sadness, shares human pain and even tries to educate us human beings by showing us the beauty of life.

    Wordsworth's home, Dove Cottage, is now one of the most popular destinations in the Lake District. You can go on a tour of the garden which William planted with wild flowers and which survived in his backyard even after they disappeared from the area "He always said that if he hadn't been a poet, he would have been a wonderful scenery gardener," says Allan King of the Wordsworth Trust.

    The place near Ullswater, where Wordsworth saw the daffodils(水仙花), is at the southernmost end of the lake. The lake is wide and calm at this turning point. There's a bay where the trees have had their soil eroded(侵蚀)by lake water so that their roots are shockingly exposed. You walk along from tree to tree, hardly daring to breathe, because you are walking in the footprints of William from two centuries ago. The first group of daffodils appear, but they aren't tall yellow trumpets(小号状的花)proudly swinging in the gentle wind. They're tiny wild daffodils, most of them still green and unopened, in groups of six or seven. They're grouped around individual trees rather than collecting together.

    But as you look north, from beside a huge ancient oak, you realize this is what delighted Wordsworth: group after group of the things, spread out to left and right but coming together in your sight so that they form a beautiful, pale-yellow carpet. What you're seeing at last is nature transformed by human sight and imagination.

(1)、What was Wordsworth's attitude to nature?

A、Nature had a character of its own. B、Nature could talk to people. C、Man could influence nature. D、Nature was human-like.
(2)、We can learn from the text that Dove Cottage     .

A、has gardens designed by a scenery gardener B、has a wide range of flowers in its garden C、receives a lot of visitors every year D、is famous for an actor
(3)、In what way is the scene at the southernmost end of the lake different from Wordsworth's description?

A、The daffodils are fewer and smaller. B、All the daffodils are green and small. C、There are no daffodils around trees. D、There are no daffodils by the lake.
(4)、The writer implies that the poem describes      .

A、exactly what Wordsworth saw in detail B、the effect the daffodils had on Wordsworth C、what Wordsworth saw around an ancient oak D、groups of daffodils on the left and on the right
English,You Are So Popular
    English is the world language,the language of international communication in many areas of life;trade,air and sea transport,tourism and sport.New ideas in science,technology and medicine happen so quickly that it is impossible and very expensive to translate everything into different languages. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you want to study some subject, you need to know professional words and phrases.
    English is used as a first language in countries such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand,the USA and many of the countries in the Caribbean. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It is a way in which people who have different languages communicate with each other.This is especially true in many parts of Africa and India.
    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.Australian,American or Irish English has another pronunciation or stresses,so sometimes you cannot understand,although you can speak English.The USA has no official national language.English is used like a natural language by all Americans,because it is very simple.The American variety is popular between no­native speakers,too.
    English is far more worldwide in its allocation than all other spoken languages.25% to 33% of the people in the world understand and speak English to some degree.And most of them can use English freely. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}
    In 2001,the 189 member countries in the United Nations were asked what language they wished to use for communication with other countries.More than120 chose English,40 selected French,and 20 wanted to use Spanish. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} However,the percentage of Internet users who are not native English speakers is increasing rapidly,especially in Asia.
A.It has become the most useful language.
B.Therefore,most things are published in English.
C.In other countries it is used as a second language.
D.However,English in all these countries is not the same.
E.English is also the language particularly on the Internet.
F.There are at least 165 languages spoken in the United States.
G.Therefore,it is not surprising that all languages change through time.

                                                     Four Books That Will Interest You to Travel the World

    There's truly nothing like travel when it comes to gaining life experience. To get you in the adventuring mood, we asked Amazon Senior Editor Chiris Schlep to help us come up with a list of books that transport readers to another time and place. Below, see his list of four books that will interest you to travel the world.

    SEATTLE: Where You'g Go, Bernadette? By Maria Sample

    Maria Sample's first novel is not exactly a love story to Seattle, but if you read it, you just might want to come here to see if people are really as self-involved as the characters in her book. What really shines through is the strange storytelling and the amusing incidents. Buy it on Amazon. price: $26.60.

    ENGLAND: Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel

    You can't travel to Thomas Cromwell's England without a time machine, but reading Hilary Mantel's prize-winning novel is the next best thing. It will make you long to see the ancient buildings and green grass of the English countryside, much of which is still there. Buy it on Amazon. price$25.10.

    NANTUCKET: Here's to Us by Eli Hildebrand

    Eli Hildebrand has built a writing career out of writing about her hometown island of Nantucket. Her latest is Here's to Us, which, perhaps not surprisingly, is a great beach read. Buy it on Amazon. price: $30.80.

    ITALY: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

    This book by the popular author Jess Walters is a love story that begins on the Italian Coast in the early 60s and eventually concludes in contemporary Hollywood. As the settings shift from Italy to Edinburgh to Los Angeles, you will find yourself longing to go as well. Buy it on Amazon.price:$28.90.


    My grandfather died more than twenty-five years ago. I was fifteen then. He was kind, strong, fair, and very funny. When I was a young musician, he was my biggest fan. I played my violin for him when he visited, and he loved everything, but each time he had one request. “Could you play Amazing Grace%” he asked, full of hope and with a twinkle in his eye, because he knew my answer was always, “I don't know that one!” We went through this routine at every major holiday, and I always figured I'd have time to learn it for him later.

    About the time I entered high school and started guitar, Grandpa got cancer. The last time I saw him alive was Thanksgiving weekend in 1985. My mom warned us that Grandpa didn't look the same anymore and that we should prepare ourselves. For a moment I didn't recognize him. He looked so small among all the white sheets. We had all gathered in Ohio for the holiday, and I'm sure we all knew we were there to say good-bye. I can see now that Grandpa held on long enough to see us each one more time. I remember how we ate in the dining room and laughed and talked while Grandpa rested in his hospital bed. I wonder if it was sad for him to be alone with our voices and laughter. Knowing Grandpa, he was probably content.

    The next morning, I found my moment alone with him. I pulled out my guitar, tuned to his appreciative gaze, and finally played for him Amazing Grace. I had worked on it for weeks, knowing it never mattered whether I actually played it well and choosing not to believe as I played that it was my last concert for my biggest fan. The cancer had stolen his smile, but I saw joy in his eyes. He held my hand afterward, and I knew I had done something important.

    I argued with people all through college about my music major. I was told by strangers that music wouldn't make me any money and it wasn't useful like being a doctor. But I know first-hand that with music I was able to give my grandpa something at a point when no one else could.


    Social media is one of the fastest-growing industries in today's world. Your friends' lives may look more exciting than yours on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but a new research shows it is because they are faking(伪造) it.

    A recent survey has found around two-thirds of people on social media post images to their personal information to make their lives seem more adventurous. And more than three quarters of those asked said they judged their peers based on what they saw on their Instagrm, Snapehat or Facebook pages.

    The British survey, by smart phone maker HTC, found that, in order to make our own pages and lives appear more exciting, six percent also said they had borrowed items to include in the images in order to pass them off as their own. More than half of those surveyed said they posted images of items and places purely to show off, causing jealousy among friends and family.

    Behavioral psychologist Hemmings said the trend was unsurprising due to the rise of social media. "We're living in a world instant communication." she said. "Fashion and style used to live and die in magazines; now people are in search of authentic, peer-to-peer recommendations as well, making social media an equal power house to magazines and newspaper."

    "With images being shared in an instant, we desire to know what our friends are wearing, or what super stars are buying, as soon as they have got them." Such is the influence of social media sites like Instagram, 76 percent of those asked also said seeing items on social influences them to buy them, with men more likely to take style advice and buy what they see.


    Parents do not owe (欠) their children a college education. If they can afford it, they can certainly send them to a good university. But they needn't feel guilty if they can't. When children grow up and want to get married, their parents do not owe them an apartment. They do not have the duty to look after their grandchildren, either. If they want to do it, it must be considered a favor, not an obligation.

    Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a personal worth. Children who are always made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared with brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so unsure, so afraid of failing that they won't try at all. Of course they should be properly corrected when they do wrong, but it's often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves in time. All their parents should do is to trust them, respect them, understand them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand failure. When criticisms (批评) are really needed, they should be balanced with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

    Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by deed. A child who is lied to will lie. A child who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have difficulty laughing and loving.

No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.

