
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Mid-afternoon on a particularly busy Tuesday, I took leave of my desk at work and walked into a local Starbucks only to find a space where neither my clients nor my children would ask me to do something.

    Inside, I ran into Kate, a co-worker of mine. The topic of parenthood came up. I complained about how packed my schedule was. From the minute I woke up to the minute I fell asleep, I was constantly in demand and always had someone knocking at the door. But a bit of sadness seemed to come over Kate's face.

    "Well, my daughter's in San Francisco and she doesn't seem to need me at all these days," Kate said. It was in that moment that I realized although I might often feel in high demand, there will come a day when I will actually miss that same stress I then complained about.

    And as our conversation continued, it turned to our children's younger years, with Kate smiling proudly, thinking of the little boy and girl she raised who are now a man and a woman. But I noticed her smile was marked with regret. She explained that she often wondered about what she could have done differently when her children were in their earlier years.

    This got me thinking. Is regret an unfortunate footnote (注脚) to parenthood? With that in mind, I asked six older parents one question: What is your biggest regret from your early days as a parent?

    It turned out that all of them thought they could have done it better. But, each of them also has a strong, healthy relationship with their kids. Whatever regrets their parents might have had about their upbringing, one thing is clear —— it didn't affect them in a meaningful way.

    The bottom line is, we all feel like we could be doing this parenting thing better. And quite clearly, years later, we're still going to look back and wish we tried things differently. But the past can't be changed, and neither should it.

(1)、What can be inferred from the first three paragraphs?

A、Kate had the same problem as the author's. B、The two people had arranged to meet in the coffee shop. C、The author went to the coffee shop to escape from the pressure around him. D、Kate went to the coffee shop so no one could find her there.
(2)、Why did Kate feel sad and regretful?

A、She and her daughter had a fight. B、She hadn't paid enough attention to her kids. C、She thought that she could have done better in raising her kids. D、She was disappointed with her kid's performance.
(3)、What did the author find when the author spoke to six older parents?

A、Some of the parents have a bad relationship with their kids. B、He was moved by the love of these parents for their children. C、These parents improved their behavior after their kids grew up. D、None of the parents were completely satisfied with the way they raised their kids.
(4)、What is the text mainly about?

A、Give more love to your kids. B、Regret for the parenting can be softened by time. C、Nearly all the parents have regretful parenting. D、Never stop learning how to be a good parent from others.

    Bryan Forbes, who was born in London on 22 July 1926, made his first screen acting appearance in 1918.

    He landed supporting parts in several outstanding British films, including An Inspector Calls (1954) and The Colditz Story (1955), but it was not long before screen-writing and directing attracted him behind the camera. Together with Richard Attenborough, he set up Beaver Films in 1959. Its first film, The Angry Silence (1960), was written by Forbes and Attenborough played the lead role.

    His directing career began in 1961 with Whistle down the Wind, featuring child star Hayley Mills. Forbes directed many more films in the 1960s and early 1970s. In 1969 he took over as head of production and managing director of EMI—MGM Elstree, and the studio achieved outstanding successes. But it was a torrid time for the company. Troubled constantly by financial difficulties and staffing issues, Forbes quitted in 1971. He then directed The Step ford Wives, based on the novel by Ira Levin, and in 1975 International Velvet, starring Tatum O'Neal, in 1978.

    Forbes, who counted the late Queen Mother among his friends, continued directing, writing and acting throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. He also found success as an author with a number of novels, the latest of which, The Soldier's Story, was published last year.

    After Forbes passed away, film critic Mark Kermode said, “Once I had fun—boyish pleasure of telling Bryan Forbes how much I loved Step ford Wives. He was charming and modest. A great loss.”



    The arm bones of women who lived 7-000 years ago show a surprising level of strength-even higher than today's professional athletes. That's according to a first-ever study comparing prehistoric(史前的)bones to those of living people. The finding suggests a revision of history — the everyday lives of prehistoric women were filled with hard labor, rather than just sitting at home doing lighter tasks while the men struggled and fought for life.

    “Before the study, there are no clear records describing how our ancient ancestors lived. It can be easy to forget that bone is a living tissue, one that responds to the difficulties we put our bodies through,” said lead author Alison Macintosh. “Physical force and muscle activity both put pressure on the bone. The bone reacts by changing in shape, thickness and other aspects over time. ”

    Previous studies only compared female bones to contemporary male bones, the researchers said — and that's a problem, because the response of male bones to stress and change is much bigger than that of women. For instance, as humans moved from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle constantly on the move to a more settled agrarian (农耕的)one, changes can be observed in the structure of the shinbone (胫骨) — and these changes were much more evident in men.

    However, a comparison of the bones of prehistoric women to the bonos of living female athletes can help us work out a more accurate picture of what those prehistoric women were doing. “By analyzing the bones of living people and comparing them to the ancient hones, we can start to explain the kinds of labor our ancestors were performing,” Macintosh said. What they found was that women's leg strength hasn't changed a great deal, but their arms used to be very powerful. Prehistoric women, the researchers found, had arm strength 11〜16 percent stronger than those of modern rowers, and 30 percent stronger than those of non-athletes.


    Mayor Day called me that morning, his voice full of an urgency I'd never heard before. "These Chinese big people are coming to our town and I need you to prepare something really special for them. I'm relying on you, Adrian. The whole town is. This could be just the thing to put us over the top."

    "Okay, I'm on it," I said. I'm a caterer (酒席承办人), and for years I've done all the mayor's events for Thomasville, Alabama, our little town of 4,099. He likes everything I make, but I knew exactly what he wanted this time, banana pudding, his favorite.

    It's my mama's recipe. It was her desserts that she was known for. Mama cooked her banana pudding on the stove. Hers was thick and cream-colored, not dark yellow like the other ladies made. I remember practicing in the kitchen when I was a young girl. Mama showed me how to make banana pudding properly. "Good job, Adrian," Mama would say. I was so proud when I finally got mine just right, the way she did.

    For months Mayor Day had tried his best to persuade some Chinese businessmen who ran a copper company to build their new plant in Thomasville, but our little town didn't have the land they needed. "We are leaning toward Houston or Lamar," the company representative told Mayor Day. "There is nothing personal, just business."

    "Wait! What about Wilcox County?" the mayor asked. Wilcox, just east of us, was one of the poorest counties in the entire United States and had got plenty of land. There hadn't been any kind of plant built there since the 1970s.

    "But that's not your county," the company representative said. "Why are you lobbying (游说) for them?"

    "Because if you build in Wilcox County their economy will grow and so will Thomasville's. Besides, there's something to be said for loving your neighbor, isn't there?"

    The representative agreed to visit Wilcox County before the final decision was made. All the top leaders would come and have lunch in Thomasville, lunch that I cooked. And for dessert, the dish the mayor hoped would sweeten the deal. Banana pudding with 300 jobs riding on it, I knew it had to be perfect, like Mama's.

    The luncheon was held at the Thomasville Civic Center. Next to each plate I'd placed a little cup of pudding. I looked on anxiously as the Chinese businessmen eyed the dessert. Were they curious or sickening? One of the men pointed at his cup and said something to the translator. I couldn't hear his answer but the businessman still looked puzzled. He took a spoon, inserted it into the pudding, then put barely a taste to his lips. For a moment there was no reaction. Then he smiled, a grin that went from ear to ear. The rest of the businessmen started eating their pudding, one bite after another. In seconds all the cups were empty.

    One of the businessmen looked toward me and said something to the translator, who waved me over to the table. "Excuse me," he said. "Is there more? More …" he searched for the word, "… pie?" I brought out all the banana pudding. Even last cup was finished. By the time the men put down their dessert spoons they'd reached an agreement. They needed to know more about Wilcox County. There would be another meeting, another lunch.

    "And we will have again the banana pie?" one of the leaders asked.

    Mayor Day didn't miss a beat. "Absolutely," he said. "Adrian's lunches always come with banana pie."

    And a few months later, when it was announced that the plant would be built in Wilcox County instead of Houston, everyone joked that the decision had come down to one thing. Mama's been away for a few years now, but I like to think she's up in heaven, looking down on that new copper plant going up in Wilcox County, and saying, "Good job, Adrian."


    Lucy, whose skeleton(骨骼) was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974, died shortly after she fell out of a tree, according to a new study published Monday in the British journal Nature.

    For their research, Kappelman and Dr. Richard Ketcham used a CT scanner to create more than 35,000 "slices" of Lucy's skeleton. Scientists named her Lucy from the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", which was played at the camp the night of her discovery.

    The following analysis of the slices showed sharp, clean breaks seen at the end of Lucy's right humerus (肱骨) are similar to bone breaks seen in victims of falls.

    The researchers concluded that these and other breaks in her skeleton show that Lucy, who is believed to have stood about 3 feet 6 inches and weighed about 60 pounds, fell feet first and used her arms to support herself﹣but that the injury was too severe to have been survivable.

    The researchers estimate that Lucy was going about 35 miles an hour when she hit the ground after falling from a height of roughly 40 feet, according to the statement.

    That sounds plausible. But other scientists are doubtful. "There are countless explanations for bone breaks," Dr, Donald C, Johanson, director of the Institute of Human Origins and one of the scientists who discovered Lucy, said, "The suggestion that she fell out of a tree is largely a just﹣so story and therefore unprovable." Johanson said it was more likely that Lucy's breaks occurred long after she died, saying that "elephant bones appear to have the same kind of breaks, It's unlikely they fell out of a tree.

    But the new research focused on "a small number of breaks" that are consistent with "high﹣energy bone﹣to﹣bone influences" and which differ from the sorts of breaks commonly seen in other collected bones. Kappelman responded in an email, "These appear to have occurred at or near the time of death."

