
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Two strangers came to a village in the evening. They came to the leader of that village and asked for a place to live for the night. The leader said they could stay in the house for strangers. But they were also told about the old custom in the village- people kill the man who snores.(打鼾)

    The two strangers went to the house. They had a good supper there and then they went to sleep. They slept well. One hour passed. Two hours passed. Then one of them began to snore, “Vo, vo, vo…” The other stranger heard the snoring. He thought, “The people will hear the snoring and kill him.” The stranger wanted to save the man. He thought for a while and then began to sing. He sang very well. The people didn't hear the snoring. They listened to the song. Then they began to dance. Some of them sang the song together with the stranger and danced to the music. Men, women and even the leader sang and danced. That entire night one stranger snored, one stranger sang, and all the other people sang and danced.

    In the morning the strangers came to the leader to say goodbye and express their thanks for all he had done. The leader gave them a small bag of money and said, “I give this money to both of you. We had a good time with you. Thank you very much.”

    The strangers left the village. But along the way they began to quarrel. The one who snored wanted more money. He said, “I must have the bigger part. Why did you sing that song last night? Because I snored.” The man who sang had his reason, too. He said that without him the man who snored might have got killed.

    They quarreled and quarreled and couldn't decide on anything. Can you?

(1)、What did the old custom request the two strangers to do?

A、Avoid snoring while sleeping. B、Sing for the villagers during the night. C、Stop strangers from coming to the village. D、Don't allow making any noise while sleeping.
(2)、How did the other stranger feel when one stranger started snoring?

A、Upset. B、Calm. C、Worried. D、Angry.
(3)、Why did one stranger start singing while the other was snoring?

A、To wake up him up. B、To draw the leader's attention. C、To encourage the villagers to dance. D、To keep the snoring from being heard.
(4)、The main reason the two strangers began to quarrel was ________.

A、neither of them knew what had happened B、they both thought the other one put them in danger C、neither of them wanted the other one to get the money D、both of them wanted to get the bigger part of the money

    It's rare that the protagonist in a Chinese movie wins the audience's hearts with an emotionally uplifting message, rather than by showing off his or her good looks. But Wolf Warrior II is putting China in the global spotlight. It's also the first film to taste success both in terms of box office earnings and promoting Chinese values.

    Kung fu artist Wu Jing both starred in and directed the action movie. Since its release on July 27, it's earned an unimaginable 4.5 billion yuan, setting a record for domestic movies at the box office. The success of the film has surpassed the anticipations of all, including the production team.

    The film focuses on a rescue operation in Africa, led by former special forces soldier Leng Feng-played by Wu. Leng helps Chinese workers and local Africans flee a war-torn and plague-ravaged country. Wolf Warrior II links art to reality, and reminds people of the massive evacuation of Chinese people from Libya when civil war broke out there in 2011, and from Yemen in 2015, as well as the challenges the Ebola virus created in West Africa from 2013 to 2016. The film describes how the Chinese government aims to protect overseas Chinese citizens. Just as the message at the end of the film reads: “Citizens of the People's Republic of China. When you encounter danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.”

    Thanks to China's increasing participation in global affairs, now could be considered the right moment to introduce a modern Chinese hero.

    “Holding up a banner of peace, friendship and responsibility, Wolf Warrior II should be seen as a brave effort to promote Chinese values around the world,” columnist Zhu Ping wrote in China Daily.

    “It's time Chinese filmmakers produced films that tell good stories and carry the right spirit. Let us assume Wolf Warrior II has started that trend.”


Dear Mr. Smith,

    I am seeking an opportunity to work with World Destiny as a Computer Systems Manage. My professional experience and my awareness of your high reputation and great achievements have led me to want to work for World Destiny.

    Since 1998 I have focused on computer-system design and training. As Systems Administrator for Newport Museum for the past two years, I have directed accounting, capital campaign and publication production. We designed the system from scratch, developing all applications, policies, procedures, and training programs. I was well prepared for such a challenge by my previous positions as a Systems Support Specialist and MicroComputer Assistant for the Imperial Corporation of America.

    Over the years, I have worked with Novell, using programs including dBase, Wordstarand Microsoft Word. This familiarity with a variety of hardware and software has helped me to get up to speed on nearly any computer with a minimum training period.

    Additional experience in other fields also adds my value to World Destiny. As a Market Research Coordinator for Cushman & Wakefield of California, I not only researched and maintained(维护)a comprehensive database of Silicon Valley, but also produced statistical and written reports that support Cushman & Wakefield' reputation. Previously, I organized companywide annual sales meetings for Qualogy, Inc.

    Mr. Smith, while this experience more than qualifies me to join any number of successful companies, it is my personal goals that lead to my interest in being part of the World Destiny team. I believe my computer, promotional, and organizational skills, fueled by my beliefs, make World Destiny and me right for each other. Can we arrange an interview at your earliest convenience? I will call within the next week to arrange a meeting.


Beth Henning


    In February, 2015, a South Korean woman was sleeping on the floor when her robot vacuum ate her hair, forcing her to call for emergency help. It surely isn't what Stephen Hawking warned us that intelligent devices “mean the end of the human race”. But it does highlight one of the unexpected dangers of inviting robots into our home.

    There are many examples of intelligent technology going bad, but more often than not, they involve cheating rather than physical danger. Meanwhile, increasing evidence suggests that we, especially children, tend to tell our deepest, darkest secrets to human robots. So how do we protect ourselves from giving-away code?

    Once you've invited a robot into your home, you need to manage your expectations. Movies and marketing may have told us to expect deep interaction with robots friends but we've still got a long way to go before they are as socially aware as described. Given the gulf between expectation and reality, it's important to avoid being tricked.

    The message is clear: as robots became increasingly connected to the internet, and able to respond to natural language, you need to especially cautious about figuring out who or what you are talking about.

    We also need to think about how information is being stored and shared when it comes to robots that can record our every move. Some recording devices may have been designed for entertainment but can easily be adapted for more dangerous purposes. Take Nixie, the wearable camera that can fly off your wrist at a moment's notice and take shots around you in the air. It doesn't take much imagination to see how such technology could be taken advantage of.

    If the technology around us is able to record and process speech, images and movement, or listen secretly to us, what will happen to that information? Where will it be stored? Who will have access?

    So, what is the safest way to welcome robots into our homes, public spaces, and social lives? We should be cautiously optimistic that intelligent machines could become enriching companions, while acknowledging that we need to determine strict boundaries for robots. There should be someone to turn to should your robot commit a crime, steal your card... or try to eat your hair.


    “He is the best choice for goodwill ambassador.” Indian movie fans in China say.

    Indian actor Aamir Khan has got his major celebrity status in China. Aamir Khan was in China last week to promote his latest Hindi film Secret Superstar. During his weeklong stay, first in Shanghai and then in Beijing, the Indian actor also found out that he has become a major celebrity in a country where Hollywood's reach has been traditionally limited.

    Some local analysts compare his star status in China to that of Hollywood actors Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCaprio. Others wonder if Khan is an activist actor. Still others describe him as a feminist(女权主义者). The Chinese media seem to have called him Mishu, or Uncle Aamir. The surprising rise in popularity of the 52-year-old Bollywood star is owing to his striking movies. At more than 1 million, Khan has the most followers as an Indian on Sina Weibo, the country's Twitter-like platform.

    Secret Superstar had made more than 400 million yuan($63 million)earlier this week. The story of a teenage Muslim girl's fight against ugly patriarchy(父权制)to realize her dreams was released in China on Jan 19.

    Last year, his film Dangal, inspired by the real journey of an Indian wrestler through a conservative landscape to turn his daughters into world-class athletes, had made nearly 1.3 billion yuan.

    In 2011, Khan's work first got major attention from Chinese moviegoers with Three Idiots, which was released in India much earlier. A statement on India's orthodox education system, similar to that of China, the Hindi film went along with the local audience. Film critics and fans alike recommended it to their friends.

    Some film critics say the education systems, gender discrimination(性别歧视)and domestic violence(家庭暴力)that Secret Superstar shows are among similarities of social issues in India and China. A series of “masterpieces” have made Khan an effective brand in China, in addition to his movie marketing and film devotion.


    In the online world, it's very difficult to talk to Chinese people without using emojis. However, did you know that people in different age groups have totally different preferences for choosing their emojis? The result is based on a report released by Tencent's WeChat, China's most popular messaging app, on its official weibo account on Wednesday.

    Specifically, for users who were born in the 2000s, their favorite WeChat emoji would probably be the widely used "facepalm", rumored to be based on the famous Hong Kong movie star Stephen Chow. They also may be a night owl without much sleep, while iced beverages and desserts are their cup of tea.

    For China's post-90s WeChat users, they are likely to get out of bed later in the morning compared with other groups, and the emoji "face with tears of joy" may rule their online social life. Also, their reading materials have shifted from entertainment and gossip three years ago to the current relationship and lifestyle pieces.

    For those born in the 1980s, their tastes have remained the same, as they are still fond of reading news on national affairs. And "smiling widely" is their emoji of the year.

    WeChat users born in the 1970s are called the optimistic group, who like to use the emoji "laughing quietly" and go through their moments frequently every day. Their bed time usually takes place around 11:30 pm.

    Users over 55 are the early-bird group with rich entertainment activities in WeChat platforms, such as looking through moments, reading and shopping. They like to cheer up other age groups, so their favorite emoji is "giving a thumbs-up".

    The report also indicates that WeChat boasts more than 1.08 billion active users with 45 billion messages being sent and 410 million calls getting through the app each day in 2018. In addition to covering users' socializing, WeChat has gradually come into our daily lives. Compared to the year before, people used WeChat 4.7 times more to purchase public transport tickets, and 2.9 times more to pay for medical expenses. Also, the app was used 1.5 times more over the previous year to pay for meals, with Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen ranked as the top three cities in dining purchases through WeChat.

