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  • 1. 完形填空

        What would your life be like without phones?

        In one of my classes today we discussed the question of how our lives would be without a mobile phone. I actually felt quite sad to hear how some kids cannot1 without their phones these days.2, I think nowadays we are controlled and 3by our technology to keep up. So let's see some of the points that 4 in the debate and see if our generation really is addicted(上瘾的) to electronic connections 5 true communication.

        It is true that everything 6 at a fast pace these days. For example, you can contact someone who lives on the other side of the world within 7. This is great if you think about how connected we can stay to the 8 who are far away from us. However, on the contrary, can we be too connected to the people who are 9 to us? An argument arose about the 10 that it is easier to message someone from your sofa than to meet them 11and talk. Social skills are12 to have and if you are not going to put effort into real-life13, then you are not going to 14 in this ability.

        Another point was that phones are very handy for 15 something that you are wondering about. For example, if you don't know a word in another language, you can 16 and simply use an on-line translator to help you out. This can be very 17 in many situations, but it can also make a person dependent on the 18.

        All in all, this question is very interesting to19 as we become day by day more dependent on technology. We should realize how much we really need to be connected with our phones while considering the 20 and damage it can cause us.

    A . affect B . survive C . succeed D . perform
    A . Personally B . Specially C . Entirely D . Gradually
    A . suffered B . commanded C . forced D . advised
    A . came up B . came across C . came down D . came to
    A . more than B . less than C . other than D . rather than
    A . appears B . falls C . works D . grows
    A . seconds B . hours C . days D . months
    A . customers B . teachers C . students D . people
    A . direction B . close C . necessary D . kind
    A . distant B . wish C . fact D . suggestions
    A . in person B . in advance C . with surprise D . with joy
    A . extreme B . active C . fair D . important
    A . style B . communication C . expression D . argument
    A . progress B . compete C . arise D . settle
    A . looking after B . looking back C . looking up D . looking out
    A . selflessly B . quickly C . hardly D . slowly
    A . grateful B . peaceful C . painful D . helpful
    A . textbook B . dictionary C . Internet D . newspaper
    A . forecast B . consider C . judge D . select
    A . benefits B . skills C . doubts D . evidence


  • 2. 阅读理解

    The Young Scientists Club was founded in 1999 with a clear and simple goal—to offer young children quality science-related products that will attract them with the wonders of scientific discoveries and increase their interest in science.

        All the products are designed by a team of Harvard graduates, scientists, educators and parents with one purpose in mind to combine fun and interest with quality and learning in each product. Of course, no product is put on the market before it has passed the final test.

        The Young Scientists Club was created to fill a void(空白) of good-quality science products for young children. They believe that children should know the exciting field of science at any early age with fun and bands-on games, activities and experiments.

        All the young scientists in the club are encouraged to continue their scientific adventures by exploring each different topic in more detail by entering online Young Scientists Clubhouse. There the young scientists can not only explore scientific topics and scientific experiments in depth, but can also e-mail Celsius with questions, results and comments. Celsius loves to e-mail all young scientists back.

    Those who are at The Young Scientists Club have received many awards for their products. The Young Scientists Club is excited to realize its goal—-to take children around the world and take part in an educational scientific adventure that lasts a lifetime.

    (1) The products of The Young Scientists Club are designed by ________.
    A . some scientists from Harvard B . a group of Harvard graduates, scientists, educators and parents C . some educators who want to encourage the students D . some rich people who are interested in science
    (2) If a product is to be on the market, it_________.
    A . must attract the children's interest B . should combine fun with quality C . should pass the final test D . must connect fascination with learning
    (3) The purpose of founding The Young Scientists Club is to________.
    A . offer good-quality science products to young children B . encourage the children to do scientific experiments C . bring up more scientific for the science D . improve the children's interest in sports
  • 3. 阅读理解

        “Patience” is a word that you have probably heard a lot! But you may wonder, “What on earth is patience, and why does everyone keep telling me to have it?”

        Patience is waiting for something or someone. It is accepting delay without getting angry or upset.

        ※It is waiting for someone else to speak when you have something to say !

        ※It is waiting to eat before everyone is at table !

        ※It is waiting for your birthday even though you may want a present now !

        ※Patience is trying something again when you want to give up.

        Patience doesn't sound like much fun. And to be truthful, sometimes, it's not. And with so much technology in the world, we don't always have to be patient. For example, we are able to stream our favorite TV shows on our cell phones, go to restaurants where food is served hot and fast, among many other things.

        So, why wait when we can have everything right now? Because just about any successful person has patience. Many good and important things take patience. For example, most great inventors and explorers have a lot of patience!

        ※When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it took him over 1,000 tries!

    ※It took the Wright Brothers years to invent the airplane!

        ※It takes between 150 and 300 days to travel from Earth to Mars!

        ※If great inventors did not have patience and self-control, you would not be reading this right now. In fact, you might be living in a cave or tent somewhere. You would have no electricity, no car, no school and almost certainly no Internet!

    (1) In which of the following cases is “patience” needed?
    A . When you are sitting at the dinner table. B . When you are speaking. C . When you are receiving a present. D . When you have given up trying.
    (2) What does the author think about a cell phone?
    A . It's a funny invention. B . It makes us less patient. C . It decreases our waiting time. D . It helps us to communicate.
    (3) What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
    A . Great inventions call for patience. B . We have to take control of ourselves. C . Great discoveries can be made in a cave. D . Our society can't do without electricity.
    (4) What's the main purpose of the text?
    A . To sell. B . To advertise. C . To persuade. D . To introduce
  • 4. 阅读理解

        A new report shows that there are just 7,100 cheetahs now left in the wild. Cheetahs are in trouble now.

        According to the study, more than half of the world's surviving cheetahs live in one zone that covers six countries in southern Africa. Cheetahs in Asia have nearly died out. It's thought that only fewer than 50 cheetahs live in Iran.

        The cheetah runs across lands far outside protected areas. Some 77% of their habitat falls outside these protected areas. As a result, the cheetah struggles because these lands are increasingly being developed by farmers and the cheetah's food is decreasing because of human hunting.

        In Zimbabwe, the cheetah population has fallen from around 1,200 to just 170 in 16 years, with the main cause being major changes in land ownership.

        Researchers say that the threats cheetahs are facing have gone unnoticed for far too long. “Given the nature of the cheetah, it has been difficult to gather information on them,” said Dr Sarah Durant, the report's lead author. “Our findings show that the large space requirements for cheetahs and various threats faced by them in the wild mean that they are likely to be in danger of dying out.”

        Another big concern about cheetahs has been the illegal trafficking (非法交易) of young cheetahs. The young cats can fetch up to $10,000 on the black market. Some 1,200 young cheetahs are known to have been trafficked out of Africa over the past 10 years but around 85% of them died during the journey.

        If the cheetahs are to survive, then immediate efforts must be made.

    (1) Where do most of cheetahs live now?
    A . In Asia. B . In Africa. C . In Europe. D . In America.
    (2) What is the main factor that is threatening cheetahs?
    A . Serious illnesses. B . Poor health. C . Climate change. D . Human activities.
    (3) What has happened to young cheetahs?
    A . Their population has increased in Zimbabwe. B . They are getting along very well with people. C . Many of them are sold on the black market. D . They have survived longer than before.
    (4) What's the best title for the text?
    A . Cheetahs are dying out B . Cheetahs' protected areas C . The nature of the cheetah D . Cheetahs mostly live in Africa
  • 5. 阅读理解

        In this day and age taking a photograph is easier than ever. There are cameras built into our phones, computers, iPods…The way we share photos has also changed. There was a time when you'd print your photos and put them into photo albums, but because of the advance in technology, all in technology, all this has changed.

        Not only do we have what seems like an endless amount of space to store photos on our devices, but we also have the Internet, especially social media. Social networks such as Facebook allow us to post our pictures and albums to share friends and family.

        While you could argue this easy ability to store, share and enjoy photos is fantastic, it could also be said that photographs have lost some of their meaning. I have over 1000 pictures on my smart phone and several thousand stored on my computer. I love posting my pictures on Facebook. Sometimes, however, I try to ask myself, will I really want to look back at this picture of a coffee or a selfie taken in a bathroom by myself? Probably not.

        Even though I'm guilty about sometimes taking meaningless and boring pictures like this, a couple of years ago, I decided to find a way to make my photographs more meaningful. How did I do this? Disposable (一次性)cameras! When I go on a trip, I always try to take a disposable camera. With only 27 pictures you can take, you really think about the photograph straight away. And finally, it's so much fun to get the pictures developed and look through them again.

        I admit that I couldn't live without social media or taking photographs with my smart phone, but I do think taking photographs has become less meaningful. That's why I'll continue using disposable cameras. It's a great way to make your photographs more meaningful.

    (1) What's the purpose of posting pictures on the Internet according to the author?
    A . To become famous. B . To make a living. C . To show them off. D . To share with others.
    (2) How does the author feel about taking so many pictures?
    A . Meaningless. B . Fantastic C . Valuable. D . Helpful.
    (3) What can we learn about disposable cameras?
    A . They are built into our phones. B . They are cheap and very easy to use. C . They allow us to take limited pictures. D . They can help us see photographs immediately.
    (4) How should we make photographs more meaningful according to the author?
    A . By putting pictures into photo albums. B . By posting pictures on social networks. C . By looking back at our pictures often. D . By using disposable cameras to take pictures.


  • 6. 任务型阅读

    Problem-solving skills

        We face problems in our everyday life. Don't worry. The following tips may help you to solve problems.

        ⒈Know the problem

        First of all, it is important to know and understand the problem clearly. Following questions like why, what, how, when, where and who will take you to the root cause of the problem.

        ⒉Analyze the problem

        Analyzing the problem will give you time to think of a proper solution.  It can be a diagram, a flow chart or a list, etc.

        ⒊Plan a strategy(策略)

        Planning a strategy will help you waste less energy and time in trying all the solutions. This step includes knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a solution. In this way you can rule out the strategy that you don't find worthy to apply.


        Leave out the information that is not required for the solving of the problem. You need to be accurate with the details. Keeping the irrelevant(不相关的) information usually won't simplify the problem as we tend to overlook the relevant information.

        ⒌Carry out the solution

        Carrying out the solution in a correct way to get the expected result is important while solving a problem. You need to be creative while carrying out a solution just in case some other problem arises while applying the solution.

        Solving a problem is easy if you understand the problem in the first place. By analyzing the problem, planning a strategy, using the best solution, and carrying out the solution in the best method, you will solve your problem smoothly.

    A. Make a wise decision.

    B. Delete irrelevant information

    C. You can use various tools to analyze the problem.

    D. Knowing the problem means solving half the problem itself.

    E. It can be social problems, relationship problems, or problems at work.

    F. Sometimes we can take wrong decisions for solving the problems in haste.

    G. Being ready with other choices is also important in case a solution works only half way.


  • 7. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有十处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除,或修改。


    删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




       Andy is part of an android football team. He is able to run very quick. He has learned to signal to her teammates in computer language. Once a year they are allowing to get together to play a game of football. Last year, they won second place in Seattle Competition.  Personally, Andy thinks the team what won first place cheated. He thinks his team should encourage the programmer to improve their intelligent. In the way, the programmer is like a coach and programs players with all possible move. Andy is looking forward to play against a human team because he has programmed to act just like a man under the help of his electronic brain.


  • 8. 语法填空

        One day, Daisy went to see the animals in a flying carpet. It(fly) away to Tibet in China firstshe saw an antelope. The antelope told her that they were killed for the wool taken from their (stomach).Then the carpet got to Zimbabwe, where Daisy saw an elephant. The elephant said they were  danger. Now the government allowed tourists to hunt only  certain number of animals if they gave money to the farmers.

        The flying carpet rose again and soon they arrived at a thick rainforest. There was a monkey (rub) a millipede insect overbody because the insect could protect it from mosquitoes. The monkey told Daisy, “ Attention should (pay)to the rainforest where animals live. Our natural habitats are of great (important).” Daisy was affected by what the monkey said. She decided (make) a difference to wildlife protection.


  • 9. 最近,不少动物园都发生了动物袭击游客的事件,原因是游客惹恼动物。假设你是李华,请你就这一问题给某报社写一封建议信,呼吁人们在动物园玩时学会保护动物。





    参考词汇:袭击 attack;惹恼 disturb

    Dear sir or madam,

        I'm writing to appeal to the visitors in the zoo to behave themselves there.

    Yours faithfully,

    Li Hua
