
修改时间:2024-07-12 浏览次数:451 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 1. My cousin Simon loves playing____football. Look! He is playing with_____football over there.
    A . the; a B . a, the C . / ; a D . / ; /
  • 2. It's 10:30 now. Boys and girls. It's time for us ______ eye______ .
    A . to do; exercises B . to do; exercise C . doing; exercises D . doing; exercise
  • 3. — The trousers look nice.

    — Would you like __________?

    A . to try it on B . to try them on C . trying them on D . try it on
  • 4. — I am going to Shanghai with my aunt for my holiday after the exam.

    — ________.

    A . Have a good time. B . It doesn't matter. C . You are welcome. D . Thanks a lot.
  • 5. The new students always have a party _______ the evening ________ September 1.
    A . on; on B . on; of C . in ; of D . in; in
  • 6. — I like eating hamburgers a lot, you know.

    —Don't have __________ hamburgers . It is not good for you.

    A . too much B . much too C . too many D . many too
  • 7. It ______ Nick the whole afternoon ______ the room. Now it is clean and tidy.
    A . takes; to clean B . takes; cleaning C . spends; to clean D . spends; cleaning
  • 8. The door of the classroom is          now. Kate,          it, please.
    A . open; closed B . open; close C . close; open D . closed; opens
  • 9. — ___________ do you go fishing? 

    —Twice a month.

    A . How often B . How far C . How long D . How much
  • 10. Mr. Brown           exercises, so he is very fat.
    A . often B . sometimes C . always D . never
  • 11. Don't turn on the TV. Grandma        now.
    A . sleeps B . sleep C . is sleeping D . are sleeping
  • 12. —Would you like to have _____coffee? 

    — No, thanks. I don't want____ drinks .

    A . any; any B . any; some C . some; some D . some; any
  • 13. We want to buy some ________ and two ________ for supper today.
    A . tomatoes; kilos of meats B . tomatoes; kilos of meat C . tomatos; kiloes of meat D . tomatos; kiloes of meats
  • 14. The dress fits me well,          I don't want to buy it because it's too expensive.
    A . so B . but C . or D . and
  • 15. —Thanks for taking my friends and me out tonight.


    A . Don't worry B . You are welcome C . That's a good idea D . I'm afraid not


  • 16. 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出最佳选项

    Who Is Cleverer, the Son or the Father?

        Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often1some books from the library. He enjoys2to the radio every morning and reading3after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His4worship (崇拜) him very much. Mike, Mr Clarke's little son, is only nine. He5likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clarke always thinks he's too6to understand him and chooses(挑选) the easiest ones7. Of course the boy is not happy with it.

        One day Mike reads8about the electric lights (电灯) and is9in it. When his father tells him to do some housework, he is thinking of it. He asks him10questions, and his father answers all. Then his father says proudly (自豪地), “Fathers always know more than sons!” The boy thinks11a while (一会儿) and says,“12!”

        “Oh? Why?”

        Mike doesn't answer13asks instead (反而), “Who invents(发明) the electric lights?”

        “14”answers Mr Clarke.

        “Why doesn't his father invent them, then?”

        Looking at his son, Mr Clarke doesn't know15to answer!

    A . finds B . sells C . buys D . borrows
    A . watching B . listening C . going D . coming
    A . newspapers B . letters C . stories D . books
    A . teachers B . parents C . students D . classmates
    A . also B . never C . ever D . only
    A . old B . young C . clever D . able
    A . answer B . answering C . answered D . to answer
    A . everything B . nothing C . something D . anything
    A . popular B . interested C . afraid D . worried
    A . few B . little C . a few D . a little
    A . of B . about C . for D . at
    A . I don't think so B . Me, too C . You aren't right D . I think so
    A . but B . and C . then D . or
    A . Thomas Brown B . Allan Smith C . Thomas Edison D . Ron Jenkins
    A . when B . what C . where D . why


  • 17. 阅读理解

    Dear Kim,

        Do you like English? Do you want to make friends? Come to my school next week. We have an English Day on November 25th. You can learn a lot here!


    Dear Alice,

        I know you like to read books. Come to my school next week. We have a book sale in the school library. It is from March 4th to March 7th. Meet you there!


    Dear Brian,

    Do you want to have an exciting weekend? Come to my school this week. We have some ball games — basketball, soccer and ping-pong. The basketball game is on Saturday, and the soccer and ping-pong games are on Sunday.


    (1) When is English Day in Grace's school?
    A . On November 15th. B . On December 15th. C . On November 25th. D . On December 25th.
    (2) What activity does Sam have next week in his school?
    A . A book sale. B . A basketball game. C . An English Day. D . A soccer game.
    (3) How long does the activity in Sam's school last?
    A . For three days. B . For four days. C . For five days. D . For six days.
    (4) How many ball games does Lisa's school have this weekend?
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
    A . The book sale is in the school library. B . Alice likes to read books. C . The ping-pong and the soccer games are on the same day. D . The basketball game in Lisa's school is on Sunday.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        The street food stands (摊) are very popular in Korea. The stand owners give the names of their food stands according to (根据) the food they sell (出售): Dukbokgi and Odeng.

        Dukbokgi is a spicy hot food made of rice cakes and some vegetables. These rice cakes are finger-shaped. They are white, and they are about ten centimeters(厘米) long. They are mixed with sliced vegetables in a pan with a spicy red dressing. Fifteen minutes later, they are ready to eat.

        Odeng is made of ground fish. It comes in many shapes: some are square, others are round, and still others are stick style. You can buy big or small ones. At these food stands, you can also eat Odeng. It is boiled (煮) in a pot. It is served on a long stick so you can eat it easily.

        The food at these stands is not expensive. Each Dukbokgi and Odeng is about twenty to fifty cents, depending on the owner.

        Each food stand has its own recipes (配方) for its food; for example, some like to add sugar or other special ingredients (配料) in the food. Usually, there is just one owner, but if the food stand is big, there may be two or three owners.

        When I was a primary school student, I used to stop at street food stands every day with other girls after school to eat the street food.

    (1) The owners take the names of their stands from ______.
    A . the food they sell B . their recipes C . the special ingredients D . the shape of the food
    (2) What are the ingredients of the Dukbokgi? ____________
    A . Rice and fish. B . Ground fish C . Fish and vegetables. D . Rice cakes and vegetables.
    (3) What is Odeng made of?
    A . Rice and fish. B . Ground fish C . Fish and vegetables. D . Rice cakes and vegetables.
    (4) Which of the following is NOT true?
    A . Odeng can be made into all kinds of shapes. B . Stand owners add different ingredients into street food. C . Street food is popular in Korea because it's made easily. D . The writer liked street food when she was in primary school.
    (5) What's the best title for the passage?
    A . My Favourite Food B . Street Food Stands in Korea C . The Most Popular Food in Korea D . How to Make Street Food
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Once there is a boy in London. His name is Jimmy. He starts painting when he is three years old, and when he is five years old, he is already very good at it. He paints many beautiful and interesting pictures, and a lot of people buy his pictures. They say, “This boy is going to be famous when he's a little older, and then we're going to sell these pictures for a lot of money.”

        Jimmy's pictures are different from others' because he never paints on the whole of the paper. He only paints on half of it, and the other half is always empty.

        “That's very clever,” people say. “No other painters have ever done that!”

        One day someone asks Jimmy, “Please tell me, Jimmy, why do you only paint on the bottom (底) half of the paper, but not on the top half?”

        “Because I'm small,” Jimmy says, “and my brushes can't reach very high.”

    (1) From the passage, we know Jimmy lives in ___________.
    A . China B . England C . America D . Canada
    (2) ___________, he began painting.
    A . When he was three years old B . When he was five years old C . When he was eight years old D . When he was ten years old
    (3) How are Jimmy's pictures?
    A . Beautiful. B . Interesting. C . Bad. D . Beautiful and interesting.
    (4) Which part of paper did Jimmy paint?
    A . The whole of the paper B . The top half. C . The bottom half. D . The middle part.
    (5) Jimmy only paints half of the paper because ____________.
    A . he was very clever B . he was very short C . he was very tall D . he was very big




  • 30. 从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用正确形式填空

    dress up,   good,    taste,    be dad for,   some,   buy   for,   try on,   be different from,    have fun,   read

    (1) I want as the Monkey King.
    (2) We have some festivals in the west, and I like Halloween .
    (3) I'd like to go shopping , but I don't have money.
    (4) Millie some hair clips her friend.
    (5) Eating too much sugar my teeth.
    (6) Apple juice good.
    (7) My cards Amy's cards.
    (8) The shopping mall is a good place .
    (9) I like this pair of shoes. Can I them ?
    (10) Every day I spend about half an hour English.


  • 31. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。

    Dear Benny,

        I'm sorry I don't have e  time to write to you often. I am abusy at school.

        Gwhat? Next month, I'm coming to Beijing with my parents! I'm very excited. I really want to see the old band do some shopping. And I can't wait to meet you! Will you take me to some interesting places?

        All the b.



  • 32. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。

        My favorite holiday is the Spring Festival. It's usually in February, but sometimes in January. Before the Spring Festival, we always clean the house to sweep away bad luck. In my family, my mother and I spend one or two days cleaning the house. My grandparents are busy shopping. They go to markets to buy food, fireworks and many other things.

        On the eve of the Spring Festival, my family celebrates with a traditional big family dinner. There's so much delicious food that my mother cooks for us. Jiaozi is the most important. It means saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year. We also watch the Spring Festival Gala as we wear our new clothes. Children are very happy when they get their lucky red packets with money. I am very lucky to have many relatives because I always get a lot of lucky money!

        I love the Spring Festival and enjoy it very much.

    My favorite 

    Before the Spring Festival

    ▲My mother and I spend one or two days cleaning the house to sweep away theluck.

    ▲My go to markets to buy food, fireworks and many other things.

    On the eve of the Spring Festival,

    ▲My family have a traditional big family dinner. We eat Jiaozi to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year.

    ▲We also the Spring Festival Gala.

    ▲We wear our new clothes.

    ▲We get lucky red packet with


  • 33. 愉快的寒假就要到了,同学们有一些什么计划呢?假如你是王华,你给自己拟定了一个寒假计划,并写信告诉你的好朋友Peter,请按照要求写完这封信。


    1). 每周一、三参加俱乐部,学习绘画;

    2). 每周二、四练习打篮球,锻炼身体;

    3). 周末去购物中心,……(至少一点)


    1). 每天健康饮食;

    2). 花少于1小时看电视;

    3). ……(至少一点)






    Dear Jim,

        I am so excited to tell you about my plan to the winter holiday.


    Wang Huang
