牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级下册 Module 2 小测验(2)

修改时间:2022-03-26 浏览次数:39 类型:单元试卷 编辑

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  • 1. His advice fell on deaf ears, so he was very angry.
    A . was accepted B . was paid no attention C . was put into action
  • 2. Which of the following has the same meaning of the word "alive"?
    A . living B . active C . lucky
  • 3. Can you tell me when we will set off? I need to prepare for it.
    A . start off B . put out C . come along D . come back
  • 4. The heavy rain resulted in many car accidents.
    A . led to B . happened to C . resulted from D . acted as
  • 5. Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not.
    A . keep in touch with B . have any effect on C . take responsibility for D . get used to
  • 6. If you decide to do something, you should stick with it.
    A . go on with B . study for C . pay attention to
  • 7. —I have trouble speaking English properly, what should I do?

    —First of all, I think you should increase your vocabulary.

    A . make…become smaller B . make…become lower C . make…become larger
  • 8. I have to stay at home because of my illness for now.
    A . at present B . at first C . first of all D . at last
  • 9. His watch is dead now.
    A . die B . is broken C . doesn't work D . runs well
  • 10. Everyone should __________ litter whenever he sees it on the playground.
    A . give up B . mix up C . pick up D . use up
  • 11. My physics teacher __________my life.
    A . spent time in B . helped me to C . played a role in D . brought bad luck to
  • 12. A trained dog can __________a guide to a blind person.
    A . take out B . act as C . put on D . take action
  • 13. According to the air traffic rules, you should __________your mobile phone before boarding (登机).
    A . switch over B . switch on C . switch off D . switch round
  • 14. Is Mr Black the same age _________Mr Brown?
    A . like B . as C . to D . with
  • 15. Mr Black used to be busy. But now he is retired and__________, so he has plenty of time to exercise.
    A . hard B . calm C . free D . nervous


  • 16. 完形填空

        The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly before the deadly disaster of the typhoon. Bernadette Tenegra, a 44-year-old high school teacher, was in her1which was on the bank of a river. The Tenegra family2together in their shelter to keep away from the storm. They thought that the powerful storm would die out soon as it had done3. So they were just hanging on there.

        But things didn't happen4they had thought. The water rose with a frightening speed and their5house fell down, sweeping away the occupants (居住者), including Bernadette's husband and her other daughter. They were able to struggle to6, but the 6-year-old Tenegra was7against the strong wind and water, along with sharp and deadly debris. Bernadette made her way to the child, held her and kept8her to keep on.

        "I crawled (爬) over to her, and I tried to pull her up. But she was too9and wasn't able to make it. It seemed she had already10," Bernadette said, crying. "I screamed but it didn't work.

        The mother said11that she would never forget the last words of her daughter before12, "Ma, just let go, just let go. Save13. I love you forever."

        "Yolanda", the super typhoon destroyed a great number of houses and buildings. The 6-year-old Tenegra14her lie. She had just seen a small part of this wonderful world15that short lifetime, while the whole world witnessed all the beauty of her.

    A . family B . school C . building D . home
    A . marched B . stayed C . arranged D . collected
    A . in the past B . in the day C . in the end D . in the future
    A . while B . before C . as D . since
    A . wooden B . golden C . hidden D . modern
    A . strength B . warmth C . safety D . difficulty
    A . fighting B . beating C . touching D . preventing
    A . inviting B . ordering C . training D . telling
    A . sleepy B . weak C . impatient D . careless
    A . given back B . given away C . given up D . given off
    A . excitedly B . sadly C . angrily D . confidently
    A . arrival B . break C . choice D . death
    A . myself B . yourself C . himself D . herself
    A . lost B . saved C . spent D . changed
    A . above B . below C . during D . beyond


  • 17. 阅读理解

        If you have only three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other things are lost forever, what will you take? The following information will help you.


    B.O.B. is short for Bug-out Bag (求生背包). It's a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.

    Reasons to use a B.O.B.

    When disasters like earthquakes and heavy rainstorms happen, many people will have to run away from their homes and they may not return for a long time. They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.

    Things in a B.O.B.

    A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt.

    Drinking water.

    High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits.

    Necessary medicines.

    Something for making a fire, and a small pot to boil water or cook A few basic tools like a knife and some ropes.

    A flashlight.


    A copy of all your important papers.

    (Be sure to make a B.O.B. as light as possible.)

    Places to keep a B.O.B.

    You should put a B. O. B at a place where you can get it conveniently when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.

        A B.O.B. is very helpful to the people in need. You'd better prepare more than one B.O.B. if possible. Then think of the difference a B.O.B. will make if those disasters happen. So prepare one now.

    (1) A B.O.B. has a collection of things ___________in it.
    A . for research B . for traffic C . for life D . for study
    (2) Many people run away from their homes with a B.O.B. because___________.
    A . they have to save many people's lives B . they have no other useful things to take C . they will be able to return in a short time D . they need to continue to live after disasters happen
    (3) People should make a B.O.B. as___________ as they can.
    A . huge B . light C . common D . heavy
    (4) People had better NOT put a B.O.B___________.
    A . at home B . in the car C . at the office D . on the road
    (5) According to the passage, "___________" is right.
    A . Expensive things should be put in a B.O.B. safely. B . People should take a B.O.B. with them everywhere. C . It's better to prepare more than one B.O.B. if possible. D . People are advised to put some more clothes in a B.O.B.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Many people know that rubbish is a big problem on planet Earth. What many people don't know is that junk (垃圾) has become a problem in outer space too.

        According to BBC News, there are more than 22, 000 pieces of space junk floating around the earth. And these are just the things that we can see from the surface of the earth by telescopes (望远镜). There are also millions of smaller pieces of junk that we can't see.

        Objects, like bits of old space rockets or satellites, move around the planet at very high speeds, so fast that even a very small piece can break important satellites or become dangerous to astronauts. If the tiniest piece of junk crashed into a spaceship, it could damage the vehicle.

        To make things worse, when two objects in space crash, they break into many smaller pieces. For example, when a U. S. satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009, it broke into more than 2,000 pieces, increasing the amount of space junk.

        To reduce additional space junk, countries have agreed that all new space tools can only stay in space for 25 years at most. Each tool must be built to fall safely into the earth's atmosphere after that time. In the upper parts of the atmosphere, it will burn up.

        Many scientists are also suggesting different ways to clean up space junk. In England scientists are testing a metal net that can be fired into space junk. The net catches the junk and then pulls it into the earth's atmosphere to burn up. The Germans are building robots that can collect pieces of space junk and bring them back to Earth to be safely destroyed.

        "The problem is becoming more challenging because we're sending more objects into space to help people use their mobile phones and computers," says Marco Castronuovo, an Italian space researcher.

        "The time to act is now. The longer we leave the problem, the bigger it will become," he says.

    (1) What does the underlined word "these" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A . Telescopes. B . Satellites. C . Pieces of space junk. D . BBC News reports.
    (2) Why is space junk considered a problem?
    A . Because it burns up after it re-enters the atmosphere. B . Because it often stops the view of telescopes on Earth. C . Because it could force new space tools to travel at slower speeds. D . Because it may crash into other space tools, causing damage or death.
    (3) Countries want future space tools to be able to fall back into the earth's atmosphere so that__________.
    A . the tools can be reused later B . the tools don't become space junk C . the earth's atmosphere can stay clean D . the effects of space flight can be studied
    (4) How do the Germans plan to deal with space junk?
    A . By catching it with nets. B . By using robots to collect it. C . By burning it in the earth's atmosphere. D . By sending it farther away from the earth.
    (5) In which section of the newspaper would you probably read this article?
    A . Environment. B . Local News. C . Education. D . Fashion.


  • 19. 根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。

        Don't be too surprised if you see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days. Last month, Baidu began to test its self-driving cars on open roads in Beijing.

        Since then, companies like Tesla, Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own self—driving cars.

        Self-driving cars are safer than regular cars. They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily.

        In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer (激光棒) at the car's sensors (传感器) while it was moving. The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed the direction.

        The software that is used to direct the cars may not be safe enough. When we use our computers or smartphones, they sometimes crash (崩溃) without any reason. But if this happened to a self-driving car, the result could be deadly. Improvements to the software could be a solution to this problem.

    A. At times, it may break down.

    B. Self-driving cars began to develop in 2010.

    C. It might be one of Baidu's self-driving cars.

    D. But self-driving cars have their own problems as well.

    E. And they are more environmentally friendly than regular cars.




  • 30. 常州“毒地事件”再次引起人们对环境污染及其治理的深入思考。请根据图片和提示,并以“Pollution”为题,从初中生的视角入手,写一篇不少于80词的短文。


    a. What can be seen coming out of the chimneys?

    b. Is the water in the river clean?

    c. Name at least two types of pollution.

    d. What are the junior high students supposed to do to help stop pollution?




