
修改时间:2021-09-22 浏览次数:115 类型:一轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. Will you please see ______ our luggage when I am away?
    A . for B . in C . with D . to
  • 2. —We have talked a lot ______ Jack. What about Ben?

    —He was ____ a total mess—hope we can help him______!

    A . with, in, out B . about, in, out C . with, at, away D . about, at, away
  • 3. You should book your flight about two or three weeks _____ so that you can enjoy a lower price.
    A . in particular B . in advance C . in return D . in fact
  • 4. ________ the high cost in human life, the D-Day landings were success and were seen widely as the beginning of the end of the Second World War.
    A . Beyond B . Despite C . Behind D . Next to
  • 5. ________the good care of volunteers, these orphans are growing up healthily.
    A . With B . Under C . Without D . But for
  • 6. I like your products very much ________ quality but I think the price is too high.
    A . in charge of B . in place of C . in terms of D . in spite of
  • 7. With the help of rescue workers, many people managed to escape ______ the burning building and escape ______ killed.
    A . /; being B . from; to be C . /; from being D . from; being
  • 8. Much to our disappointment, this clothing factory was horribly managed and ______.
    A . out of reach B . out of shape C . out of order D . out of practice
  • 9. With the gun fired, birds flew _____ all directions right away.
    A . on B . for C . in D . by
  • 10. We have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal _____ all ages, and in particular the teenager market.
    A . for B . in C . to D . on
  • 11. _______ the physical benefits, aerobic exercises have emotional benefits.
    A . In addition to B . In addition C . What's more D . Beside
  • 12. —Have you made an apology ______ him ______ breaking his window?

     —Yes, I have.

    A . for; to B . to; to C . for; for D . to; for
  • 13. If you enjoy reading, then____do that whenever you want.
    A . by all means B . by no means C . anything but D . nothing but
  • 14. As a philosopher____, the secret____happiness is to think about positive things and stay optimistic.
    A . retells; on B . reminds; to C . remarks; of D . respects; in
  • 15. She had a gift ______ writing and her special writing style had a great influence ______ later writers.
    A . for; to B . in; in C . for; on D . in; on
  • 16. This crop does not do well in soils _________the one for which it has been specially developed.
    A . outside B . other than C . beyond D . rather than
  • 17. Was it in 1969 _____ the American astronaut succeeded ____ landing on the moon?
    A . when; on B . that; on C . when; in D . that; in
  • 18. Under-achieving children have set up emotional barriers to education and, ______ demands by adults, these barriers become even harder to overcome.
    A . in response to B . in relation to C . in contrast to D . in addition to
  • 19. The great hall was crowded with many people, _____ many children _____on their parents' laps.
    A . including; seated B . including; seating C . included; sat D . included; sitting
  • 20. There were cheers for each of the speakers as they spoke                          .
    A . in return B . in mins C . in turn D . in vain
  • 21. We have been                our neighbours for all these years, living harmoniously.
    A . in contrast with B . on good terms with C . in competition with D . at war with
  • 22. —I think movie music can be made memorable because its theme is repeated ________ the film.

    —I agree with you.

    A . onto B . with C . throughout D . around
  • 23. Whatever she says will not make any difference_____ our arrangements.
    A . to B . about C . in D . on
  • 24. The demand for this product is ________.
    A . in demand B . in need C . in response D . on the increase
  • 25. Many people are _______ the new policy.
    A . in favor of B . in honor of C . in search of D . in case of
  • 26. She is writing to _______ a position _______ an accountant in the company.
    A . apply for; with B . apply for; as C . apply to; with D . apply to; as
  • 27. One should apologize ______ his taking the wrong glass at the party.
    A . to B . on C . for D . of
  • 28. ______ the heavy rain, they continued to walk.
    A . Thanks to B . Despite C . Though D . Due to
  • 29. Parents _____ should act as good examples for children.
    A . in advance B . in detail C . in particular D . in panic
  • 30. When I recovered _____ the shock, I looked at my camera. My most magical experience was captured forever.
    A . by B . of C . from D . at
