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  • 1. 阅读理解

    If you've ever been enjoying takeout snacks, you can make these with ingredients (配料) found in grocery stores or even your own kitchen,

    Hosomaki Sushi

    In Japan, Hosomaki Sushi is a sushi roll mainly made with sweet rice and seaweed. The thinner hosomaki are the simpler, smaller version that are perfect for practicing. It takes you little time to practice to roll and you will have fun making them at home.

    Prep: 20 mins   Cook: 0 mins   Total: 20 mins

    Taco Bell Crunch wrap Supreme

    This is one of America's favorite fast-food go-to's. You can stuff it with whatever strikes your fancy. So it is also great for vegetarians because beef can be replaced with black beans or fruits.

    Prep: 15 mins   Cook: 30 mins   Total: 45 mins

    Pumpkin (南瓜) Spice Latte

    The first version of this drink contained spices (香料), but no actual pumpkin until 2015. Its great popularity has meant that it's being served at the end of August, far ahead of regular pumpkin season. But for those who eagerly await the drink each year, there's even better news: the pumpkin spice latte is actually quite easy to make at home at a far more affordable price.

    Prep: 10 mins   Cook: 5 mins   Total: 15 mins

    BBQ Chicken Pizza

    It is so delicious that it is worthwhile to make from the very beginning. This pizza is a great way to use up leftover pork or barbecue chicken. A sweeter sauce will give you the more traditional barbecue sauce taste.

    Prep: 20 mins   Cook: 20 mins   Total: 40 mins

    (1) Which snack is available without cooking?
    A . Hosomaki Sushi. B . Taco Bell Crunch wrap Supreme. C . Pumpkin Spice Latte. D . BBQ Chicken Pizza.
    (2) What distinguishes BBQ Chicken Pizza from others?
    A . It is the most popular fast food. B . Its producing cost is fairly high. C . Its ingredients must contain meat. D . It takes the most time to prepare.
    (3) Who is the text intended for?
    A . Chefs. B . Vegetarians. C . Barbecue lovers. D . Snack enthusiasts.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Of the estimated 2, 224 passengers and crew aboard the Titanic when it struck an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, a mere 700 people lived on. Here is one story of the Titanic survivors whose stories are still haunting more than a century after the ship's sinking, revealing the true facts of the disaster.

    A junior wireless officer aboard the Titanic, Harold Bride was one of the two people responsible for sending SOS messages to nearby ships, thus allowing the Carpathian to rescue the Titanic survivors.

    He and another man on duty, Jack Phillips, raced to send SOS signals to nearby ships-but as the communications specialists, they knew that the closest, the Carpathian, would likely not arrive until alter the Titanic sank. They worked wildly until Captain Edward Smith came and told them they were relieved of duty;the ship had nearly lost power, and only two lifeboats remained.

    They made a run for Collapsible B and were just getting it into the water when a wave swept across the deck (甲板), throwing both Harold Bride and the upturned boat into the ocean.

    Bride and 15 others struggled onto the waterlogged, sinking Collapsible B and survived until other lifeboats collected them and conveyed them to the Carpathian.

    Once aboard the Carpathian, Bride got back to work and began helping the ship's wireless officer send messages from the other Titanic survivors.

    When the Carpathian made land, Bride had to be carried ashore: he had injured one foot in the plunge into the ocean, and the other was frostbitten after a night in the Atlantic's icy waters.

    (1) Which can replace the underlined word "haunting" in paragraph 1 ?
    A . confusing B . unforgettable C . romantic D . contradictory
    (2) What was Bride's job on the Titanic during the accident?
    A . Rescuing the Titanic survivors. B . Investigating the problems of the Titanic. C . Sending signals to ships around for help. D . Receiving SOS signals from nearby ships.
    (3) What happened to Bride after he was dismissed from his duty?
    A . He stayed there to continue his work. B . He escaped in a lifeboat immediately. C . He turned off the power of the Titanic. D . He was washed into the sea by a wave.
    (4) Which of the following best describes Bride?
    A . Responsible and helpful. B . Intelligent and brave. C . Tough and ambitious. D . Considerate and humble.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Thunderstorms often show up uninvited to Carnival (狂欢节) in Brazil. This year's attempt to influence the skies took place in Sao Pablo by a party's official sponsor, Skoal, a Brazilian beer brand. "The fun stops when it rains," says Pedro Ada my, Skoal's marketing director. So do beer sales.

    An airplane painted with Skoal's logo sprayed (喷洒) water droplets into clouds to make rain fall before the clouds reached the city. According to its YouTube video that has been viewed 12 million times, it is a "mission worthy of science fiction".

    Whether it's science or fiction is up for debate. The use of cloud-seeding to increase rainfall dates back to the 1940s. But the United States government stopped funding it in the 1980s due to a lack of" scientific proof of the effectiveness of intentional weather change", according to the National Research Council. A new paper based on experiments in Idaho found that seeding clouds with silver iodide increased snowfall on three occasions, but the authors say that more research is needed to find out if it can reliably promote precipitation (降水), Pablo Tartar, a Brazilian physicist, says flatly that cloud-seeding is "useless".

    Still, governments and firms in many countries use the technology. Sao Pablo's water company has signed million dollar contracts with ModClima to bring rain, most recently during a drought in 2014-15. Although cloud-seeding normally uses a chemical such as silver iodide to provide a surface around which water or ice droplets form, ModClima says it has invented an "experimental" method that uses water alone.

    Carnival-goers cheered when the first two days were cloudy but dry. Many shared Skol's video. But at around 5pm on February 24th, the sky darkened and rain poured down. Celebrants at one block party left the Skol stands and rushed to buy umbrellas and plastic rain capes.

    (1) Why did Skol support cloud-seeding?
    A . To increase rainfall. B . To promote its beer sales. C . To provide evidence for a research. D . To highlight the theme of the Carnival.
    (2) Which is Artaxo's attitude toward cloud-seeding?
    A . Objective. B . Doubtful. C . Conservative. D . Negative.
    (3) Why was the US government no longer in favor of cloud-seeding?
    A . Its outcome couldn't be proved. B . It worked in limited situations. C . It needed more field researches. D . It used an un-ecofriendly chemical.
    (4) What is the best title of the text?
    A . Could rain ruin fun? B . How do we change weather? C . Could we rely on intentional rain? D . How do we avoid cloud-seeding pollution?
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Colin Chapman, the founder of Lotus Cars, was one of motor racing's most influential engineers. He summed up his philosophy as "simplify, then add lightness". A simple, featherweight car might be slower on the straights than a beefy muscle-machine, he reasoned. But it would be faster everywhere else. Between 1962 and 1978 Lotus won seven Formula One constructors championships.

    It appears to be an uncommon insight since humans always struggle with subtractive thinking. When asked to improve something, they tend to suggest adding new things rather than removing some, even when additions lead to not satisfying results. In one study conducted by Gabrielle Adams, along with colleagues at the University of Virginia, participants were asked to change a pattern on a grid (网格) of coloured squares to make it balanced. Although that could be done equally well by adding new squares or by deleting existing ones, 78% chose the additive option.

    But why people forget that less is often more? One experiment asked participants to redesign an unbalanced Lego structure so that it could support a house-brick. Participants could earn a dollar for fixing the problem, but each piece of Lego they added cut that reward by ten cents. Even then, only 41% worked out that simplifying the structure by removing a single block, rather than complicating it by adding more, was the way to maximise the payout. Practice improved people's chances of spotting subtractive solutions, suggesting that many were simply not thinking of the possibility, at least at first.

    What all this amounts to is evidence for " additive thinking" entering the list of" cognitive biases" (认知偏差). The 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded for demonstrating that humans are not thinking logically as economists do. Instead of thinking a problem through and coming up with an ideal solution, they tend to use cognitive shortcuts that are fast and—mostly—"good enough".

    (1) Why is Chapman's case mentioned in paragraph 1 ?
    A . To prove his philosophy. B . To introduce the topic. C . To support the argument. D . To provide an example.
    (2) What were the participants asked to do in Adams's study?
    A . To balance a pattern. B . To plus new squares. C . To delete original squares. D . To change a pattern's colour.
    (3) What can we know about subtractive thinking from paragraph 3?
    A . It can make things more complex. B . It is a shortcut to gaining a fortune. C . It can be facilitated through practice. D . It is a common way to tackle problems.
    (4) What does the author try to convey through the text?
    A . Less is often more. B . Think less and act more. C . Additive thinking is a shortcut. D . Economists think more logically.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。

    We all do little things to boost the way we feel and think throughout the day, Something as simple as taking a walk or eating a piece of chocolate can brighten your mood almost instantly, thanks to certain chemical reactions that occur in the brain. If you're going through something complex, you need a more permanent practice. That's where writing comes in.

    As Mental Health Awareness Month begins, it's worth learning about the ways that you can use writing to support your mental well-being.

    Use writing for mindfulness. Mindfulness is a tried-and-true technique for improving mental wellness, but can writing have the same effect?  By focusing on a particular moment and getting it all out there on the page, you can free yourself from any of the other concerns that are crowding your mind. This way, you can use writing as an approach to mindfulness and as a way of relieving stress.

    Another benefit to writing is its ability to clear your mind of worries, negative thoughts? or sources of pain.  Fortunately, writing can speed up the process of restoring mental clarity.

    People were more likely to talk to others about a painful event after writing about it privately, which powerfully suggests that writing can indirectly lead to reaching out for support, which can mean even greater healing and relief.

    Through the process of populating a blank page with letters and words, writing can be a useful mental health tool that both records your experiences and allows you to work through them.

    A. Become more self-aware.

    B. These pleasures are just temporary, however.

    C. There's real power behind the pen—here, s why.

    D. Writing is also the best method of self-care treatment.

    E. Clearing your brain of negative thoughts can be really tough work.

    F. Actually, the act of writing for a mere 20 minutes each day can work.

    G. This is because writing tends to stimulate questions about your life and direction-


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填烂白处的最佳选项。

    It was a small graduation party. Only Ed, Max, Raul and I were there. All three men, each over the age of fifty, had achieved a1in their lives. They could2.

    Overcoming decades of3and a lifetime of covering up their illiteracy, these three men had signed up for a free three-month course, taught by me.

    "I take the bus every day to work," said Ed. "Have done for over thirty years. Just yesterday I 4what the words' Emergency Exit' mean." Max reported that he was5to understand much of Monday's newspaper sports article on his beloved Dallas Cowboys.

    6, his break time was spent 7to read in the hope his co-workers would never discover his shameful secret. As our final night came to a close, Raul took my hand between his rough ones:" You gave me a8 You gave me a new life. "

    Being so young, I did not grasp the full 9of his simple statement until my own gray hairs appeared, a(an)10downturn robbed me of my work and income security. Now I'm the11 of my former pupils and my future needs a 12 button. I realize that limiting my destiny (命运)because of my age or my lack of skills is 13A future with many wonderful opportunities could belong to me as long as I have the courage to 14 it out and work for it.

    Like Ed, Max and Raul, I am determined to make a new life for myself. They15me well.

    A . first B . medal C . career D . prize
    A . work B . survive C . read D . drive
    A . sorrow B . depression C . threat D . embarrassment
    A . heard about B . looked through C . put forward D . figured out
    A . likely B . able C . cautious D . eager
    A . Ultimately B . Lately C . Previously D . Gradually
    A . learning B . continuing C . managing D . pretending
    A . future B . choice C . break D . lesson
    A . purpose B . wisdom C . comment D . background
    A . educational B . scientific C . physical D . economic
    A . age B . example C . image D . guide
    A . new B . restart C . special D . play
    A . crucial B . reasonable C . foolish D . annoying
    A . seek B . let C . bring D . carry
    A . trained B . taught C . cloned D . controlled

四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The UNESCO Global Geo park (地质公园) consists of six local communities, each with their own featured (attraction) ranging from mini farms to geological gardens. These communities were looking for ways to develop sustainable geotourism in this rural area.

    Very recently, the Geo park acquired an (abandon) church building and will transform it into a new Geo park Centre will serve not only as a community and visitor centre, but also offer a range of services and facilities. It is intended that such services and. facilities will contribute to the long term (finance) sustainability of the Geo park and create sustainable employment opportunities.

    As an outdoor laboratory for local schools, the Geo park focuses onfun, interactive, discovery learning style, aiming to build pride in the communities. They also work with universitiesadult education centers covering a wide range of subjects including local geology, archaeology and architecture. The geological garden serves(explain) key events in the earth's history (creature evolution, climate change, plate structure theory etc.), and (be) a popular picnic spot. They use kite photography, geophysical surveys and seismometers (地震仪)to make learning ( excite). The new Geo park Centre (annual) provides hands-on learning as well as specialist talks and demonstrations.


  • 8. 假定你是李华,随着“祝融号”探测器(Zhurong rover)成功着陆火星,你校决定举行关于火星的科技讲座。请给来自新西兰的留学生朋友John写一封邮件。内容包括:







    Dear John,

    Hope to see you on the big day.

    Yours sincerely,


    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    One morning on my way to school, noticed an elderly woman dressed in a yellow vest (马甲)carrying a garbage bag and one of those rubbish claws (爪形器具). "What's that lady doing?" I asked mum. "Vest Lady. She just picks up rubbish around here for fun," mum said. "Why would someone think picking up rubbish looking like a construction worker is fun?" I puzzled.

    For several years I'd witness this mysterious Vest Lady—rain or shine — on my way to school. I had thought she was crazy for picking up rubbish. Eventually I smiled and waved at her each time I saw her. Later, I moved to high school. The time I saw rubbish here and there I felt really annoyed. Then I'd think, "Why isn't anyone picking up this rubbish? People are so inconsiderate I" However, shortly after, I realized picking up the rubbish was not someone ease's problem.

    Now I couldn't walk past litter without feeling guilty. I volunteered to clean up rubbish around our school. Strange as it might sound, picking up litter was kind of a thrill for me! In fact, I was so determined that for my 17th birthday I bought myself a rubbish claw, reusable gloves and a reflective safety yellow vest with my own name on it.

    During my first attempt in my stylish equipment, met with unfriendly looks from others as if I were a criminal doing community service. One day, I had an epiphany (顿悟):"I'm acting just like Vest Lady!"

    But there was too much rubbish around, cigarette ends littered about, cans rolling on the street, pieces of paper hidden in the grass and plastic. alone was too weak J How would I get more volunteers involved in rubbish removal? A smart idea flashed into my mind.




    Soon I created my website go. picking up. com.


    More and more people put on vests with their own names.
