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一、听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

  • 6. 听第材料,回答问题。
    (1) What are the speakers doing?
    A . Interviewing a champion. B . Talking about a new world record. C . Reporting a match live.
    (2) What do we know about Paul Timmons?
    A . He isn't in the lead all the time. B . He is talented in competing. C . He breaks a world record.
  • 7. 听第材料,回答问题。
    (1) What is the woman probably?
    A . A writer. B . A tour guide. C . A reporter.
    (2) What is on the man's right?
    A . A park. B . A statue. C . A palace.
  • 8. 听第材料,回答问题。
    (1) When did the man buy the T-shirt?
    A . A few weeks ago. B . A couple of days ago. C . Yesterday.
    (2) Why can't the woman change the T-shirt for the man?
    A . He wore the T-shirt a few times. B . He didn't keep the proof of purchase. C . He bought the T-shirt in the sale.
    (3) What will the woman do next?
    A . Change the T-shirt for the man. B . Have a word with her manager. C . Give the man's money back.
  • 9. 听第材料,回答问题。
    (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Mother and son. B . Wife and husband. C . Employer and employee.
    (2) What does the woman advise the man to do?
    A . Balance the budget. B . Buy a cheaper guitar. C . Find another job.
    (3) What is the man's problem?
    A . He can't join a band. B . He can't make ends meet. C . He can't find a satisfying job.
    (4) How does the man feel about the woman's words?
    A . Impatient. B . Embarrassed. C . Disappointed.
  • 10. 听第材料,回答问题。
    (1) What prize did the youngest group get?
    A . The second prize. B . The third prize. C . The fourth prize.
    (2) What should Eastside practice more?
    A . The dance. B . The music. C . The song.
    (3) Why did The Storm win the first prize?
    A . They danced wonderfully. B . The guitarist played very well. C . The singer performed perfectly.
    (4) What kind of person is the speaker?
    A . Humorous. B . Serious. C . Boring.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Q&A on COVID-19 Vaccination in China

    China has granted conditional marketing authorization for the first COVID-19 vaccine, and many places have planned to carry out mass vaccinations. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about vaccination.

    ⒈ How can one make a reservation to get a shot? Who can get vaccinated as soon as possible?

    On Dec 5, China started vaccinating key groups. Individuals in these groups could not make a reservation themselves; instead local authorities would arrange for these individuals to be vaccinated. After that, local authorities will arrange for service to the general public.

    People aged between 18 and 59 are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination. The vaccination involves two shots, administered 14 days apart. The COVID-19 vaccines are provided to citizens for free.

    ⒉ Who is not eligible for vaccination?

    Those who should not get vaccinated include pregnant women, lactating (哺乳期) women and patients with the following diseases:

    Patients in an acute stage of fever and infection; suffering from immune deficiency or immune disorder; having severe liver or kidney diseases; having uncontrolled hypertension (高血压), diabetic complications (糖尿病并发症) or malignant tumors (恶行肿瘤);

    Patients with other progressive nervous system diseases and mental diseases or family history of such diseases;

    Patients who have been diagnosed with congenital (先天性的) or acquired immunodeficiency, HIV infection, lymphoma (淋巴瘤), leukemia (白血病) or other autoimmune diseases;

    Patients with severe respiratory (呼吸) disease and severe cardiovascular (心脑血管) disease.

    ⒊ Is it necessary to maintain prevention and control measures after vaccination?

    Since no vaccine can provide 100 percent protection, a few vaccinated individuals could still get infected. The population immunity barrier has not been established at present. People still need to wear masks, maintain social distancing and practice good hygiene after vaccination.

    ⒋ What to do when an adverse reaction occurs?

    According to the informed consent (许可) for vaccination, side effects include pain, itching, swelling, numbness and redness at the area where the shot is given, and other reactions include fatigue, fever, muscle pain, headache, cough, diarrhea (腹泻), nausea (恶心), loss of appetite and allergy.

    Places providing vaccinations are required to have medical rescue ability and be associated with local hospitals. Those receiving a vaccination must remain at the service site 30 minutes before leaving.

    ⒌ Is it okay if people don't want to be vaccinated?

    Vaccination is voluntary. But China has planned to build a population immunity barrier, which can only be established when the vaccination rate reaches 60 to 70 percent. The general public is encouraged to get vaccinated.

    (1) Which one of the below people can get vaccinated?
    A . A 20-year-old college student who lost his appetite due to staying up late. B . A 30-year-old pregnant woman. C . A 40-year-old man diagnosed with malignant liver cancer. D . A 65-year-old healthy woman.
    (2) When approximately people in China get vaccinated, a population immunity barrier can be established.
    A . 1.4 billion B . 9000 million C . 900 million D . 90 million
    (3) According to the passage, which one is correct?
    A . Those receiving a vaccination can leave the service site within 30 minutes if healthy. B . Every Chinese citizen must get vaccinated. C . People may get numbness and redness all over the body after vaccinated. D . People still need to wear masks even after the two shots of vaccination.
  • 12. 阅读理解。

    A tender woman, or an independent one, which one would you prefer? A recent research shows that most people would choose the latter.

    This type of woman is called a nühanzi ("tough woman"). Experts believe these characteristics have social and psychological roots among young females in China. Su Hao's friends all call her a tough woman, because she can finish tough tasks usually carried out by men. For example, she carries 10-litre water to her dormitory on the 5th floor. "I depend on no one but myself," she says.

    According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, tough women have become rather common in society. Of the 21,265 respondents, 78.5 percent said they are familiar with a tough woman. About 50 percent said they like women with tough characteristics, while less than 29 percent expressed the opposite view.

    Why are tough women gaining popularity? Shen Meng, a psychological consultant, believes the fierce competition in society is contributing to this trend. "Women are often in a disadvantaged position compared to men," Shen says. "In order to survive, they have to be independent, strong and tough."

    Liu Xiaolin, professor of psychology at Wuhan Mental Health Center, believes tough women are brought up this way. They are often on close relationship with their fathers, who teach their daughters to be brave and decisive," he says. As a result, these women are more likely to be psychologically healthy and more tolerant to stress, according to Liu.

    Though Liu believes that this is a good trend, Hu Shenzhi, a psychologist at the Guangdong Sunflower Counseling Center, says the popularity of tough woman indicates an unclear line between gender identities, which can lead to relationship problems. "Some women with characteristics that differ from the traditional female image may have a difficult time finding Mr Right," he says." Even if they get married, their manly characteristics might cause family conflicts.

    (1) Which of the followings does NOT belong to the characteristics of a tough woman?
    A . She is independent of others in daily life. B . She is soft and tender to others. C . She is more tolerant to stress. D . She can solve problems usually for men.
    (2) How many respondents like tough women?
    A . About 10,600. B . About 16,700. C . 21,265. D . About 6,200.
    (3) Why are there more tough women nowadays?
    A . Because tough women are more lovely. B . Because more women want to be independent. C . Because girls often love fathers more. D . Because of the fierce competition in society.
    (4) What problems may tough women have in their life?
    A . It's difficult for them to be friends. B . They often suffer gender confusion. C . They may have difficulty with marriage. D . They have different characteristics form traditional female images.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    In 1926, US automaker Henry Ford shortened its employees' workweek from six eight-hour days to five, with no pay cuts. It's something workers and labor unions had been calling for. Ford wasn't responding to worker demands; he was being a businessman. He expected increased productivity and knew workers with more time and money would buy and use the products they were making.  It was a way of encouraging consumerism and productivity to increase profits, and it succeeded.

    Since standardization of the 40-hour workweek in the mid-20th century, everything has changed but the hours. If anything, many people are working even longer hours, especially in North America. This has a severe influence on human health and well-being, as well as the environment. Until the Second World War, it was common for one person in a family, usually the oldest male, to work full-time. Now, women make up 42 percent of the world's full-time workforce. Technology has made a lot of work unnecessary, with computers and robots doing many tasks previously performed by humans.

    Well into the 21st century, we continue to work the same long hours as 20th century laborers, using up ever more of Earth's supply to produce more goods that we must keep working to buy, use and replace in a seemingly endless cycle of hard work and consumption. It's time to pause and consider better ways to live like shifting from fossil-fueled lifestyles with which our consumer-based workweeks are connected.

    The UK think tank, New Economics (经济学) Foundation, argues that a standard 21-hour workweek would address a number of interconnected problems: "overwork, unemployment, over-consumption, high carbon emissions, low well-being, and the lack of time to live sustainably, to care for each other, and simply to enjoy life".

    Economic systems that require constant growth on a finite (有限的) planet don't make sense. It's time for a change in our economic thinking.

    (1) Why did Ford decide to shorten the workweek?
    A . To cut workers' pay. B . To make more profits. C . To respond to worker demands. D . To meet labor unions requirements.
    (2) What change in the workforce happened after World War Ⅱ ?
    A . More women worked full-time. B . The number of laborers decreased. C . Technology enabled people to work shorter hours. D . It was unnecessary for a family's oldest male to work.
    (3) What can we infer from the third paragraph?
    A . Longer working hours means better consumption ability. B . The 21st century sees the longest working hours in history. C . The cycle of hard work and consumption should be changed. D . Pausing our way of living can change the present workweek.
    (4) New Economics Foundation thinks a 21-hour workweek will _______.
    A . increase unemployment B . cause various problems C . encourage people to enjoy life D . challenge the economic growth
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The cancer death rate in the U.S. fell by the most on record as advances in treatments for lung tumors (肿瘤) like video-assisted surgery helped prolong the lives of patients.

    The death rate from cancer has been gradually declining for 26 years, thanks in large part to fewer people smoking cigarettes. But from 2016 to 2017, the most recent period available, it dropped by 2.2%, the most ever in a single year, according to a report released Wednesday by the American Cancer Society. That compares with an average 1.5% yearly decline over the decade. The drop translates to roughly 2.9 million fewer cancer deaths than would have occurred had death rates remained at their peak. For lung cancer specifically, the death rate declined 4.3% annually from 2013 to 2017.

    "It is really lung cancer that is driving this," said Rebecca Siegel, scientific director of surveillance research at the American Cancer Society, and lead author on the new study. "We found increases in survival for lung cancer at every stage in diagnosis.", She attributed the lower deaths to improvements in treatments, including video-assisted surgery that enables more patients with early lung tumors to become eligible for operations; more precise radiation treatment; and better scanning technology that allows doctors to better assess the stage of tumor, so the patient gets the best treatment right away. At later stages of illness, new, targeted drugs that aim at specific disease-causing genes are helping patients whose tumors have those genetic flaws (缺陷).Overall, lung cancer death rates have dropped by 51% for men since their peak in 1990, and by 26% for women since their peak in 2002.

    There's the potential for more progress in future reports. That's because the latest death-rate statistics go only through 2017, and likely don't include the potential impact in lung cancer death from immune-therapy drugs. They became widely used in lung cancer only in the past few years.

    The report, based on U.S. government data, isn't all good news. Prostate (前列腺) cancer death rates have leveled off recently after a period of decline. That may be because many doctors pulled back on using the controversial prostate-specific antigen test, or PSA, which can spot the disease but can lead to over-treatment of men who may never have died from their tumors.

    "Though it was definitely causing harm, it was also contributing to declines in death," Siegel said. What's needed now is better screening tests to detect only the prostate cancers that will go on to cause harm.

    Population death rates are considered one of the most reliable ways of measuring progress in cancer treatment and prevention. By contrast, cancer survival rates can sometimes be influenced by improvements in diagnosing tiny, early stage tumors that wouldn't necessarily be deadly.

    (1) According to paragraph 2, ______.
    A . cancer death rate reached its peak in 2017 B . death rate decreases over the past 2 decades C . 2.9 million people die of cancer in America every year D . most of the cancer patients in America suffer from lung cancer
    (2) We can learn from the passage that ______.
    A . female death rate of lung cancer drops more than that of male B . targeted drugs have led to rapid increase in cancer death rates C . better scanning technology will lead to improvement in treating genetic flaws D . improper use of prostate-specific antigen test can lead to over-treatment of men
    (3) The underlined expression "level off" in paragraph 5 means ______.
    A . remain unchanged B . show up C . take off D . become sharp
    (4) What might be the best title of the passage?
    A . Medical Progress Prolonging Patients' Lives B . Cancer Death Rates Dropping at the Fastest Pace C . Significant Improvement in Treating Lung Cancer D . Advanced Technologies Applied in Cancer Treatment


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选。选项中有两项为多余选。

    Voltaire once said, "Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answer." If you fail to get the information you need from others, it might be because you are not asking the right questions. Asking right questions is the skill like any other skill, and it takes practice. Don't ask yes or no questions. When you ask a yes or no question, you will most often get incomplete information. Questions with "who", "what", "when", "how" or "why" lead to people giving some thoughts to their answers and providing more information.

    Let's say that you are talking to a partner and need to know details of a project. He tells you that one of the members has been very difficult to work with. A question such as "What do you mean he is difficult to work with?" will lead you to the real facts.

    Use the power of silence. Many times the person you are questioning has more information and will bring it out when you wait for it. People feel a need to fill the holes in the conversation and then they will bring out the key information.

    Don't interrupt the person with whom you are talking. Ask your question and let the person answer it in full, even when you don't think you are getting the answer you want. Listen fully to what he/ she is saying and use that to direct him/ her back to the topic in the next question.

    A. Instead, ask an open-ended question.

    B. Always consider using follow-up questions.

    C. You can tell us where the questions come from.

    D. It tells the person you don't value what he/ she is saying.

    E. Start getting comfortable with asking a question and waiting for a response.

    F. The answer may not always be the one you want, but it doesn't mean it's wrong.

    G. You should ask your questions in a way that you can get the best possible information.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选。

    Can you imagine walking across a stage in front of 300 wearing a swimsuit? This is my 1as a competitor in the Miss Teen Massachusetts Pageant.

    As soon as I was2as a contestant I began preparing, though the pageant (盛会) was months away. I had to3my classes with extracurricular activities, and4 the pageant. I barely has time to breathe!5, I did the best I could.

    I'd always dreamed of6in a beauty pageant. Although I didn't win, I had a great time. It took7to cross a stage in a swimsuit and those heels, walking like a model and smiling at so many people. It gave me the guts to try other8. I improved my interviewing skills, met a lot of great people, and learned how to put on a9.

    The week after the beauty pageant, everyone10how I had done. I always told them11I didn't place, it was a terrific experience. It's not a breeze to tell everyone that you didn't12. After the experience, I realized that it is not necessarily the 13 that determines what you take from an experience, it is the quality of the experience, the memories, and what you14along the way.

    Most 15, I was aware that you should always reach for your dreams, because 16you will never know what could have been. If I hadn't17the pageant, I would always wonder. Now, looking back, I will be18 with everything I've accomplished, I took the initiative to strive for my dreams and19life along the way. I'll no longer let opportunities pass by me, but20all my goals and dreams, no matter how big or small.

    A . dream B . experience C . success D . ambition
    A . defeated B . accepted C . questioned D . refused
    A . fill B . improve C . balance D . compare
    A . preparing for B . laying off C . making for D . setting off
    A . Thus B . Instead C . Besides D . However
    A . speaking B . competing C . swimming D . sharing
    A . time B . energy C . courage D . patience
    A . things B . trips C . jobs D . competitions
    A . smile B . coat C . position D . parade
    A . shrugged B . wondered C . proved D . judged
    A . if B . since C . because D . although
    A . recover B . improve C . fear D . win
    A . process B . script C . outcome D . struggle
    A . suspend B . gain C . expect D . allocate
    A . commonly B . luckily C . naturally D . significantly
    A . yet B . still C . also D . otherwise
    A . entered B . missed C . won D . finished
    A . irritated B . fascinated C . content D . concerned
    A . find B . show C . enjoy D . ignore
    A . pursue B . set C . compile D . remember


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Many of us wonder  lies in outer space. (occasion), when we look up at  the night sky, we see stars, the twinkle of a moving satellite and a distant planet.  one thing we don't see is the millions of pieces of junk filling up space.

    The amount of space junk is increasing. Over the last few decades, a large quantity of satellites and rockets(launch) into space, littering the cosmos (宇宙) as they go. The fear is that we don't start taking this litter out of the sky soon, it will become a significant threat to active satellites. Nobu Okada, CEO of Astroscale,company  working on ways to clean up space junk, says “even a small paint fleck (微粒) has enough ability (blow) up other satellites.”

    It's clear a solution is needed so a celestial (天体的) deep clean can take place.  (look) to the future, like any litter problem, we need to look at ways of creating (little).


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







    Dear Bob, I'm writing to apologize for having forgotten to return The Beatles CD to you when I left Canada. I was in such hurry that I packed everything in my luggages without checking carefully. If I have paid more attention then, I wouldn't have made such stupid a mistake. Now everything must be done to solve the problem because I understand you cherish the CD enormous. I can either send it to you by express mail or alternatively compensate you in a reasonable price. If you do not mind, I may bring it back to you next time when I go to Canada. Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience. Felt extremely guilty, I really hope you will accept my sincerely apology.


  • 19. 为庆祝建党 100 周年,你们班上星期四召开了“祖国在我心中”主题班会,请你用英语对班会作报导。


    1)词数 100 左右;


    参考词汇:建党 100 周年 the 100th anniversary of the CPC
