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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who saw the advertisement?
    A . The man's friend. B . The woman's mother. C . The man's co-worker.
    (2) Why does the woman probably want a second-hand piano?
    A . The quality is better. B . She has little money. C . New ones aren't available.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Who will probably bring the sandwiches?
    A . Jennifer. B . John. C . Carole.
    (2) Where will the picnic probably be held?
    A . In a park. B . In a forest. C . In a field.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Tour guide and tourist. B . Employer and employee. C . Ticket seller and customer.
    (2) What does the man think is probably the most interesting in the museum?
    A . The history of dinosaur bones. B . The number of dinosaurs. C . The size of the largest dinosaur.
    (3) How long can the man spend in the museum?
    A . Four hours. B . Three hours. C . Two hours.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) How did the man first get into his career?
    A . By studying farming in Africa. B . By training to become a professor. C . By working at a bank in his home country.
    (2) Why don't many Africans have business chances?
    A . Because of the shortage of banks. B . Because of the lack of office places. C . Because of a small number of employees.
    (3) What will the man probably do first?
    A . Help local people borrow money. B . Create a business college. C . Open up a new bank.
    (4) What is the woman's current problem?
    A . She doesn't have enough money. B . The director of her company can't come. C . Some of her equipment isn't working.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What is the main topic of the talk?
    A . The types of games pigs enjoy. B . A computer game featuring pigs. C . Some pigs being able to play video games.
    (2) How did the scientists feel about their findings?
    A . Surprised. B . Angry. C . Frightened.
    (3) What were the pigs rewarded with?
    A . Drinks. B . Entertainment. C . Food.
    (4) Who was good at the game according to the talk?
    A . Hamlet. B . Omelette. C . Ebony.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Citisport in Newport

    We at Citisport aim to improve sports training and facilities in Newport, giving you more opportunities to try both new and traditional sports.


    We are pleased to be able to offer lessons at Kingsway Golf Centre just outside Newport. These are run by experienced golf professionals, and are held on an all-weather practice area. The adult lessons are open to anyone aged 13 and over, and are suitable for all levels from beginners upwards. These take place on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of six weeks. Children's lessons for 7-12 year old are held from 2:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturdays during term time.


    The Citisport tennis courses provide an opportunity for local people to develop their skills on the brand-new indoor tennis court at Newport Leisure Centre. All equipment can be provided, but please feel free to use your own racket (球拍) if you prefer. Our Starter course is held on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, and is for beginners of 12 years and over. Our Improver course, which takes place on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, is for players with some experience.

    Football for girls

    By popular request, Citisport is holding another one-day girls-only football course. This aims to give local girls the chance to learn essential skills and develop more advanced ones. The course will take place on Saturday, 9th November from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and is open to all girls aged 10-14 years living in the Newport area.


    This course is for beginners aged 8-14 and will provide an introduction to basic skills. There is a maximum of six pupils per coach in each class. At the end of the course there is a demonstration for friends and family of all the skills learnt there. The course will take place on Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.

    (1) What can we know about the Citisport golf lessons?
    A . You can take lessons at Kingsway Golf Centre inside Newport. B . The golf lessons can take place only in good weather. C . Teenagers can attend golf lessons on Wednesday afternoons. D . Children's lessons usually last 2 or 3 hours on Saturday afternoons.
    (2) Which of the following statements is true about the Citisport tennis courses?
    A . You can get the skills in an open-air court. B . You must take your own racket during the course. C . You can take the Monday course if you are a green hand. D . You can become an experienced player after the courses.
    (3) Which course lasts only one day according to the text?
    A . Golf. B . Tennis. C . Football for girls. D . Gymnastics.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Each year, the women of Olney and Liberal compete in an unusual footrace. Dressed in aprons (围裙) and headscarves, they wait at both towns' starting lines. Each woman holds a frying pan with one pancake inside. At the signal, the women flip (轻抛) pancakes and they're off!

    This "pancake racing" tradition is said to have started on Shrove Tuesday, 1445, in Olney. Shrove Tuesday is the day before the Christian season of Lent (大斋戒) begins. During Lent, many people decide to give up sugary or fatty foods.

    Legend says that in 1445, an Olney woman was making pancakes to use up some of her sugar and cooking fats before Lent. She lost track of time and suddenly heard the church bells ring, signaling the beginning of the Shrove Tuesday service. Realizing that she was going to be late for church, she raced out the door still wearing her apron and headscarf and holding her frying pan with a pancake in it. In the following years, the woman's neighbors imitated her dash to church, and pancake racing was born.

    The rules are simple. Racers must wear the traditional headscarf and apron. They must flip their pancakes twice - once before starting and once after crossing the finish line. After the race, there are Shrove Tuesday church services. Then Liberal and Olney connect through a video call to compare race times and declare a winner.

    In both towns, the races have grown into larger festivals. Olney's festival is an all-day event starting with a big pancake breakfast. Liberal's festival lasts four days and includes a parade, a talent show, and contests that feature eating and flipping pancakes. Although the women's race is still the main event, both towns now hold additional races for boys and girls of all ages.

    (1) How did pancake racing start?
    A . A woman in Olney created it. B . Women made pancakes before Lent. C . A woman dashed to church with a pancake. D . People followed the suit of an interesting incident.
    (2) What should racers obey during the race?
    A . They can wear fashionable headscarves and aprons. B . They must flip their pancakes once in the race. C . They must flip their pancakes at the beginning of the race. D . They can flip their pancakes in the middle of the race.
    (3) What can we learn about the race from the last paragraph?
    A . People can show their talent in Olney festival. B . People can enjoy a one-day holiday in Liberal. C . The race is not only intended for women now. D . People can have a big pancake breakfast in both towns.
    (4) What is the text mainly about?
    A . The origin of pancake racing. B . The history of pancake racing. C . The development of pancake racing. D . The introduction to pancake racing.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Think of Japan in the spring and the image that comes to mind is likely the country's famous cherry blossoms, also known as "Sakura" — white and pink flowers, blooming across cities and mountains.

    The flowers, which experience a "peak bloom" that only lasts a few days, have been loved in Japan for more than a thousand years. Crowds celebrate with viewing parties, flocking to the most popular locations to take photos and have picnics underneath the branches.

    But this year, cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye, in one of the earliest blooms on record. Scientists warn it's a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere.

    Yasuyuki Aono, a researcher at Osaka Prefecture University, has gathered records from Kyoto back to 812 AD from historical documents and diaries. In the central city of Kyoto, cherry blossoms peaked on March 26, the earliest in more than 1,200 years, Aono said. And in the capital Tokyo, cherry blossoms reached full bloom on March 22, the second-earliest date on record.

    The peak bloom dates shift every year, depending on numerous factors including weather and rainfall, but have shown a general trend of moving earlier and earlier. In Kyoto, the peak date stayed around mid-April for centuries, but began moving into early April during the 1800s. The date has only dipped into late March a handful of times in recorded history.

    "Sakura blooms are very temperature sensitive," said Aono. "Flowering and full bloom could be earlier or later depending on the temperature alone," he said. "The temperature was low in the 1820s, but it has risen by about 3.5 degrees Celsius to this day."

    This year's seasons in particular influenced the blossom dates, he added. The winter was very cold, but the spring came fast and unusually warm.

    (1) What is the best title of the passage?
    A . Cherry blossom celebrations. B . Warning of a climate crisis. C . A strong love for cherry blossom. D . Cherry blossom season coming earlier.
    (2) What does the underlined word "flocking" mean?
    A . Blocking. B . Flooding. C . Running. D . Following.
    (3) What can we infer from paragraph 5?
    A . The peak blossom dates fall on a fixed date. B . The cherry blossom rarely peaks in March. C . The peak bloom dates mainly depend on weather and rainfall. D . Cherry blossom peaks around mid-April in Tokyo.
    (4) What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
    A . To inform people the date of cherry blossom. B . To show a study on cherry blossom dates. C . To present a Japanese tradition of cherry blossom celebration. D . To make people aware of the influence of climate change on cherry blossom.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Your best friend that follows you around when the sun comes out - your shadow - doesn't serve an important function like your heart or brain, but what if you could use shadows to create electricity? When using solar panels (电池板) that are powered by light, shadows can be boring because it means electricity can't be created. However, researchers from the National University of Singapore have engineered a way to create power from the shadows present everywhere.

    A team of the university created a machine that can collect energy from shadows. It is created by placing a thin coating of gold onto silicon (硅). Like in a normal solar panel, when put in light, the silicon electrons (电子) become energized and the energized electrons then jump from the silicon to the gold. The voltage (电压) of the part of the machine that is placed in the light increases relative to the dark part and the electrons in the machine flow from high to low voltage. They are sent through an external circuit (外电路) creating a current that can be used to power another machine. The greater the contrast between light and dark, more energy is provided by the machine.

    The team is working on improving the performance of the machine, borrowing approaches from solar panels to gather light. Increasing the amount of light the machines can receive allows them to better make use of shadows, as well as developing shadow energy collecting panels that can successfully gather from indoor lighting. The team is also researching the use of other materials other than gold to drop the price of the machine, meaning they would be more cost effective and easier to apply in society.

    Shadows are present everywhere and perhaps one day in the future we will be able to collect energy from them by placing the shadow-effect energy machine around the world in places that have been considered unfit for solar panels to work, or indoors. "A lot of people think that shadows are useless," Tan says, but "anything can be useful, even shadows."

    (1) What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
    A . Your best friend always stays with you after the sunrise. B . The shadow has the same function as the heart and brain. C . Shadows can stop solar panels from creating electricity. D . Researchers have found a way to create power from shadows.
    (2) What is the key working principle of the machine mentioned in the text?
    A . The silicon produces electricity when it is in the light. B . The gold produces power with the help of the silicon. C . The energized electrons flow from high to low voltage. D . An external circuit creates current using another machine.
    (3) How does the team improve the performance of the machine?
    A . Using solar panels in the machine. B . Increasing the amount of light received. C . Developing light energy collecting panels. D . Bringing down the price of gold.
    (4) Which of the following is the best place to apply the machine?
    A . A gym. B . A park. C . A farm. D . A playground.


  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Applying to university can seem very challenging. There's so much to do! But really, getting your application in is just a series of stages: do the research, narrow down your university choices, write the applications, and then play the waiting game. Then come the final decisions. .

    Choosing your university

    . This depends on many factors, including entry requirements, funding and financial factors, subjects and courses available and many more. But such factors often have to come second to important considerations about visa requirements and funding opportunities. And when it comes to entry requirements, it is generally worth applying to a range of institutions so you have at least one back-up choice, just in case.

    Once you have narrowed down your options, the real work starts.

    Writing university applications is very different for different universities. Some colleges often expect extensive personal essays, which are designed to reveal much more than just your learning skills. Some are more formal and structured around school achievements, motivation and extracurricular activities.. Admissions teachers can always tell.

    After applying

    . For some universities there will be interviews at the second stage of the application process, but if not, you'll have to sit tight until decisions are announced.

    When the entire above are sorted, the only thing left is to stock up on stationery (文具), review any reading lists and prepare for the next adventure.

    A. Preparing for university interviews

    B. Writing your university application

    C. Once you have hit the big red button on all your applications, the waiting game begins

    D. For those looking to study at university, the following is essential guide to your applications

    E. Make sure you adapt your application for each university, rather than copying and pasting each section

    F. Researching the options available to you is an essential start to your university application process

    G. Visiting universities in which you are interested can help you understand more about whether it is the right fit for you


  • 16. 完形填空

    Most people who keep animals choose to have dogs, cats or fishes. But Recep Mirzan keeps a 1 animal on his farm in Western Turkey. The 63-year-old retired worker has a swan (天鹅) which he 2 many years ago. Mirzan was driving in his car when he 3 an injured swan with a 4 wing. Mirzan immediately 5 and took the swan with him to 6 her from predators (捕食者).

    "Since I love 7, I said to myself that I should take her home instead of 8 her as prey (猎物)," Mirzan told The Associated Press.

    He named the swan Garip. It means "strange" in the Turkish language but is also used to 9 a person who has had difficulties in their lives. After Garip's broken wing improved, she 10 with Mirzan. Mirzan is not married and has no 11, so the swan is like a child to him. Garip has been living on Mirzan's farm for the past 37 years, 12 Mirzan wherever he goes and never trying to 13 the farm.

    According to the group Swan Sanctuary, in Britain, swans live in the 14 for only about 12 years. But thanks to the 15 environments, Garip can live up to nearly 40 years.

    A . lovely B . different C . smart D . normal
    A . saved B . bought C . caught D . raised
    A . hit B . picked C . touched D . saw
    A . beautiful B . broken C . strong D . annoyed
    A . shouted B . shot C . stopped D . defended
    A . leave B . care C . protect D . observe
    A . nature B . hunting C . animals D . recovery
    A . leaving B . regarding C . thinking D . serving
    A . describe B . help C . introduce D . comfort
    A . played B . performed C . flew D . remained
    A . money B . house C . family D . children
    A . missing B . understanding C . following D . supporting
    A . run away from B . get into C . return to D . get across
    A . lake B . wild C . history D . world
    A . polluted B . quiet C . energetic D . protected


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In 2019, Tu Youyou was selected by the BBC as one of the most influential  (figure) of science in the 20th Century along with Albert Einstein and Alan Mathison Turing. Tu Youyou was noted for her bravery in being a scientist during a difficult time for science in China, her ability to use old (wise) and new methods to achieve her goals and the fact that her work (bridge) the Eastern and Western worlds, (save) millions of lives.

    In 1969, Tu  (choose) to establish a team to find a cure for malaria. This was not an easy task. The reason why this was difficult was that the team had  (limit) resources. They did not have enough staff, and the laboratory they worked had poor air quality. However, after hundreds of failed experiments, they eventually came across a promising chemical. It worked well in experiments on animals, they had to know if it was safe for humans. Tu  (brave) volunteered to be the first human subject when they were ready to start testing and the rest of her team followed her. The test was success. The medicine they discovered, artemisinin, has now become the world's most effective drug for fighting malaria. Many have heard of shark's fin soup.


  • 18. the 18th century, Peking Opera has over two hundred years of history.


  • 19. In 2013, I make my dream come true: I would become Australia's first professional photo blogger.


  • 20. I was hoping to see a bear or even an eagle, but was a small group of deer.


  • 21. Today, as we learn more about sharks, more people than ever want to .


  • 22. with you, when you go shopping.


  • 23. , I can't concentrate on anything. Please help!


  • 24. We all know that and that lying is wrong.


  • 25. 假定你是李华,你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请你写一篇短文参赛,介绍你亲身经历的一件好人好事,内容包括:





