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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Which did the woman take?
    A . Vitamin C. B . Vitamin D. C . Vitamin E.
    (2) What will the woman probably do next?
    A . Listen to the doctor. B . Eat a balanced meal. C . Tell different vitamins apart.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A . At the police station. B . Inside the woman's car. C . On the side of the highway.
    (2) What is the man getting a ticket for now?
    A . Driving too fast. B . Driving without a license. C . Driving too close behind another car.
    (3) How many times has the man been fined?
    A . Twice. B . Six times. C . Seven times.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Why are there tears in the woman's eyes?
    A . She is cutting onions. B . She heard some bad news. C . She wants the man to leave.
    (2) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Mother and son. B . Brother and sister. C . Uncle and niece.
    (3) How does the man feel?
    A . Worried. B . Optimistic. C . Relieved.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What does the man think about the effect of social media?
    A . It's strange. B . It's sad. C . It's worrying.
    (2) How did the man's parents mainly keep in touch with others in their time?
    A . Through the Internet. B . By mail. C . Over the phone.
    (3) Why does the woman check social media on her computer?
    A . Due to her habit. B . To contact friends. C . For her work.
    (4) What does the woman's brother want to do?
    A . Make more friends. B . Delete some social media apps. C . Communicate with his parents through Facebook.


  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) What was wrong with the speaker's friend?
    A . She was seriously ill. B . She lost much money. C . She had a family emergency.
    (2) How did the speaker feel before the trip?
    A . Happy. B . Worried. C . Angry.
    (3) What happened after the speaker was helped?
    A . She made new friends. B . She got her friend to join her. C . She introduced some delicious dishes to the locals.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    15 years ago, Erin Merryn met a kitten who needed a home when she was a college student.

    He jumped into her arms and refused to let her go.

    "I was attached immediately and decided that I would take a risk and try hiding a kitten in my college dorm where animals are obviously not allowed," Erin recalled.

    A week later she was caught and given 48 hours to remove the cat. After several phone calls, Erin was able to find an old lady to take Bailey, the kitten. But Bailey did not get along with his new housemate. As soon as Erin learned that he would be sent away, she immediately offered to take him back. "I plotted for a month to convince my parents to let me keep him." said Erin.

    Six years ago, Erin had Abby, her beautiful daughter. She didn't know what Bailey would think about the new addition when she brought her home from the hospital.

    "But it was love at first sight." Erin said. Bailey stayed by Abby's side, guarding and showering her with love and purrs. As Abby grew, he became her protective brother, watching over her every step of the way. Abby picked up a book one day and tried to read it with Bailey by her side. He became her perfect audience, and the sweet boy was completely attracted by Abby as she told him stories of wonder.

    A video showing Abby reading to Bailey went viral on the Internet in 2018. Numerous people followed Erin on social media platforms.

    Unfortunately, on December 8, 2018, just months after becoming famous, the 14-year old cat passed away from kidney failure.

    A full month after Bailey's passing, Erin still got cards and gifts from caring individuals. It is this love that Erin hopes Bailey's fans hold on to. She wants her furry "first-born" to be remembered as a symbol of compassion that inspires others to treat the world with love.

    (1) Which of the following best describes Erin Merryn?
    A . An able college student. B . A perfect mother. C . A lover of cats. D . An online influencer.
    (2) What do we know about the cat from paragraph 5?
    A . He was appointed to guard the newly born baby. B . He showed Abby much love and affection. C . He shared many interesting stories with Abby. D . He made great progress in reading.
    (3) Who does the underlined word "first-born" in the last paragraph refer to?
    A . Erin Merryn. B . The Old Lady. C . Bailey. D . Abby.
    (4) Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A . No Ordinary Cat. B . A Wonderful World. C . Importance of Protecting Animals. D . Love from Animals.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    It's normal to long for the taste of potato chips or a cheese-covered pizza. Even though they're full of calories, eating them occasionally won't do much harm. However, according to the new numbers, young people are becoming more gluttonous. The BBC's Good Food Nation Survey showed that on average, 16 to 20-year-olds ate fast food at least twice a day in the UK. So what's behind this fast food binge (狂热)?

    WebMD, an online publisher of news and information of human health and well-being, surveyed nearly 600 teenagers and adults in the United States. They found that the most common reason was our busy lifestyle. More than 92.3 percent of respondents said they were too busy to cook. Many find it challenging to balance work and life, and the convenience of fast food meets their needs. Fast food is readily available in corner stores and vending machines (自动售货机). Remember those instant noodle cups from the supermarket? They're ready in minutes, and you can store them at home for a long time.

    But many people think this trend does no good. Sarah Toule, head of health information at World Cancer Research Fund, told the BBC: "It's frightening that people, especially younger generations, are eating so much fast food loaded with fat, sugar and salt, but offers little nutritional value."

    She added, "Especially high in calories, fast food leads to unhealthy weight gain — which in turn increases the risk of 11 cancers later in life."

    So what is the right thing to do? Toule suggested that young people should prepare meals in advance and learn to include the different food groups in their diets.

    (1) What does the underlined phrase "more gluttonous" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A . Greedier. B . Healthier. C . Smarter. D . Lazier.
    (2) What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
    A . People should make a change to their busy lifestyle. B . Fast food helps people balance their work and life. C . Fast food is becoming popular with teenagers and adults. D . Nowadays people have more challenges both in work and life.
    (3) According to Sarah Toule, fast food________.
    A . can't provide enough nutrition for eaters B . will lead to 11 cancers C . can help lose weight D . is easy to prepare ahead of time
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Everyone gets anxious when the world takes an uncertain turn. And often, we treat that anxiety with a little panic buying.

    A study published last year in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people buy things in troubled times as a means of keeping control over their lives. The researchers noted that utility items — specifically, cleaning products — tend to move most quickly from store shelves. The hoarding (囤积) of toilet paper, as perhaps the most fundamental cleaning product, may represent our most fundamental fears. An invisible enemy moves slowly and quietly towards us. We need to hold on to something in uncertain times. Maybe a hoard of toilet paper brings promises.

    The thing is, it's not actually going anywhere. For all the sharp words and even sharper elbows thrown around by the crazy toilet paper shoppers, they seem to be missing one essential fact: There is no toilet paper shortage.

    As The New York Times points out, shop owners that see their shelves emptied often fill up the shelves again in a day, often in just a few hours.

    "You are not using more of it. You are just filling up your closet with it," Jeff Anderson, president of paper product manufacturer Precision Paper Converters, tells the Times.

    The thing is, the toilet paper-obsessed shoppers have been infected with something many times more contagious (感染性的) than any coronavirus: fear.

    "People are social creatures. We look to each other for cues for what is safe and what is dangerous," Steven Taylor, a clinical psychologist at the University of British Columbia, tells Fox News. "And when you see someone in the store panic-buying, that can cause a fear contagion effect. People become anxious ahead of the actual infection. They haven't thought about the bigger picture, like what are the consequences of hoarding toilet paper."

    (1) Why do shoppers have a panic toilet paper buying?
    A . The world is on the turning point. B . It guarantees their victory over coronavirus. C . There is no adequate supply in the store at all. D . It comes as a way of anxiety relief.
    (2) By describing the scene of our defense against an enemy in paragraph 2, the author intends to     .
    A . explain the reasons for a panic toilet paper buying. B . warn us of the danger of an enemy. C . remind us of the threat of any coronavirus. D . teach us the method of handling a problem.
    (3) What is the author's attitude toward the hoarding toilet paper?
    A . Uninterested. B . Negative. C . Supportive. D . Curious.


  • 14. 任务型阅读

    In recent years, more Chinese students have been choosing art school as their first choice when applying for universities overseas, according to the Report on Chinese Students' Overseas Study in 2018. Anyone applying to art school should know that one's portfolio (资历证明材料) is a crucial part of the application process.

    Focus on original, recent work. Admissions officers see so many portfolios on a regular basis, so it's important to make yourself stand out as an individual.Presenting work that you've done within the last one or two years also provides a more relevant and accurate portrayal (描述) of your skills.

    You don't want to spread yourself too thin, but working with a variety of media and different techniques can convey that you are able to express yourself in diverse ways.

    Unless the school requires that only finished work be included in your portfolio, you should include images that reflect the progress of your work.It gives admissions officers insight into the thought that has gone into the work.

    Make sure that your work shows your true talent.Remember never try to make up some merits, which will in turn be a mirror of your dishonesty. However, it is always helpful to look at samples of other art portfolios to see their approach.

    A. Prepare your portfolio in different languages.

    B. Show a wide range of work in your portfolio.

    C. Be proud of what you submit and your own strengths.

    D. Why is a good portfolio important to your successful application?

    E. This may include images from a workbook behind the finished product.

    F. Here are some tips to help you through this process and put your best work out there.

    G. It's more impressive to express your personal opinion rather than copying another's work.


  • 15. 完形填空

    Are there any moments with your family that are carved in your heart forever? A few1ago, my father arranged to send me a mail-order2for my birthday, on December 26th. Although I had a good job in Manhattan, he3I would forget it. I had recently moved from California where my parents still lived in the house I4in.

    He wanted me to have a particular5of fruitcake. Made in Texas, it was famous among fruitcake lovers.6the fruitcake was his way of trying to bless me.7my middle-aged status, I was still his son.

    "It should arrive the first week of 8 ," he said. "As soon as you get it, let me know what you think."

    The first week of December passed with no9of his fruitcake. I was looking forward to10the flavors that transported me to my childhood.

    Then an11call from my mother drove me to fly back to California12. My father was in hospital due to a13surgery. During a three-month stay in hospital, he would always ask about the fruitcake.

    14, the day before my flight back to Manhattan, the fruitcake still had not15. January, February, and March came and went with no fruitcake. He was deeply annoyed about that 16fruitcake.

    Early last December, nearly a year after my father17from a failing heart, I got a18from a staffer at the front desk of my apartment building. “You have a package,” he said. I went19to pick it up. The brown box had a UpsEx (联合快递) label with a return20in Texas.

    A . months B . years C . days D . weeks
    A . wallet B . pizza C . fruitcake D . sweater
    A . feared B . dreamed C . noticed D . found
    A . took off B . broke down C . gave up D . grew up
    A . brand B . color C . size D . price
    A . Making B . Ordering C . Selling D . Cutting
    A . Because of B . Apart from C . Thanks to D . Regardless of
    A . October B . December C . November D . January
    A . service B . sense C . sign D . symbol
    A . changing B . mixing C . forgetting D . tasting
    A . amusing B . enjoyable C . encouraging D . urgent
    A . immediately B . happily C . unwillingly D . secretly
    A . lung B . brain C . heart D . stomach
    A . However B . Therefore C . Besides D . Meanwhile
    A . rotted B . melted C . arrived D . ripened
    A . lost B . broken C . ruined D . eaten
    A . recovered B . died C . benefited D . escaped
    A . poster B . call C . notice D . bill
    A . downtown B . upstairs C . downstairs D . abroad
    A . picture B . ticket C . cheque D . address


  • 16. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Digital devices(设备) have become common in our lives. Today, kids often type with a keyboard instead writing by hand. But a recent study shows that you can learn(well), and possibly remember more, by handwriting your notes.

    "Some schools have become(complete) digital," noted Audrey, who(lead) the study. She measured what's happening in the brain to better understand learning and behaviors. Her study found that(use) a pen or pencil to write notes involves more of the brain than typing on a keyboard. This is because writing needs more complex movements, makes more areas of our brain activate.

    Think about it: you move your handssame way to type each letter on a keyboard. That's different from when we write. Our brain needs(consider) the shape of each letter. And we must control our hands to shape different letters with a pen or pencil, all of which uses and connects more areas of the brain.

    So learning only by typing could be(harm). However, the human brain connects with the world in as many(way) as possible. That's why it's important to learn to write by hand and to type with a keyboard in the meanwhile.


  • 17. 假定你是李华,你所在的城市将举办马拉松赛事,你的英国朋友Tony有意参赛,来信咨询相关事宜。请你给他写封回信,内容包括:








  • 18. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Carter enjoyed riding the school bus home. The ride home gave him some time to relax after a busy day of fifth grade. He usually sat alone and enjoyed that too. With four siblings(兄妹) he didn't get much time alone. Sometimes he sat with his younger brother, Jackson, but Jackson was sick at home today.

    The bus stopped and the tallest boy in his class, Dexter, stepped off followed by his younger brother, Billy. As the bus pulled away, Carter looked back over his shoulder to watch the boys. Dexter was yelling and waving his hands at his little brother. Billy said something Carter could not hear. Dexter yelled, gave his younger brother a hard shove and knocked him to the ground. Billy was on the ground wiping at his eyes, but Dexter walked away.

    Carter turned in his seat, feeling disgusted. He hated seeing little kids get picked on (欺负). The sight of Billy on the ground crying was burned into his memory. He tried to think of something else.

    He thought of the model car he was working on at home, a 1967 Corvette. He started building it over a week ago and just finished putting it together last night. Tonight, as soon as he finished his homework, he could start painting the car. That was his favorite part. He already had the perfect color of blue picked out.

    He hurried off the bus, ran through his yard, and breezed through the kitchen with a quick hello to his mom. She was making spaghetti, which smelled delicious. He ran up the stairs two at a time and rushed into his room.

    "Surprise!" his brother Jackson said, throwing his arms into the air. "What are you doing in my room? I thought you were sick!"

    "I feel better!"

    "What's on your face? Are you bleeding?"

    "No! I'm not bleeding." Jackson wiped at his face. "It's probably just paint. Look! Look what I did!" He pointed at the desk in the corner of Carter's room.






    Paragraph 1:

    Carter looked down at his desk in horror.


    Carter took a deep breath and then unfolded his fist.
