
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



Carter enjoyed riding the school bus home. The ride home gave him some time to relax after a busy day of fifth grade. He usually sat alone and enjoyed that too. With four siblings(兄妹) he didn't get much time alone. Sometimes he sat with his younger brother, Jackson, but Jackson was sick at home today.

The bus stopped and the tallest boy in his class, Dexter, stepped off followed by his younger brother, Billy. As the bus pulled away, Carter looked back over his shoulder to watch the boys. Dexter was yelling and waving his hands at his little brother. Billy said something Carter could not hear. Dexter yelled, gave his younger brother a hard shove and knocked him to the ground. Billy was on the ground wiping at his eyes, but Dexter walked away.

Carter turned in his seat, feeling disgusted. He hated seeing little kids get picked on (欺负). The sight of Billy on the ground crying was burned into his memory. He tried to think of something else.

He thought of the model car he was working on at home, a 1967 Corvette. He started building it over a week ago and just finished putting it together last night. Tonight, as soon as he finished his homework, he could start painting the car. That was his favorite part. He already had the perfect color of blue picked out.

He hurried off the bus, ran through his yard, and breezed through the kitchen with a quick hello to his mom. She was making spaghetti, which smelled delicious. He ran up the stairs two at a time and rushed into his room.

"Surprise!" his brother Jackson said, throwing his arms into the air. "What are you doing in my room? I thought you were sick!"

"I feel better!"

"What's on your face? Are you bleeding?"

"No! I'm not bleeding." Jackson wiped at his face. "It's probably just paint. Look! Look what I did!" He pointed at the desk in the corner of Carter's room.






Paragraph 1:

Carter looked down at his desk in horror.


Carter took a deep breath and then unfolded his fist.


    Last weekend, I went to Mark's new house nearby a forest for a little get-together. After lunch when I was chatting with him and his wife Cody, he asked me, “Hey Thoran, have you ever been to a secret spot?” Before I could even finish saying no, Cody and Mark were already at the door with their jackets on. And the next moment we were heading out into the forest with a camera, a fishing net and a plastic bucket(桶).

    We walked through the forest along a path by a small river. Breathing the fresh air, we three talked and laughed all the way.

    “Hey! What are you guys doing?” Someone suddenly shouted from behind. Mark and Cody's eyes immediately widened, and without a word they started running. I had no choice but to follow them, getting my shoes wet and dirty with mud. We probably ran for about 10 minutes before Mark and Cody slowed down. I stopped to catch my breath and asked, “Who was that?”

    Mark replied, “The most annoying neighbor ever. If he caught up with us, there's no telling what could happen. He is always making fun of us. I dislike him.” We kept walking on for a few more minutes. Then a beautiful lake appeared before our eyes. “Wow! Amazing!” I shouted and could hardly hold back my excitement. The lake was large and the water was deep and blue, looking so peaceful with tall trees around it.






Paragraph 1:

    Looking around, we saw a rubber boat floating by the shore.

Paragraph 2:

    “Help! Help! Help!” I was so frightened and cried for help.


    Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally, there was only one family between us and the ticket counter.

    This family made a big impression on me. There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. You could tell they didn't have a lot of money.

    Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. The children were well-behaved, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, elephants, and other acts they would see that night.

    One could sense they had never been to the circus before. It promised to be a highlight of their young lives. The father and mother were at the head of the pack, standing proud as could be.

    The mother was holding her husband's hand, looking up at him as if to say, "You're my knight in shining armor."

    He was smiling and basking in pride, looking back at her as if to reply, "You got that right."

    The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly responded, "Please let me buy eight children's tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus."

    The ticket lady quoted the price. The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, and his lip began to shake. The father leaned a little closer and asked, "How much did you say?"

    The ticket lady again quoted the price. The man didn't have enough money.

    How was he supposed to turn and tell his eight children that he didn't have enough money to take them to the circus?

    Actually we were not wealthy in any sense. So I understand how the kids would feel. I feel sorry for them.






Paragraph 1

    Seeing what was going on, my dad put his hand in his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground.

Paragraph 2

That day my father and I went to our car and drove home without any tickets.


    Fisherman Salvador was just trying to make a living on the sea with fellow fisherman Cordoba. Two days into the journey, disaster struck, and the two men would begin the greatest challenge of their lives.

    The boat was loaded with tons of provisions, including 70 gallons of gasoline, 16 gallons of water, 50 Ibs of sar - dines for bait(鱼饵). They also had a mobile phone, kept safe in a plastic bag, a GPS, and a two-way radio. The two had never spoken before or worked together, but they liked fishing and both of them seemed to know what they were doing.

    Two days later, the weather was getting worse and worse. Salvador was trying to remain calm, but Cordoba was not prepared. He held on to the rail(围栏) for dear life as the waves crashed around them, vomiting(呕吐)and crying. When the storm finally passed, Salvador noticed that they had drifted far away from land. To make matters worse, the motor had stopped working. Salvador called his boss on the radio, but there was no response. Even worse was the fact that the GPS they has brought with them had stopped working.

    The two men had been at sea for two months. While Salvador had become accustomed to catching and eating the animals available to them, Cordoba's mental health and physical health had begun to decrease. Once he got sick from eating raw seabirds, he refused to eat at all. His own depression, fear and malnutrition(营养不良)finally killed him, leaving Salvador alone on the boat.

    One day, after a terrible storm, Salvador found the sky was suddenly filled with shorebirds. He knew that he was heading for land at last. He must have been close. There, in the distance was a green Pacific atoll(环礁). It looked small and wild, but it was dry land and would likely have food and shelter.






Paragraph 1:

    Salvador struggled until he reached what appeared to be a beach house.

Paragraph 2:

    Salvador was rescued(拯救).


    During lunchtime, Emma suggested going to the zoo to feed the animals and her mom agreed.

    "We'll stop by the bakery and pick some bread up. Now hurry and eat and then we'll go. It's going to be a lovely day. Grandma is coming with us. She'll be here any minute,' mom said.

    Emma ate her lunch and then ran into her room to get her shoes. The problem was that she could only find one of them. She looked under her bed, but all she could see were dirty towels and pants. She moved some of her toys out of the way, but still couldn't find her shoe. After she'd checked everywhere in her room, she ran into the kitchen. "Mom, I can't find my shoe. Will you wait while I look for it?"she asked.

    Her mom thought about how many times she'd told Emma to clean her room up. She whispered something to Emma's grandma and then said to Emma, "You will have to stay home. Your dad and I will take Ryan to the zoo. Grandma will stay here with you."

    "No! Please wait for me. I want to go to the zoo,"Emma cried. "I'm sorry, Emma. I've told you a dozen times to clean your room and you ignored me. You can't find your shoe now. It's your own fault for not doing as I asked. You will stay home."

    Emma ran into her bedroom, crying. Her mom came to the door and said, "Emma, clean that room of yours before I get home. I've told grandma not to give you any sweets until you finish the work." She went out to the car with Ryan and Emma's dad and then they drove away.





Paragraph 1:

    Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time.

Paragraph 2:

    Emma and her grandma were sitting at the table, eating when her mom, dad, and Ryan came home.


I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spent the last three endless hours trying to get to the airport so that I could travel home. Now, as I watched the bus driver set my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my anxiety had only just begun.

This was my first visit alone to the international terminal of the airport, and nothing was familiar. I could not make sense of any of the signs. Where was the check­in counter? Where should I take my luggage? I had no idea where to go, feeling as if I were deaf and blind and stupid. I began to panic. What time was it? Where was my plane? I had to find help because I could not be late!

I tried to ask a passing businessman for help, but my words all came out wrong. He just frowned and walked away. What had happened? I had been in this country for a whole semester, and I could not even remember how to ask for directions. This was awful! Another bus arrived at the terminal, and the passengers came out carrying all sorts of luggage. Here was my chance! I could follow them to the right place, and I would not have to say a word.

I dragged my enormous suitcase behind me and followed the group. We finally reached the elevators. Oh, no! They all fit in it, but there was not enough room for me. I watched in despair as the elevator doors closed. I was abandoned again! I had no idea what to do next. I got on the elevator when it returned and stared at all the buttons. Which one could it be? I pressed button 3, because I thought I saw those passengers pressed 3, though it was no more than a quick glance. The elevator slowly climbed up to the third floor and came to a stop. A high, unpleasant noise announced the opening of the doors, and I looked around shyly.






Paragraph 1:

Tears formed in my eyes as I saw the empty hall and realized that I would miss my plane.

Paragraph 2:

When I turned to thank him for all his help, he was gone.

