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  • 1. 完形填空

    When I look back at the first half of the year. I am amazed by how many challenges I have been through. The biggest one was definitely my high school graduation 1.

    When I first arrived in this Czech Republic four years ago, I was just a normal exchange 2who spoke only English, then at the end of the year-Long exchange program, I came up with the idea of 3my high school studies there.

    At that time, I was only sixteen and delighted by my new future. What I underestimated was the 4of completing school in the Czech language, which is considered to be one of the most 5languages in the world. As I 6 knowledge of certain subjects I receive the worst marks and people around the world doubted whether I could graduate. However, I practiced all the time. Gradually, I could communicate with others fluently and my 7 grew.

    The final exam day came. Thinking about everyone who had helped and supported me along my journey, I felt8and confident.

    In May, I received notice that I had 9the exam. At my graduation ceremony, my Czech teacher said very proudly in front of everyone, "One student, she is from China with merely three years of learning Czech, she 10. She deserves a golden folder for the certification. "

    My journey through high school was finally finished, though the journey of University is just about to begin, I think I am ready.

    A . speech B . exam C . check D . ceremony
    A . teacher B . expert C . engineer D . student
    A . finishing B . quitting C . investigating D . assessing
    A . value B . ability C . challenge D . benefit
    A . beautiful B . difficult C . common D . Popular
    A . lacked B . gained C . increased D . pursued
    A . desire B . fear C . confidence D . burden
    A . bothered B . puzzled C . embraced D . encouraged
    A . passed B . ignored C . avoided D . missed
    A . got away B . broke down C . made it D . count down


  • 2. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Pandas have become one of the symbols of China. They live only on a few high and damp mountains in Southwest China,they feed mainly on bamboo leaves and shoots. Everyone in the world (agree) that they are adorably cute. Their black and white colour(see) as the physical representation of Yin and Yang and how the balance between the two bring harmony and peace.

  • 3. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Cai Zhengjun lost his hearing when he was just in eighteen months old, as a result of a high fever.  (fortunate), his parents loved him and supported him as much as possible. They were determined to see their son equipped with the necessary life (skill) needed to lead a normal life. Cai, however, didn't understand the support they provided. it was after many years that he realized what they were trying to do. Today. Cai's role has changed from a silent observer in life a source of empowerment for his fellow hearing impaired peers.

  • 4. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Thangka is a scroll painting with images. It's made of cloth or paper and can be rolled into a bundle on a scroll, (make) it easy to transport. Thangka (know) as the "Encyclopedia of Tibetan culture", covers a wide range of topics.  the content and themes of Thangka are rich and varied, the main content is the image of Tibetan folk culture and opt day. Undoubtedly thangka is the (good) one of means of ensuring civilian education for nomadic people.


  • 5. 阅读理解

    Explore Nice in France - how car travel makes for a memorable holiday.

    A classic option to explore the celebrated city of France, such as Nice is through hard travel. Cruising through the South of France, there are museums and restaurants to experience. Visiting these attractions is most convenient with a car. As hiring a car in Nice from the airport is simple. One can sit back and drive through the wonderful country lands without a care in the world. The west side has small hills while the east extends to the Mediterranean Sea. Peaceful vineyards, quiet villages at a rich life awaits you if you drive through the countryside.


    The kitchen delights that Nice offers are the cities chief attraction. The Cours Saleya market, offers fine delicacies while sipping the Provencal wine is another soothing experience. Overall, Coted' Azur can be put as the gastronomic capital of France.


    Being along the coastline,Nice offers some really warm and relaxing beaches to its tourists lined with cosy seaside apartments and hotels.

    Tips for Hiring a Car

    Choose a car which can easily accommodate you and your family without being too big-- Traffic can be a major issue in some cities.

    A GPS navigation system aids in traveling without getting lost and also helps in saving time.

    Check with various number of car hire companies for the different prices so that you do not end up with an expensive package. Traveling to France has perhaps been on the wish lists of every travel-hungry person. And you can make your trip even more memorable by traveling through the country in the car.

    (1) What can be learned about Nice from the passage?
    A . It is located far from the sea. B . It has quiet villages and vineyards C . It is no easy way to hire a car in Nice. D . It offers the warmest beach to tourists.
    (2) When hiring a car in France, you are advised to ________.
    A . Choose one as big as possible. B . Ignore the GPS navigation system. C . Pay for your accommodation in advance. D . Check with companies for reasonable prices.
    (3) This passage is intended for________.
    A . drivers B . travelers C . passengers D . tour guides
  • 6. 阅读理解

    The teenage Snowboarder.

    I was born in Denver, USA. and started snowboarding aged eight when my dad took me to a resort in the mountains. About two hours from Denver. The hill looked unbelievably steep and scary. So My dad had to do a lot of persuading to get me on a board. Because I was so young. I hadn't even thought of asking him if I could start snowboarding? But he was already into it and wanted me to love it, too—-He made it look so simple, and in the end I managed just fine.

    After this experience, it wasn't long before I'd developed a love of sport and had improved my ability too. I started competing aged ten. Some people entered loads of competitions and ended up getting bored of snowboarding. But my love of taking part and winning got stronger as I got older, which always help me to push myself harder. I enjoyed not having a fixed plan and sometimes this went well, like when I became the first female ever to get a perfect 100 at a local competition. I wasn't sure I'd even attempted the jumps that got me the score until I actually set off. That achievement increased my trust in my own abilities.

    During the summer I focused on training and my studies while there's no snow. Although I trained daily, it's nice not having to stick to quite a strict diet like I did in the winter. I also got to spend lots of time with my friends then. It's the best way of dealing with not being able to do what I loved so much and what I was really good at.

    Now. I have to think carefully about my future. Snowboarding is such a huge part of my life now. But I also feel it's important to have something else I can do. just in case I don't succeed as a professional snowboarder or I get injured. I'm wondering whether becoming a doctor is a possibility. if my active life allows time for doing a college degree, it's impossible to imagine myself growing tired of the sport. But I can't go on snowboarding my whole life.

    (1) How did the author feel before her first snowboarding down a hill?
    A . pleased B . inspired. C . annoyed D . frightened
    (2) What happened to the author after taking part in competitions?
    A . She lost confidence in her own abilities. B . She developed an interest in snowboarding. C . She planned for every competition carefully. D . She ended up getting bored of snowboarding.
    (3) What can be inferred about the author from the passage?
    A . She got injured in the last competition. . B . She had to be on a strict diet in summer. C . she might work as a doctor in the future. D . she will be a life-long professional Snowboarder.
  • 7. 阅读理解

    Video calls are a common occurrence, but have you imagined being able to touch the person on the other end of the line? Scientists are making this a reality.

    Researchers at the University of new South Wales, Australia have invented a soft skin stretch device (SSD). A haptic device that can recreate the sense of touch. Haptic technology mimics the experience of touch by stimulating localized areas of the skin in ways that are similar to what is felt in the real world, through force, vibration or motion.

    Vibration is the most common haptic technology today and has been built into many electronic devices such as one attached to the back of the trackpad (触摸板) in laptops, which simulates a button clicking. However, haptic feedback with vibration becomes less sensitive when used continuously. The existing technology also has great difficulty recreating the sense of touch with objects in virtual environments or located remotely. According to Mai Thanh Thai, lead author of the study.

    The new technology overcomes issues with existing haptic devices. The research team introduced a novel method to recreate the sense of touch through a soft artificial "muscles".

    "Our three-way directional skin stretch device, built into the fingertips of the wearable glove we also created is like wearing a second skin-- its soft stretchable and mimics the sense of touch-- and will enable new forms of haptic communication to enhance everyday activities" said Thanh Nho Do, senior author of the study.

    Imagine you are at home and you call your friend who is in Australia. You wear a haptic glove with the SSDs, and your friends also wears a glove with integrated 3D force sensors. If your friend picks up an object, it will physically press against your friend's fingers. And their glove with 3D force sensors will measure with interactions. The force signals can be sent to your glove so your device will generate the same 3D forces. Making you experience the same sense of touch as your friend.

    The haptic devices could be applied in various situations, allowing users to feel objects inside a virtual world or at a distance. It could also be used in medical practices. Doctors can feel a patient's organ tissues. With surgical tools without touching them.

    (1) What does the passage imply?
    A . SSDs become less sensitive when used continuously. B . SSDs can recreate the sense of touch without vibration. C . SSDs have great advantages over existing haptic devices. D . SSDs can help users touch the person through video calls.
    (2) Paragraph 6 mainly tells us about. ________
    A . How the device works. B . Why the device is used C . What the device creates D . How the device is invented
    (3) How does the author think of the prospect of SSDs?
    A . hopeless B . uncertain. C . worrying. D . cheerful.
    (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A . A glove that can measure some interactions. B . A sensor that can imitate touch at a distance. C . A device that can recreate the sense of touch. D . A tool could be applied in medical practices.
  • 8. 阅读理解

    The rolling out of 5G services has triggered a wave of competition across the world. More importantly, it has started a race to develop 6G as the telecommunications sector has always been a hotspot for competition.

    Compared with 5G technology, 6G will have lower latency, higher speed and more bandwidth. And this advanced technology will help connect the real world with virtual digital world. It will also make product design R&D(Research and development) and experiments significantly more efficient and greatly reduce their costs while making it possible to produce digital products. In the physical world through high-tech, including 3D printing. The seamless and intelligent connection of the physical and digital worlds will lead to a thorough reconstruction of the division of labor and societal cooperation.

    In terms of economic development, 3G fostered e-commerce while 4G boosted e-commerce and mobile payment. 5G infrastructure building and application marked the beginning of intelligent manufacturing. Similarly, wireless cognition technology associated with 6G technology, once it matures, will further boost the development of the digital economy. In digital economy, intelligence based on big data will become the real force for innovation and 6G networks not only will be highways for transmitting data, but will also much more seamlessly integrate edge and core computing as part of a combined communications. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including access to AI capabilities. Digital economy based on 6G will become the determining factor of the country's competitiveness in the future, and 6G technology with wireless cognition as its major characteristic will become core technology and main driver of the digital economy.

    Starting with 5G our telecom industry, thanks to its extensive R&D input, has taken the lead in standardizing and manufacturing 5G telecom equipment,the competition in 6G will start with the setting of standards, which will determine the level of R&D needed for the launch of the technology and thus decide the market share of the emerging industry . As far as R&D in 5G technology is concerned. We have already enjoyed two advantages. first, it is a global leader in the telecom sector and has a solid reserve of talents. And second, it has a relatively complete industrial chain that covers R&D and design, manufacturing and application. and is home to leading 5G equipment maker. Recent history shows whoever leads the telecom technology sector sets the standards for telecom products and services. and plays a bigger role in the industry's future development . An official research team on 6G including the government. enterprises and research organizations has been established to obtain the advantage of 6G development competition .

    (1) What does the underlined word "triggered" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
    A . Put off. B . Kept off. C . Called off. D . Set off.
    (2) What will the connection of the physical and digital worlds result in?
    A . Complete changes in the way of work and social cooperation. B . Significant reduction in product design cost and work efficiency. C . Perfect replacement of the virtual digital world to the real world. D . Complete disappearance of work and cooperation in the real world.
    (3) In the digital economic development, 6G technology will________
    A . Become core technology and main driver. B . Mark the beginning of intelligent manufacturing. C . Promote the growth of e-commerce in real world. D . Assist the progress of e-commerce and mobile payment.
    (4) Which would be the best title for this passage?
    A . Should we develop 6G in the future? B . If 5G is here, can 6G be far behind? C . Does 6G really have advantages over 5G? D . If developing 6G can we get in a no-win race?


  • 9. 任务型阅读

    Craftsmanship requires a great deal of time, patience and effort.  Traditionally craftsmen develop their skills through apprenticeship to those masters of the craft who came before them. Although we don't often work that way in this day and age. There are few things that we can do to emulate the process.

    Practice everyday design something new, walk through a tutorial work on a personal project. Whatever it takes to getting you working with the tools of your trade each day, the more you do something, the better (and faster) you become at doing it.

    Learn to accept criticism and react appropriately. People have a hard time taking criticism of their work. You put so much effort into a piece. it can be difficult to hear that what you have done is not good enough.  criticism isn't personal, you and your critics have the same goal, a quality product.

    . As I mentioned earlier, this is where all of the difference is made. A true artisan is careful about the details. Take the time to add polish and style to the small things. That can easily go overlooked. Attentiveness to these details raises the quality of our work.

    Design for the future. Items that exhibit the quality of craftsmanship are timeless, They are built well, and built to last.  There are always new features in the software we use. People develop new tools that give us more possibilities. But despite the ever-changing face of this industry, it is possible to do work that has longevity.

    A. Pay attention to the details.

    B. Participate in quality discussion.

    C. Trends and costumes change rapidly.

    D. Building quality reputations is the key to building craftsmanship.

    E. However, nothing will help you improve so much as a critic.

    F. Practice is the most important part of developing the quality of craftsmanship.

    G. So becoming a real artisan requires your continuous development of your craft.

  • 10. 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。

    Today, technological advances are rapidly making it possible to automate much of the work currently carried out by humans. This applies to both blue-collar jobs through robotics and the Internet of things, and white-collar work through artificial intelligence, the wide applicability of these technologies has led to broad concern about the destruction of jobs. Indeed, according to a 2014 Oxford study, 47% of jobs in the US could be replaced. By automated processes in the next two decades.  

    Of course. As many have noted, while technology has always removed the need for some types of jobs, it also creates new ones. Technology is a set of tools that we use in different ways to increase efficiency. The Industrial Revolution destroyed some jobs but created many more. It also increased the total wealth of society and began to create a middle class who could enjoy health, education and other benefits that previously had been available only to the wealthiest. It can be challenging to predict the kinds of jobs that this new revolution will create and in what quantities, which makes the situation seem worse than it actually is. But nine of the top ten most in-demand jobs of 2012 didn't exist in 2003, suggesting that this latest revolution is creating new employment opportunities.

    For many, this picture is overly optimistic. The new jobs require a completely different skills set —you can't turn an assembly plant worker into a data scientist overnight. Others are concerned that we are facing a permanent reduction in the need for human labor. Science fiction has long imagined a future where we no longer have to work and can spend our time on more noble pursuits. Could it be that we are reaching that inflection point in human history, if we are? Neither our social norms nor our economic systems are ready for it. Today, self-worth is inherently tied up with jobs,professions,careers and trades.

    (1) How is white-collar work automated by technology?
    (2) What is technology according to the passage?
    (3) Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.

    It is obviously optimistic to predict the types and quantities of jobs that this new revolution will create. .

    (4) Please briefly present the benefits that technological advances bring to you.  (about 40 words)


  • 11. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jim发来邮件表示对中国农历牛年感兴趣,请你回封邮件给他,内容包括:






    Dear Jim,



    Li Hua
