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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Luxury symbols of China, all-inclusive cruise and Mount Fuji adventure

    From the architectural riches of China to the awe-inspiring beauty of Mount Fuji, discover wonders of the world during this epic adventure, paired with hotel stays in interesting cities and an all-inclusive cruise on board Silver Muse.

    Days 1-3 Beijing—Hotel Stay and Tour

    Discover China's greatest treasures during a fully accompanied tour, wonder at the weaving Great Wall of China, admire the Temple of Heaven and uncover history in the Forbidden City.

    Days 4-5 Xi'an—Hotel Stay and Tour

    Travel by fast train to Xi'an, one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Here you'll visit the Terracotta Army, one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world.

    Day 6 Shanghai—Embark Silver Muse

    Today you'll embark Silver Muse for your cruise to Osaka. Settle into your surroundings and choose from a wealth of dining experiences, personalise your suite to the finest detail— including your choice of perfume, toiletries and pillow—and get to know your personal butler who will keep your fridge stocked with your favourite drinks. Cruising with Silversea is simply impressive.

    Days 7-9 Osaka—Disembark Silver Muse, Tokyo Hotel Stay and Tour

    You'll disembark in Osaka and transfer to the airport for your flight to Tokyo. Japan's capital boasts an incredible combination of both modern and tradition as soaring neon skyscrapers gather next to ancient temples. During your three-night stay you'll embark on a fully accompanied tour of sacred Mount Fuji. Witness its splendid appearance during a ride on the Hakone Ropeway cable car, admire its quietness during a cruise trip across Lake Ashi and experience the speed of the bullet train as it whisks you back to Tokyo.

    Days 10 Tokyo—Fly Home

    (1) Which of the following best describes the hotel service in Shanghai?
    A . Expensive. B . Personalized. C . Amazing. D . Comfortable.
    (2) To experience the mixture of modern and tradition, you'll choose          .
    A . Beijing B . Xi'an C . Shanghai D . Osaka
    (3) How many means of transportation are mentioned in the passage?
    A . 2. B . 3. C . 4. D . 5.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Gorman is the youngest poet in U. S. history. She became the youth poet laureate (获奖者) of Los Angeles at age 16 in 2014 and the first national youth poet laureate three years later. She has recently completed her studies at Harvard University.

    Her mother, Joan Wicks, teaches middle school in Watts. Shuttling among the neighborhoods gave Gorman a window to the world. Her like for poetry dates at least back to the third grade when her teacher read Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine to the class.

    Gorman is a lot better at it now, but still working on her confidence as a public speaker. "Until two or maybe three years ago, I couldn't say the letter 'r'. Even to this day sometimes I struggle with it. I'd want to say 'girls can change the world', but I can not say so many letters in that statement, so I'd say things like 'young women can shape the globe'."

    For Gorman, writing became a cure. "I used writing as a form of self expression to get my word on the page. So the more I recited out loud, the more I was able to teach myself how to pronounce these letters which for so long had been my greatest impediment." Gorman said she also used a song from Miranda's Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway musical Hamilton to help with her speaking. "But I don't look at my disability as a weakness," said Gorman. "It's made me the performer that I am and the storyteller that I strive to be."

    In September, Gorman will release Change Sings, the first of two children's books. The poet says she desires to publish a book "in which kids could see themselves as change-makers in history, rather than just observers".

    (1) What happened to Gorman in 2017?
    A . Winning the U. S. first youth poet laureate. B . Graduating from Harvard University. C . Becoming the youth poet laureate. D . Turning into a public speaker.
    (2) What raised Gorman's interest in poetry?
    A . Her mother's encouragement. B . Ray Bradbury's works. C . Her teacher's effort. D . Miranda's inspiration.
    (3) What does the underlined word "impediment" mean in Paragraph 4?
    A . Barrier. B . Regret. C . Motivation. D . Achievement.
    (4) Which of the following best describes Gorman?
    A . Modest and fortunate. B . Wise and hardworking. C . Determined and optimistic. D . Thoughtful and ambitious.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    It is the stock response to a parent struggling with a crying baby or a bad-tempered teenager: "Treasure every moment because they grow up so fast." Now researchers have found there may be something in the old saying. Watching children grow up really does seem to make time fly. Scientists have found that parents feel time passing more quickly than non-parents.

    The findings could be due to the fact that children change fast. "Over ten years, children go through dramatic changes not only in their physical appearance, but also in their understanding abilities and their status," the researchers said. The results could also be a consequence of parents spending a large amount of their time on their children, they said, even though they found no difference in the time pressures recorded by parents compared with non-parents in the study.

    For the study, published in the journal Timing & Time Perception (感知), the researchers asked 431 people aged from 20 to 59 to fill in a subjective time questionnaire, a tool used by psychologists to measure time perception. They were asked: "How fast did the last ten years pass for you?" An answer of very slowly gave a score of-2; slowly was-I; neither fast nor slow was 0; fast was I and very fast scored 2. So the higher the score, the faster they felt time had passed. The parents had an average score of I. 22, compared with 0. 76 for the non-parents.

    Participants were also asked how quickly the last year, month and week had passed, but there were no differences between the groups for these shorter intervals (间隔). Previous studies have suggested that time also seems to speed up when we get older. Research published in 2019 by Duke University in North Carolina suggests this could be due to physical changes in our bodies, with a slowdown in image processing speeding up our perception of time passing.

    Days that seemed to last forever in our youth were "not due to experiences being much deeper or meaningful", the researcher Adrian Bejan said, "but due to the fact that they were being processed rapidly."

    (1) What probably makes parents feel time passing more quickly than non-parents?
    A . The pressure of raising children. B . Devoting much time to children. C . The slowdown in image processing. D . Noticing children's daily physical growth.
    (2) What can be inferred from the text?
    A . Time seems to speed up for the young. B . Parents responded differently to the old saying. C . Non-parents have deeper experiences. D . The older people are, the higher scores they may get.
    (3) What does the underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refer to?
    A . Experiences. B . Researchers. C . Days. D . Youths.
    (4) What's the best title for the text?
    A . The perception of time passing. B . Teenagers experience dramatic changes. C . Time really flies when you are having children. D . Comparison between parents and non-parents.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe (探测器) conducted its fourth orbital correction on Friday evening, as the spacecraft makes ready for its arrival in orbit around Feb. 10, according to the China National Space Administration.

    The name comes from the long poem Tianwen, meaning Heavenly Questions or Questions to Heaven, written by Qu Yuan, one of the greatest poets of ancient China. In Tianwen, this name conveys the Chinese nation's steady effort in pursuing truth and culture of exploring nature and the universe. CNSA also unveiled (发布) the logo of China's planetary exploration missions, featuring the letter C, signifying China, international cooperation and capacity of entering space.

    Tianwen I has flown for 197 days and more than 465 million kilometers on its journey to the planet. It is now around 184 million km from Earth and I. I million km from Mars. Depending on the two planets' orbits, Mars is between 55 and 400 million km from Earth. Mars probe Tianwen I is seen in its first selfies in space on Oct. 1, 2020. The administration also published a black-and-white picture of Mars taken by Tianwen I, the first snapshot (抓拍的照片) from the Chinese craft.

    Tianwen I, the country's first independent Mars mission, was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province, kicking off the nation's planetary exploration program.

    A successful landing would make China only the second nation to place a spacecraft on the Martian planet. China would also be the first to successfully orbit, land and deploy (部署) a vehicle in the same mission. According to experts, searching for signs of life on Mars will be the first and foremost scientific goal. China is open and inclusive in the development of its space technology not least because it believes that the exploration of outer space should help build a community with a shared future for mankind.

    (1) Why is Qu Yuan's poem mentioned in the text?
    A . To tell the origin of space exploration. B . To describe space exploration vividly. C . To highlight the importance of space exploration. D . To show Chinese continuous struggle in space exploration.
    (2) The main idea of Paragraph 3 is about Tianwen I's________.
    A . function B . development C . operation D . structure
    (3) What is the essential goal of exploring Mars?
    A . To build a common future for man. B . To prove our achievement in space research. C . To discover signs of life on this planet. D . To expand the understanding of the space.
    (4) What can we learn from the text?
    A . Letter C Logo symbolizes creation between countries. B . China was the first nation to land a spacecraft on Mars. C . Tianwen I made its fifth orbital correction around Feb. 10. D . Tianwen I started a new chapter in Chinese planetary exploration.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    What is niksen? In Dutch, "niksen" literally means "to do nothing". Niksen used to have negative associations of laziness. The world today is more connected and faster. Niksen is allowing ourselves to take time out and consciously switch off, without feeling guilty.

    It enables you to prioritise (优先) yourself and what you need. Often we think we're busy, but who can't take a half-hour break? Niksen brings the same benefits as mindfulness in terms of mental health, sleep, creativity and enhanced focus. It helps the body and brain recover.

    Describe some easy ways people can embrace doing nothing?

    It might feel awkward at first. Do a relaxation exercise and let your mind wander. There's a Dutch verb, uitwaaien, to "go out in the wind". Go out and watch clouds — lie on your back and make up stories. People-watch. Indoors, choose a nice space and make it your own — make it comfortable, add some flowers, sit by the window and watch the day go by.

    How can people ensure that niksen becomes a regular and fulfilling part of their life?

    It should be a mindset. Schedule time and give yourself permission to do nothing. Start small — five minutes, ten, half an hour a day, up to a few hours at the weekend. Repeat to yourself, "It's a good thing to do nothing," and practise saying, "no, another time," when you're busy and somebody asks for your help.

    A. It refreshes the mind.

    B. How can niksen help people?

    C. How did you become an expert in it?

    D. Do one thing a day for the purpose of it.

    E. I write about mindfulness and psychology.

    F. But it's been reinterpreted as a positive practice.

    G. Single-focus crafts such as knitting or sewing can be a helpful first step.


  • 6. 完形填空

    After 49 years on the job, Marge Moore still mops and sweeps her bus every day and washes it on weekends. Every winter is a1for Moore, just because she needs to2her kids on time. Besides, she has to drag her blow-dryer to3 the transmission (变速器) when4 cold.

    Even with vacations, Moore still gets 5 to work as a bus driver for Virginia Beach public schools. She's seeing some6students grow up and have kids, whom Moore also took to school.

    "Moore's absolutely7. There's a reason she hasn't8 a day," people said," she's just 9by her love for kids." She is earning a little 10as her term of service inches closer to the half-century mark.

    The COVID-19 has seriously interrupted her school11. When learning is virtual, Moore works to deliver food to 50 families, who wouldn't12 have it. Her consistency is13, and she was nominated (提名) for the " Recognizing Inspirational School Employees Award". The14 will be announced in the spring.

    Moore isn't sure when she'll quit. "If I didn't 15it, I wouldn't be doing it," she said.

    A . change B . challenge C . break D . delight
    A . pick up B . look after C . wait for D . send off
    A . clean B . repair C . preserve D . unfreeze
    A . slightly B . averagely C . particularly D . temporarily
    A . curious B . confident C . stressed D . excited
    A . excellent B . former C . familiar D . different
    A . remarkable B . knowledgeable C . ambitious D . courageous
    A . forgot B . delayed C . wasted D . missed
    A . touched B . driven C . awoken D . influenced
    A . progress B . pride C . recognition D . profit
    A . management B . business C . routine D . life
    A . otherwise B . still C . therefore D . somehow
    A . expected B . understood C . appreciated D . tested
    A . applicant B . winner C . judge D . voter
    A . accept B . face C . stand D . enjoy


  • 7. 语法填空

    With more than 2,000 colored sculptures and 45, 000 square meters of murals, Mogao Grottoes continue(attract) people throughout the world. Recently, the Dunhuang Academy and Tencent (team) up to launch a series of cartoons about the grottoes to help people better understand the cultural relics.

    The cartoons adapted from the murals stories consist five parts, each running less than five minutes. Visitors can watch them on mini-program on the social media platform WeChat. With this (create) idea, Dunhuang culture is not (complete) mysterious any more. In addition to the popular cartoon series, some other cultural productions (list) in the Yunyou Dunhuang program also include a VR cave exploration and an interactive game of coloring murals.

    These (activity) will let more common people, especially young people, get involved in the interaction and development of the traditional culture, will be given sustainable vitality. Dunhuang will always offer great (please) to people around the world.


  • 8. 假定你是学生会主席李华,漳州艺术团将到你校为国际交换生举办木偶戏表演活动,请你拟一个书面通知,内容包括:


    2)活动时间、 地点;





    参考词汇:艺术团 art group; 木偶戏表演 puppet show



    The Students' Union


  • 9. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I was 11 years old when I asked my mom for a piano and piano lessons. Even I myself didn't know how to stop the fever growing from my whole heart and soul. What interested me most was the fantastic feeling of standing in the spotlight and being admired by tens of thousands of music fans.

    But we were affected by the economic decline. In fact, we could barely make ends meet at that time and even couldn't afford to buy our favorite cheese cakes. So she said a polite "no".

    That didn't stop me. I Googled the measurements for a keyboard, drew the keys on a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would click notes (音符) on an online keyboard and "play" them back on my paper one—keeping the sound they made on the computer in my head. I spent six months playing without touching a real piano. I was occupied by the thought of playing a real piano. The desire was so strong that I could hardly control my passion.

    Once my mom saw that I was serious, she borrowed money and bought me 10 lessons. I still remember the first one. I was struck by how real the sound of the piano was. The sound was so pure and inviting that nobody could drag me away from the magic musical instrument. I held it dear. My mother stood in front of it, listening attentively to my playing with tears in her eyes. I sat my grade one after eight lessons. Once I started secondary school, we couldn't afford lessons again. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing only on my piece of paper.

    My school didn't offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young musicians. The tryouts were difficult. Some of the questions involved an evaluation of the composer or when some piece was written. I felt depressed. Would I step back? I said to myself a polite "no".




    Paragraph 1:

    One evening, my mom said she had a surprise for me.

    Paragraph 2:

    Two years later, I left Purcell School.
