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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Located beside Lake Geneva, the Olympic Museum houses more than 10,000 artificial objects and hours of interactive contents highlighting some of the best moments during the Olympics. Here are some of the museum's most moving moments.

    The Olympic Park

    The journey through the Olympic Museum begins in the Olympic Park, an 8,000-square-meter outdoor area in front of the museum overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps. The park contains artwork and sculptures that show respect to the world of sport.

    The first Olympic symbol

    The "Olympic Rings" flag was designed by Coubertin in 1913. The rings represent the five continents that participate in the Olympics: Africa, Asia, America, Australia and Europe. The six colors include at least one color that is represented on the flag of every country. 

    The stadiums

    The stadiums that host the Olympic Games are as much of a celebration of design as the games are a celebration of sportsmanship. Guests can explore plans and models of Olympic stadiums' past and present, including one of the games' most attractive stadiums, the Bird's Nest from Beijing 2008 Olympics.

    The Olympic medals

    Have you ever wondered what an Olympic medal looks like? The Olympic Museum has a room that houses every bronze, silver, and gold medal from every Olympic Games dating back to the first modern Olympics of 1896. Each medal design is a unique representation of the year and location in which the games were held.

    (1) Which moment do you see first when exploring the Olympic Museum?
    A . The Olympic Park. B . The first Olympic symbol. C . The stadiums. D . The Olympic medals.
    (2) What do you know from The first Olympic symbol?
    A . The first modern Olympics took place in Greece. B . There are six colors on the flag of every country. C . Australia used to be the largest continent on earth. D . The "Olympic Rings" flag was created in 1913.
    (3) What can you do in the section of The stadiums?
    A . Admire the view of Lake Geneva. B . Meet some famous designers. C . Enjoy the model of the Bird's Nest. D . Talk with guests of honour.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Online education has grown fast over the past ten years. The explosion of technology has made teaching outside the traditional classroom possible for teachers and has provided learners with easy access to course materials. Its attractiveness, benefits, and challenges are addressed.

    In April, 2005, I was approached by a student who was interested in our doctoral program. However, the first question out of her mouth was, "Do you offer any online courses?" Later that day, as I was reading the conference program guide trying for interesting presentations, I noticed many workshops on web-based learning and online education. I later attended two of those workshops and met several professors from different universities who had either taught online courses for quite some time or who were discovering the best practice for teaching online. These experiences helped me realize at least to some extent the degree of growth in online education.

    My responsibilities for the term included gaining more understanding of online education. Consequently, I made several attempts to enrich my knowledge of distance learning and online teaching. I consulted with my colleagues who were teaching online courses. This helped me recognize the importance of getting materials prepared even before the start of a term. I also learned that online courses may consume more time than regular classroom teaching. And I attended several workshops regarding online education and established a network with those who were involved in online programs at other universities. I will consider these people as my consultants as I begin to design my own online course. Also, I conducted a brief survey with 15 students and two faculty members who had taken or taught an online course before to understand their experience. Eventually I completed a literature review which gave me the foundation and the background of understanding the need for online education.

    (1) What benefits the development of online education?
    A . Teachers' good teaching ability. B . Lack of traditional classrooms. C . Learners' access to free courses. D . The rapid advance of technology.
    (2) Why did the author take a student for example?
    A . To show students' love for the doctoral program. B . To persuade learners of traditional education. C . To explain the growing trend of online education. D . To predict the future of the teaching career.
    (3) What caused the author to know more about online education?
    A . The appetite for knowledge. B . The professional responsibilities. C . The requirement of research. D . The colleagues' encouragement.
    (4) What is the author's attitude to online education?
    A . Carefree. B . Doubtful. C . Supportive. D . Unwilling.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Mental health and happiness are important to student success in higher education but rarely get the attention they need. Colleges and universities in the United States have been seeing increases in mental illness among students for decades. Promoting student mental health and emotional happiness on campus requires more than a well-functioning counseling center. It calls for a campus-wide commitment action plan.

    American undergraduate students have been reporting increasing rates of anxiety, depression and substance use for decades. In the 2018–2019 Healthy Minds Study (HMS) survey, 40% of about 300,000 students at some 300 colleges and universities reported experiencing a mental health problem, and 60% said they were having difficulty accessing mental health care on campus or in the community. Other studies estimate that the dropout rate for U.S. undergraduate students with mental health problems is over 40%, and that the popularity of mental health problems among graduate students is six times that of the general population.

    Most academic institutions provide some mental health services, often through a counseling center. But no matter how good that center is, it alone cannot solve the problems. An important early step is for each institution to assess the extent of the crisis on its campus and whether there are enough treatment services either at the institution or in the local community. Another important question is whether there are elements of the institution's own environment or culture that contribute to the problems that students are experiencing, like unreasonable workloads or deadlines for assignments.

    Every college and university should carry out a comprehensive action plan to achieve this goal. This may require additional resources during a trying time for institutional budgets. But supporting the whole student is so important that financial priorities should be rearranged.

    (1) What happens to undergraduate students in America?
    A . They pay little attention to higher education. B . Increasing students suffer from mental illness. C . They are lacking in a sense of happiness. D . They lose confidence in the future careers.
    (2) What are the statistics in paragraph 2 about?
    A . Terrible dropout rates. B . Decreasing general population. C . Emotional happiness. D . Mentally healthy problems.
    (3) What is the key solution to fixing the problems?
    A . Analyzing the present situation. B . Opening more counseling centers. C . Offering free mental health services. D . Reducing unreasonable workloads.
    (4) How can we put a comprehensive action plan into practice?
    A . By giving some useful advice. B . By offering financial support. C . By turning to the government. D . By getting enough trying time.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Becoming a parent brings out the best in many animals. Although parenting is usually left to the females, males from many species go above and beyond to care for the offspring. Take anemone fish (海葵鱼) for example. In finding Nemo, Marlin swims over 1,000 miles from the Great Barrier Reef to Sydney to rescue his son Nemo, who has been caught by divers. In reality, anemone fish rarely move so far away from their home.

    Despite their smaller size, the males help the females defend the nest, but only the male anemone fish take care of it. They use their fins as fans to provide a constant flow of oxygen and keep the surroundings clean. They also put a lot of effort in building the nest.

    The eggs take about five days to hatch. During this important period, dads fan them to provide oxygen and remove the rubbish. They also pick up the eggs in their mouths and move them around to remove any bacteria. One of the biggest threats comes from female sticklebacks (刺鱼), who form organized groups and attack the nests to eat all the eggs.

    Males defend the newborn fish and bring back the ones who move too far from the nest. Once the fish grow up, they become a little bit more independent and start to swim away. The dad swims after them, picks them up in his mouth, and spits them back into his nest. Eventually, he gets to the point where he can't keep track of them and that's when they separate.

    Doting (溺爱的) fathers are not restricted to the world of fish. In some poison frog species, the dads also warn the moms when the young ones are hungry and need to be fed. It's generally believed that moms are the caregivers. In fish and frogs, it's actually more common for the dads to provide care.

    (1) What does the underlined word "offspring" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
    A . Children. B . Relatives. C . Friends. D . Colleagues.
    (2) What can we infer about male anemone fish?
    A . They take full responsibility for building the nest. B . They are much larger than female anemone fish. C . They are actually extremely excellent fathers. D . They frequently make attacks on other fishes.
    (3) What does it mean when the dad can't track its young fish?
    A . The dad can't tend to the young fish. B . The young fish are already independent. C . The living environment is worse. D . The dad is in a state of aging.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . The Model Father in the Animal Kingdom B . The New Role of the Male Anemone Fish C . The Really Caring Caregivers in Life D . A Strange Phenomenon in Nature


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    How to Make a Classroom Management Plan

    Students need to feel comfortable and safe in order to learn effectively. As an educator, you need to manage your classroom in such a way that you create this sort of environment. A classroom management plan is a strategy you create and carry out.  It can help you deal with negative behaviors as well.

     Many classroom management plans begin with the teacher's philosophy of motivation. Basically, it lays out what you believe about education and how students should learn. You can talk about the environment you want to create and how you plan to create that environment, both physically and emotionally.

    Set the tone on the first day of class. Start building relationships with your students by being friendly and getting to know each other.  So they know in advance how you expect them to behave.

     Get your students' parents on board by laying out your basic rules. You can also tell them about the systems of rewards and consequences. That way, parents know what to expect throughout the year.

    Set the example. For instance, show you are respectful of each student's ideas. It will let them know they can trust you.

    Be consistent. Probably the most important part of any classroom management plan is being consistent with how you carry it out. That means enforcing(执行)rules even when you don't want to, as kids will come to understand that you mean what you say in the classroom.

    A. Determine your philosophy.

    B. Understand each child's motivation.

    C. Create a form letter for consequences.

    D. Write a letter about the plan to send home.

    E. Share the rules, rewards, and consequences.

    F. It is important that you follow the classroom rules, too.

    G. It can help you get and maintain control of the classroom.


  • 6. 完形填空

    "One Person Can Make a Difference" is one of those sayings that we teach youngsters. It is to 1 them to do something kind or 2 another person.

    As adults, do we really believe this? Or is it a lesson just for 3 people? I am writing to tell you that 4 "one person can". Because one day one person did an act of 5 that changed my life and the lives of millions more.

    Almost 15 years ago while driving across town, I was listening to a 6 interview and heard a story of selflessness and 7 that was inspiring. A woman had 8 ten winter coats through the Thanksgiving weekend crowds to 9 them at the One Warm Coat drive. She knew the city had many 10 people and families in need and that her 11 could make a difference between 12 and comfort for ten people that winter.

    She was only one person, yet it was her 13 that made me realize that there would always be a need for 14 coats and that more people would be able to donate if there were more drop-off

    15. Now, nearly 15 years later, One Warm Coat has 16 the donation of over 4 million coats across the country. As the National Founder, my heart is full and 17, knowing that we make a real 18 in the lives of thousands.

    So when you 19 to donate your time or give an item, perhaps you wonder "will it really 20 ?" I can tell you that it will!

    A . force B . encourage C . order D . allow
    A . save B . call C . greet D . help
    A . young B . elderly C . friendly D . generous
    A . hardly B . partly C . actually D . slightly
    A . kindness B . forgiveness C . acceptance D . permission
    A . job B . television C . radio D . newspaper
    A . argument B . commitment C . competition D . cooperation
    A . carried in B . turned over C . threw out D . put away
    A . borrow B . donate C . wear D . change
    A . demanding B . caring C . ambitious D . homeless
    A . experiences B . stories C . coats D . abilities
    A . convenience B . cold C . entertainment D . love
    A . action B . family C . determination D . idea
    A . casual B . formal C . better D . more
    A . schools B . locations C . hospitals D . banks
    A . advertised B . delayed C . inspired D . refused
    A . healthy B . heavy C . strong D . warm
    A . decision B . mistake C . promise D . difference
    A . agree B . decide C . offer D . regret
    A . matter B . succeed C . happen D . disappear


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Jiuzhang's quantum computing system can calculate 100 trillion times faster  the world's fastest existing supercomputer.

    A research team including the famous Chinese quantum physicist Pan Jianwei (announce) on December 4, 2020 a vital breakthrough, achieving a quantum computational advantage.

    This (achieve) marks that China has reached the first great breakthrough on the path to full-scale quantum computing—a quantum computational advantage, also known "quantum supremacy".

    No traditional computer can perform the same task in reasonable amount of time, and the speedup is unlikely to  (remove) by classical hardware improvements, according to the team.

    In the study, GBS was used to provide a (high) efficient way of demonstrating quantum computational speedup in solving some tasks.

    The team also said the new model processes about 10 billion times as fast as the 53-qubit quantum computer developed by Google and that the breakthrough (be) the result of 20 years of effort, which has overcome several major technological blocks.

     (compare) with conventional computers, Jiuzhang is currently just a "champion in one single area," but (it) super-computing capacity has application potential in areas such as graph theory, machine learning and quantum chemistry, according to the team.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    My grandparents live in country and are both more than 80 years old. Therefore, they are full of energy. Every summer holiday, my parents and I go here to drop in on them. My grandmother provides me with many tasty snack and my grandfather tells me many interested stories about the new countryside. Meanwhile, I talked with my grandparents about my study and that I have seen and heard. In this case, we both feel time flies like an arrow. Of course, we really have a happily time together. So I'm expecting to the coming summer holiday.


  • 9. 你校学生会正在组织“劳动之星”评比活动。请你用英文写一封自荐信,积极参加评比,内容包括:





