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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Crackle is a website that lets you stream free movies and watch free TV shows on your computer, phone, and tablet. Although you'll need to sit through a few commercial breaks during the movies and shows, an awesome selection of programming, as well as a decent video quality, will have you coming back again and again.

    View Crackle's Free Movies

    Movies at Crackle are organized into types to help you find thrillers, comedies, action movies, Crackle original movies, dramas, crime movies, horror films, and more. You can sort the free movies alphabetically or by recently added so you can check back as often as you want to see what they've been including in their free selection.

    Crackle regularly has around 100 free, full-length movies that you watch any time you want. New movies are constantly being added and retired from Crackle, so you'll always find something new to watch.

    View Crackle's Free TV Shows

    Like the movies section, the TV shows you can find here include many types of programs and original Crackle series that you can't find anywhere else. Crackle keeps videos during a particular time and then removes them. This means if you watch part of a movie one day, it's quite possible that it could be gone the next before you can finish it.

    How to Stream Crackle Movies & TV Shows

    Crackle works on lots of devices. You can follow the links above to see the movies and TV shows on your computer, but there's also a Crackle movie app so that you can stream the videos on your phone or tablet. You can download the Crackle mobile app on iOS devices, Android phones and tablets, and other devices.

    (1) What can be learned about Crackle from the first paragraph?
    A . It inserts several advertisements during films. B . It attracts more viewers due to its web design. C . It charges viewers fees to enjoy all its programs. D . It requires viewers to download programs to watch.
    (2) What characteristic do Crackle's Free Movies and TV Shows share?
    A . They are all produced by Crackle. B . They are classified by time. C . They are easy to find and appreciate. D . They are kept on Crackle all the time.
    (3) What type of writing is the text?
    A . An announcement. B . An advertisement. C . An art works review. D . An official report.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Vietnam launched preparations for the Lunar New Year with a fish release on Thursday. The tradition involves releasing fish called carp into rivers and lakes in the country a week before the holiday known as Tet officially begins.

    The tradition comes from an ancient story of three "Kitchen Gods". The three, two males and a female, take a ride on the brightly colored carp at the end of the year. They go to Heaven to meet with the Jade Emperor, the God who rules there. The Kitchen Gods report news about the families they represent to ask for the emperor's care and protection. Their efforts help to keep the kitchen fires burning, and families happy and healthy.

    Vietnamese believe the fish release brings good luck to their families. As the gods go to Heaven, families clean their houses in preparation to celebrate Tet. A clean house, Vietnamese believe, will bring luck in the new year. On Lunar New Year's Eve, the gods will return to earth and their duties in the kitchen of the house.

    Releasing the fish makes me feel better about myself," said Nguyen Hong Nhung of Hanoi. "It's like I've done a good deed, so I'll be luckier in the new year.

    Thursday's event, which takes place across Vietnam, was more restrained than in years past because of COVID - 19. It is spreading in several northern areas of the country. "Vietnamese will still follow the tradition of releasing the fish, but COVID-19 has made people keep a safe distance", said Tran Van Toi as he released carp from a plastic bag at Hanoi's West Lake.

    The Lunar New Year is also celebrated in China, Korea, Laos and other Asian countries.

    (1) Why do Vietnamese set free carp at the Lunar New Year?
    A . To honor the Jade Emperor. B . To follow official rules. C . To bring good fortune. D . To protect wildlife.
    (2) What does the underlined word "restrained" in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A . Canceled. B . Postponed. C . Forbidden. D . Restricted.
    (3) What's the text mainly about?
    A . A tradition in Vietnam. B . The Kitchen Gods. C . A festival in Asian countries. D . The fish called carp.
    (4) Which section of a newspaper is the text probably taken from?
    A . Opinion. B . Culture. C . Business. D . Lifestyle.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    One December night, a long, long time ago, a family sat around the fireplace in their home. This family had found happiness in the worst place in all of New England. This family was never lonely. They enjoyed each other's company, and often had visitors. The family offered every traveler who stopped at their home a kindness that money could not buy.

    On that December evening, someone knocked at their door. The oldest girl opened the door and found a young man standing in the dark.

    The old grandmother put a chair near the fireplace for him. The oldest daughter gave him a warm, shy smile. And the baby held up its little arms to him. "This fire is just what I needed," the young man said. The wind has been blowing in my face for the last two hours.

    When the father took the young man's travel bag, he said he was going to Vermont when he saw the light in the window. He decided to stop to sit and enjoy their fire and company for a while.

    As the young man took his place by the fire, something like heavy footsteps was heard outside. It sounded as if someone was running down the side of the mountain, taking enormous steps. The father looked out one of the windows.

    "That old mountain has thrown another stone at us again. He must have been afraid we would forget him. He sometimes shakes his head and makes us think he will come down on top of us," the father explained to the young man. "But we are old neighbors," he smiled. "And we manage to get along together pretty well. Besides, I have made a safe hiding place outside to protect us in case a slide brings the mountain down on our heads. "

    As the father spoke, the mother prepared a hot meal for their guest. While he ate, he talked freely to the family, as if it were his own. This young man did not trust people easily. Yet on this evening, something made him share his deepest secret with these simple mountain people.

    (1) What do we know about the family?
    A . They love each other and kind to others. B . They live a rich life in a comfortable place. C . They often ask travelers to visit their home. D . They live in harmony with other villagers.
    (2) Why did the young man drop in on the family?
    A . He lost his way because of the bad weather. B . He wanted to keep warm for a moment. C . He tried to get rid of a man following him. D . He was invited by the family in advance.
    (3) Which word best describes the father?
    A . Learned. B . Talented. C . Ambitious. D . Optimistic.
    (4) What would be probably talked about next?
    A . The family's history. B . The father's secret. C . The young man's story. D . Mountain people's life.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    The American space agency's Mars explorer, Perseverance, landed successfully on the Red Planet Thursday after a seven-month trip. The six-wheeled explorer, or rover, is on a NASA mission to collect Martian soil and rocks as part of the search for signs of ancient life. It took 11-and - one -half minutes for the confirmation signal to reach Earth. Moments later, controllers received the rover's first pictures of Mars.

    Perseverance landed in an area of Mars called Jezero Crater, which contains a large ancient lakebed. NASA considers the area a promising place to find possible signs of microbial life (微生物). Scientists believe if life ever existed on Mars, it would have been present 3 to 4 billion years ago, when water flowed on the planet. However, rough ground around Jezero Crater presented possible landing dangers for the Perseverance spacecraft.

    Perseverance is NASA's fifth rover to explore Mars. The first, named Sojourner, was sent in 1997. Then came Spirit and Opportunity, which landed in 2004. The fourth rover, Curiosity, has been exploring the planet since 2012. Those missions all resulted in valuable information about the Red Planet. NASA says Perseverance "aims to take the next step" in searching for signs of ancient microbial life.

    It is NASA's largest, heaviest and most technology - loaded vehicle ever sent to Mars. It has 19 cameras, two microphones and a two- meter- long robotic arm. A machine connected to the arm will dig into the ground to gather rock and soil. The rover is equipped with X-ray and imaging systems to study Martian chemistry and to identify possible organic compounds (化合物). Perseverance is also carrying a small experimental flyer called Ingenuity. NASA says the 1. 8 kilogram vehicle will attempt its first flight in the coming months. NASA officials hope it will be the first vehicle to fly on a planet other than Earth.

    (1) What's the ultimate purpose of sending Perseverance to Mars?
    A . To collect soil and rocks. B . To do researches into Martian lakebed. C . To test the largest rover. D . To look for signs of ancient Martian life.
    (2) Why did NASA choose Jezero Crater to land Perseverance?
    A . It's the closest place to the Earth. B . It's an ideal place for its study. C . It's a place with flowing water. D . It's a landing area with no dangers.
    (3) What's special about Perseverance?
    A . It's equipped with cameras and microphones. B . It's the first spacecraft to collect soil and rocks. C . It's loaded with a flying vehicle to be tested out. D . It's to be connected to Curiosity still working there.
    (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . NASA Explorer Successfully Lands on Mars B . NASA Exploration on Mars Comes to an End C . The Development of Space Exploration D . The Mission of a New Spacecraft


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    When we are learning a new language, carrying on a conversation can be difficult. It is even harder when there is the added pressure of doing a job well using the new language. One of our readers, Emre, works at a job that requires him to talk with customers in English. He recently asked for advice on how he can improve his listening skills.


    The first strategy is to predict what you will hear. Maybe your customers sometimes say they have problems with placing an order on your website.What words do they often use in that kind of conversation? For example, customers may often use the word "order".


    The next strategy is to prepare a list of those words and listen for them when a customer begins talking with you. The next time you are listening to a customer, pay attention to the key words that help you understand their question.


    Next, think about what you can say to the customer to let them know you need a little help understanding them. You can let the customer know you are an English learner.

     At the beginning of the conversation, you can ask, "Would you please speak more slowly?" The other kind of question is one I call, "asking to clarify." Remember, you predicted some of the words your customers may use. You should listen closely for those words. When you hear one, you can ask the customer a short question to be sure. "Did you say you want to order?"


    You can prepare your answers to customers' questions and rehearse them in your free time. You can practice saying them out loud to yourself.

    A. I call this "focusing when you listen".

    B. There are two questions you can ask.

    C. You can list some common questions.

    D. Here are four strategies for you to consider.

    E. Customers are advised to concentrate on the key words.

    F. You may want to keep a notebook with your usual answers.

    G. You can think about the ways they usually ask about that problem.


  • 6. 完形填空

    My father, a laborer, didn't let me attend school initially. I was always1of my younger brother when he set off to school each day. One day I followed him and2under the teacher's desk. She noticed me, called my father and told him that he should put me in school. To my great 3, my father said yes.

    I had a passion for learning. I quickly 4 to the top of my class. But I was treated 5 by classmates who saw me as a child of the slums (贫民窟). I also suffered from 6 during biology labs because I was very7due to malnutrition (营养不良), and had to stand on a chair to see into the microscope.

    When I graduated from high school, I wanted to become an engineer, but my father said I should study food science instead. I registered for a food science program 8 . However, I quickly discovered that food science wasn't so 9 after all. It was a real science. Soon enough, I showed great 10 .

    In the years that followed, I received a Ph. D. in food engineering and was 11 to a position in a university. I worked with a company that wanted to 12 malnutrition in India's slums. I grew up in the slums, so I made efforts to13more nutrition into the diet of the poor people. I 14 with locally grown grains and achieved great success. My work has won numerous international 15, and companies and government agencies have all 16 my expertise.

    In my life, I've faced hunger and 17 . But I didn't let them hold me back. I18the barriers and learned lessons from them that helped drive me forward. I hope others can take 19from my story and realize that-despite the 20 they may meet with-they, too, can persevere.

    A . ashamed B . fond C . envious D . guilty
    A . rested B . wandered C . appeared D . hid
    A . relief B . regret C . delight D . annoyance
    A . turned B . shot C . walked D . pulled
    A . poorly B . politely C . calmly D . seriously
    A . poverty B . sorrow C . misunderstanding D . embarrassment
    A . short B . young C . thin D . weak
    A . as well B . so far C . instead D . anyway
    A . difficult B . perfect C . bad D . novel
    A . enthusiasm B . courage C . generosity D . mercy
    A . exposed B . appointed C . attracted D . showed
    A . spread B . tackle C . discover D . promote
    A . change B . talk C . divide D . introduce
    A . experimented B . traded C . compared D . connected
    A . bonuses B . rewards C . awards D . scholarships
    A . examined B . sought C . updated D . questioned
    A . quarrels B . dangers C . criticism D . discrimination
    A . put away B . set up C . kept off D . pushed through
    A . inspiration B . pleasure C . notes D . measures
    A . complaints B . reactions C . challenges D . priorities


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Beijing will carry out measures to help bridgehas become a digital divide for many older people to make sure they share in the benefits of a smart society. Given that technology brings (convenient) to society in many ways and has become widespread, such as the use of scanned codes for payment, entrance to buildings and registration , seniors who are not tech-savvy(精通科技) face (grow) difficulty in daily life.

    Li Xiaoli, 63-year-old Beijing resident, said she once waited for 40 minutes along a street trying to hail(招呼) a cab but none ( stop) for her. She didn't know how to use those car-hailing apps. Public venues are increasingly using online reservation systems, (especial) since the start of COVID-19, which presents a barrier to health, cultural and leisure facilities for the older population.

    (help) solve difficulties facing those seniors, the Beijing city government will carry out 52 specific measures this year. An additional 37 measures(take) in 2022.

    "Smart technology should serve them, instead of blocking thema happier life," said a volunteer. He is helping to teach seniors to use smartphones and become more familiar with the internet and related services. "They need unhurried and patient ( explain). That's the way to bring them to where they can enjoy these benefits, too. There is no shortcut for caring," he said.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Here come the summer holiday. I'm pleasing to make a plan for the coming days. Since I am a third -year senior high school student this term, many of my time is spent on study. I try to finish all the homework which is required by my teachers. I'd like to have a trip with my friends to visit several scenic spot and appreciate the beauty of nature. The trip can broaden our horizons and relax them after the tough exam. In the addition, I will do sports as usual such as playing table tennis, which is beneficial from my health. I convinced I'll have a meaning holiday.


  • 9. 为了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请你写一篇短文参赛,简介 “脱贫致富”给你家乡带来的变化。



    参考词汇:脱贫致富poverty alleviation
