
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:226 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 1. —Mary's English book is lost.

    —There's one on the teacher's desk. Is it________________?

    A . mine B . hers C . yours D . his
  • 2. —Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here?

    —Oh, of course. Just walk across the _________over the river. You will see one soon.

    A . tower B . museum C . building D . bridge
  • 3. —Are you interested in shopping online?

    —Not so much. We __________ only see pictures of the products.

    A . should B . can C . must D . need
  • 4. —Hurry up! There are lots of black clouds in the sky. I'm afraid it _______________.

    —OK. I'm coming.

    A . rains B . rained C . is going to rain D . was raining
  • 5. —You are relaxing yourself here?

    —Yes, it feels ___________to lie on the beach.

    A . thirsty B . boring C . fantastic D . difficult
  • 6. —My dear, remember to _____________ your lessons for the exams.

    —OK, mum, I will.

    A . go away B . go over C . go across D . go back
  • 7. —Will you go to the cinema with us this Sunday?

    —I'd love to, _____________ I have to look after my baby sister.

    A . or B . but C . so D . and
  • 8. —Oh, look! The poor man must be hungry.

    —Yes, he needs some ________________.

    A . water B . air C . food D . light
  • 9. —___________________________

    —She was friendly and nice.

    A . What was your first teacher like? B . What did your fist teacher look like? C . What was your fist teacher? D . What did your first teacher like?
  • 10. —Why not go for a walk after dinner?


    A . You're welcome B . Don't be silly C . Good idea D . Thank you


  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出—个最佳选项。

    "Today I will give you a special test," said the English teacher with a smile on his face.

    All the students set up straight and 1 for the test to begin. The teacher began to give the test papers to all the students. After he handed out the test papers, he asked them to 2.

    The students felt very strange to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆点)in the centre of the paper. The teacher said with a smile, "I want you to 3 what you see there." At the end of the class, the teacher took all the students' papers and read the answers. All of them wrote about the black dot. After reading all the answers, the teacher said 4, "Here everyone only saw the black dot, but no one wrote about the white paper. "All the students listened without saying anything, because they were 5. they couldn't get good marks(分数). Then the teacher said, "Don't worry about 6 marks for this test I just want you to think about our 7. The white paper is like our life and the back dot in the centre of the paper is like the problem(问题)in our life. "

    Our life is a 8 from God, with love and hope. But we just see the problems, and never see 9 things in our life. So we should take our 10 off our problems to see each moment life gives us.

    A . left B . waited C . made D . looked
    A . receive B . pick C . begin D . play
    A . write about B . talk about C . hear about D . learn about
    A . strictly B . freely C . luckily D . happily
    A . relaxed B . tired C . excited D . afraid
    A . my B . your C . their D . its
    A . friends B . study C . family D . life
    A . problem B . moment C . present D . door
    A . bad B . big C . hard D . happy
    A . faces B . hands C . eyes D . heads
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出—个最佳选项。

    Music is good for us. According to the new study from the World Health Organization (WHO), music can 1 us happy and healthy. For example, when I feel 2 listening to some classical music helps me relax. When I'm down, I like pop music full of hope and love. It is easy for 3to fall asleep with light music. Some doctors 4 that people who love music may have a long life.

    Near my house, a man and his wife have a small music house with mood music(情调音乐). People like to spend time here when 5are plying different kinds of music. Sometimes, we are lucky to hear some famous singers sing songs written by themselves. The songs are 6beautiful that we sing along with them. We communicate(交流)with one another 7 his special language. The most moving music is Chinese folk music(乡村音乐). It 8_us the sweet days in the past.

    Everyone of us, rich or 9, young or old, may have his favorite song. 10 will be together with us as long as we live.

    A . have B . make C . want D . help
    A . polite B . silly C . tired D . happy
    A . them B . her C . him D . me
    A . say B . speak C . talk D . tell
    A . musicians B . drivers C . doctors D . students
    A . much B . so C . as D . even
    A . at B . in C . for D . on
    A . brings B . takes C . carries D . buys
    A . sad B . poor C . lively D . fat
    A . Music B . Sports C . Food D . Poems


  • 13. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A. It looks good.

    B. What can I do for you?

    C. What size does he take?

    D. How much does it cost?

    E. It's too expensive.

    F. I'll take it.

    G. How many do you want?

    A: Welcome to Bill Store.

    B: I want to buy a T-shirt for my father.

    A: What about his blue one? This kind of T-shirts sells well.

    B:  I think my father will like it.


    B: Size M, I think.

    A: What colour does he like?

    B: Black.

    A: It was 200yuan last week, but there's a sale on today. Everything is half price.

    B: OK.


  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出—个最佳选项。

    Music Club

    Can you play the violin or the piano? Can you play guzheng. erhu or pipa? We need two new members (成员) for our band(乐队). If you are interested, please come and join us at 3 pm. on Friday afternoon.

    Tel: 85637749.

    Go Club

    Do you like the game of Go? Do you know the rules of Go? Do you want to be a Go player like Ke Jie? Mr Cool can teach you. You can come here on Sunday afternoon.

    Call Mike at 22560894.

    Computer Club

    Do you like paying computer games? Do you like surfing the Internet (冲浪)? It is fun place. You can do lots of cool things and learn a lot. It's on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 pm. to 4:15 pm. after school in the science lab.

    Tel: 63274783.

    (1) If Linda plays guzheng and erhu very well and wants to join a club, she can _____________.
    A . call Mike B . join the Go Club C . go there on Tuesday D . call 85637749
    (2) Mr. Cool can teach you to ______________.
    A . play the piano B . play Go C . play computer games D . play football
    (3) If you join all the 3 clubs, you will be free on _____________________.
    A . Tuesday B . Wednesday C . Thursday D . Friday
  • 15. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出—个最佳选项。

    The English writer, Richard Savage, once lived a poor life in London. To make money for his everyday life, he wrote the story of his life, but few readers were interested in his book. Savage was living from hand to mouth.

    He became very ill because he was too poor to buy any food. But after his doctor did his best to look after him, he got well again. After a week or two, the doctor sent a bill(账单)to Savage for his visits, but poor Savage didn't have any money and couldn't pay it. The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again. But still no money came. After several weeks he sent it to him again asking for his money In the end. he came to Savage's house and asked him for payment, saying to Savage, "You know you owe(大)your life to me and I wanted thanks from you. "

    "I agree, "said Savage, "that l owe my life o you, and I am really thankful, so I will give my life to you." With these words, he handed the doctor two copies(复印本)of his book The Life of Richard Savage.

    (1) Richard Savage _____________to make money for his everyday life.
    A . wrote the story of his life B . sold books in the street C . worked in a bookshop. D . read books for others
    (2) How many times(次数t)did the doctor send Savage the bill?
    A . Once. B . Twice. C . 3 times. D . 4 times.
    (3) The best title for his text should be _________________.
    A . A Poor English Writer B . A Kind Doctor C . A Life for a Life D . An Interesting Book
  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出—个最佳选项。

    Someday in the future we won't take money with us when we go out. What will life be like when people don't carry any money at all? Is money heavy to carry? Is it safe to carry money? Maybe in the future each of us will have only one small credit card(信用卡). We will see it to buy all the things.

    Of course we may still have some of the same problems with cards we now have with money. For example, we lose money from time to time. Maybe we will lose the cards. Maybe someone will take the cards. Someone may even make a card that looks like our cards. Because we can't buy anything without our cards, the credit cards aren't as good as money.

    Is there something else we can use? Each of us has a thumbprint(拇指指纹). No two thumbprints are the same. Maybe someday the government(政府)will keep people's thumbprints with a number. When you want to buy something, you will put your thumb on a machine or a computer. Each store will possess one. Everyone's thumbprints will be in the computer. It will be difficult lose our thumbprints! It will be difficult for someone to take it or to make one like it.

    (1) What may be a problem with credit cards in the future?
    A . We may lose the cards from time to time. B . We won't be able to make enough cards. C . We may not know how to use the cards. D . It may be heavy for us to carry the cards.
    (2) Someday the government may keep people's thumbprints with a ___________.
    A . sign B . note C . number D . card
    (3) The underlined word "possess" probably means "____________"in English.
    A . 购买 B . 拥有 C . 售卖 D . 借用
    (4) For the writer, it'll be the best(最好的)way to buy things with________ in the future.
    A . money B . credit cards C . thumbprints D . computers
  • 17. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出—个最佳选项。

    If I want you to give me a high—five, can you do it? If you search your pocket for five yuan, it will make others laugh(大笑)!I am not asking for your money, but your fingers. It's a kind of body language.

    It's very popular in America, and lots of young Chinese people also like doing that.

    How do you do a high—five? It's very easy. First, put one hand up in the air. Then hit (碰)someone's hand also high in the air. When people have something happy, they always use the body language. For example, a man wins a lottery (彩票). If a football team wins a game, the players will also give high—fives to everyone around.

    There are different stories about how the high—five began. One story is like this: A very long time ago, some Americans saw a group of animals. They were so excited and they put their hands up into the air.

    They just wanted to hit each other. In another story, some short men met some tall men, so they had to put their hands up high to shake hands with them. The high—five was born.

    Next time, when you meet an American, give a friendly high—five and make your new friend feel right at home.

    (1) "Give me a high—five" is a body language to ______________.
    A . make other people laugh B . ask others for money C . tell others you're happy D . shake hands with others
    (2) You can give your friend a high—five when you _________________.
    A . win a game B . lose your book    C . want some money D . say goodbye
    (3) How did those Americans feel when they saw the animals?
    A . Excited. B . Relaxed. C . Bored. D . Afraid.
    (4) The writer thinks it's _____________ to do a high—five.
    A . rude B . polite C . Hard D . wrong
  • 18. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的字数要求)。

    Many middle school students don't know how to spend their free time. When they have holidays, they always have nothing to do and feel bored. How can you spend a perfect holiday? Here are some suggestions(建议).

    If you like to stay at home, you can do these things. First, you may listen to some light music which helps relax yourself after working for a long time. Second, you can play some indoor(室内的)games such as chess, cards, and able tennis. Third, you can also plant some trees and flowers in your garden to make your home beautiful. Finally, it is also a good way to keep a pet and talk with it. For example, you can chose to keep a dog.

    If you don't like to stay at home, you can go for a picnic with your family or friends, take a walk with your parents in a park, or play some sports out of the house. Go out of the house, and you can take some fresh air and keep healthy.

    Just have some hobbies(爱好)and you will feel happy during a long holiday.

    (1) How many suggestions does the writer give us if we like to stay at home?(不超过5个词)
    (2) Why do we need to go out of the house in our free time?(不超过10个词)
    (3) What can we learn from the passage? (不超过15个词)
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的字数要求)。

    Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang He was poor. But he was kind and hard-working and liked drawing. One night, he dreamed(梦见)that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush(神奇的画笔)and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.

    From that day on, he used the paintbrush whenever people needed help. When he saw that people had no water to use or drink, he drew a river and the river came to life. People could bring water from the river.

    Then many people knew about the magic paintbrush. But a few days later, a rich and bad man heard that the magic paintbrush could turn everything to life. He took the magic paintbrush away from Ma Liang's house and put Ma Liang into prison(监牢). Then he drew a lot of pictures with the paintbrush, but they could not become real.

    So he said to Ma Liang, "If you draw some pictures for me and make them real, I will make you free."

    The young man agreed and drew a sea first. Then he drew a golden mountain which was far away from the sea. The bad man said, Draw a big ship quickly. I want to go there to get the gold."

    After the young man drew a big ship, the bad man jumped into the ship with his family and friends quickly. When the ship moved to the middle of the sea, the young man drew a large wave(波浪)and they never came back.

    (1) Who gave Ma Liang a magic paintbrush?(不超过5个词)
    (2) Why did the rich and bad man take the magic paintbrush away?(不超过10个词)
    (3) When did Ma Liang draw a large wave?(不超过 15个词)

五、根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确, 语言通顺。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


  • 25. 假如你是李华,你所在的学校上学期组织了—次为期两天的杭州研学游(school trip),请你通过电子邮件的方式和你的英国笔友Mike分享你的杭州之旅。要点如下:

    ①出行方式:乘坐长途汽车, 两小时后到达;



    提示词:长途汽车 coach 名胜 places of interest





    Dear Mike,

    How are you these days? I'm writing this email to tell you about my school trip last term.


    Did you have a school trip last term? Why not share with me? I'm waiting for your reply.


    Li Hua
