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  • 1. 完形填空

    During my second year in high school, I got sick and missed a few days. When I1 , I was greeted with two essays due, three days of math and history homework, plus several tests. Until I went home from school that day exhausted(筋疲力尽). I had to stay up really late to finish them all.

    The next day at school, I got a rude awakening(认识到): I'd totally forgotten to prepare for the2on Romeo and Juliet, which I'd take over my lunch hour! Worse still, I had 3 the in- class discussion and all the notes. When lunch came, I went to the English room to face my certain doom(厄运).All I could do was try to guess on the questions I didn't know.

    As it turned out, I didn't know the majority of the questions. I was just about to give up when my pencil accidentally fell and broke. Standing by the blackboard sharpening my pencil, I looked down at there in full view lay the answer sheet for the test! What good fortune! I can kiss goodbye to all my4of failing the test! My heart started beating, and my brain whispered, "Yes! Read over the answers-quickly!" This was quickly followed by another voice, "No! You will get caught!" My mind turning back and forth. Yes! No! Yes! No! .... This went on for ten of the longest seconds in my entire life. Finally I decided to finish the test on my own without5I was satisfied with my decision but pretty6 I had failed the test.

    The next day when I worked into the English room, my great Joy of having been an7 soul changed into a wave of doom as I saw my test paper lying face down on my desk. I knew what awaited me. I stared at it a few seconds before I got up the nerve to turn it over. You can only imagine my. 8 when I learned that I had passed the test! I have never in my whole life been so happy to see my grade a C.

    My mom says the victories that take the most courage are won within. Now I know exactly what she means. Now not only can my conscience(良心) rest easy, but I don't have to worry about getting caught and meeting a sad ending like Romeo and Juliet.

    A . arrived B . returned C . appeared D . finished
    A . lecture B . easy C . play D . test
    A . missed B . carried C . lost D . dropped
    A . boredom B . worries C . loneliness D . tiredness
    A . suffering B . checking C . cheating D . thinking
    A . certain B . regretful C . annoyed D . relieved
    A . open B . honest C . optimistic D . energetic
    A . anxiety B . shock C . fear D . appreciation


  • 2. 阅读理解

    MARS—The Red Planet

    "MARS— The Red Planet!" is one of our Early Reader Space books. It has surprising facts and photos explaining all about Mars. Aiming mainly at kids aged 7—10, it's an interesting way for readers to find out more about the red planet.

    The Weather

    "The Weather" is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged 13— 15. This is a fun and fantastic way for readers to find out more about the weather on our earth. It offers information in a fun way—mixing facts, photos, and even has a web page with video clips explaining more about the information in the book.


    The book written by Kate describes the noblest animal on the planet for early readers. The book is packed with beautiful and clear pictures that help your child to understand the(fun) facts about this animal. It also includes anatomy(解剖) of horses.

    Kids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Animals in Nature — A Perfect Horse Book for Kids Aged 5—8.

    The Earth Science Book

    No other book on Earth science is packed with so much fun. It's for kids aged 9—12. The Earth Science Book's pages overflow with dozens and dozens of enjoyable, educational, and easy-to-do activities that explain basic Earth science facts and important environmental issues. These activities show you all about the planet Earth.

    (1) If your sister wants to know more about the space, she can choose______.
    A . Horses B . The Weather C . MARS—The Red Planet            D . The Earth Science Book
    (2) "Horses" is about______.
    A . the red planet B . the weather on our earth C . the easy-to-do activities D . the noblest animal on the planet
    (3) Which is true according to the ads above?
    A . The Weather is about the Moon. B . Horses is a perfect book for kids aged 5—8 C . The Earth Science Book was written by Kate D . MARS—The Red Planet is about the noblest animal.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Height is just one of the thousands of features your genes(基因) decide. In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent. If both your parents are tall, then most probably you will be tall, too, but if you have questions about how tall you're going to be, ask your doctor if 'he or she can help you find it out.

    But genes don't decide everything. For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力). Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.

    No doubt you're wondering how fast you should grow. It depends. There's no perfect or right answer. Generally speaking, kids grow about 2 inches (6 centimeters) a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty (when your body starts changing and becoming more grown up).

    Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years. Two centimeters here and 2 inches there are not nearly as important as the height you're at now, how you've been growing up to this point, and what other changes your body may be going through.

    Don't be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time. Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰) during puberty. The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys. But it can be earlier or later—between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.

    You'll usually begin to notice that you're growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.

    (1) If you want to know how fast and how tall you should grow, ______.
    A . you should have enough exercise B . you can ask doctors for help C . you should save the environment D . You can record your growth during puberty
    (2) After reading this passage, we can explain______.
    A . how good it is to be a doctor B . how much sleep time we need C . why genes can't decide everything D . what healthy diet is
    (3) Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?
    A . Your height most probably depends on how high your parents are. B . Girls age for starting puberty is usually earlier than that for boys'. C . The time showing the first changes of puberty is never noticed. D . You may be scared sometimes when you grow too fast.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    A study showed that the experiences children have in their first few years are important. These experiences affect the development of the brain. When children receive more attention, they often have higher IQs. Babies receive information when they see, hear and feel things, which makes connections between different parts of the brain. There are a hundred trillion (万亿) connections in the brain of a three-year-old child.

    Researcher Judit Gervain tested how good newborns are at distinguishing different sound patterns. Her researchers produced images of the brains of babies as they heard different sound patterns. For example, one order was mu-ba-ba. This is the pattern "A-B-B". Another order was mu-ba-ge. This is the pattern "A-B-C". The images showed that the part of the brain responsible for speech was more active during the "A-B-B" pattern. This shows that babies can tell the difference between different patterns. They also were sensitive to where it occurred in the order.

    Gervain is excited by these findings because the order of sounds is the building block of words and grammar. "Position is key to language," she says. "If something is at the beginning or at the end, it makes a big difference: 'John caught the bear.' is very different from 'The bear caught John.'"

    Researchers led by scientist Patricia Kuhl have found that language delivered by televisions, audio books, the Internet, or smartphones - no matter how educational - doesn't appear to be enough for children's brain development. They carried out a study of nine- month-old American babies. They expected the first group who'd watched videos in Chinese to show the same kind of learning as the second group who were brought face-to-face with the same sounds. Instead they found a huge difference. The babies in the second group were able to distinguish between similar Chinese sounds as well as native listeners. But the other babies - regardless of whether they had watched the video or listened to the audio - learned nothing.

    (1) What makes connections in a baby's brain?
    A . Having a higher IQ. B . The connection with other babies. C . The baby's early age. D . Experiencing new information.
    (2) What did Judit Gervain and her team find in the experiment?
    A . Babies can well understand different words. B . Word order is relevant to meaning. C . Babies identify different sound patterns. D . A certain brain region processes language.
    (3) What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?
    A . Grammar is important in learning languages. B . Words have different sounds. C . Different languages have different grammar. D . Different orders have different meanings.
    (4) What is the main conclusion from the study led by Patricia Kuhl?
    A . Social communication improves babies brain' development. B . Listening to different languages develops babies' brain. C . Foreign languages help babies' brain develop. D . Babies shouldn't watch a lot of television.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    Garbage sorting has become a hot issue around China, especially after Shanghai began carrying out a regulation on July 1.

    Beijing, as a forerunner in environmental protection, has thus been expected to follow suit. The capital of the country has long been campaigning for sorting and recycling household waste, as part of its environmental drive for sustainable growth, local media reported.

    The current regulation gives garbage sorting responsibilities to government departments, property management groups and other organizations. It also gives rules for companies, outlining how they're responsible for waste collection, transportation and treatment. Only individuals are not subject to responsibilities.

    The long— awaited revision will soon change the situation, "Taking out the trash without sorting it properly will be illegal," said Sun Xinjun, director of the Beijing Commission of Urban Management. In Shanghai, violators are now fined up to 200 yuan ($30) for trash-sorting violations. The maximum fine in Beijing will not be less than that, he said.

    The Beijing city government first set out to promote garbage sorting in 2009. Authorities have since called on citizens to sort their household waste into four types——recyclable waste, kitchen trash, dangerous waste and others—and leave it in a corresponding dustbin or trash can. Blue-colored dustbins signify items within are recyclable, green represents kitchen trash, red corresponds to dangerous materials and grey to other waste.

    To promote the awareness of garbage sorting and expand the base of participants, authorities have employed workers to help residents on the spot. With intelligent devices, those who throw in recyclable waste at given sites will be rewarded with bonus points, which can be used to buy daily goods. At some communities, there are no color—coded dustbins. Instead, a scheduled garbage collection service is offered to help improve the environment. In other communities, workers offer a door-to-door service to collect recyclables or kitchen waste.

    Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Group has been promoting new garbage sorting facilities such as recycling cabinets and smart kitchen waste trash cans since 2016, Xinhua News Agency reported. Nearly 26,000 metric tons of household waste is generated across Beijing on a daily basis and 29 terminal garbage disposal facilities are working at full capacity. Nearly 9.3 million tons of household waste was processed in the city last year.

    (1) According to the passage, which dustbins should some used coke cans be thrown into?
    A . Grey-colored dustbins. B . Blue-colored dustbins. C . Green-colored dustbins. D . Red-colored dustbins.
    (2) We can learn from the passage that_______.
    A . Beijing carried out a more severe rule on garbage sorting than Shanghai B . the amount of household waste in Beijing is far from something disturbing C . the change of the current regulation has annoyed citizens D . new technology has been applied to help deal with garbage
    (3) What is the best tile for the text?
    A . How to Sort Garbage in China B . Garbage Collection in Beijing C . The Current Regulation in Beijing D . Waste Recycling Project Counts


  • 6. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Alice Moore is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者), who in May 2015 set up her business AilieCandy, By the time she was 13, her company was worth millions of dollars with the invention of a super sweet treat that could save kids' teeth, instead of destroying them.

    It all began when Moore visited a bank with her dad. On the outing, she was offered a candy bar. However, her dad reminded her that sugary treats were bad for her teeth. But Moore was sick of missing out on candies. So she desired to get around the warning, Why can't I make a healthy candy that's good for my teeth so that my parents can't say no to it? With that in mind, Moore asked her dad if she could start her own candy company, He recommended that she do some research and talk to dentists about what a healthier candy would contend.

    With her dad's permission, she spent the next two years researching online and conducting trials to get a recipe that was both tasty and tooth—friendly. She also approached dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning. Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria.

    Moore then used her savings to get her business off the ground. Afterwards, she and her father secured their first business meeting with a supermarket owner, who finally agreed to sell Moore's product-CanCandy.

    As CanCandy's success grows, so does Moore's credibility as a young entrepreneur. Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created, and she's also positive about what the future might bring. She hopes that every kid can have a clean mouth and a broad smile.

    Meanwhile, with her parents' help, Moore is generally able to live a normal teenager life. Although she founded her company early on in life, she wasn't driven primarily by profit. Moore wants to use her unique talent to help others find their smiles. She donates 10% of AilieCandy's profits to Big Smiles. With her talent and determination, it appears that the sky could be the limit for Alice Moore.

    (1) When did Alice Moore set up her business AilieCandy?
    (2) What did her dad remind her?
    (3) What is special about Can Candy?
    (4) How much does she donate to Big Smile?
    (5) What can we learn from Alice Moore's story?
