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  • 6. 听对话,回答下面小题。
    (1) How many P. E. lessons does Mary have every week?
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
    (2) What time does the class begin?
    A . At 8:58. B . At 9:00. C . At 8:02.
  • 7. 听对话,回答下面小题。
    (1) When do they meet?
    A . In the morning. B . At noon. C . In the afternoon.
    (2) What does Mike think of the elephants?
    A . Lazy. B . Smart. C . Ugly.
    (3) Where are the lions from?
    A . China. B . Australia. C . Africa.
  • 8. 听独白,回答下面小题。
    (1) Who often take(s) Lucy to the zoo?
    A . Her teacher. B . Her aunt. C . Her parents.
    (2) Lucy often goes to the zoo ________.
    A . on Sundays B . on weekends C . on Saturdays
    (3) Lucy thinks ________ are the most interesting animals.
    A . tigers B . lions C . dolphins
    (4) Lucy thinks dolphins are ________.
    A . cute and smart B . small and cute C . beautiful and cute
    (5) Dolphins can ________.
    A . hurt(伤害) people sometimes B . swim and jump C . play games with people


  • 9. 请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成表格。

    Liu Li's Family Rules

    Get up at 5:30 every morning and for an hour.

    after school.

    Can't go to the movies, watch TV or play computer games .

    Clean her room, and help her mother to cook for her family on weekends.

    Can't have .


  • 10. —Is that       English-Chinese dictionary?

    —Yes. It is      useful one for English learners.

    A . an, an B . an, a C . the, an D . an, the
  • 11. —       is the weather today ?

    —There's much       .

    A . How, snowy B . What, snowing C . How, snow D . What, snow
  • 12. Jane always _______ a black and white skirt, today she's _______ a purple one.
    A . puts on; wears B . wears; put on C . wears; wearing D . puts on, putting on
  • 13. — I _______ a lot of time playing computer games every day last year.

    —Oh, boy. Stop         it. It's bad for your eyes.

    A . take, playing B . spend, to play C . took, to play D . spent, playing
  • 14. —      there lots of beef in the beef and       noodles?

    —Yes,        .

    A . Are, tomatoes, there are B . Is, tomatoes, it is C . Is, tomato, there is D . Are, tomato, they are
  • 15.        of the students in our class ________ lunch at school now.
    A . Each, have B . Each, has C . Every, have D . Every, has
  • 16. —________?

    —She's of medium height and has long hair.

    A . What's your friend like B . What does your friend look like C . How's your friend D . How old is your friend
  • 17. —Would you like              ?

    — Yes, please . I'd like a cup of tea        nothing in it.

    A . anything to drink, with B . to drink something, has C . something to drink, has D . something to drink, with
  • 18. —Who        up the mutton just now ?

    — I am not sure yet. Maybe Tom        it.

    A . cuts, does B . cut, did C . cut, do D . is cutting, is doing 
  • 19. The restaurant is _______ from the hospital and you need _______ the street first.
    A . across; cross B . across; to cross C . cross; across D . across; across
  • 20. There are               on the table.
    A . three bowls of water B . three bowls of waters C . three bowl of water D . three bowl of waters
  • 21. —Bill, does your sister have brown hair or red hair?

    —________. She takes after my mother.

    A . Yes, she does B . No, she doesn't C . Brown hair D . I don't know
  • 22. —Hi, Diana, how was your summer holiday?

    —________! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much.

    A . Good idea B . Wait a minute C . That's too bad D . Pretty good
  • 23. Tom looks _______heavy because he eats           meat and junk food.
    A . too much, too many B . much too, too much   C . too many, too much D . too much, too much
  • 24. —        is it from the supermarket to the cinema ?

    —It is about 10 minutes by bus.

    A . How long B . How far C . How soon D . How often


  • 25. 完形填空

        I like rainy days. Here 1 some of the reasons(理由).

        I think the rain can 2 the air cool off. No matter how hot it is, it gets cooler when it rains. I like opening my windows to let the 3 in.

        I like the smell in the air when it begins to rain. It is 4 clean and fresh.

        I like the sound of the rain when it hits(击打) things. I like closing my eyes 5 listening to the rain coming down—I like hearing different sounds of rain.

        I like rainy days, 6 they give me an excuse(借口) to stay in and be lazy. That's one of the best 7in my daily life. I like reading a good book 8 a rainy day best.

        There's 9 reason: The rain makes the grass green, and helps the trees and flowers10!

    A . is B . are C . have D . has
    A . make B . makes C . stop D . stops
    A . sun B . rain C . cloud D . wind
    A . a kind of B . kinds of C . a kind D . kind of
    A . and B . or C . but D . also
    A . because B . so C . although D . but 
    A . thing B . things C . smells D . smell
    A . in B . on C . at D . of
    A . other B . the other C . another D . others
    A . grow B . grows C . growing D . grew


  • 26. 阅读理解

    Newtown Shopping Centre

    Open hours: 8:00a. m.—6:00p. m. (Mon.—Sat. )8:00—10:00p. m. (Sun.)

    Discount(折扣): 5% for shoppers with membership(会员) cards in every shop.

    Children Center can take care of(照看) children for parents.

    Price: ¥10 every child (Children over 8 are free. )

    Address: No. 115, Newtown Street, New Town(Between Happy Restaurant and Newtown Park)

    Bus: 806, 203, 45

    (1) On Wednesday , Newtown Shopping Centre is open for________.
    A . 11 hours. B . 10 hours C . 9 hours D . 8 hours
    (2) We can shop in Newtown Shopping Centre at 8:00p. m. on ________.
    A . Sunday B . Saturday C . Monday D . Wednesday
    (3) A dress is ¥300, if you buy it with a membership card. How much do you need to pay?
    A . 150 yuan. B . 285 yuan. C . 295 yuan. D . 195 yuan.
    (4) If you take your 6-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter to the Children Center, you should pay ________.
    A . ¥10. B . ¥18. C . ¥20. D . ¥16.
  • 27. 阅读理解

        Many people like to watch 3D movies. But do you know the students in the US can watch 3D movies in class? They can learn a lot in 3D classes. In the US, some students can watch 3D movies in many classes, such as math, science and geometry(几何) classes. The 3D classes show a special world to the students. They can help students understand the knowledge(知识) better. Students can remember the knowledge easily.

        The students like 3D movies very much. They say, "It's not difficult to learn, because you can remember all the things in the movies, and it's fun to learn."

    (1) The students in the US can watch 3D movies in ________.
    A . English classes. B . Chinese classes. C . Geometry classes. D . History classes.
    (2) The 3D movies can help students________.
    A . watch more movies in class B . understand the knowledge better C . be interested in math and science D . remember the knowledge quietly
    (3) What's the best title(标题) for this passage?
    A . 3D movies in the US. B . Movies about different classes. C . 3D classes in the US. D . It's fun to watch 3D movies.
  • 28. 阅读理解

        Healthy eating doesn't just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Here is some advice(建议) on healthy eating.

        Eat with others. It can help you to see others' eating habits. If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious.

        Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty(口渴的). Sometimes you are just thirsty, and you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full(饱).

        Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you don't eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food to get you going. You will be smarter after eating breakfast.

        Eat healthy snacks(小吃) like fruit, yogurt or cheese . We all need snacks sometimes. In fact, it's a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals. This doesn't mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal.

        Don't eat dinner late. With our busy life, We always put off(推迟)eating dinner until the last minute. Try to eat dinner at least(至少) 3 hours before you go to bed. This will give your body a chance(机会) to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8-10 hours.

    (1) How many pieces of advice does the writer give us on healthy eating?
    A . 4. B . 5. C . 6. D . 7.
    (2) What does the underlined word "digest" mean in Chinese?
    A . 利用 B . 消化 C . 储藏 D . 享用
    (3) What's the writer's advice on healthy snacks?
    A . No eating snacks at all. B . Eating enough(足够) every day. C . Eating as many as you can. D . Eating some When necessary. (必要的)
  • 29. 任务型阅读,根据每小题要求完成下列任务。

    Hi, Mike,

        I had a great vacation! I stayed with my uncle in the countryside. He lives in a small village and it is wonderful. My uncle is a farmer and he works very hard every day. (A)He showed me around his farm and village. Everyone in the village was really friendly!

        On my first day there, (B)我叔叔教我怎样骑马。The horse was really big and we rode through the forest. It was wonderful! On the second day, we climbed a mountain and saw quite a few animals. It was so special, but the weather was very terrible. It was wet and rainy at the top.

        I didn't take many photos of the mountains because of the weather. But I did take photos of the lake we visited. (C)My brother came to stay with my uncle, too. But he slept a lot and didn't go out. He was bored, of course.

        What did you do on vacation? Where did you go? Did you have fun?

    See you soon.


    (1) 将(A)处划线句子翻译汉语:
    (2) 将(B)处划线句子翻译英语:
    (3) 写出(C)处划线句子的同义句:
    (4) Where did Tom go on a vacation?
    (5) How did Tom like his vacation?


  • 30. 在提问之前举手是好习惯。

    It is a good habit to   your hands before asking questions.

  • 31. 努力学习,你就会成为优秀的学生。

    Study, and you will become an student.

  • 32. 昨天晚上,Tom是如此的疲劳以至于早早地睡觉了.

    Tom was so that he  to sleep early yesterday evening.

  • 33. 华为智能手机也深受世界各地人们的喜爱。

    Huawei smart phones get very  the people all around the world, too.

  • 34. 许多人在“五一”节参观了天空之城,据说游客的人数是两万多人.

    On May Day, a number of people visited Castle in the sky. It is said that the number of the    over twenty thousand.


  • 35. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: It's time for lunch.

    B: I'd like some noodles.


    B: I'd like beef noodles. Is there any beef at home?

    A: No, there isn't any. But we have mutton.


    A: What else would you like?

    B: I'd like some vegetable soup.

    A: Yes. We have tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. What would you like?


    A: OK. I'll make them soon.

    A. What kind of noodles would you like?

    B. What can I do for you?

    C. Are there any vegetables at home?

    D. What would you like, Jimmy?

    E. I'd like tomato soup.

    F. Yes, I'd love to.

    G. Hmm, mutton noodles are also OK.


  • 36. 阅读短文,选择方框中恰当的词填空,使短文意思通顺,注意词形变化,有两个多余的词

    if,  luck,  buy,   for,   hour,  along,  too,  either,  ride,   real,   feed,   at

    Hi Frieda,

        It was a nice surprise to get your e­mail. I think it's a great idea to keep writing to each other. We will go back to Greece(希腊)our vacation next year. Do you think your family will do the same? Then we can meet again!

        I have two more weeks of vacation before I go to school. Can you guess(猜) what I do every day? I go . I love horses, and I love riding. I'm very because we live in the countryside, and my parents  a horse last year. His name is Wonderboy. He's beautiful!

        Every day, I go out with Wonderboy for . I ride the roads, and cross the fields(田野). I feel so happy when I do this.

        Of course, it's my job to look after Wonderboy. I clean him. I'm interested inhim, .

        I know you live quite a long way from here. But why don't you come and stay with us for a weekend? We can have a lot of fun. And you can ride Wonderboy you want! I'd love to see you.




  • 37. 阅读短文,找出短文中每行的一处错误,在文中划线,并在后面的横线上改正。

    例如:错词:This is my books.  books→book

    增词:It ^ on my desk.  It ^ → It is

    删词:My the last name is Smith.    the→  \ 

        Hearing is very important to all of us. We can hear beautiful musics,

    nice songs of birds, or other differently kinds of sounds in the world with our ears.

    So we must try to protect (保护)our ears. Here are some rules to tell you what to

    protect ears. Listen to music with headphones(耳机) a lot can be bad for ears.

    So try not to wear headphones and turn down (关小一点)the volume(音量)

    when you using the headphones.

    You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing it.

    Before swim, remember to put earplugs(耳塞) into your ears,

    and then you can stop the water from get into your ears. If you are a musician,

    it is also a very important.

    See a doctor when your ears hurt(疼).

    You must follow these rules now and you won't say "What? What?"










  • 38. 假如你是李华,Linda是你的好朋友。请根据图片和所给提示,给Jack写一封信介绍一下Linda。

    Linda, 12



    Favorite weather




    Dream job


    Last trip



    Dear Jack,

        Linda is my good friend. She is 12 years old …



    Li Hua
