北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit2 Sports and Fitness练习2

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  • 16. 短语填空

    out of sight, be amazed at, a bronze medal, in response to, take advantage of

    (1) I the progress you've made.
    (2) The government acted economic pressure.
    (3) The train was soon .
    (4) To his joy, he won in the match.
    (5) John has adapted to the new environment and has every opportunity to make friends.


  • 17. 语法填空

    Today, the most popular martial arts in the world are from Asia. Many martial arts (invent) because people needed to defend themselves or protect others. Nowadays, people learn martial arts as a way of (keep) fit or as a competitive sport, but they are still very useful for self­defence.

    Some martial arts are called hard others are called soft. Soft martial arts, such as tai chi, teach you to use your opponent's own force to defend (you). These martial arts are soft for the defender but not for the attacker! On the other hand, hard styles, such as kung fu, teach you to defend yourself using force. Hard martial arts techniques are (effect) if you are more skillful, more powerful and faster than your opponent.

    Did you know that Japan's karate is (relate) to Chinese kung fu? In the 14th century, when the Chinese migrants from Fujian (settle) in what was then the kingdom of Okinawa, the local youths started learning kung fu from them.

    In fact, Chinese influence in martial arts was not limited kung fu. During the Japanese invasion of Korea in the 16th century, the Korean army adopted a training method from a chinese military manual (call) Ji Xiao Xin Shu, whose author was the Chinese general Qi Jiguang, had himself defeated Japanese pirates.


  • 18. 阅读理解

    Parents whose children show a special interest in a sport feel very difficult to make a decision about their children's careers. Should they allow their children to train to become top sportsmen and sportswomen? For many children it means starting schoolwork very young. And going out with friends and other interests have to take a second place. It's very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train five hours a day, even at the weekend, when most of his or her friends are playing. Another problem is of course money. In many countries money for training is available from government for the very best young sportsmen and sportswomen. If this help can not be given, it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and the money to support their child's development and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment, etc. All can be expensive.

    Many parents are worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed. Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by training when young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person. It is clear that very few people do reach the top, and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training.

    (1) Where can we most probably find this passage?
    A . An advertisement. B . A diary. C . A newspaper. D . A notice board.
    (2) What does the underlined phrase "to take a second place" in the first paragraph mean?
    A . To become less important. B . To put it at another place. C . To happen again. D . They are the most important of all the things.
    (3) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    A . It's easy to make a decision when your children want to take up sports. B . Most of the students may become top sportsmen after a long period of training. C . Early training may damage young muscles. D . It's not very expensive for parents to support their children's development in sports.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Most of us lead unhealthy lives; we spend far too much sitting down. If in addition we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become loose and fatty and our systems slow moving. There are some aspects (方面) of our unhealthy lives that we cannot avoid. I am thinking of such features of modern city life as pollution, noise, rushed meals and stress. But keeping fit is a way to reduce the effects of these evils. The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take up some sport or other. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them.

    For those who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports—and it is especially difficult to do so if you are not good at them—there are such separate activities as cycling, walking, jogging and swimming. What often happens though is that you do them in such a leisurely way, so slowly, that it is doubtful if you are doing yourself much good, except for the fact that you have at least managed to get up out of your armchair.

    Even after you have found a way for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics, you are still only half way to good health, because, according to the experts, you must also master the art of complete mental and physical relaxation. It has to do with deep breathing, emptying your mind of all thoughts, meditation, and so on. Yoga, as practiced in the West, is the most widely known and popular of the systems for achieving the necessary state of relaxation. It seems ironical (讽刺性的), though, that as our lives have improved in a material sense we have found it increasingly necessary to go back to forms of activity—physical effort on the one hand and relaxation on the other—which were the natural way of life of our forefathers.

    (1) Pollution, noise and stress are examples of ________.
    A . causes of unfitness B . bad features of living in cities C . the things we can completely do away with D . unavoidable things in town
    (2) To be healthy we must ________.
    A . keep fit and active B . keep fit and learn to relax C . be active and practise Yoga D . have a sound mind
    (3) Our forefathers were healthy because ________.
    A . their way of life closely connected with both exercise and relaxation B . they were careful to get plenty of fresh air C . they spent most of the time out of doors D . their environment was not polluted
    (4) What would be the best title for the text?
    A . How to Keep Fit B . How to Learn to Relax C . How to Live a Healthy Life D . How to Practice Yoga
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Perhaps no one knows the power of imagination better than Chinese writer Liu Cixin. Until four years ago, Liu worked full­time as a computer engineer at a power plant in Shanxi province. He only wrote science fiction in his spare time. But it was during this time that Liu's imagination took flight. He did what he might never have the chance to do in real life—wander in space, fight with aliens, and visit planets light­years away.

    But even with such a powerful imagination, Liu, 55, probably hadn't expected that he would become the first Asian to win the Hugo Award, science fiction's highest prize, in 2015. Perhaps neither did he think that former US president Barack Obama would read his novel The Three­Body Problem, nor that on Nov 9 in Washington DC, he would win the 2018 Arthur C. Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society. It's the first time a Chinese writer has ever won the award.

    In his acceptance speech, Liu said that he owed his imagination to Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008), a famous UK sci-fi author. He said that reading Clarke's 1968 classic novel 2001: A Space Odyssey in the early 1980s had a great effect on him.

    "My mind opened up like never before. I felt like a narrow river finally seeing the sea," Liu said. "That night, in my eyes, the starry sky was completely different from the past. For the first time in my life, I was awed (使……敬畏) by the mystery of the universe."

    But no matter how far away Liu's imagination takes him, somehow his novels always stay rational.

    In The Three­Body Problem, for example, Liu tells a tale of aliens invading Earth. But unlike other alien stories, Liu talks more about relationships between civilizations (文明), rules of survival, and the meanings of life. And in The Wandering Earth, Liu looks ahead to the day when our solar system comes to an end and humans have to look for a new place to live. However, all his visions and solutions are based on "hard science". Liu's works aren't simply daydreams.

    (1) What do we know about Liu Cixin?
    A . He became a full­time writer when he was young. B . He dreamed about wandering in space from childhood. C . He is the first Asian to win the Arthur C. Clarke Award. D . He is the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award.
    (2) Liu Cixin's words are used mainly to show ________.
    A . his interest in mysteries of the universe B . his love of reading science fiction C . his confusion when he started writing D . his feeling after reading Clarke's work
    (3) Why did the author mention The Three­Body Problem and The Wandering Earth?
    A . To compare the different writing styles in the two books. B . To explain how Liu Cixin came up with his ideas. C . To show that Liu Cixin has a powerful imagination. D . To prove that Liu Cixin's works relate science to reality.
    (4) What's the text mainly about?
    A . Liu Cixin's achievements and writing style. B . Liu Cixin's contributions to science fiction. C . How Liu Cixin became a sci­fi writer. D . How Liu Cixin started a new sci­fi style.


  • 21. 任务型阅读

    Giving advice is not one of the easiest tasks. . With these tips, you'll be good at giving advice in no time! Get started with the following steps.

    . We of course all have our own opinions on what is right and what is wrong, but when you give advice, the idea is to give someone the tools to make their own decisions, not to make the decisions for them. , only when someone asks you "What would you do?"

    Be honest. Let them know if you're not an expert. It's important that you don't give them the impression that you're an authority (权威人士) when you're not. . Instead, say something like "You're right to be upset about that."

    Express confidence in them. Sometimes all they need to make the right decision is to know that someone believes in them and that someone thinks that they can do the right thing. . Tell them something like, "This is a really tough decision, but I know you want to do the right thing. And I know you will do the right thing."

    A. Be that person for them

    B. It's important to know when you should give advice

    C. You can be put under a lot of pressure if you give bad advice

    D. Act right

    E. You can show your own personal opinion

    F. Remove your decisions

    G. It's okay not to say "I know how you feel", too


  • 22. 语法填空

    Now a hot topic (discuss) about whether the old computers in our school should be replaced new ones. With the rapid (develop) of science and technology, there is no doubt our old computers are totally out of date. The headmaster as well as the teachers and students (be) not satisfied with the slow working speed of the computers. Therefore, all of them request that they should have new computers so that their problems can be solved (success). the school should consider is how to deal with the old computers (wise). Personally speaking, (throw) them away to the place they are regarded as rubbish is not a good idea.


  • 23. 假如你叫李华,是某外语特色学校的学生会主席。你发现有些同学在就餐时间吃零食,不去餐厅吃饭。请根据下面的写作提纲,给英语专栏写一封倡议信,呼吁同学们关注饮食健康。内容包括:







    Dear friends,



    Li Hua
