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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Summer job offers

    Red Lemon shop Assistants(售货员)

    We are looking for shop assistants for the summer. If you are a social person and good at salesmanship, we want you to join our team. Good conditions. Perfect for students.

    Phone 0151-897-6643 for information about how to apply.

    Cinerama Cinemas

    We need people to work evenings and at the weekend. Responsibilities include checking tickets and selling popcorn and soft drinks. Watch the latest films ... free! Join our young and friendly team!

    Phone 0161-754-6022 for more information about wages (工资)and conditions.

    US Au Pairs

    Ever wanted to visit California? Are you patient, caring and good with kids? Work as an au pair in Los Angeles this summer. Free food and accommodation(食宿).

    Phone 0121-077, 2001 for information about how to get application forms(申请表).

    Are You Mad About Sport?

    Would you like to spend all summer teaching sport to people from around the world? Then come and work at our international sports camp Sports Star Camp!

    Phone 0191-121-5533 for information about how to get and where to send application forms, etc.

    (1) Which number can you call if you want to get a job that provides free films?
    A . 0151-897-6643. B . 0161-754-6022. C . 0121-077-2001. D . 0191-121-5533.
    (2) What can we learn about a job as a US au pair?
    A . It is a high-paid job. B . It is perfect for kids. C . It offers job-related training. D . It requires somebody with patience.
    (3) Who would be most interested in working for Sports Star Camp?
    A . Jill, who dreams of being a sports star. B . Jack, who wants to become a sports coach. C . Joe, who expects to travel around the world. D . Jim, who loves to take part in sports competitions.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Each May since 1956 people from across Europe and around the world have gathered around their televisions with friends and family for an evening of international entertainment(娱乐): The Eurovision Song Contest. It may well be a fun event but perhaps it's not the shared celebration of European language that it could be. In the first ten years of Eurovision, the UK and Ireland were the only two countries to sing in English. Now English is what we expect. Is it that English is becoming, or has become the official language of music?

    From high streets in Hungary to supermarkets in Sweden, from bus stops in Bulgaria to parks in Poland, people listen to English-language music everywhere. And people don't just listen, they sing it too! From sporting events in Spain to nightclubs in Norway, from concerts in Croatia to fitness classes in France, people sing along to popular songs in their everyday lives, in English. But why?

    For one evening each year Eurovision is the dinner party of Europe. A dinner party to which each guest brings something special. Their clothing, tradition and food show their culture and their language shows the character of a nation. Although there are 50 nations with 83 languages, for Eurovision, English is the only language. Does Eurovision really represent Europe?

    English is an international language spoken by over 1 billion people worldwide. It is no surprise that so many musicians make music in English. Of course, music makes money and more listeners make more money. According to Ragnar Thorhallsson, singer and guitarist with the Icelandic indie band (乐队)" Of Monsters and Men", English is simpler and is easier to make rhythms(节奏). Could this be true?

    Let's remember that although English-language music is everywhere, music is not everything. As long as we continue to learn, to speak, to love, diversity(多样性)shall be valued. After all, what fun is a dinner party if the guests can't communicate(交流) or express themselves in the way they choose?

    (1) What do we know about Eurovision?
    A . Singers sing English songs. B . It helps protect European cultures. C . It is the most popular contest in the world. D . Singers mainly come from the UK and Ireland.
    (2) How does the writer show the popularity(广泛性) of English music in Paragraph 2?
    A . By asking questions. B . By giving examples. C . By making comparisons. D . By following the order of space.
    (3) What's Ragnar ThorhaIlsson's opinion of English?
    A . It is easy and beautiful. B . It should be used in all music. C . It is the best language in the world. D . It helps musicians make money easily.
    (4) What is mainly discussed in the text?
    A . Why we should protect language diversity. B . How language and music affect each other. C . Whether English is the official language of music. D . Why Eurovision is becoming more and more popular.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    When travelling abroad, you have to spend some time thinking about gifts. What should you buy your family or your best friend? It could be a Yankees baseball cap if you Visit the U.S.A. In Vietnam, a straw hat called a non la is a popular tourist gift. If you ever visit Russia, you may want to think about buying a set of Russian dolls (玩具娃娃).They are like no other doll.

    The proper name for a Russian doll is a Matryoshka doll. When you first see it, it looks like a single doll. Pick it up and twist(扭转)its top, you will find that it comes apart around the middle. Inside is a second doll, looking exactly the same as the first, but smaller. Twist the second doll, and the same thing happens. You keep twisting each doll until you end up with a very tiny doll. Usually, there can be up to 10 dolls making up a set.

    Russian dolls were first made in 1890 and included eight dolls. These were all hand carved and painted. They were dressed in a traditional dress called a sarafan. The word "Matryoshka" means matron — an older married woman. The idea was that it meant a family with the mother being at its head. The dolls proved to be very popular and it was not long before every woodworker was making them.

    The Russian doll appeared at the Paris World's Fair in 1900. Everyone who saw them wanted one. Soon people visiting Russia also wanted to have one. Being quite small, they could fit into tourists' luggage (行李) very easily — unlike a non la! The dolls were all hand carved and painted until about 1930, when factories began producing Russian dolls which are not expensive.

    Walking around the tourist streets of Moscow, you will find many shops selling Russian dolls. The traditional Matryoshka dolls are still there, but today you can also find the images(形象)of all kinds of different people.

    (1) As a tourist gift, where does a non la most probably come from?
    A . France. B . Russia. C . Vietnam. D . America.
    (2) What can we learn about the early Matryoshka dolls?
    A . They were named after an old woman. B . They were images of a big family. C . They were gifts for mothers. D . They were made by hand.
    (3) What happened to the Russian doll at the Paris World's Fair?
    A . They were hugely popular. B . They were produced in factories. C . They were put into a small bag. D . They were given to tourists as a gift.
    (4) What's the advantage of a Russian doll?
    A . It is cheap. B . It is useful. C . It is easy to carry. D . It is made to order.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    After watching the 2002 Winter Olympic Games on TV at 3 years old, Little Nathan Chen became interested in winter sports. Nathan wanted to play ice hockey (冰上曲棍球), but his mom advised him to try figure skating(花样滑冰)first which she said was safer. After practicing a few times, Nathan fell in love with it.

    Today, Nathan is influenced by all the athletes he meets. From the difficulties the athletes have faced and how they dealt with them, Nathan learns to work on dealing with his own difficulties as well. He describes all the athletes he trains with as role models for himself.

    Nathan won gold at the 2017 ISU Grand Prix Final and 2017 Four Continents Championships, and silver at the 2016 ISU Grand Prix Final. Nathan has also broken a record, becoming the youngest man to win a medal at the 2017 U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

    However, this journey has not come without hard times. Nathan suffered a bad injury during the 2016 season and it took him quite a long time to be able to compete again. At the beginning of the 2018 Olympics, Nathan was expected to win gold but got 5th place in the end. Nathan later described the race as "just me being on the ice and enjoying myself", free from all the pressures. What matters the most isn't the results, but the great memories you get from the experience and the joy of being able to do something you love.

    This fall, Nathan will be attending Yale University and work on managing his time as a student and athlete. Aside from figure skating, Nathan would like to learn how to box. Besides, he plans to learn biology and later become a doctor.

    (1) What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 1 refer to?
    A . Ice hockey. B . Safe practice. C . Figure skating. D . The 2002 Winter Olympics.
    (2) What happened to Nathan Chen in 2016?
    A . He was seriously injured. B . He was accepted by Yale University. C . He won gold at the ISU Grand Prix Final. D . He won silver at the Four Cintinents Championship.
    (3) How did Nathan feel when he failed to win gold at the 2018 Olympics?
    A . He felt very sad about the failure. B . He felt the need to become better. C . He couldn't believe what had happened. D . He didn't care too much about the results.
    (4) What does Nathna hope to do after university?
    A . Do boxing. B . Play ice hockey. C . Be a doctor. D . Continue figure skating.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Successful high school students do these things

    Want to learn what many successful high school students have already known? Check out these things successful high school students do.

    Set short-term and long-term goals.

    To become a successful goal setter, you'll need to get to know your own work habits. Set long-term goals and work backwards from those to set smaller short-term goals to act as stepping stones. Break your work down into manageable parts and find a way to make you keep going.

    Develop time management skills.

    In order to have enough time to do everything you want to, you'll need to develop strong time management skills. This means you should make and stick to study plans.

    Participate in class.

    Many students seem to think that if they study and achieve high grades, their participation (参与) will not be very important. Students who participate in class are more active in their learning and are better able to learn more from class discussions.

    Successful high school students don't disappear outside the walls of their classroom. They are also active members of their community. Care about issues (事情) that have an influence on your student experience. And then learn to use your voice so that people will listen to your ideas.

    A. Be active outside the classroom.

    B. Remember to do one thing at one time.

    C. Then, make a plan to achieve these goals.

    D. Educate yourself about the issues facing your community.

    E. Teachers are more likely to think of you as a good student.

    F. Successful students know, though, that class participation is very helpful.

    G. Besides, you should learn the art of how to do several things at the same time.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    At school, Miss Kiniry said "Good morning, class" like she always did. "We will have reading this morning1this afternoon." I was sure that was because of my 2. "I'd like the blue group to come up to the front first. The rest of you will please practice your letters until I3your group." She didn't say anything about my birthday. We4our lessons as usual.

    Maybe when we had "Morning Milk", Miss Kiniry would5something. Every morning two of the older kids would come in with a box full of small bottles of cold milk, and6it on the activity table in the front of the room.

    7it was time for Morning Milk. One by one we went up to the activity table,    8our bottles of milk and went back to our desk.

    We all drank our milk. Now Miss Kiniry would say something,9she didn't. Maybe she10that it was my birthday. I whispered (耳语) to Jack Blue, "I think Miss Kiniry forgot about my birthday cake."

    The bell rang for a break. We went out to11. The bell rang to come in. We ran back into class. We did more12. Finally, the bell rang and it was time to go home for lunch.

    "All right, class, have a nice lunch. OH, and I have a13for you."

    "Now Miss Kiniry will14it!" I thought.

    "This15, we are going to see a movie. And after the movie we are going to 16our classmate Tommy's birthday with a wonderful17. See you after 18."

    As I went out the door, Miss Kiniry19me. "Happy birthday, Tommy. You were such a20boy. I was sure you thought I forgot."

    "Oh, no," I said, "I knew you wers only teasing (逗) me."

    A . except B . instead of C . because of D . through
    A . problem B . party C . suggestion D . choice
    A . help B . praise C . mix D . call
    A . started B . expected C . changed D . offered
    A . bring B . buy C . say D . cook
    A . hide B . put C . find D . fill
    A . Suddenly B . Usually C . Possibly D . Finally
    A . shared B . checked C . discovered D . took
    A . though B . or C . but D . so
    A . forgot B . thought C . knew D . doubted
    A . leave B . play C . eat D . study
    A . tests B . research C . service D . work
    A . prize B . task C . surprise D . rule
    A . mention B . enjoy C . make D . understand
    A . afternoon B . . morning C . week D . month
    A . remember B . miss C . plan D . celebrate
    A . letter B . concert C . cake D . box
    A . film B . lunch C . class D . school
    A . smiled at B . depended on C . cared about D . believed in
    A . proud B . brave C . good D . honest


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    When you graduate from high school or university, is learning finished? The answer  (be) no. In many countries, people continue learning all (they) lives. Why is lifelong learning important? How can it help you?

    Lifelong learning can be useful in many ways. People want to change jobs often return to study at a university. Some jobs require workers (keep) learning new ways to do things. For example,(doctor) must always learn about new illnesses and treatments.

    Lifelong learning can prepare people for unexpected changes, such as, losing your job and having to depend new skills to find work. By continuing to learn, you'll more (easy) take advantage of new job opportunities (机会).

    Lifelong learning can help people stay (health) and independent. Many older people also feel that lifelong learning helps them stay close to young people. Lots of older people are now learning  to use computers.

    "I want to remain active for my own health," said Mr. Salinas, a 91-year-old man (take) computer classes. "I see my computer learning as part of an active life and something that I can share with my family."


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你 同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    This story was happened ten years ago. I was traveling with my parent during winter vacation. We were in a very large shopping center, and I was so excited to see such huge place. Suddenly I turned around to ask my mom and dad something, but they were gone. I don't know which direction they went. I looked for them in difference places, but I couldn't find them. I was so nervously that I began crying and shouting loudly. Heard that, a lady came up to us and asked if I was OK. Then she told the customers through a loudspeaker that a little boy with a blue coat or a red hat was lost. Two minutes late, my mom and dad came running toward me.


  • 9. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Yesterday a heat wave hit the town. "It's too hot! Let's go for a swim after we finish our chores (家务活)at home!" Joseph complained to his little brother, Loren. As the boys walked toward the Little Colorado River, they saw Sam and Frank, who ran to join them. "Swimming's just what we need to cool off!" Sam said, kicking a rock.

    "Sure it is," Frank agreed. Then he looked at the field they were passing. There were many round watermelons in Farmer Davis's patch(小块地)."Hey, Joseph" Frank said, "do you have the courage to climb over that fence and get us a ripe(成熟的)watermelon?"

    "I don't know." Joseph said.

    Loren looked uncomfortable. "I don't think that's a good idea."

    "Come on," Frank said, pushing Joseph toward the fence. "No one will ever know."

    Then Frank started to climb the wooden fence. Joseph felt bad but climbed the fence and jumped with Frank into the watermelon patch.

    Joseph took the closest melon and raced back to the fence. The other boys laughed and took turns carrying the heavy melon as they ran to the river. Finally they broke open the watermelon. The sticky sweet juice was delicious! But Joseph regretted what they had done and wished he hadn't taken the melon.

    On the walk home, they finished off the last piece of the melon just as they passed the watermelon patch again. Joseph lowered his head quickly when he saw Farmer Davis in the field. He waved at the boys, who quickly threw the melon rinds (皮) to the side of the road. Davis looked upset as the boys hurried by. Joseph felt terrible. It was wrong to take the watermelon. He knew he had to tell Farmer Davis what they had done and ask for forgiveness(宽恕).

    That evening Farmer Davis visited Joseph and Loren at their house. "One of my biggest watermelons went missing," he said, "I was wondering if you boys happened to see anyone in my field as you passed by today. "






    Paragraph 1:

    Joseph looked at his shoes and said in a low voice.

    Paragraph 2:

    Farmer Davis thought for a minute.
