外研版英语选修七Module 4 Music Born inAmerica.同步练习

修改时间:2021-05-20 浏览次数:446 类型:同步测试 编辑

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  • 1. The clever boy took________advantage of the opportunity and tried to make________good impression on the new teacher.

    A . an;a B . /;a C . an;/ D . the;/
  • 2. I have a(n)________budget for the trip,so I'm not going to fly but take the train to Beijing.

    A . awkward B . tight C . rigid D . firm
  • 3. All the doctor's efforts were________and the man involved in the car accident soon died.

    A . in use B . in order  C . in return D . in vain
  • 4. The manager promised to deal with the complaint________he reached the office.

    A . at the time B . every time C . the moment D . at the moment
  • 5. —When did Chris Lee's newalbum________?

    —I don't know but you can surf the Internet to get the information.

    A . try out B . set off C . come out D . show off
  • 6. How terrible your handwriting is!  Our teacher will be________with it and you will be punished.

    A . far from satisfying B . far from satisfied C . from far satisfied D . from far satisfying
  • 7. —Oh,sorry,Jane.I took your dictionary by mistake.


    A . That's right B . It doesn't matter C . You're welcome D . Never think about it
  • 8. So far I haven't adapted to the fast________of the modern life in Tokyo.

    A . step B . pace C . style D . manner
  • 9. ________to his research work,the professor cared little about any other thing.

    A . Devoting B . Having devoted C . To devote D . Devoted
  • 10. Although old,she is still very much alive.She is________with   excellent health.

    A . bored B . involved  C . related D . blessed
  • 11. Doctors are doing research to find out what happens   physically when people_____smoking.

    A . quit B . decline C . depart D . reserve
  • 12. We had to rely on our own intelligence to create ________and balance with the environment during development.

    A . importance B . agreement  C . effect D . harmony
  • 13. They said that the building of the new bridge would go ahead________.

    A . as they plan B . as are planned C . as planning D . as planned
  • 14. Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem,we need to adopt a different________to doing it.

    A . approach B . means C . method D . way
  • 15. It was the first time I________to America and I hadn't been abroad for a while.

    A . have traveled B . had traveled C . travel D . would travel


  • 16. 完形填空

       A learned man has always a lot of riches in himself.

       Simonides,a famous Greek poet, once made a tour around the well-known cities of Asia. Years later, he decided to 1to his native land by sea.

        However,he hoarded on a ship, which got 2in a terrible storm. Together withits own poor condition, the ship began to 3 into the sea. Somepassengers was busy 4together their bags, and others their 5belongings.To everyone's surprise, Simonides was a(n)6. One who was 7curious, asked, “Are you going to save 8 of your property, Simonides?” He made a reply, “All my possessions are 9 me.”

        While a few made their 10 by swimming, the majority, being weighed down bytheir burdens, disappeared in the sea. 11 , some thieves made their appearance, and stole12the few lucky people had saved, leaving them nothing.

         Clazomenae,an ancient city, chanced to be near the beach. Here lived a wealthy man 13the pursuits (追求) of literature. Hehad often read the poems of Simonides, and was a very great14 ofhim though he had never seen Simonides. 15 , Simonides was saved by this man shortly after he got to thebeach. Knowing who he was from their brief conversation, the man16Simonides into his house with the greatest pleasure, and 17 him withclothes, money, and attendants. The other 18 meanwhile were carrying about their bowls, begging for food in the same city. One day, Simonides 19to meet them. With much sympathy, Simonides remarked, “I told you that all myproperty was about me; what you have 20 to save is lost now.”

    A . return                                              B . get C . visit     D . come
    A . hit                                                  B . caught C . struck       D . seized
    A . break                                               B . drown C . fall       D . sink
    A . gathering                                         B . keeping C . joining      D . carrying
    A . common                                               B . formal C . precious     D . previous
    A . millionaire                                      B . example C . fool       D . exception
    A . slightly                                             B . extremely C . gradually  D . generally
    A . nothing                                                B . few C . none D . no one
    A . about                                               B . around C . of     D . for
    A . effort                                          B . effect C . escape          D . attempt
    A . In fact                                              B . In brief C . After all  D . Worse still
    A . that                                                    B . what C . which         D . when
    A . relatedto                                          B . adapted to C . determined to    D . devoted to
    A . adviser                                             B . listener C . admirer        D . buyer
    A . Unluckily                                         B . Fortunately C . Naturally        D . Frequently
    A . ordered                                            B . forced C . received    D . begged
    A . provided                                          B . offered C . showed        D . afforded
    A . villagers                                       B . writers C . stealers        D . survivors
    A . hoped B . happened C . managed  D . demanded
    A . struggled                                          B . failed C . encouraged     D . succeeded


  • 17. 阅读理解

    For many people,volunteering is a way of life.Holidays are the time of the year that more people are in a giving mood.Homeless shelters,children's hospitals,and nursing homes are excellent places to give of one's time.

             Volunteering in Homeless Shelters

            There is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find the closest homeless shelter to their home.According to the homeless shelter directory,currently there are 3,233 shelters in the US,so it is not difficult to find a shelter.Helping to serve food,picking up donations of food,preparing meals,and cleaning up are things that one can do to help at a homeless shelter.

    Volunteering in Children's Hospitals

    Every child needs comfort and joy,especially during the holiday seasons.By visiting sick children in hospitals,an individual provides helping hands by supplementing the services usually done by the hospital staff.Personalizing the hospital experience adds to the comfort and happiness of the children and their families.Volunteers provide help,and positive interactions (相互交流) which enhance the patient's quality of care.Help is needed almost everywhere in a hospital;from the lobby,parking lot,cafeteria,to admitting,helping with the gift cart,and even reading to children in the waiting rooms or their hospital rooms.

           Volunteering in Nursing Homes

    According to the National Center for Health Statistics,“Over 50% of those living in nursing homes do not have close relatives and 46% have no living children.” Life in a nursing home is lonely,confusing,and frightening for many residents.Volunteering at a nursing home is a great opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life.Playing cards,sitting with and talking to a resident,taking a walk,or sharing a meal makes a huge difference,especially when they have no other sole on earth to visit them.

          The three examples above are only a small fraction of institutions in which volunteers are needed.Giving of oneself,especially during the holidays blesses and cheers others.

    (1) According to the passage,what can a volunteer do in nursing homes?

    A . Visiting the sick children. B . Picking up the donated food.     C . Helping with the gift cart. D . Playing cards with a lonely old man.
    (2) What can we learn about the volunteering?

    A . You can only volunteer during the holidays. B . You can help prepare meals in a nursing home.     C . It is easy to find a homeless shelter to volunteer. D . Help is needed everywhere in a homeless shelter.
    (3) In a children's hospital,which of the following is true?

    A . Over 50% of those living there do not have relatives. B . A personal visit brings happiness to a sick boy. C . Children live a lonely and frightening life. D . Children love listening to volunteers' reading.
    (4) The best title for the passage would be________.

    A . Giving of oneself cheers others B . Volunteering is a way of life   C . Volunteering during the holidays D . Giving is better than taking
  • 18. 阅读理解

              Wisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear.This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties,in other words,when they are older and wiser.

              Wisdom teeth can grow into place normally and never cause a problem.But often there is not enough room for them in the mouth;they might crowd other teeth.Sometimes they even push sideways through the gums (齿龈).

              An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to completely rise through the gums.Wisdom teeth that only partly break through can leave space for bacteria to enter around the teeth.Infection (感染) is a risk in these cases.

             Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and become impacted are often removed.The American Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums.Removal is also advised if there is a chance that wisdom teeth ate poorly lined.The best time to remove is before the teeth cause any problems or pain.Young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.

             But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed?One theory has to do with our diets.Scientists say the diet of ancient humans probably required more chewing teeth.Life was probably a little rougher on the teeth back then,too.So it was good to have extras.

    (1) According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A . Just older and wiser people can have wisdom teeth. B . Wisdom teeth can cause problems if not in their right place. C . Impacted wisdom teeth can't grow out of the gum fully. D . Wisdom teeth that only partly break can get bacterial infections.
    (2) Wisdom teeth should be removed________.

    A . when they break through the gums B . when they are below the gums C . if they are not well lined or get impacted D . if they take up enough room in the mouth
    (3) We can learn from the passage that________.

    A . impacted wisdom teeth have the risk of getting infected B . ancient humans need chewing teeth because of their happy life C . older adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal D . more chewing teeth are needed for the diet of modern humans
    (4) The main purpose of the passage is to________.

    A . advise B . persuade C . comment D . introduce
