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  • 1. 阅读理解


    Joshua Ferris

        The first novel by American author Joshua Ferris was so different, because it is written in the second on; the group of odd office colleagues talk and act as a collective. It must have been hard to maintain, but Ferris does a great job. It is really a good novel set in boring office environments.


        John Steinbeck

        Obviously a classic and still popular, the themes of this novel are timeless and echo just us strongly today. Set during the Great Depression, the story follows a family of "Okies" — poor migrant farmers from Oklahoma — as they head west seeking work.


        Lionel Shriver

        Short stories from one of our best contemporary writers. Exploring the theme of possessions and ownership from many angles, this is certainly one for Marie Kondo fans. I have long been interested in what it is about things that can hook some people. The drive to possess items that serve no obvious purpose is most appealing to me. Fine, if an item is something given to you by someone special. But if you take a look around you, some things are probably simply useless and unmemorable. Shriver's book explores it better.


        James Maloney

        This absorbing story is about Margot Baumann, who takes a job in a mail-room in what, as later becomes clear, is a concentration camp. The amazing thing is the perspective it gives of German life during World War Ⅱ. Of course not all Germans, probably the large majority, had any real idea of what was going on. Within Margot's immediate circle you see the reactions among the German population to the rise and fall of their beloved — or hated-Fuhrer (元首). And nation.

    (1) For whom is this text mainly intended?
    A . Novelists. B . Book addicts. C . Editors. D . Story tellers.
    (2) Who may be liked by Marie Kondo fans?
    A . Joshua Ferris. B . John Steinbeck. C . Lionel Shriver. D . James Maloney
    (3) What is special about THE LOVE THAT I HAVE?
    A . It follows a family of "Okies". B . It is set in boring office environments. C . It tells stories about a contemporary writer. D . It explores the rise and fall of a nation in the world.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        One spring morning, I was hiking on southeastern Alaska's Island when I froze. 20 paces away was a huge Alaskan Wolf — caught in a trap. It was a mother wolf. Somewhere there were hungry pups (幼崽) waiting for her.

        From her appearance, I guessed that she had been trapped only a few days. That meant her pups were probably still alive. So I decided to search for her pups. Fortunately, I spotted her pups. I began imitating the high-pitched call of a mother wolf calling her young. A few moments later, four tiny pups appeared. One by one, I placed them in a bag and headed back down the slope.

        When the mother wolf spotted me, she let out a high-pitched. I released the pups, and they raced to her. I could see that the trap's steel jaws had imprisoned only two toes. They were swollen, but she wouldn't lose the paw — if I could free her.

        "OK," I said. "Just a minute and you will be free." I applied pressure, the trap opened, and the wolf pulled free. Reaching the far side, I looked back. The mother and her pups were sitting where I had left them, watching me. I waved. At the same time, the mother wolf sent a long howl into the air.

        Four years later, I returned after serving in the Army. Standing on the edge of a hill, I gave out a wolf call. An echo came and a wolf call followed. Then I saw a dark shape moving in my direction. "Hello, old girl," I called gently. The wolf moved closer, her tail wagging slightly. Moments later, the wolf left. But the memory she left with me will always be there, a reminder that there are things in nature that exist outside the laws and understanding of man.

    (1) How did the author feel when he first came across the wolf?
    A . Frightened. B . Satisfied. C . Excited. D . Disappointed.
    (2) What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
    A . The author rescued the mother wolf. B . The author managed to find the pups. C . The author took the pups from their mother. D . How did the author freed the mother wolf.
    (3) What can we learn from the text?
    A . The author was once a soldier. B . It was winter when the story happened. C . The author never saw the wolf again after saving her. D . The wolf couldn't recognize the author four years later.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . A Hike Trapped a Wolf. B . We Should Protect the Wolf. C . The Story Between a Man And a Wolf. D . How Can One Help Endangered Animals.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        If a shopper clicks "buy" for a product that costs $1,000 or more, it's twice as likely to be a man than a woman. That's one of the results revealed in a new NPR/ Marist poll about online shopping.

        The poll found that 27 percent of online shoppers —regardless of gender — have bought big-ticket items ($1,000 or more). It's the evolution of digital commerce from the Webs early days in the 1990s, when people worried about giving out their credit card information and whether products would even arrive. Today, many shoppers are willing to make even their most cherished and expensive purchases online, such as musical instruments, a diamond engagement ring……

        Speed and convenience are two factors why many men eagerly make major purchases online, said Americus Reed Il, a marketing professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. "What the research has shown is that men go to the store quickly, gather as much information as they can quickly and just buy it online, particularly because it's just faster, Reed said. Other factors may also explain the discrepancy between men and women. On average, men have higher incomes. They also tend to be early adopters when it comes to technology, according to Sucharita Kodali, an e-commerce analyst with the research firm Forrester.

        Bateman said that, early on, men lagged behind women in making fashion purchases online, but that's changing. And the retailer's analysis shows that click and buy is their customers' method of choice. "We know that 65 percent of their fashion shopping is done online," Bateman said. "That's a phenomenal figure because that really defines them as being more digital creatures than physical in the shopping sense."

    (1) What can we infer from the second paragraph?
    A . The most expensive purchases occur online. B . Online shopping was not popular in the 1990s. C . Today the majority of the people tend to buy online. D . Most online shoppers have bought big-ticket items.
    (2) What's the main idea of the third paragraph?
    A . Why men tend to purchase online. B . What kinds of purchases will be done by men. C . Important causes for advanced shopping online. D . Factors for women to buy expensive items online.
    (3) What does the underlined word discrepancy in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A . Similarity. B . Responsibility. C . Distinction. D . Sense.
    (4) What's Batemans attitude towards online shopping?
    A . Doubtful. B . Objective. C . Satisfied. D . Disappointed.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        After years of studying the Baka people of Cameroon, Fernando Ramirez Rozzi was surprised to find a sudden drop in fertility (生育) among young women in 2011. He tried to remember what had happened in the community that could have caused the change. The biggest news was a bar opened in late 2010 in the village, selling a cheap, dangerous mix of methanol (甲醇) and ethanol (乙醇).

        But was alcohol to blame for the decline in births? To answer that question, Ramirez Rozzi, a human paleontologist, compared the number of births before and after the bar opened. Ramirez Rozzi found the fertility rate dropped significantly after 2011 — from an average of 8. 8 babies per woman to 5. 6. And the rate decreased even more in younger women.

        Alcohol — especially the dangerous mix sold at the new bar — has been shown to contribute to many serious health conditions, including infertility in women. Indeed, government authorities in Cameroon have banned the production of the kind because it causes major disorders of the nervous system, cancers, and death. That the drop in fertility was especially high among young women also pointed to alcohol, because they hung out at the bar more than older women, listening to loud music and getting drunk.

        Ramirez Rozzi looked into other major changes, such as higher rates of disease. He found nothing. So he concludes that alcohol is to blame. Other researchers say Ramirez Rozzi's argument is convincing. "The case for alcohol abundance causing a drop in fertility is persuasive, says Nicholas Blurton-Jones, professor emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles. Blurton-Jones was not involved with the new work, but he has studied another group of hunter-gatherers who also struggle with alcohol.

        The drop in fertility could threaten the Baka people's chances of survival over time  Ramire Rozzi says. When he shared his data with the Baka women in a meeting last year, they told him they were very concerned about that.

    (1) Why was the drop in fertility especially high among young women?
    A . They were too tired. B . They didn't want to have babies. C . They drank too much alcohol. D . They were so busy with their work.
    (2) What can we learn from the text?
    A . Another group of people also have the same problem. B . Ramirez Rozzi did the research with other researchers. C . The Baka women didn't care about what Ramirez Rozzi told them. D . Ramirez Rozzi found other factors contributing to the reduction in fertility.
    (3) What does Nicholas Blurton-Jones think of Ramirez Rozzi's finding?
    A . Ridiculous. B . Unforgettable. C . Incorrect. D . Believable
    (4) What is the main idea of the text?
    A . Bad effects of alcohol abuse. B . A bar was popular in a village C . Alcohol leads to drop in fertility. D . Young women like to drink alcohol.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        There are lots of skiing lovers around the world. To get the most out of your time on the mountain you should think through each part of your adventure- equipment, clothing, food, and travel. , the more time you can spend on the slopes.


        Your skiing equipment — composed of your skis, poles, bindings, helmet, and goggles — should be checked over, and possibly tuned up, before you pack your bags for the mountain. . Inspect your boots to make sure they fit properly. Check your goggles and put them on with your helmet to see that they fit comfortably and offer a wide field of view.


        Your jacket and snow pants should be properly fitting and recently cleaned. Make sure your gloves are in good shape and offer a sense of comfort. . Don't forget extra items like warm socks, neck warmers and ski masks as well.


        Anyone who has ever purchased lunch at the ski lodge knows just how expensive it can be. Packing your own lunch saves you money and gets you back on the slopes faster. , bring plenty of fluids to drink on breaks between runs.


        Know your way to the mountain before you hit the road and consider writing down directions if you know you're heading into areas with spotty service. At the mountain, choose a designated meeting place in case the group becomes separated- a spot near the main lift often works well. Check the forecast and current conditions of the mountain. Many ski resorts will have live updates on the number of open trails and lifts.

    A. Routes and planning

    B. Spots and conditions

    C. If you are fully prepared

    D. The more prepared you are

    E. While bringing a bottle of water with you on the mountain isn't recommended

    F. Besides, long underwear goes a long way in keeping your legs warm and comfortable

    G. If you are taking your skis onto the slope for the very first time, they may also need a fresh wax


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        It was rush hour in San Angelo. Heather Santé was driving her Mazda with her nine-year-old daughter and ten-year-old son in the back. Suddenly, a red pickup truck 1 them off. Santé turned the wheel hard to the right, sending the Mazda 2 off the road and down an embankment (筑堤) that ended in a drop-off after about 50 feet. If the car didn't 3, it would fall onto the road some 20 feet below. Then a bit of 4: As the car raced toward the edge, its undercarriage got 5 on the concrete lip of the embankment, stopping it 6.

        The occupants, however, were far from safe. The car had come to rest on top of a wall, literally (确实地) on the edge of 7. One sudden move by anyone inside could send it over.

        Jacob Rodriguez watched the 8 unfold from the company where he works. Then he and four other men ran to the car. They 9 onto the trunk to balance the weight as the 10 kids in the back seat watched.

        11, Julio Vasquez and his nephew, Marco Vasquez, were driving to their jobs nearby. Julio jumped out of the car to help 12 Marco went to the shop, 13 a heavy-duty belt, and returned to the 14 car. He tied the Mazda to a truck that had been driven over by one of the other rescuers. With the car 15, the group carefully opened the 16 doors and helped the children out.

        But their departure changed the car's 17, causing it to tip forward. The men, still on the trunk, 18 Santé to jump into the back seat to re-balance the weight. She did and then inched out the back door. Finally, the men carefully 19 the car. Everyone was safe. Another foot, Rodriguez told USA Today, "and this would be a different 20."

    A . cut B . saw C . set D . took
    A . leaving B . jumping C . sliding D . diving
    A . move B . end C . stop D . lose
    A . wisdom B . luck C . choice D . consideration
    A . hurt B . change C . separated D . stuck
    A . casually B . suddenly C . deliberately D . closely
    A . adventure B . disaster C . shock D . regret
    A . scene B . plot C . scenery D . view
    A . leaped B . escaped C . flowed D . slipped
    A . amazed B . inspire C . annoyed D . terrified
    A . Still B . Therefore C . However D . Meanwhile
    A . while B . until C . unless D . even if
    A . shook B . grashped C . followed D . threw
    A . floating B . broken C . swinging D . stolen
    A . repaired B . secure C . cleaned D . deserted
    A . thick B . narrow C . front D . back
    A . energy B . form C . weight D . function
    A . informed B . ordered C . challenged D . directed
    A . got off B . turned off C . set up D . turned up
    A . chance B . trip C . story D . deal


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        I was at a family restaurant, a chain type,  offers good food at low  (price) and often has specials. You tend to see older people dining there who may not otherwise be able to afford to dine out.

        This particular day there was a couple,  (probable) in their 80's, in the row next to  (I). The story playing in my mind  (be) that they would be using their social security check to enjoy this night out.

        So, when I  (finish) my meal, I went to the register  (pay). I then decided I would pay for this couple's meal as well. I had a SMILE card but chose not to on this occasion, as I did not want them to feel as though they had to pass it on,  (guess) that it was already difficult enough for them to just get by. I thanked the Divine that I am  (bless)  enough to have been able to share a little something  this gentle couple.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





    Dear Mr. Black,

        I'm Jim, the chairman of the students' Union. I'm writing to invite you attend the English Dubbing Contest in our school lecture hall next Friday. We would be great honored if you could come to be one of our judge.

        The contest will start at 2:40 pm and lasted about 2 hours. All the competitors will dub the giving sections of some popular English films. Their performances will be score according to their pronunciations, tones or emotions of the characters in the films. Hope you will be available then and I believe we would learn more if you was there.

        Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenient.




  • 9. 假定你是李华,你作为交换生在英国 Cambridge学习,在图书馆意外丢失书包,写一份寻物启事,以找回自己的书包。要点如下:



