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  • 1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?
    A . accident banker B . cannibal gravy C . koala jasmine
  • 2. In the following words, which underlined letter group has a different sound from the oth­ers?
    A . coast B . hoax C . abroad
  • 3. Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as others ?
    A . Norway B . Macao C . Moscow
  • 4. Two months has passed, and we hope that the event of Meng Wanzhou will win ________ exciting result which we are looking forward to!
    A . a B . an C . /
  • 5. Nowadays, it is thought by scientists that one person is a(n) __________, for there are billions of germs living inside our body or on our skin.
    A . surrounding B . environment C . ecosystem
  • 6. Chinese Kungfu, with ____________ history, is very popular with people around the world because it is helpful to keep healthy.
    A . a four-thousand-year B . four thousand years C . four thousands years
  • 7. —I'm worried about the coming High School Entrance Examination. God bless me!

    —God only helps those who helps ______________.

    A . yourselves B . ourselves C . themselves
  • 8. Parents in Harbin paid ________ of their salary for their children' s after-school clas­ses in order that their kids can go to a key high school.
    A . two three B . two thirds C . second three
  • 9. In Germany, you will get a fine at a restaurant for ___________ the rest of food because no one is allowed to waste natural (罚款)resources randomly(任意地).
    A . throwing to B . throwing away C . throwing at
  • 10. Prohibition (禁令)of going out has worked in preventing the virus SARS-CoV-2 (新型冠状病毒). It has made the confirmed cases(确诊病例)_____________.
    A . more and more B . fewer and fewer C . less and less
  • 11. Taiwan is a part of China. Nobody can stop the desire of returning to motherland of people from ____________ side of the sea.
    A . the other B . another C . any other
  • 12. Our English teacher is quite strict with us, but he is never hard ___________ us.
    A . with B . about C . on
  • 13. —I found a lot of snowmen when I ___________with my parents along the Songhua River.

    —How funny they were!

    A . was playing B . played C . am playing
  • 14. —Did you hear ____________________?

    —Yes. I won't see China win World Cup during my life, will I?

    A . Chinese National Football Team is beaten by Iran(伊朗) B . Chinese National Football Team was beaten by Iran C . whether was Chinese National Football Team beaten by Iran or not
  • 15. Recently, the grandfather from a short movie called What is Peppa _________ has spread quickly by phone has moved me a lot.
    A . who B . which C . what
  • 16. People are not allowed to set off fireworks during the Spring Festival this year in Har­bin. Because it may not only put children in ________ danger, but also make the air further __________.
    A . large, pollute B . great, pollution C . great, polluted
  • 17. My son always _________ very happy as long as he hears that dad and mom _____________ him to Wanda Mall together.
    A . will feel, will take B . feels, take C . feels, will take
  • 18. Easier Day is a traditional eastern festival in honor of Jesus Christ's coining back to life, one of the symbols of the festival is Easter eggs, and the other is _____________.
    A . a doggy B . a bunny C . a kitty
  • 19. Nowadays, travelling by plane is becoming more and more common. It should be known to you that ___________ for the first time to go by plane.

    ①you should wear the safety belt well

    ②you sit on any seat if it is available

    ③you can eat something to make your ears comfortable

    ④if you're tired, you can take a walk in the plane

    ⑤you should never keep an empty stomach to take a plane

    A . ①③④ B . ①③⑤ C . ①②④
  • 20. Wang Hua and his 49 classmates joined in this activity of helping the homeless chil­dren. According to the form below, ___________ boys in his class gave away school things.







    (school things)


    (school things)

    Percentage (百分比) of the whole class





    A . 24 B . 15 C . 14


  • 21. 根据短语内容选择最佳答案。

        If you put a buzzard (秃鹰)in a pen(围栏)six to eight 1 square and completely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability Io fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard 2 begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. 3 space to run, as is its habit, it will not even try to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small pen with no lop.

        The ordinary bat that flies around at night, who is flying fast and quickly in the air, cannot 4 from a level place. If it 5 on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is to move about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some higher place from which it can throw 6 into the air. Then, at once, it flies like a flash.

        A bumblebee(大黄蜂)if dropped into an open glass will be there until it dies, 7 it is taken out. It never sees the way of escape at the top, but keeps on trying to find some way out 8 the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

        9, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee. They are struggling about with all their problems and failures not 10that the answer is right there above them.

    A . foot B . feet C . feets
    A . never B . seldom C . always
    A . With B . In C . Without
    A . take up B . take risks C . take off
    A . is putting B . is put C . puts
    A . itself B . it C . themselves
    A . until B . as long as C . unless
    A . across B . over C . through
    A . By the way B . In this way C . In many ways
    A . realizing B . realize C . realized


  • 22. 请根据以上内容选出最佳答案。

    Christmas Singing Competition 2019 Entry Form (参赛表)

    Singer's Name

    Singer's Age


    Competition Type




    Bring your own CD, prepare 2 songs

    13-19 year olds only


    Entry Date


    1st, 2nd and 3rd

    Before November 30, 2016


    Competition Rules

        Relatives of judges(评委)and organizers are not allowed to take part in the competition.

        All singers must be between 13 and 19 years of age.

        Singers aged 17 or younger need the permission of a parent to take part (See Parent Permission below ).

        All singers must arrive al least 30 minutes before the start of the competition. Late comers will not be allowed to take part.


    1st Prize - $1000 (one prize only)

    2nd Prize - $ 250 ( 3 prizes)

    3rd Prize - 8 100 (5 prizes)

        Winners will be decided according to the following:

    Voice Quality

    Song Choice

    Audience Response

    Dancing Ability





    Christmas Singing Competition

    Head Organizer: William Daniels

    Tel: 2343 43453

    Email: w_daniels@ gmail. com

    Website: www. christmassing2016. com

    Dale of Event: December 20, 2016

    Where: City Town Hall

    191 King Street Newtown

    Time: 130 p. m. to 8:30 p. m.

    Tickets: $15(adults) : $5(children under 17)

    (1) How many people will be given prizes in total?
    A . Three. B . Five. C . Nine.
    (2) Who can take part in the competition?
    A . A 20-year-old singer. B . A 19-year-old daughter of a judge. C . A 15-year-old friend of an organizer.
    (3) If one singer's parents want to watch the competition, how much will they pay?
    A . $15. B . 820. C . $30.
    (4) Which of the following is the most important for deciding the winners?
    A . Voice Quality B . Song Choice. C . Audience Response.
    (5) If an 18-year-old singer wants to enter the competition, which parts of the form must be completed?
    A . Singer's Name. B . Singer's Name and Singer's Age. C . Singer's Name, Singer's Age and Date of Event.
  • 23. 根据短文内容判断正、误。

        Through the cold winter wasteland(荒地)a man walked hard, pushing the hard wind which tried to force him back. He was covered from head to toe in layers(层)of thick clothing, layers of protecGon against the terrible environment. He fought on, searching, searching. He was working so hard. This must be the way.

        In the distance he saw what looked like steam rising out of the ground. It rose a few feet and then was quickly blown away by the biting wind. He changed his way and turned towards the steam, thanking goodness for that he turned his freezing face out of the hard wind.

        As he got closer, he thought he could make our voices. Their lone was unfamiliar to him - musical, relaxed and warm - their voice made him closer. Finally he got close enough.

        There before him was a remarkable sight. There was a large pool. Several people were in the pool, they seemed to be moving easily without any effort. As they saw him getting closer, a woman called out to him.

        " Come in here. It is lovely and warm. You can just lie back and relax," said the woman.

        " I can't. There are no steps. " The man replied.

        "Just jump in. It really is lovely in here. Come on. There's plenty of room for another." Another of the swimmers said to him.

        "But what if I don't like it, how will I get out? The sides are too high to reach up to. "

        "Believe me; you won't want to get out. Come on. It is so good in here. "

        But he decided not to jump in. And that was a wise decision.

        There're many things and people in life like this pool. They promise you life can be easy.

        But in fact, they are traps that you can't come back from.

        Life is hard. Stay wise. And fight.

    (1) The man dressed in layers of thick clothing.
    (2) The man saw what looked like smoke rising out of the ground.
    (3) There were two persons in the pool.
    (4) Al last the man decided to jump in. And that was a wise decision.
    (5) Life is like this pool. We should keep wise and make the right choice.
  • 24. 根据短文选择正确答案。

        McDonald's Just Announced an Amazing Change to Its Iconic French Fries (You Might Actually Like It).

        If there's one thing that most people I know like to eat at McDonald's, it's their iconic French fries. They must run into your brain when people talk about McDonald's. There's just something a- bout them that makes them hard to beat.

        However, McDonald's just announced an addition to its French fries options(选项)that the company thinks will make them even better. Bacon. And cheese.

        According to a McDonald's announcement, beginning on January 30, McDonald's customers will be able to order Cheesy Bacon Fries. The idea is actually pretty simple: melt cheese sauce over hoi fries, and then sprinkle(撒)on smoked bacon bits. But that's not all…

        The company will also introduce two new items cooked with bacon to its menu: a Big Mac Ba­con burger, and a Quarter Pounder Bacon burger. According to a McDonald's announcement, ba­con is hot—getting 17,000 mentions a day on U. S. online platforms.

        Like many of McDonald's recent food announcements, this one has an expiration date (限时). While there is no specific(具体的)date mentioned, the company says that Cheesy Bacon Fries and the bacon burgers will be available only for a limited time. So, if you're interested in checking out these new menu items, you'd better not wait too long.

    (1) What does the underlined word "iconic" probably mean in Chinese in this passage?
    A . 符号的 B . 标志性的 C . 偶像的
    (2) What do people love to eat in McDonald's according to the passage?
    A . Cheesy Bacon Fries. B . French fries. C . Big Mac Bacon burger.
    (3) According to the passage, _________ is Americans' favourite food on U. S. online platform.
    A . bacon B . cheese C . fries
    (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A . McDonald's customers will be able to order Cheesy Bacon Fries on January 3. B . McDonald's will introduce two new items cooked with bacon to its menu. C . Cheesy Bacon Fries and the bacon burgers will be available only for a limited time.
    (5) What's the best title of this passage?
    A . McDonald's New Items. B . Bucon Is Popular with Americans. C . Big Mac Bacon Burger and Quarter Pounder Bacon Burger.
  • 25. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)。

        Bill is only fifteen years old, but he's already very rich. Two years ago. Bill began a football website(网站)for young people. "I became interested in computers when I was eight because my father's job in with computers. As a little boy, I also loved football. "

        Bill started the "Football OK!" website two years ago, and now more than 20,000 people visit it every day.

         He usually gets up at six and looks at his e-mails. Then he goes to school from nine to four. In the evenings, he always works for about four hours on his website.

         "At the moment I am thinking about a new website on American football, maybe for next year," he said.

        And is Bill the same person that he was three years ago?  "I have met a lot of interesting people on the website and I have traveled all over the world." Bill doesn't know about the fu­ture. "Maybe I will sell the website. I really don't know. I'll just wait and see. "

        When he is 21, Bill will be a millionaire (百万富翁).

    A. No, he is very different now.

    B. Bill' s next plan is a new website.

    C. He always says, " Anything is possible. "

    D. Bill is a schoolboy and businessman as well.

    E. So I decided to make a website, especially for people of my age.


  • 26. 从A-G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)

    A: Hi, Jason. Would you like lo come over to my home this weekend?

    B:   What are we going to do together?

    A: We' re going to play chess on Saturday morning and I am going to cook noodles for you.

    B: Are you joking?

    A: Of course I can. I've learned cooking on TV.


    A: For two days. My parents have been away on business, so I cook by myself.

    B: When will they come back?

    A:  During these days, I have to do a lot of things alone.

    B: I'm sure you will have a special experience.

    A: Yes.  I like trying new things.

    B: You bet! See you then.

    A: See you.

    A. How long have you learn it?

    B. Sorry, I can't.

    C. Yes, I'd like to.

    D. That's the main thing.

    E. In a week.

    F. Can you cook noodles?

    G. That's wrong.

  • 27. 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Hello, Lucy .

    B: Hi, Lucy. This is Jack. Are you still going to the Sports Club?

    A: Yes, why?

    B: Well, I went lo the hospital yesterday, and my doctor suggested me  more exercise.

    A: I see. Why  you join the club that I am going to?

    B: What do you do there?

    A: Well, I often start by running, then swimming.

    B:  great. How often do you go there?

    A: Usually twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

    B: Not bad. I think I can manage.

    A: Hey, I'm going again tonight. Why not  with me?

    B: Good idea.


  • 28. 用方框中所给同的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空一词,每词限用一次)

    interesting   fill   movements   school     need     pupil   late     move   act  made up of

    A primary school principal in north China has become the internet celebrity(网红)for creating some cool moves during a morning exercise routine(常规)with his students.

    Every morning, 40-year-old principal Zhang Pengfei at the Xi Guan Primary School in Linyi county, Shanxi province would lead about 700 pupils on the playground to dance 'ghost shuffle(魔鬼舞步)' routine—a dance that is modem jazz steps with heel, toe and arm .

    The headmaster thought the fun and exercise with energy routine would better encourage students to get instead of 'being glued to their mobile phones'.

    The school's new 30-minute dance routine has replaced the broadcast calisthenics(广播体操)programme, a short exercise that has been a at every primary, middle and secondary school(中学)in China since 1951.

    " I thought we  a change because the students have been losing  in doing the broadcast calisthenics routine, " Zhang told the reporter.

  • 29. 阅读短文,根据题目要求及所给语境完成任务。

    Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. Life was hard when Jack was growing up and he started working when he was 10. He did lots of different jobs. In his free time he went to the library and he spent many hours there, reading. In 1894 he went back to school, and published ( 出版)his first short story Typhoon, off the Coast of Japan. Then in 1896 he went to the University of California al Berkeley, but he had to leave because of money problems.

        In 1897 he left for the Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska. However, he became ill and came home and started working as a full - time writer. He wrote short stories and soon he was well - known. In 1903 he wrote his most famous story: The Call of the Wild. His next novel was The Sea -Wolf (1904) which is perhaps his best novel. With the money he bought a large farm in Califor­nia, where he died, aged only 40 years old.

    London wrote a lot of novels in his short life. Between 1905 and 1916 he published 18 novels and six collections of stories, as well as a play, different kinds of works of non - fiction and a biography (自传). He is best - known for his descriptions of nature and the animal world.

    (1) 根据英文释义及首字母提示。拼写单词。

    ①p maybe, used when you are not sure about sth.

    ②n all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people.

    (2) 同义句转换,每空一词。

    In his free time he went to the library and he spent many hours there, reading.

    In his free time he went to the library and   him many hours there to read.

    (3) When did Jack London publish his first short story?
    (4) What are the names of Jack London' s stories mentioned in the passage?
    (5) Where did Jack London die?
  • 30. 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。

        In many children's stories, a girl meets a prince and falls in love. They get married and live 'happily ever after'.

        As a child, Meghan Markle may never have imagined marrying a prince. But that is exactly what happened on May 19th!

        Who is this young lady who just married into Britain's royal family (王室)?

        Meghan Markle was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1981. Her mother, Doria, was a doctor, and her father, Tom, was a television lighting director. For 10 years after school each day, young Megtian spent lime at the studio where her father worked. This experience allowed her to become very comfortable with the acting business. For that reason, she knew she wanted to be­come an actress from a very early age.

        As a child, she felt strongly about something else, too: People should be treated equally. This passion(热情)to help others is still a big part of her life today.

        Her acting career began in 2002 when she made her first appearance on TV. Other small parts on TV and in a few films followed. Then finally in 2011, Markle got her big break. She won a lead role in the popular TV series Suits.

    Title: Meghan Markle - the Actress Who Just  a Prince


    She was born in Los Angeles. California 9 in 1981.

    She wanted to be an actress when she was very

    Her mother was a doctor and her father was a TV lighting director.

    Meghan Markle became a of Britain's royal family on May 19th.

    Acting career

    It started in 2002 when she made heron TV for the first time.

    She played some small parts on TV and in films afterwards.

    She got the lead role in the popular TV series Suits in 2011.


  • 31. 3月3日,星期日学校组织九年级学生研学旅行(study trip)o本次研学旅行学校要带领 同学们去参观黑龙江省博物馆(Heilongjiang Museum)。请你用微信群给同学们发一则通知。










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    Dear classmates:

        I have good news for you.
