
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:322 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 21. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1) What's wrong with Linda?
    A . She is worried. B . She is afraid. C . She is happy.
    (2) — What should she do?

    — She should take her cat to the ______________.

    A . hospital B . restaurant C . park
  • 22. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1) What is Mike going to buy?
    A . A dictionary. B . Some storybooks. C . A comic book.
    (2) Where is the bookstore?
    A . It is near the home. B . It is near the post office. C . It is near the school.
    (3) — How do they go to the bookstore?

    — They ______________ there.

    A . walk B . take a bus C . take a taxi

四、理解单词意思,找出与它们同类的单词。(6 分)

  • 23. 理解单词意思,找出与它们同类的单词。

    A. postcard   B. coach   C. train    D. sad   E. today     F. does

    (1) postman    worker
    (2) angry    happy
    (3) tomorrow    next week
    (4) comic book    word book
    (5) bike    subway
    (6) studies    plays


六、根据语言情境,选择正确的选项。(10 分)


  • 35. 读对话,选择正确的问答句。

    A. Does she live in Beijing?

    B. How does she go to school?

    C. Of course.

    D. She likes drawing cartoons.

    E. What are you going to do 1onight?

    John: Hey, Lily.

    Lily: I'm going to write an email to my pen pal, Lucy.

    John: A pen pal? Coo! Where does she live?

    Lily: No, she doesn't. She lives in Alaska.

    John: Oh, it's very cold there. It often snows.

    Lily: She goes to school by sled. It's very fast.

    John: Amazing! And what are her hobbies?


    John: Ha-ha, I like drawing, to0. Can 1 also be her pen pal?

    Lily: . She'll visit Beijing next month. I'll tell her.


  • 36. Lucy是Lily的笔友,她将要来北京。阅读下面的Email,完成以下任务。

    (1) This email is from ______________ to ______________.
    A . Lucy; Lily B . Lily; Lucy C . John; Lucy
    (2) What clothes should Lucy take to Beijing?
    A . B . C .
    (3) How can she get to Lily's home?
    A . Take the No. 62 bus. B . Take the No.126 bus. C . Take the No.26 bus.
    (4) In Beijng, maybe(可能) Lucy will ______________.
    A . visit the Great Wall and eat “Peking Duck" B . make a snowman and visit the West Lake C . visit her grandparents and visit the Palace Museum
    (5) 根据Email中的路线指导,在下面地图中找出Lily的家。

    ______________ is Lily's home.

    A . B . C .


  • 37. Lucy有个可爱的表弟Sam,阅读这个发生在Sam身上的有趣故事,选择正确的选项。

        Sam is a four year old boy. He lives in the USA with his parents. His father works in a hospital. He goes there by subway. He can read books on it. His mother is a worker in a factory. She often walks to work. They usually do some shopping for the next week on' Sundays. But this Sunday they are going to the park to have a picnic because it is Sam's birthday.

        Look! Sam has many birthday gifts. One of them is a nice drum(鼓). He likes music. Of course Sam likes the drum very much. He makes a noise(噪音) with it all day. His parents don't mind(介意). They are happy. But one of their neighbours(邻居) doesn't like the noise. One day, she brings a knife and says to Sam, “Sam, do you know, there's a very nice gift in your drum? Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it." "OK!" Sam answers happily.

    (1) What does Sam's father do?

    — Maybe he is a ______________.

    A . coach B . music teacher C . doctor
    (2) Sam and his parents are going to ______________ this Sunday.
    A . have a picnic B . go shopping C . read books
    (3) — What are Sam's hobbies?

    — He likes ______________.

    A . playing with knife B . playing the drum C . drawing
    (4) Are Sam's parents angry with Sam?
    A . Yes, they are. B . No, they aren't. C . I don't know.
    (5) — How does Sam's neighbour feel when she hears the noise?

    — She is ______________.

    A . happy B . afraid C . angry
  • 38. 去过北京后,Lucy一家又来到了上海。阅读Lucy的日记,选择正确的选项。

    Nov. 30th.

        The Subway in Shanghai

        My family and 1 are in Shanghai now. In Shanghai, many people like to take the subway. We often take the subway, too. It's very cheap, easy and convenient(方便的). In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the road is very busy. But the subway can get to your place quickly. At that time, there are also many people on the subway. It is very crowded.

        And it is very easy to pay(支付) for it. You don't need to buy a ticket(票). You can use "Alipay", that is "zhifubao" in Chinese. You can get an e ticket on your phone, and you only have to pay2 to9 RMB for one ticket. That's cool! How can you find a subway station in Shanghai? When you see the sign of“ ”, you can find it near there.

        If you are new in Shanghai, I think taking a subway is a convenient way.

    (1) The sign(标志) of the subway in Shanghai is ______________.
    A . B . C .
    (2) People like to take the subway because it's ______________.
    A . beautiful and fast B . cheap and easy C . expensive and convenient (方便的)
    (3) What does the underlined(画线的) word "crowded" mean(意思)?
    A . 快捷的 B . 忙碌的 C . 拥挤的
    (4) When can you see the most(最多的) people on the subway?
    A . 8:00 am. B . 2:00 pm. C . 9:00 pm.
    (5) Which one is NOT true?
    A . You can buy a ticket with 4 yuan. B . You can take a subway with "Alipay". C . You can take a subway for free(免费).


  • 39. 请根据同学们的个人信息表,补全他们写在班级交流墙上的便利贴并仿写自己的便利贴,完成问题。

     Ways to school: by subway Hobbies: reading books Holiday plan: clean my room read books

     Ways to school: by bike Hobbies: singing playing basketball Holiday plan: play basketball

    Shall we read?

    I am Amy. My home is far from school, so I go to school . I like reading books. I am going to read books this winter holiday. Do you like reading?

    Let's play!

    I am Wu Binbin. My home is not far from school, so I often go to school by bike. I like and singing. I am going to play basketball this winter holiday. Will you come?


    Ways to school: by bus

    Hobbies: doing word puzzles, going hiking

    Holiday plan: take a trip

    Ways to school:


    Holiday plan:

    About John

    I am John. I often go to school by bus. I like doing word puzzles and . I am going to this winter holiday.

    Let's be together!

    I am XXX. I often go to school . I . I this winter holiday.
