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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Student Scholarships

        5 Strong Scholarship

        Application Deadline: August 20th

        Scholarship Description: The 5 Strong Scholarship Foundation is a team of experienced educators that have over 30 years of experience in helping minority nationality students get into college. We have teamed up to form a foundation that's going to be devoted to building groups of 5 college ready scholars and placing them on the campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

        Contact: Andrew H. Ragland; 770-873-6621

        $ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship

        Application Deadline: October 8th

        Scholarship Description: The $ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship is a virtue-based competition that is open to 7th—12th graders and college students and non — traditional students. Applicants must be juniors or seniors or adult students.

        Contact: Adrian Monk; 650-319-8441

        ACF Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship

        Application Deadline: July 9th

        Scholarship Description: One or more scholarships are awarded each year to New Mexico graduating high school seniors and continuing college students. Students must go after a degree or certificate from a non-profit public or technical professional institution including community college.

        Contact: Daniel White; 505-883-6240

        "Species On The Edge 2. 0" Social Scholarship

        Application Deadline: September 19th

        Scholarship Description: Conserve Wildlife Foundation invites high school student from across the state to submit an original social media campaign showing why wildlife is important to protect. The fun and educational contest provides students with the opportunity to show their talent, creativity and love for nature. The students may get scholarships if they perform well.

        Contact: Stephanie Dalessio; 609-984-6021

    (1) What's the $ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship mainly based on?
    A . Certificate. B . Virtue. C . Protecting wildlife. D . Helping black students.
    (2) Who can minority nationality students call for help if they want to get a scholarship?
    A . Stephanie Dalessio. B . Adrian Monk. C . Daniel White D . Andrew H. Ragland.
    (3) Which of the following is intended for New Mexican students?
    A . 5 Strong Scholarship. B . $ 1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship. C . ACF Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship. D . "Species On The Edge 2. 0" Social Scholarship.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        A bunch of strangers showed up at the gym in the early morning of the last Sunday of April. A few athletes were already stretching their arms, but most of us could barely focus. As I was burning off last night's wrong decision—a big meal, I spotted a poster about a gym's 21-day workout challenge, and I immediately signed up. I always wanted to train for a marathon, so I considered this as my warm-up. Besides, I needed to stop being lazy and this was my chance to make a change.

        It was easy to promise on paper, but three weeks of recommended exercise routines and diet restrictions wouldn't be easy. I stuck to working out 30 minutes a day, and I didn't disturb my normal routine. Instead, I had to be faced with the tough work of being more creative in my spare time, thus breaking some bad habits.

        Overcoming weaknesses with willpower was my goal for the next part of the journey. But the difficult part about making a challenge is realizing that "wanting" and "doing" are two very different things. Just like a career, you have to physically work for it rather than just wait for it to happen. But that's hard. Throughout the 21 days, I often told myself that the challenge was meaningless and tried to sabotage myself from exercising. However, finally I overcame that negative thought and kept working out.

        At the end of the challenge, I learned something even more important: Feeling the results is better than seeing them. I had fewer headaches and more energy, and was simply happier. I even felt a little smarter as I researched which foods were better for my body, and learned how to make healthier meals. I felt a sense of accomplishment, too, because even though I wanted to give up dozens of times, I didn't. I felt my waist got smaller and my arms got stronger, and I no longer felt guilty after having a piece of cake or a drink.

    (1) What was the author's wrong decision?
    A . Going to the gym early. B . Training for a marathon. C . Eating a lot the previous night. D . Stopping being lazy for a change.
    (2) What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
    A . Some of the author's bad habits. B . Some ways of the author's killing his spare time. C . The importance of sticking to the normal daily routine. D . The difficulty of the author's keeping on with the workout plan.
    (3) What does the underlined word "sabotage" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A . Prevent. B . Hear. C . Improve. D . Distinguish.
    (4) What did the author learn from the workout challenge?
    A . Eating healthy food is more important than exercising. B . Overcoming a challenge could bring good feelings to him. C . It's more important to see what he likes than just feel it. D . There was no need to feel guilty about things he disliked to do.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        A new study shows that air pollution can cause a huge reduction in our intelligence. The study was a project involving researchers at Peking University in China and Yale University in the United States.

        The researchers reported that long-term exposure to air pollution can affect a person's mental abilities in two areas: Language and math.

        The researchers studied about 25,000 people from across China. Between 2010 and 2014, these Chinese men, women and children were given language and math tests. Then researchers compared the test results with measurements of pollution in the air, namely nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide (二氧化硫).

        Xi Chen of the Yale School of Public Health led the study. He and his team found that breathing polluted air can reduce a person's education level by about one year.

        Chen said that the effect generally is worse for those over 64 years of age, for men and for those with little or no education.

         “The older persons—they are more affected. And we find, quite amazingly, males are more affected than females. And people working outdoors are more affected than people working indoors.

        He noted that the youngest people in the study were 10 years old, while the oldest was 90 years old. They came from China's 33 provinces. In his words, the data and facts are convincing and this range of ages and locations across the country provided a real, objective and representative sample.

        The researchers noted that the effect of air pollution on verbal ability is even more serious as people age, especially among men and the less educated. The researchers also stressed that every country, whether developed, developing or poor, should focus on air pollution or humans will face a bad situation.

    (1) What is the result of the study?
    A . Air pollution has a bad effect on people's intelligence. B . Females are more affected by air pollution than males. C . Americans are more affected by air pollution than Chinese. D . People working indoors are actually not affected by air pollution.
    (2) What did Chen say about the study?
    A . It is doubtful. B . It is extremely unfair. C . It is common and not representative. D . It is relatively objective and persuasive.
    (3) What did the researchers emphasize in the last paragraph?
    A . The data from the 33 provinces is convincing. B . The whole world should pay attention to air pollution. C . The less educated take more responsibility for air pollution. D . Air pollution's influence on verbal ability is less serious as people age.
    (4) Where is the text most likely taken from?
    A . A life diary. B . A guidebook. C . A science magazine. D . A biography.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Stories are shared in many ways. They are described in books and magazines. They are read around the campfire at night. They are randomly distributed from stand-alone booths. But what else?

        To revive (复兴)literature in the era of fast news and smartphone addiction, Short Edition, a French publisher of short-form literature, has set up more than 30 story dispensers (分发机)in the USA in the past years to deliver fiction at the push of a button at restaurants, universities and government offices.

        Francis Ford Coppola, the film director and winemaker, liked the idea so much that he invested in the company and placed a dispenser at his Cafe Zoetrope in San Francisco. Last month public libraries in some other cities announced they would be setting them up, too. There is one on the campus at Penn State. A few can be found in downtown West Palm Beach, Fla. And Short Edition plans to announce more, including at the Los Angeles International Airport.

        "Everything old is new again," said Andrew Nurkin, the director of the Free Library of Philadelphia, which is one of the libraries that set up the dispensers. "We want people to be easily exposed to literature. We want to advance literacy among children and inspire their creativity.

        Here's how a dispenser works: It has three buttons on top indicating choices for stories that can be read in one minute, three minutes or five minutes. When a button is pushed, a short story is printed. The stories are free. They are chosen from a computer category of more than 100,000 original submissions by writers whose works have been evaluated by Short Edition's judges, and transmitted over a mobile network. Offerings can be tailored to specific interests, like children's fiction or romance. Short Edition gets stories for its category by holding writing contests.

        Short Edition set up its first booth in 2016 and has 150 machines worldwide. "The idea is to make people happy," said Kristan Leroy, director of Short Edition, "There is too much unhappiness today."

    (1) What do we know about the stories sent by dispensers?
    A . They are expensive. B . They are short in form. C . They can be read on smartphones. D . They are mainly taken from magazine literature.
    (2) Where can you find the popularity of story dispensers in America?
    A . In paragraph 3. B . In paragraph 4. C . In paragraph 5. D . In paragraph 6.
    (3) Which is the main purpose of setting up the dispensers according to Andrew Nurkin?
    A . To get rid of people's smartphone addiction. B . To reduce the financial stress of libraries. C . To make people have access to literature. D . To advertise the network literature.
    (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . Online Reading: a Virtual Tour B . Short Edition, a French Publisher C . Everything Old Will Be Popular Again D . Taste of Literature, at the Push of a Button


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        A science teacher's job is teaching science to his students. A person who decides to become a science teacher may have many career choices available to him. He may decide to work in a primary to teach a range of subjects, including science. Some even choose to earn advanced degrees that allow them to work as college professors.

         They may cover such basic science subjects as biology, chemistry, physics and earth science as well as a full range of other subjects. The subjects a science teacher covers may vary, depending on such factors as where he teaches and the age of the students he's instructing.

        A person who wants to become a science teacher for primary-aged students may find it necessary to teach other subjects in addition to science. In such classroom, one teacher may instruct students not only in science but also math, history, language and other subjects.

        At the high school level, science teachers usually have the opportunity to focus on their chosen subject. Typically, teachers at this level are required to earn bachelor's degree in the subjects they want to teach in addition to teaching certifications.

        College science teachers usually need more advanced degrees to secure their positions. Typically, a full-time science professor needs a doctoral degree in order to do so. That is because colleges typically need teachers in basic and highly-specialized courses.

    A. Science teachers teach various science concepts.

    B. Science teachers are good at answering mysterious questions.

    C. Often, college science teachers have a wide range of subjects choices.

    D. A deep knowledge in the field of science will help applicants stand out.

    E. He may also choose to teach a particular science subject in high school.

    F. For example, a high school chemistry teacher usually needs a chemistry degree.

    G. Many primary schools hire teachers to teach all the basic subjects in one classroom.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。

        Entrepreneur (企业家)Brian Hamilton used to occupy himself with a six-figure job. But his life1in a prison. He wasn't2prison he was accompanying his friend, Robert J. Harris, who went to local prisons to do ministry work frequently. During the3, Hamilton started talking to a prisoner and4what he was going to do when getting out. "He said he was going to get a job," Hamilton recalls. "I5myself, wow, that's going to be6with a criminal background. "

        The7made Hamilton consider how the prisoners could8from entrepreneurship. So in 2008, Hamilton9a nonprofit organization called Inmates to Entrepreneurs that10people with criminal backgrounds to start their small business. He and Harris taught their11course at a minimum security prison called "How to Start Your Own Business when You Get Out".

        At the time, Hamilton was12his own company, Sageworks. As Sageworks grew, so did Hamilton's time13on entrepreneurship courses.14, Hamilton decided it was time to transfer his15to the courses. In 2018, he sold his stake (股份)in Sageworks to ensure his16to Inmates to Entrepreneurs.

        He planned to17the nonprofit as well as change the model to include online curriculum options. In addition, he visited schools and18the curriculum to at-risk students as a preventative measure against imprisonment and provided loans (贷款)to small businesses.

        Though he has received much praise, Hamilton insists he's not a(n)19person as a once profit-seeking businessman. "I just did what I knew to do. As an entrepreneur, there was a20, and I wanted to find a solution. he said.

    A . began B . ended C . extended D . changed
    A . dropping by B . put in C . taken to D . researching into
    A . visit B . recovery C . check D . trade
    A . knew B . asked C . found D . guessed
    A . reminded B . come to C . thought to D . blamed
    A . absurd B . difficult C . unnecessary D . great
    A . prison B . question C . line D . conversation
    A . expect B . start C . benefit D . rise
    A . created B . joined C . contacted D . managed
    A . permits B . invites C . helps D . employs
    A . first B . successful C . last D . popular
    A . preparing B . planning C . considering D . running
    A . valued B . saved C . spent D . wasted
    A . Fortunately B . Ridiculously C . Especially D . Eventually
    A . interest B . focus C . view D . experience
    A . devotion B . role C . love D . career
    A . donate B . assign C . expand D . dismiss
    A . sold B . presented C . lent D . owed
    A . good B . selfish C . important D . attractive
    A . chance B . community C . job D . problem


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Nezha is the subject of the latest cartoon film, which (official) opened in cinemas in China on July 26. Nezha has got wonderful reviews and is rated higher than Monkey King : Hero is Back. Since July 26, the film (earn) more than 140 million yuan at the box office, and the film has a score of 8. 8 (point) (out of 10) on China's largest filming rating site, Douban.

        Yang Yu, is the director of it, made up his mind (produce) a film on the theme of breaking old rules and changing fate. Yang chose Nezha as his character, the (combine) of the rebellious (叛逆的)but straight youth. The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods. In the novel, Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty and is famous fighting against the Dragon King.

        It took Yang Yu two years to polish the script, and the film was in production for three years. It is most complex cartoon production ever (make) in China. It has more than 1 ,300 special effects shots, and it took over 20 Chinese special effects studios, (employ) more than 1, 600 people, to realize the film's fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King's palace. One spectacular scene alone took two months to complete.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Dear Peter,

        I am pleasing to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I'm writing to express our appreciations for your reception.

        We were impressed with our warm entertainment. With your careful preparation, the journey couldn't have been so successfully. We benefited a lot from the visit. We get a precious chance to learn British culture and history. It also offered us a platform where we could displayed traditional Chinese culture such as like paper-cutting and Chinese painting to more foreigners. We would like to invite you visit China this summer holiday, so you can experience the Chinese culture in person and have a deeper understand of it.


    Li Hua


  • 9. 假定你是李华,外教Smith先生下周即将来你班任教。请你用英语写一封电子邮件向他介绍你班的基本情况,内容包括:







    Dear Mr Smith,

        I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3.


        We are looking forward to your coming!


    Li Hua
