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  • 1. 阅读理解

        If you fancy a break over the festive season, then why not join Solos Holidays on one of their special Christmas or New Year breaks. These social events are a great opportunity to mix and associate.

        Stratford Christmas Market

        A wonderful way to start getting into the festive spirit on this 2-night Christmas market break. Wander under the twinkling lights while shopping for homemade gifts and tasting warming wine, roast chestnuts or luxury(奢侈的) chocolates. Explore historical Stratford-upon-Avon and enjoy dinner on both evenings where you can relax, join in the hotel's party night and hit the dance-floor with other single guests.

        Departure: 7th December

        Price: £380, Breakfast Dinner

        New Year in Brighton

        Head to the south coast and the busy town of Brighton for a 3-night break this New Year. Celebrations begin with a Solos welcome drink before joining other single guests for dinner and musical entertainment. The next morning we take the fun ‘Only in Brighton Tour' showcasing all things special about Brighton, before New Year's Eve kicks off with a Gala dinner and party to take us into 2019.

        Departure: 30th December

        Price: £555, Breakfast & Dinner

        To find out more about Solos Holidays Black Tie Balls, Party Nights, Dances & Festive Breaks that take place at venues(场所)across the UK throughout December: call 0844826 8515 or visit solosholidays.co.uk

    (1) When will the two events be held?
    A . On New Year breaks. B . On Christmas breaks. C . Over the festive season. D . Throughout the winter.
    (2) In what aspect is the first event different from the second one?
    A . Parties. B . Dinners. C . Drinking. D . Shopping.
    (3) What can we learn about the two events?
    A . The prices include three meals a day. B . The two events are likely meant for singles. C . The two events are only held in December. D . Visitors can learn more about the events by letter.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        My kids lifted the Christmas ornaments (饰品) out of a wooden box in Gee's living room. They were so happy and excited to see tiny stuffed cats and cartoon characters. Gee stood beside them, quietly explaining each treasure. She told me that she and Tom built their Christmas ornament collection piece by piece each year. She smiled as we left with the box, because her precious heirlooms, gathered over a life time, had found a new home.

        We first met Tom and Gee in the early days of our marriage. Someone had been returning our garbage cans to the garage, and Jim and I had wondered who One day we spotted him: a man who lived across the street. I baked cookies and left them on a bench outside the garage with a thank-you note. We then found a typed letter from Tom, explaining that he had begun returning cans for people he hardly knew, because neighbors had done this for Gee when he was in hospital. Now he paid it forward by doing the same for all of us.

        A few years after we'd moved in, Tom died, much to our sorrow. Gee told us she still talked to Tom every day. When we left her house with the precious box, I realized how hard it must be for Gee to part with that box, a piece of Tom.

        These days, we're planning a move. The house that seemed so huge six years ago is filled with furniture, books, toys and, of course, people. We know it's time to go, but soon realize gaining a third bedroom seems like a bad trade for all we stand to lose.

        This Christmas, we'll decorate our tree with Gee and Tom's ornaments. Maybe I'll talk to Tom just as Gee still does. Thank you, I'll say For teaching us what it means to be a neighbor.

    (1) What does the underlined word "heirlooms" in the first paragraph refer to?
    A . Wooden box. B . Stuffed cats. C . Christmas ornament collection. D . Cartoon characters.
    (2) What did the author do to express her thanks to Tom?
    A . She typed a thank-you letter. B . She baked some cookies for him. C . She cared for Gee when Tom was ill. D . She started to do the same voluntary work.
    (3) Why are the author's family planning to leave?
    A . Their caring neighbor has died. B . Nobody will help them as Tom did. C . Gee wants to move to another place. D . Their house has become too crowded.
    (4) What would be the best title for this passage?
    A . The Gift of a Great Neighbor. B . Returning Garbage Cans. C . An Unforgettable Experience. D . Wonderful Christmas Ornaments.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Comments on the July Issue of Reader's Digest

        Jennie Gardner, Bath

        I couldn't agree more with Lee Child, that books are really important. Yes, you can get lost in them but you can also find yourself and new worlds and possibilities in them. Books help us to forget and remember. They remind us both of what's really important and what's not.

        And, as Lee says, they let us hold the whole world in our hands, We can feel the weight of this word, we can mark our favourite spots, add in our own thoughts and see our progress through the pages as the story leads us back home, allowing us to re-find ourselves along the way.

        Jayne Wile, North Wales

        Brian Blessed's I Remember was most enjoyable. I love Brian, a popular actor of stage and screen. It was interesting to learn more about his life. I noted how he enjoyed being involved in the Space Program, doing 600 hours training in Moscow and I have to agree with his thought:"We need to get out to Mars because the Earth has got to rest." Mars has always been a source of inspiration for explorers and scientists.

        Melanie Lodge, West Yorkshire

        I was thrilled to read author Lee Childs If I Ruled The World. I was most impressed that he wanted to make teachers the most respected and highest paid professionals.

        I work as a teaching assistant in a primary school and have done so since my youngest daughter began school 12 years ago. Until then I had no idea just how much planning was involved in each lesson and how much patience was required in a class of 30 children! I also agree with Lee that there's nothing more rewarding than finishing a good book.

    (1) What is Jennie Gardner's comment mainly about?
    A . Books make us get lost. B . Books mean a lot in life. C . Books help us progress. D . Books bring us possibilities.
    (2) What do we know about Jayne Wile?
    A . He once got trained in Moscow. B . He joined in the Space Program. C . He thinks it necessary to explore Mars. D . He's a popular actor of stage and screen.
    (3) What can be inferred from Melanie Lodge's comment?
    A . She better knows how to teach. B . She thinks teachers are overpaid. C . She finds teaching more rewarding. D . She used to work in a primary school.
    (4) Which of them have a similar opinion according to the passage?
    A . Brian Blessed and Lee Child. B . Jayne Wile and Jennie Gardner. C . Melanie Lodge and Jayne Wile. D . Jennie Gardner and Melanie Lodge.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        China will follow up on its successful mission (任务) to the far side of the moon by sending a probe to Mars next year, one of its top space scientists said Sunday. Wu Weiren, chief designer of China's lunar exploration program, said the red planet was the natural next step. "Next year we'll launch a Mars probe to orbit around the Mars, land on it and probe it," he said. China will also send another probe to take back samples from the moon's surface.

        Wu's comments came as a Mars simulation(模拟) base opened in Qinghai's Qaidam Basin. According to the state-run Global Times, while the red rocky area bears a strikingly similarity to Mars, it's extremely difficult to simulate Mars due to its special natural features and hostile environment—low air pressure, strong radiation and frequent sandstorms, as well as vast differences in geography.

        China didn't send its first satellite into orbit until 1970, by which time America had already landed an astronaut on the moon, but it's been catching up fast. Since 2003, China has sent six crews into space and two space labs into Earth's orbit. In 2013, China successfully landed a rover, Yutu 1, on the moon, becoming only the third country to do so.

        Last December, China landed another probe and a rover, Yutu 2, on the far side of the moon. Progress has been slow going since then: due to the extreme conditions there, the rover often has to hibernate to preserve its capabilities for further exploration, Wu said. "The temperature there is minus 190 degrees Celsius, which all components and parts cannot stand. So we let it sleep for a while, making sure it can spend the night safely. A few days ago, it woke up automatically to work. We've gained lots of data in the past few days, and we're going to make the data known to the world,” Wu said.

    (1) What's China's next step in its space exploration?
    A . To get back a probe from Mars. B . To probe Mars next year. C . To land a rover on Mars successfully. D . To open a Mars simulation base.
    (2) Which does the underlined word "hostile" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A . Stable. B . Uncertain. C . Unfavorable. D . Friendly.
    (3) What can be learned from the last paragraph?
    A . Yutu 2 often has to hibernate to save its energy. B . The data from Yutu 2 is accessible to the world. C . Progress has been steady in the past exploration. D . Yutu 2 can survive the moon's extreme conditions.
    (4) Which of the following has China achieved in exploring space?
    A . Two space labs have been set up. B . Six crews were sent into space in 2003. C . Samples from the moon have been taken back. D . China became the third to send a satellite to Earth's orbit.


  • 5. 完形填空

        Last July, Angela Peters rolled her wheelchair into a nail salon (美容院) at the Walmart shopping center with the idea of 1 her nails. But Peters, who has cerebral palsy(脑瘫), was 2 because the salon was afraid it would be too difficult to properly paint her nails, given that her 3 shook. What was meant to be a day of beauty 4 for Peters was now a disappointment.

        5 nearby was Ebony Harris, a Walmart cashier about to go on her 6 . Harris recognized Peters as a Walmart 7. "She's just like you, me and anybody else." Harris told ABC News, "She wants to look 8. So why can't she?"

        Harris approached Peters. "Do you want me to do your nails?" she asked. A smile 9 across Peters's face. "Yeah!"

        Harris 10 Peters into the beauty section, where they shopped for nail polish. They 11 on a bright blue—a color that would 12 every eye. They then made their way into a(n)13 McDonald's, found a table for two, and set up shop. Harris 14 took Peters's hand into hers and carefully began painting her nails.

        Watching it all with 15 was McDonald's employee Tasia Smith. What 16 her most was the ease and gentleness displayed by Harris, all the while 17 as if they were old friends. Smith was so taken by the 18 that she wrote about it on Facebook: She was so 19 with her. Thanks to the Walmart worker for making this beautiful girl's 20 ! And Peters wrote, "When people do us wrong, we should learn to forgive!"

    A . polishing B . cutting C . mending D . examining
    A . knocked over B . turned away C . given up D . called in
    A . legs B . head C . face D . hands
    A . success B . performance C . happiness D . struggle
    A . Waiting B . Shopping C . Playing D . Watching
    A . tour B . break C . visit D . holiday
    A . regular B . applicant C . assistant D . passer-by
    A . slim B . normal C . pretty D . mature
    A . ran B . climbed C . spread D . jumped
    A . accompanied B . invited C . supported D . directed
    A . worked B . settled C . insisted D . relied
    A . fix B . catch C . mind D . open
    A . neighboring B . empty C . surrounding D . pleasant
    A . cheerfully B . thankfully C . strongly D . gently
    A . satisfaction B . pride C . admiration D . relief
    A . excited B . struck C . comforted D . delighted
    A . chatting B . hugging C . singing D . crying
    A . color B . story C . skill D . scene
    A . honest B . Popular C . content D . patient
    A . stay B . dream C . day D . way


  • 6. 任务型阅读

        Once eating alone was just that: sitting down in a restaurant on one's own and eating a meal. Everyone did it sometimes, and when they did so, . To eat alone might suggest that you didn't have any friends. There was a kind of shame attached to it.

        Nowadays, however, there is more and more solitary (独自的) eating for pleasure. . "Foodies"—people with a passionate interest in cuisines—do it because all they need is the chance to eat good food. They don't want company or conversation, but only the joy of eating some special dish. Other people eat alone because it's simply practical for them to do so. For instance, it's estimated that nearly a third of all the customers of fast-food restaurants eat alone. They are served with their food fast, eat it fast and then leave fast. .

        But the appeal of eating alone is quite different.  . For the hour or so that it takes to have a meal, they can forget all the pressures of their lives. They don't have to deal with their family or job. They can relax and let their mind wander. Maybe they'll bring a book, a newspaper to enjoy a quiet time.

        David Annand, editor of Conde Nast Traveler magazine, who delights in dining alone, speaks of his pleasure in the "rhythm of a meal in a restaurant—its ebb and flow (人来人往), the periodic arrival and departure of the waiter".  .

    A. It's an experience of freedom

    B. they might be a little embarrassed

    C. People choose to eat alone for various reasons

    D. none of them would feel bad about themselves

    E. Sometimes staying alone is quite cosy when you don't work

    F. This restaurant rhythm allows him to sit back, observe and think

    G. It saves time if they have a meeting or a child to pick up from school


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Once a group of  (high) successful engineers got together to visit their old university professor, Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. While they were  (talk), the professor went and prepared coffee in the kitchen. Then back with a pot of coffee and cups  different kinds, some ordinary-looking, some expensive, some delicate, the professor told them to help (they) to hot coffee. When they all had a cup of coffee in their hands, he said, "If you noticed, all the nice-looking expensive cups (take)up, leaving behind the plain and cheap-looking ones. While it's normal for you to choose the best for yourselves, that's the source of your problems and stress. In (real), the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. What mattered most was coffee, not the cup,  you went for the best cups directly and  (bad) still, you began eyeing each other's cups. If life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They're just tools  hold and contain life, but the quality of life doesn't change. Sometimes by  (concentrate) only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it."

        Don't let the cups drive you, and enjoy the coffee instead.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        A boy and a girl go playing together. The boy wanted to give the girl all his marbles in exchange of all her sweets. The girl agreed. The boy kept best marble aside and gave the rest to the girl, which gave him all her sweets. That night, the girl slept peaceful while the boy couldn't fall sleep. He was wondering that if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marbles. You think the way you act. If you don't give you one hundred percent in a relationship, you'll keep doubt if the other has given his.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你班外教Ms. King任教期满即将回国。作为班长,你将代表班级在告别会上发言致谢,并赠送纪念品。内容包括:







    Hi, everybody,

        On this special occasion, I feel much honored


        Thank you very much!
