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  • 1. 从A、B、C三个选项中选出划线部分读音与其他不同的选项。

      A. hole                 B. none                C. progress

      A. shut                   B. push                  C. full

      A. form                B. worse              C. report

      A. peace                B. team                  C. head

      A. breathe               B. breath                 C. think


  • 2. — Where is Miss Lin? I haven't seen her theses days.

    — She _______ Beijing.

    A . has gone to B . has been to C . gone to
  • 3. Many people ________ their friends or family by mobile phone today.

    A . keep in touch with B . get on with C . catch up with
  • 4. Not only Jane but also Kate _____ been to Tibet.

    A . have B . has C . is
  • 5. Our teachers were very happy because ______ failed the exam.

    A . somebody B . anybody C . nobody
  • 6. — Although the old man didn't have enough money, _______ he gave a thousand yuan to the charity.

    — Of course. It's China.

    A . and B . / C . but
  • 7. In the factory, there are 100 workers. About _____ of workers are girls. So forty workers are boys.

    A . three fifth B . three fifths C . three tenth  
  • 8. My sister _____ the MP5 for a year. But it broke now.

    A . has bought B . has had C . buy
  • 9. — Get up earlier, _____ you'll be late for school.

    — OK, I will.

    A . and B . or C . so 
  • 10. There was nothing ____ her ____ so.

    A . prevent; from doing B . to prevent; from doing C . preventing; from doing 
  • 11. — Remember this, children. ______ careful you are, _______ mistakes you will make.

    — We know, Miss Gao.

    A . The more, the less B . The more, the few C . The more, the fewer
  • 12. — Which of the two T-shirts will you take?

    — I'll take ________. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.

    A . either B . both C . all
  • 13. _______ trees harms the living conditions of human beings.

    A . Cutting down B . Cut down C . Cutting off      
  • 14. — Don't step on grass, Mike.

    — _______________.

    A . Sorry, I won't B . Ok. I will C . Bad luck.
  • 15. Has the government done _____ to stop it?              

    A . something useful B . useful something C . anything useful
  • 16. — I watched the NBA game last night.

    — ______ amazing game it was!

    A . What an B . How C . How an

三、 完形填空。

  • 17. 通读全文,根据对短文的理解,选择正确的答案填空。   

        I can't remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of 1 litter nearby that I realized no one else was going to pick it up.

        I live near a forest in Ohio, America. I can walk there  2 three minutes. I used to love going there to play with my dog. But one day there was 3 much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided to clean up the forest, and I wanted to 4 happy when I went again. I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes 5  I started to pick up litter, my bag was full! There were cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it.

        From then on, I 6  to the forest four times a year to pick up litter. I often stay there for three hours. It makes me feel 7 to do something for the environment. After each trip, I look through all the litter that I've collected. If 8  of it is recyclable(可回收利用的), I'll keep it. I can't understand why people drop litter. But I will keep on picking it up  9they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit  10 the earth, but I still think it is important.

    A . seeing B . throwing C . dropping  
    A . after  B . for C . in   
    A . such   B . very C . so   
    A . make  B . feel   C . find
    A . after  B . later    C . before   
    A . had gone B . have gone   C . go 
    A . tired  B . sad C . great 
    A . any  B . few C . many   
    A . until   B . after   C . as soon as  
    A . helped B . to help   C . help   

四、 情景交际。

  • 18. 根据对话内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话,其中有两项多余。

    A: Hi, Jane. Would you like to help save the environment?

    B: I'd like to.

    A: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights when you leave a room.

    B: Yes. That's easy. What's next?

    A: Second, you can ride a bicycle. Don't take a bus or a taxi if you don't have to.

    B: What else?

    A: Third, try to recycle paper.

    B: Mmm. Newspapers, magazines, we have a lot of paper at home. Good idea.

    A: The fourth idea is to turn off the shower when you're not using it.


    A: Yes. Get wet, turn off the shower, put the shampoo (洗发剂) in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it out.

    B: Yes, We have to save water.

    A. But what can I do for you?

    B.I think water is very important to us.

    C. You mean when I have shampoo in my hair?

    D. But what can I do?

    E. That will save a lot of money, too.

    F. Take a bag when you go shopping.

    G. Sometimes I turn off the lights without thinking.

五、 阅读理解。

  • 19.



        I have been a volunteer as a French teacher for three months and it was a great experience to teach French. I really enjoyed it and I also improved my French.


    During my college days, I joined a group called ROS (Reaching Out Society). We provide children and older people with food. It feels great to help other people. And now, I often give food to the homeless people in the street.


        I'm volunteering at an animal shelter (动物收容所) that's just for cats. I feed the cats and play with them. It's very fun. I was also volunteer at a hospital for a little more than 2 years. I answered phone calls, looked after patients and helped nurses. I did some cleaning too.


        I did volunteer work to graduate from high school. It was a requirement(资格). I volunteered at a school for disabled kids. I played basketball and other sports with them and served food and drinks. It was actually pretty cool. If I weren't so busy now, I'd do it again.

    (1) Paul used to be a volunteer as a _______ for several months.

    A . nurse B . French teacher C . doctor       
    (2) The group called ROS provides _______ for children and older people.

    A . information B . rooms C . food        
    (3) Mike was a volunteer at a hospital for _______.

    A . three months B . a school year C . over 2 years  
    (4) One requirement for Marian to graduate from high school was _______.

    A . to do sports B . to feed animals C . to do volunteer work
    (5) From the reading we can learn _______.

    A . Marian is busy now           B . Helen often helps homeless animals now C . Paul isn't very good at French  
  • 20. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Every four years, the greatest athletes from all over the world get together in one city to take part in the world sports meeting—the Olympic Games. The holy flame (圣火) is carried from one place to the next. In 2008, the holy flame was carried to Beijing, the capital of China.

    When Beijing was chosen as the host city to hold the Olympic Games in 2008, all the Chinese people were very happy, excited and proud. They showed their excitement in different ways when they heard the news. Some people cheered, jumped and shouted.

        In Beijing we built a new Olympic village with hotels for athletes and stadiums for matches.

        "One World, One Dream" is our slogan for the 29th Olympics. It expresses the wishes of 1.3 billion Chinese people for a peaceful and better world tomorrow.

    (1) The Olympic Games is held every ___________ years.

    A . five B . two C . four   
    (2) Beijing hosted the 29th Olympics in ___________.

    A . 2007 B . 2008 C . 2012   
    (3) ___________ was built for the 29th Olympics in Beijing.

    A . Stadiums B . Olympic village C . Villages
    (4) When Chinese people heard the news that Beijing would hold the 29th Olympics, they ___________.

    A . cheered and jumped B . excited and shouted C . Both A and B
    (5) The slogan for the 29th Olympics is ___________.

    A . "Good, better, best" B . "Faster, higher, stronger" C . "One World, One Dream"  
  • 21.


    It is said that as the population of a city grows, so do its problems. Pollution, too many cars, and crowded streets are just a few of the problems. One way to deal with these problems is city trains. Traveling to different parts of a city by train means fewer cars and buses on our roads, cleaner air and more open streets. In recent years, cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai have all built city train lines.

    The first city train line in China was built in Beijing. The oldest part of the train line, from Beijing Zhan to Ping Guo Yuan was opened in 1969. Its length was 23.6 kilometers. With the development of the city after 1980, more trains are needed. A new train line was built to help move people around the city center. The 16-kilometer-long "circle line" was finished in 1987. Since that time even more train stations have been built and today the train lines in the city are over 50 kilometers long.

        For the 2008 Olympic Games, the trains of Beijing was very important. Most of the people who went to watch the different sports games during the Olympic Games traveled by train.

    (1) This passage tells us about _____.

    A . the problems in big cities B . city trains C . the history of Beijing   
    (2) How long was the first train line in Beijing?

    A . About 16 kms. B . About 23 kms. C . About 33 kms.    
    (3) In 1977, which of the following places in Beijing could you go to by train?

    A . Chao Yang Men. B . An Ding Men. C . He Ping Men.
    (4) When was the 16-kilometer-long "circle line" finished in Beijing?

    A . In 1969. B . In 1980. C . In 1987. 
    (5) Which of the following is true?

    A . In 2008, the Beijing train line was nearly 40 years old. B . The larger population a city has, the fewer problems it faces. C . More and more cities are building underground train lines for the 2008 Olympic Games.

六、 任务型读写。

  • 22. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

        Maria is a beautiful young girl. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. But she is still very insecure(缺乏信心的). She often thinks most of her friends are more beautiful than her. One day a new girl joined her class. Her name is Sarah. She has dark brown hair and green eyes. Maria thought the new girl was beautiful and wished she looked like her. One day she decided to take action.

        She went out and bought some hair dye(染发). When she returned home, she told her mother what she planned to do.

        "It's your decision," said her mother sadly. "But I think you look beautiful as you are."

        Maria didn't hear what her mother said. She spent a few hours dyeing her hair dark brown. She felt much better and went to school happily the next day. As she reached her class she saw a new blonde girl sitting near the front. Later she knew it was Sarah. Sarah dyed her hair blonde. It was almost the same color as Maria's was before. Sarah turned around and Maria spoke to her.

        "Why do you dye your hair?" asked Maria.

        "Well, I always love your hair' said Sarah.

        Maria sat down and sighed(叹气).

    (1) What does Maria look like?  ( 根据短文内容回答问题 )

    (2) What did Maria think about Sarah?  ( 根据短文内容回答问题 )

    (3) Who was the new girl with blonde hair? ( 根据短文内容回答问题 )

    (4) 从短文中找出与下面画线部分意思相同或相近的单词。

    My father came back home yesterday evening.

    (5) In the passage, the underlined word "she" refers to( 指 ) .


  • 23. 用方框内的所给的单词的适当形式填空,每个词只能用一次。

    harm     important      spit     strong     breath

    (1) Can you see the sign "No " in our school?

    (2) Playing computer games too much is to our eyes.

    (3) It's difficult for us on the top of the high mountain.

    (4) Everyone should know the of protecting wild animals.

    (5) Look! How the wind is blowing!

  • 24. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

    (1) You'd better not throw (废弃的) paper around.

    (2) (两者都不) of my parents are teachers.

    (3) She is (聋的) and she can't hear clearly.

    (4) He lost a lot of b in the car accident.

    (5) You o to be very careful when driving a car.


  • 25. 某调查组到社会上进行环境污染问题的调查,设计了下列调查表。请你根据调查表内容说说如何做好学校环境保护方面的工作。

    Kinds of pollution

    air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and litter.


    The environment on the earth is becoming worse and worse.


    提示词:keep……clean and tidy, clean, sweep, throw rubbish into the dustbins,

    plant, so that, protect, speak highly of, make a contribution to doing

        There are many kinds of pollution around us, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and litter.……        
