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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Take advantage of this offer to stay in the middle of the magic and save up to 25 % on rooms at select Disney Resort hotels. Valid for stays most nights from May 28 through August 31. Book through July 14 this year.

        Seeking a new adventure at Walt Disney World Resort? Be among the first to visit Pandora—The World of Avatar. This new land is set to open on May 27 at Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park. Experience its grandness--and the great pleasure that lies within all 4 parks—when you create a vacation package by adding theme park tickets to this room offer.

        This special offer is valid for the Disney Resort hotels listed below. View the chart for a breakdown of savings within each Resort category.

    Summer Expedition Offer

    Resort Category

    Resort Savings

    Select Disney Delux(豪华的)Villa Resort Hotels

    Save up to 25%

    Select Disney Deluxe Resort Hotels

    Save up to 25%

    Select Disney Moderate Resort Hotels

    Save up to 25%

    Select Disney Value Resort Hotels

    Save up to 25%

        The number of rooms allocated (分配) for this offer is limited, Savings based on the non-discounted price of the same room. Length of stay requirements may apply. Moderate and Deluxe suites may be available at a less discount.

        To book by phone, call (407)939-1852 and speak with a personal vacation advisor or call your travel agent.

        Important Details

        Additional per adult charges may apply if more than 2 adults per room at Disney Value, Moderate and Deluxe Resorts.

        Guests under age 18 must have parent or guardian permission to call,

    (1) When can a visitor book a discounted hotel?
    A . On July 14. B . On July 30. C . On August 31. D . On October 1.
    (2) What can we learn about Pandora?
    A . It is a shooting place for Avatar. B . It is dangerous to visit alone. C . It can be visited before May 27. D . It belongs to Animal Kingdom theme park.
    (3) What should a visitor aged 15 do to book a discounted room?
    A . Come on the spot. B . Book on his own. C . Turn to his parent. D . Choose to book online.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Taking on the task of producing a short movie might seem like an impossible feat, but if you can assemble a good team and if you break down each stage of production into small blocks of tasks, you'll come to realize that producing a small-scale movie isn't too bad. Just follow these steps and you'll be on your way to Kevin Smith-like fame in no time.

        Assemble a production crew. If you run out of friends or people you can get to work for screen credit, offer people “points”, which is a percentage of the movie profits.

        Get a director of photography. You need someone who knows a lot about films cameras to make the movie come out right. Local film schools are the best place to find them.

        Assemble the props and costumes. Costume shops and local theater groups can definitely help you here. But you can also borrow from friends and family or check out thrift stores for bargains.

        Choose filming locations. Make sure you have permission from the owners of the property you choose to film on.

        Get the film processed. Find the right processor with the help of your director of photography. You may need to send the film to Los Angeles for this.

        Edit the film. You need to find someone who can transfer your film to video and arrange the completed scenes in the right order. You can likely find one in the same place as your director of photography,

        Obviously, this is just a basic overview—the thing about producing a short independent movie is that the whole process is unpredictable. You can only set yourself up for the basics, but as long as you know things will go wrong every day, at least you'll be prepared to deal with the difficulties.

    (1) What can we know about directors of photography?
    A . They must be from film schools. B . They know everything about films. C . They can send films to Los Angeles. D . They can help get the right processor.
    (2) Where can you most probably find a person to edit the film?
    A . Los Angeles. B . Costume shops. C . Local film schools. D . Local theaters.
    (3) What does the author agree with?
    A . All the process of film-making is quite controllable. B . We should make full preparations before film-making. C . Producing an independent movie is an impossible task. D . Following the steps, you must become a famous director.
    (4) What may be the best title for the text?
    A . How to be a good director B . How to produce a short film C . Secrets of being a successful director D . Methods of making your film a hit
  • 3. 阅读理解

        83-year-old Antonio Vicente has spent the last four decades of his life fighting against the trend. As Brazilian landowners cut down rainforests to make room for profitable plantations(种植园) and cattle grounds, he struggled to bring the jungles of his childhood back to life.

        "When I was a child, the peasants cut down the trees to make grasslands and charcoal, and the water dried up and did not come back," he told the reporters, "I thought: 'Water is valuable, no one makes water and the population will not stop growing. What is going to happen? We are going to run out of water.'"

        With only some donkeys and a small team of hired workers, Antonio Vicente set about bringing back the forest to his land. What started out as a weekend hobby soon became a permanent way of life, and Antonio recalls often spending whole days and nights in his young jungle, surrounded by rats and foxes, and eating banana sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Over the last 40 years, he has planted an estimated 50,000 trees on his 31-hectare land, which now make up a small but unique area of rainforest, and a haven for wildlife.

        As the forest grew, the water returned, and Antonio says that there are now over 20 water, sources on his land that were no longer there when he bought it. Then the animals started making a home there. Today, the forest is alive with the sounds of birds and insects living there, and more species are settling in every year.

        "There are toucans(巨嘴鸟), all kinds of birds, squirrels, lizards, and even the boars are returning," 83-year-old Vicente says, "If you ask me who my family are, I would say all this right here, each one of these that I planted from a seed."

    (1) What do we learn about the Brazilian peasants?
    A . They wasted much water on farming. B . They focused on short-term profits. C . They cared much about the environment. D . They relied heavily on rainforests for a living.
    (2) What used to be young Antonio's biggest concern?
    A . Overpopulation. B . Polluted water. C . Loss of grasslands. D . Water shortage.
    (3) What does the underlined word "haven" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A . Trap B . Disaster C . Shelter D . Balance
    (4) In the last paragraph, Antonio mainly expresses his               .
    A . affection for his forest B . thanks for his family C . deep love for rare birds D . pride as a successful farmer
  • 4. 阅读理解

        The human brain remembers negative experiences more easily than positive ones. Our brains have developed this way because threats, like dangerous animals, had a more immediate effect on our ancestors' survival compared to positive things like food or shelter. As a result, you likely know what makes you unhappy, but do you know what makes you happy?

        Research suggests that our level of happiness depends partly on factors we cannot control—our genes and our life circumstances. But our level of happiness is also shaped by the choices we make. If you've been chasing wealth, fame, good looks, material things and power, you may be looking for happiness in all the wrong places. Psychologists suggest that the following habits make people happier.

        People who form close relationships tend to be happier than those who do not. The number of friends we have is not important. What matters is the quality of our relationships. Relationships that bring happiness usually involve the sharing of feelings, mutual respect, acceptance, trust and fun.

        People who exercise regularly improve both their physical and mental well being. Some research has shown that exercise can be as effective as medication in treating depression.

        When we are so interested in an activity we enjoy that we lose track of time, we are in a state of flow. The activity could be making art, playing piano, surfing, or playing a game. People who experience flow in their work or hobbies tend to be happier.

        People are more likely to be happy if they know what their strengths are and use them regularly, People who set goals and use their strengths to achieve them tend to be happier. People are especially happy when they can use their strengths to serve the greater good.

        People who think positively by being grateful, mindful and optimistic are more likely to be happy. Being grateful means being thankful, Bejing mindful means being open to, focusing on and enjoying the experiences of the present moment. Being optimistic means being hopeful about the future.

    (1) Why does the human brain remember negative things more easily?
    A . Negative things are easy to remember. B . Dangerous wild animals are a threat to us. C . Our ancestors had no enough food for living. D . Negative things tend to affect human survival immediately.
    (2) How does the author like looking for happiness in material things?
    A . Uncertain. B . Opposed. C . Supportive. D . Optimistic.
    (3) What does the author suggest us in the last paragraph?
    A . Enjoying our life and work. B . Leading a happy life each day. C . Being positive in our life and work. D . Thinking more about the future.
    (4) What does this text mainly tell us?
    A . The factors that make people happy. B . How to remember positive things easily. C . The habits which people form in their life. D . Why people remember negative things easily.


  • 5. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多佘选项。

    How to interview for your dream job

        Here are some tips for getting your foot in the door and then maximizing your chance of getting that dream job.

        Do some homework first.

        Google the company and find out as much as you can about their mission, Try torelate the position you're interviewing for to these overall corporate goals.

        Look the interviewer in the eye when you meet him/her. This shows confidence, indicating smartly to the interviewer that you feel as though you belong in the room. Do not just touch hands with people when shaking with them. This will doom you to many. Instead, grab their hand and shake with some firmness, but not with a death grip.

        Focus on the point.

        It's not about you, it's about them, Whenever you interview, keep in mind that it's about them, not about you, Try to relate your assets(资产) to the overall mission of the company. The stronger connection you can make, the better.

        Close positively.

        Whenever an interviewer leaves you, shake their hand and thank them for their time. Look them firmly in the eye again.

        Write a thank-you email.

        The next time you're at your computer, fire off an email to each person you interviewed with thanking them for their time, Mention that you're excited by the prospect of working for the organization and how you think it's a great fit.

    A. Greet appropriately.

    B. Mind your language.

    C. Read a recent annual report of the company.

    D. This leaves them with a positive impression of you.

    E. Send an email thank you as soon as you can after the interview.

    F. It's not what the company can do for you, but what you can do for the company.

    G. However, it is vital in the short term as it is a way to continue a positive interaction.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        My daughter was reading her English composition aloud. It was titled My Mother. All of a sudden, she 1and walked to the kitchen where I was busy preparing for tea.

        "Mom, what does 'beautiful'2?" she asked,

        "'Beautiful' is someone or something that is very 3to look at," I explained.

        "You mean like all those actresses you see on TV?" she said.

        "That's right," I said, hoping to end the 4.

        "Are you, beautiful?". She asked rather 5.

        What was one to answer? She was 6my looks with those of some film stars and 7 it was I who treated beauty as good 8.

        Suddenly I hit upon an idea to solve her 9. "Why don't you ask Dad?"

        As soon as my 10reached home and had his evening coffee, I saw her11to her dad, "I have a doubt," She said,

        "What is it, my dear?" my husband asked.

        I couldn't 12my curiosity and I listened to the father-daughter 13.

        "Dad, is Mom beautiful?"

        "Of course she is. Don't you think so?"

        Well…She began rather doubtfully.

        "Let me show you our wedding 14. See here. Isn't she the most beautiful person in the world."

        "See your mom was 15when she said beautiful is just looking good. When you 16someone, the person becomes beautiful in your eyes."

        My daughter was 17for a while. Then a smile 18climbed into her face as she 19 "Mom is beautiful…Dad is beautiful because I love you both…"

        I was 20to have found someone who loved me enough to think of me as the most beautiful person in the world.

    A . fell B . bent C . stopped D . awoke
    A . reward B . mean C . change D . face
    A . attractive B . concerned C . excited D . particular
    A . conflict B . model C . argument D . discussion
    A . doubtfully B . coldly C . carelessly D . impatiently
    A . mixing B . comparing C . sharing D . charging
    A . in addition B . above all C . after all D . in turn
    A . data B . conditions C . majors D . looks
    A . confusion B . anxiety C . sorrow D . bitterness
    A . brother B . husband C . cousin D . nephew
    A . walk B . cycle C . rush D . refer
    A . accept B . control C . satisfy D . destroy
    A . conversation B . advice C . laugh D . quarrel
    A . dinner B . celebration C . album D . church
    A . right B . wrong C . silly D . pleased
    A . love B . praise C . hug D . bless
    A . silent B . active C . satisfied D . grateful
    A . merely B . slowly C . hardly D . eagerly
    A . finished B . admitted C . chanted D . heard
    A . common B . serious C . cautious D . lucky


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        A young man in Wuhan, Hubei Province has become the latest Internet sensation after a video showing his heart-warming act on a subway train went viral on social media (recent).

        In the video, the man can be seen (hold) his mobile phone in his hand after falling asleep on a Metro, with a message in large font on the screen which reads, “Please wake me if you need my seat.”

        The video (record) by a fellow passenger who posted it on Weibo, The video, length was just 7 seconds, has been viewed more than 19 million times in just two days. Chinese netizens were greatly touched by the young man's act and applauded him for his kind (behave). A web user even commented, “I only needed 7 seconds to fall love with this young man.

        The humble man (refuse) an interview invitation after becoming an Internet star and said that he just did he felt he should. In a Weibo post, he thanked netizens for (they) love and praise. He said he would always fall asleep when he had nothing to do on the train but worried others may need the seat, so he got idea of making a message on his phone screen.


  • 8. 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。






        Last Sunday Li Lin, one of my classmates, and I go to a bookstore. At a counter we noticed that the foreigner was talking to a clerk, but the clerk didn't understand how the foreigner said. So we went up to him and was asked if he needed help in English. After knowing what he real wanted, we took him to the counter which he was looking. He was interesting in Chinese folk music very much. We gave him some advices on what to choose. The foreigner picked some music tapes with your help. He gave his sincere thanks to us and left, satisfied and happily.


  • 9. 假定你是李华。本周六是你十八岁生日, 家人将在光明饭店会为你举办一次生日宴会。请你给朋友John写一封信, 邀请他参加。内容包括:





    2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

    Dear John,


    Li Hua
