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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Chicago is becoming one of the country's most wonderful cities to film television. When this wonderful place is properly represented in a film, I cannot help but love it! Here are some movies that feature this great city.

        Southside With You

        Neighborhood: The whole South Side

        Director: Richard Tanne

        Starring: Tika Sumpter and Parker Sawyers

        Rotten Tomatoes Score: 92%

        Released: 2016

        Genre(类型): Biography, Drama, History and Romance

        High Fidelity

        Neighborhood: Wicker Park

        Director: Stephen Frears

        Starring: John Cusack, Jack Black and Todd Louiso

        Rotten Tomatoes Score: 91%

        Released: 2000

        Genre(类型): Comedy, Drama, Music and Romance

        Mean Girls

        Neighborhood: This one is famous since it takes place in Evanston and some other parts of the North Shore.

        Director: Mark Waters

        Starring: Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried

        Rotten Tomatoes Score: 83%

        Released: 2004

        Genre: Comedy

        Hoop Dreams

        Neighborhood: Cabrini-Green, West Garfield Park and Westchester, IL

        Director: Steve James

        Starring: William Gates and Arthur Agee

        Rotten Tomatoes Score: 98%

        Released: 1994

        Genre: Documentary, Drama and Sports

    (1) What do High Fidelity and Mean Girls have in common?
    A . They're both shot in Wicker Park. B . They're both directed by Mark Waters. C . They are both center on funny plots D . They both invite the same leading actors.
    (2) What can people do on Rotten Tomatoes?
    A . Have a good knowledge of Chicago. B . Make friends with others in Chicago. C . Gain access to the latest film resources D . Get to know some film reviews directly.
    (3) Who play roles in Hoop Dreams?
    A . William Gates and Arthur Agee. B . Tika Sumpter and Parker Sawyers. C . John Cusack, Jack Black and Todd Louiso. D . Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        After a homeless man offered a college student in England all the money he had so she'd be able to get home safely, the woman is paying it forward—in a massive way.

        The story began in early December. It was about 3 a.m. and Harrison-Bentzen was panic. “I came out after a student night out and realized I didn't have any battery on my phone. I'd lost my friends,” the 22-year-old told BBC Radio 5. She'd also lost her bank card, she discovered, and she had no money.

        Just then, a homeless man, known only as Robbie, approached the young woman and asked her if she needed help. He reached into his pocket and pulled out all the money he had—loose change amounting to about $4.60. He insisted that Harrison-Bentzen take it to pay for a taxi so she'd get home safely.

        Harrison-Bentzen, a student at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England, says she refused to take Robbie's money and found another way to get home. But following her encounter(偶然相遇)with the generous man, she says she couldn't get him out of her mind.

        For the next few days, the student searched for Robbie, driving around the streets with her mom and using social media in an attempt to locate the man. In that time, Harrison-Bentzen says she learned more about Robbie and discovered that he actually had a reputation for helping strangers.

        Finally, after four days of driving around Preston, Harrison-Bentzen found Robbie. She was determined to do something to help change Robbie's life.

        So, earlier this month, the student launched a fundraising campaign in Robbie's name. She explained that she would be spending 24 hours on the streets, so as to “understand the difficulties” that the homeless face on a daily basis.

        Harrison-Bentzen says she had initially(最初)hoped to raise about $780 with her campaign. Her expectations, however, were quickly blown out of the water. As of Thursday morning, 4,800 people have donated almost $50,000.

    (1) What happened to Harrison-Bentzen in early December?
    A . She was robbed by a bad guy. B . She met with a kind homeless man. C . She lost everything she had with her. D . She was injured in a traffic accident
    (2) Which of the following words can best describe Robbie?
    A . Warm-hearted. B . Strange. C . Clever. D . Hard-working.
    (3) Why would Harrison-Bentzen be spending 24 hours on the streets?
    A . To make her campaign more famous. B . To raise more money for the homeless. C . To save the homeless from the difficult life. D . To experience the homeless people's life.
    (4) What can we learn from the text?
    A . Harrison-Bentzen accepted Robbie's help at last. B . With Robbie's help, Harrison-Bentzen took a taxi to go home safely. C . Harrison-Bentzen was a college student when the story was happening. D . Harrison-Bentzen and her friends spent four days finding Robbie to thank him.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        In recent decades, social isolation has been recognized as a major risk to our health and long life. It's twice as bad for you as being overweight and nearly as bad as smoking. The rising number of people who say they are affected, across a wide range of ages, is shocking. In reality, you can suffer the ill effects of loneliness even if you are not socially isolated.

    Comedian Robin Williams made a striking observation in 2014: "I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." Tracking large groups over time indicates that perceived(感知的)social isolation carries its own risk for morbidity(发病率)and mortality.

        The perception of isolation—from others of being in the social aspect-is not only a cause of unhappiness, it also signals danger. Fish have evolved to swim to the middle of their group when predators(捕食者)approach, mice housed in social isolation show sleep disruptions and reduced slow-wave sleep and prairie voles(田鼠)isolated from their partners then placed in an open field explore their surroundings less and concentrate on avoiding predators.

        These behaviours reflect an increased emphasis on self-preservation in the social aspect. For instance, fish on the edge of a school are more likely to be attacked by predators because they are easier to isolate and prey upon. Such observations reflect a more general principle that perceived social isolation in social animals activates neural(神经系统的), neuroendocrine(神经内分泌的)and behavioural responses that promote short-term self-preservation. However, these responses bring a cost for long-term health and well-being.

        The range of harmful neural and behavioural effects of perceived isolation documented in adults include increased anxiety, hostility and social withdrawal; fragmented sleep and daytime tiredness; increased vascular resistance and changed gene expression and immunity; decreased impulse control; increased negativity and depressive symptoms; and increased age-related cognitive decline.

        Sadly, to date, attempts to reduce loneliness have met with limited success. A series of randomized controlled trials showed that they had only a small effect. Among the four types of interventions(介入)examined, talking therapy that focused on inappropriate thought processes had the largest impact. Social skills training, social support and increased opportunities for social contact were much less effective.

    (1) What can we learn about social isolation from the first paragraph?
    A . It exists mainly among adults. B . It's the worst risk to our health and long life. C . Its effect is more serious than smoking. D . More and more people are suffering it.
    (2) During perceived social isolation, animals will suffer bad health for ________.
    A . focusing more on their own safety B . being separated from their partners C . adapting to the new surroundings D . worrying about their lack of food
    (3) The fifth paragraph is mainly about ________.
    A . causes of perceived isolation. B . treatments for perceived isolation C . bad effects of perceived isolation D . the definition of perceived isolation
    (4) What is the most effective in helping suffers of perceived social isolation?
    A . Giving them strong social support. B . Communicate more and better with them. C . Get them to attend some training courses. D . Enlarge their circles of social network.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        A Chinese consortium(联盟)led by China Railway Corp will participate in bidding for a high-speed railroad linking Singapore and Malaysia in 2018, marking another step in China's ambitious strategy to export its high-speed railway technologies to Southeast Asia.

        The consortium, consisting of eight companies including CRRC, China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd, China Railway Signal and Communication Co and Export-Import Bank of China, covers the design, construction, telecommunication, financing, operating and maintenance(维护)sectors for the high-speed rail network.

        A joint tender(招标)for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high-speed rail project was issued by the Malaysian and Singaporean government-owned utilities(公用事业)—MyHSR Corp and SG HSR,on Dec 20.According to a joint statement released by the two companies, the potential bidder would be responsible for the design, construction, financing, operating and maintenance of rolling stock and railway systems for the double-track line with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

        The tender is open to all companies, regardless of their location. A tender briefing will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 23, and proposals need to be submitted by June 29. Submissions will be evaluated based on technical merit(优点), commercial robustness, financial sustainability and price. The preferred bidder will be selected by the end of next year. The governments of both countries signed a bilateral(双边的)agreement late in 2016 to begin the project. According to the agreement, the high-speed rail link is expected to become operational by Dec 31, 2026, and will cut travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to just 90 minutes.

        “The move indicates that China's State-owned enterprises have stopped cruel competition to hurt each other,” said Du Chunbu, a professor of rail transportation at Beijing Jiaotong University. “Instead, they have started to form a consortium to better compete with companies from Japan, South Korea, Germany and Canada by bringing their specialties into play.”

    (1) What can we learn about the high-speed railroad?
    A . It is expected to become operational in about five years. B . It is designed at a speed of 350 kilometers every hour. C . It is a single-track line linking Singapore and Malaysia. D . It will cut travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to one hour.
    (2) The underlined word “robustness” in Para.4 probably means “the state of being ________”.
    A . strong and unlikely to become weak B . able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept difficulties C . able to understand other people's feelings and problems D . likely to develop into a particular type of thing in the future
    (3) Why do eight Chinese companies join together to bid for the project?
    A . To invest more money in the project. B . To be able to finish the project ahead of time. C . To avoid fierce competition to hurt each other. D . To guarantee the quality of the high-speed rail project.
    (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the news report?
    A . China to bid for Malaysia railway project B . A Chinese consortium led by China Railway Corp C . China to export its high-speed railway technologies to Southeast Asia D . China to participate in building high-speed railroad linking Singapore and Malaysia


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Four Secrets to Steve Jobs' Success

        How is it that a college dropout, who was once kicked out of his own company, became one of the world's foremost innovators?

        Carmine Gallo lists the four ways Jobs managed to succeed in the face of discouraging circumstances.  

        Do what you love, no matter what it happens to be.

        This is what Jobs told Stanford University graduates in a speech in 2005, Gallo says the famous talk show host Rachael Ray agrees with this advice. Rachael Ray does what she loves.   She did that because she loved cooking.

        Say no to 1000 things.

        Simplifying his business was the key to Jobs' success, Gallo says. In 1997, when Jobs returned to Apple, Apple was close to bankruptcy(破产). He took 300 products and condensed them to 10 within a two-year period.

          In his latter years, he decided he would wear the same dress every day so that he didn't have to think about it.

        Kick-start(启动)your brain by doing something new.

        Doing new things helped Jobs, in the words of Apple's own slogan, “Think differently.”

        The inspiration for the Apple Store came from the Four Seasons Hotel. That's why when you walk into an Apple Store, you will not find a cashier.   Walk to the back of the store and there's a bar. It doesn't serve alcohol, but it collects advice.


        “For Jobs, it wasn't just about selling 29 million iPads this summer but entertaining the customer at the same time,” Gallo says. “Whether you run a multi-billion dollar tech company or a pizza restaurant, innovation means creating a new experience for your customers,” Jobs says.

    A. Do what you are curious about.

    B. Create fresh experiences.

    C. Instead, you'll find a doorkeeper.

    D. Carmine Gallo says that you can do the same.

    E. She was giving cooking lessons at Macy's for free.

    F. Simplicity also extends to Jobs' personal life.

    G. Jobs explained that iPad was not just a phone but a lifestyle.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        About twenty years ago, Jan Carlzon had just been named the CEO of Scandinavian Airlines. His company was in trouble. They had just been 1 by a consumer poll(民意测验)as the 2airline company in the world. Last in 3, last in dependability(可靠性), and last in profits as a percentage of sales. Yet, one year later, in the same poll, they were ranked number one in all three4. What happened?

        Carlzon had decided to 5 what he thought was the most 6 issue—serving the customer. He wanted to keep it simple: Identify every contact between the 7 and the employees, and treat that contact as “a moment of truth”.

        He set out to let his people know the importance of that 8—the captain, the ticket agent, the baggage handler, the flight attendant. “Every moment, every contact,” he said, “ must be as pleasant, and as 9 as possible.” He figured that he had about ten million customers each year, and 10 each customer made contact with five of his people for 11 fifteen seconds each time.12, in his mind, these fifty million contacts, fifteen seconds at a time, would13 the fate of his company.

        He set out to14 his vision(愿景)with his twenty thousand employees. He knew the key was to empower(授权)the front line. Let them make the decision and take 15, because they were employees of Scandinavian Airlines during those fifteen seconds. He then had twenty thousand people who were inspired and16 to go because they paid special attention to one important thing—making every moment 17.

        From the story we can see that a leader's job is to 18the future and see the organization, not as it is, 19 as it should be. Only by fulfilling his 20can his men achieve his goal.

    A . informed B . calculated C . ranked D . settled
    A . strongest B . fairest C . biggest D . worst
    A . culture B . service C . politics D . fortune
    A . shapes B . categories C . species D . industries
    A . set aside B . take over C . focus on D . turn up
    A . important B . complex C . terrible D . careful
    A . leaders B . researchers C . managers D . customers
    A . invention B . moment C . prize D . salary
    A . incredible B . traditional C . memorable D . imaginative
    A . on average B . in advance C . at present D . by accident
    A . approximately B . occasionally C . compulsorily D . potentially
    A . Otherwise B . Besides C . Therefore D . Instead
    A . propose B . determine C . recognize D . appoint
    A . share B . comment C . criticize D . appreciate
    A . exercise B . delight C . action D . office
    A . disappointed B . ready C . courageous D . impatient
    A . grow B . operate C . flow D . count
    A . knock into B . run into C . break into D . look into
    A . but B . or C . and D . so
    A . trip B . job C . trade D . law


  • 7. 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        December 16, 2013 was my birthday. It was the day  my best friend left me. I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was also our Christmas concert. (offer) a job in Colorado, my friend's father had to leave our city. And his family had to go with (he). Mr. Escalante, our old headmaster, brought her whole family up on the stage, and they made a big (announce) about how they (leave). After the concert ended, I was in a total mess. I felt as if I had made something torn out of my body that could never be (full) replaced. My best friend's name was Hannah Zona.

        Ever since I was a little girl, my family was always with the Zonas. We would go to the fair, did anything you could think of. (live) so close  each other, we could always go to each other's houses after school. she is about 7 years older than me, we act like we are sisters. (word) can't describe how much I miss her. When she comes back to California, it's like we were never apart. Hannah Zona is the best friend you could ask for. No one could ever replace her and the love I have for her.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        One day I went with my dad to a store near our home. Just inside the door stood the most beautiful bicycle I have ever seen. No other kids in our town rode one like it. My dad must have noticed it. Bend down, he asked if I liked the bicycle, who price was a little high. I nodded. To my surprise, he bought it without any hesitate. I felt quite excitedly.

        Later, my father shared with me his experiences of those of his school day. My grandparents had no money for even such the thing as a pencil, and he never dared to ask my grandpa for one. Tears filled with Dad's eyes whatever he recalled his childhood. He said he would do his best get his child what he wanted.


  • 9. 假如你是高二(1)班班长李华,你们班决定本周六组织一次到你们市内一所著名大学的参观。请你给你们班的外教Mr. Jones发一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。要点如下:




    4)希望Mr. Jones参加。


    Dear Mr. Jones,

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua
