
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Everyone gets anxious when the world takes an uncertain turn. And often, we treat that anxiety with a little panic buying.

A study published last year in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people buy things in troubled times as a means of keeping control over their lives. The researchers noted that utility items — specifically, cleaning products — tend to move most quickly from store shelves. The hoarding (囤积) of toilet paper, as perhaps the most fundamental cleaning product, may represent our most fundamental fears. An invisible enemy moves slowly and quietly towards us. We need to hold on to something in uncertain times. Maybe a hoard of toilet paper brings promises.

The thing is, it's not actually going anywhere. For all the sharp words and even sharper elbows thrown around by the crazy toilet paper shoppers, they seem to be missing one essential fact: There is no toilet paper shortage.

As The New York Times points out, shop owners that see their shelves emptied often fill up the shelves again in a day, often in just a few hours.

"You are not using more of it. You are just filling up your closet with it," Jeff Anderson, president of paper product manufacturer Precision Paper Converters, tells the Times.

The thing is, the toilet paper-obsessed shoppers have been infected with something many times more contagious (感染性的) than any coronavirus: fear.

"People are social creatures. We look to each other for cues for what is safe and what is dangerous," Steven Taylor, a clinical psychologist at the University of British Columbia, tells Fox News. "And when you see someone in the store panic-buying, that can cause a fear contagion effect. People become anxious ahead of the actual infection. They haven't thought about the bigger picture, like what are the consequences of hoarding toilet paper."

(1)、Why do shoppers have a panic toilet paper buying?
A、The world is on the turning point. B、It guarantees their victory over coronavirus. C、There is no adequate supply in the store at all. D、It comes as a way of anxiety relief.
(2)、By describing the scene of our defense against an enemy in paragraph 2, the author intends to     .
A、explain the reasons for a panic toilet paper buying. B、warn us of the danger of an enemy. C、remind us of the threat of any coronavirus. D、teach us the method of handling a problem.
(3)、What is the author's attitude toward the hoarding toilet paper?
A、Uninterested. B、Negative. C、Supportive. D、Curious.

    Palema Malhotra and her husband Anil Malhotra have spent the last 25 years buying the waste agricultural land and reforesting it, to return the land to a bio – diverse rainforest for elephants, birds and other creatures.

    The couple owns 300 acres of land in Brahmagiri, India. They have spotted more than 300 kinds of birds as well as many rare and threatened animal species. But, this was not the scene in 1991 when Anil and Pamela came to this part of the country. “When I came here, it was a wasteland. The owner wanted to sell because he couldn't grow coffee or anything else,” says Anil who worked in the real estate(房地产)and restaurant business in the US before moving to India. “For me and Pamela, this was what we were looking for all our life.”

    The couple had a love for nature from their childhood. When the Malhotras came to India, the pollution horrified them. “That was when we decided to do something to reclaim(开垦)the forest in India,” says Anil. “We were not looking for money. Early on, we realized that shortage of fresh water will be a concern for India and the rest of the world. Acquisition, protection and reclamation of forested lands and wildlife habitat, where vital water sources have their origin, is the only way to save ourselves,” explains Anil.

    They sold what they owned in America, bought the first 55 acres and began to grow a forest. Soon they bought the land nearby as well. “Many of the farmers considered their holdings 'wasteland' as very little grew on it and were happy to get money,” says Anil.

    Hunting and poaching(偷猎)was a challenge and often the locals did not understand what this couple was doing, so it required a lot of talking to create awareness. They worked with the forest department to set up camera traps and keep poachers away. “There are times I have fought with poachers,” says Pamela.


    A painter has just completed his course. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery. He wanted to know people's opinion about his talent and painting skills.

    He put his creation at a busy street and just down below a board which read—"I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake."

    While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was completely shattered to see that whole canvass(画板)was filled with crosses, they criticized the painter ruthlessly.

    Disheartened and broken completely he ran to his master's and burst into tears.

    This young artist complained, "I'm useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I'm not worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely."

    Master smiled and suggested, "My son, I will prove that you are a great artist and have learnt flawless painting. Do as I say without questioning it. It will work."

    Young artist agreed and two days later early morning he presented a replica(复制品) of his earlier painting to his master. Master took that gracefully and smiled.

    "Come with me." master said.

    They reached the same street early morning and displayed the same painting exactly at the same place. Now master took out another board which read—"Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I 'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do a favor. If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it."

    Then they walked back home.

    They both visited the place the same evening. The young painter was surprised to see that actually there was not a single correction done so far. Next day again they visited and found painting remained untouched. They say the painting was kept there for a month for no correction came in!


    Spending money on time-saving services reduces stress and boosts(增进)happiness, according to a new research, but shockingly, few of us do it.

    Whillans, a professor at HBS said, "Buying time helps to protect us from the stress in our lives caused by time pressure, and the feeling that we don't have enough minutes in the day to complete our tasks."

    The effect was clearest in the Canadian experiment, in which 60 working adults were given $40 to spend in two different ways. One weekend, they were told to spend the money on a material purchase—a gift for themselves. The next weekend, they were instructed to spend the $40 on anything that saved them time, from paying the neighbor ' s kid to run errands (跑腿)to taking an Uber instead of a bus.

    〇n the day they made the time-saving purchase, they felt happier, in a better mood, and lower feelings of time stress than on the day they bought a material purchase," said Whillans.

    The biggest surprise to the researchers was how few people would spend money on time-saving services. When they asked 98 working adults how they would spend a "windfall" of $40, only two percent named a purchase that would save them time.

    "One reason," said Whillans, is that we're very bad at remembering how much we hate doing certain tasks once the suffering has passed. That makes us less likely to take active steps to avoid that overburdened feeling in the future. "But another possible cause is good old-fashioned guilt." If you feel guilty about getting someone to clean your house for you, then you might get less happiness from outsourcing (夕卜包)that task," said Whillans, "or you might just be less likely to spend your money in that way."


    As Artificial Intelligence(AI) becomes increasingly sophisticated(复杂的), there are growing concerns that robots could become a threat. This danger can be avoided, according to computer science Professor Stuart Russell, if we figure out how to turn human values into a programmable code.

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks, it's necessary to translate our morals into AI language.

    For example, if a robot does chores around the house, you wouldn't want it to put the pet cat in the oven to make dinner for the hungry children. "You would want that robot preloaded with a good set of values," said Russell.

    Some robots are already programmed with basic human values. For example, mobile robots have been programmed to keep a comfortable distance from humans. Obviously there are cultural differences, but if you were talking to another person and they came up close in your personal space, you wouldn't think that's the kind of thing a properly brought-up person would do.

    It will be possible to create more sophisticated moral machines, if only we can find a way to set out human values as clear rules.

    Robots could also learn values from drawing patterns from large sets of data on human behaviour. They are dangerous only if programmers are careless.

    The biggest concern with robots going against human values is that human beings fail to so sufficient testing and they've produced a system that will break some kind of taboos(禁忌).

    One simple check would be to program a robot to check the correct course of action with a human when presented with an unusual situation.

    If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave, it has the opportunity to stop, send out beeps(嘟嘟声), and ask for directions from a human. If we humans aren't quite sure about a decision, we go and ask somebody else.

    The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe in moral, and how to create a set of ethical rules. But if we come up with an answer, robots could be good for humanity.


Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist (生理学家) best known for his discovery of classical conditioning (经典条件反射). During his studies on the digestive systems of dogs, Pavlov found that the animals salivated (流口水) naturally upon the presentation of food. However, he also noticed that the animals began to salivate whenever they saw the white lab coat of an experimental assistant. By associating the presentation of food with the lab assistant, he finally found that a dog would salivate to the presence of a stimulus (刺激物) other than food. He called this response a conditional reflex.

Ivan Pavlov was born in a small village in Ryazan. Russia, where his father was the village minister. His earliest studies were focused on theology (神学), but reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species had a powerful influence on his future interests. He soon stopped his religious studies and devoted himself to the study of science at the University of Saint Petersburg. Pavlov's interests were the study of physiology and natural sciences. He helped found the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine and continued to manage the program for the next 45 years.

Pavlov received much praise for his work. He worked in the Russian Academy of Science and won the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology. The Soviet government also offered lots of support for Pavlov's work, and the Soviet Union soon became a leading center of research on physiology. While Ivan Pavlov was not a psychologist, and reportedly disliked the field of psychology, his work had a major influence on the field, particularly on the development of behaviorism. His discovery and research on reflexes influenced the growing behaviorist movement. and Pavlov's discovery had a major influence on many thinkers, such as John B. Watson.

