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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:容易

高中英语-牛津译林版-高二上册-模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others


School Activities

    Our school activities are suitable for all ages and levels including primary, secondary and A-Level. We offer workshops, hands-on activities and a teacher support service to help you get the most out of your visit. All school services are free, but must be booked in advance.

Darwin Centre

    Find out who you really are and where you come from in our interactive films about evolution, described by Sir David Attenborough.

Hands-on Activities

    Get up close and personal with Museum in these hands-on activities, where you can handle real specimens from our collections. Hundreds of real, natural history specimens for students to touch and explore are in our hands-on science centre.

Self-led Activities

    Pupils can engage with specimens through role-play in a self-guided explorer challenge through the Museum.

The Great Debate School Program

    Students are introduced to the history of the debate during a lively tour. They are then divided into groups and use exhibits to prepare presentations representing the views of the debated key characters.


    All school activities must be booked in advance by calling the schools booking line: 4420 7942 6666.

(1)、If you're interested in human evolution, you'd better choose ________.

A、Hands-on Activities B、Self-led Activities C、The Great Debate Schools Program D、Darwin Centre
(2)、Which of the following programs is the most suitable one for team work?

A、Hands-on Activities. B、The Great Debate School Program. C、Self-led Activities. D、Darwin Centre.

    One of the most debated issues about alcohol consumption has been the consistent finding that those who don't drink tend to die sooner than those who do.The standard Alcoholics Anonymous explanation for this finding is this:many of those who give up alcohol are actually former hard­core drunks who had already brought health problems associated with drinking.

    But a new paper suggests that abstaining(戒除)from alcohol does tend to increase one's risk of dying,even when you leave former problem drinkers out.The most shocking part—abstainers'(禁酒者)mortality rates(死亡率)are higher than those of heavy drinkers.

    Moderate(适度的)drinking,which is defined as one to three drinks per day,is associated with the lowest mortality rates.Moderate alcohol use is thought to improve heart health,circulation and sociability,which can be important because people who are cut off don't have as many family members and friends who can notice and help treat health problems.

    But why would abstaining from alcohol lead to a shorter life?It's true that those who abstain from alcohol tend to be from lower socioeconomic classes,since drinking can be expensive.And people of lower socioeconomic status have more life stressors(压力因素).

    Though heavy drinking is associated with higher risk for many diseases,heavy drinkers are less likely to die than don't drink. One important reason is that alcohol strengthens social interactions,and social interactions are vital for maintaining mental and physical health.Nondrinkers show greater signs of depression.

    The authors of the new paper are careful to note that even if drinking is associated with a longer life,it can be dangerous:it can affect your memory severely and it can lead to falls and other troubles that can affect your life.There's also the dependency issue:if you become addicted to alcohol,you may spend a long time trying to get off the bottle.


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    Author Norman Mailer published an essay in which he declared the graffiti(涂鸦) of the New York subway to be "The Great Art of the 70s". But what happened to the artists and why is there no subway graffiti any more?

    "It started with someone just writing their name — someone saw that, and added on to it," recalls New York graffiti artist Nicer, born Hector Nazario. "Letters going in front of letters, coming back through a letter, behind a letter, going across a letter... the subways became our playground," adds Riff170.

    New York in 1974 was a city in crisis. The Mayor, Abe Beame, slashed the city's budget in a bid to stave off bankruptcy(破产), which meant laying off school teachers, police officers and subway staff.

    "They were taking the money from the schools, there was a lot of corruption here, in this community, and so they took the after-school programmes away, and there was no outlets for this. So the outlet became our city," says Bronx-born designer Eric Orr.

    "It was like an explosion. The graffiti explosion. All of a sudden it took over the whole city. I don't know what happened, but overnight in the early 70s it was from no graffiti to all graffiti," says another former artist, Flint Gennari.

    Eric Felisbret, author and former graffiti artist, says graffiti culture was in a way a product of the civil rights movement. "It was never political," he says, "but many people were brought up with that, and to express yourself by breaking the law became a natural process for them."

    The graffiti pioneers came from all races, however. "There were writers that were African American, Latino - Puerto Rico, Dominican, Cuban - Jewish, Asian, and it became one unit — one family," says another graffiti pioneer, Roberto Gualtieri.

    Prof Gregory Snyder, sociologist and author of Graffiti Lives, says: "For lots of people, graffiti is ugly, vandalistic, and I'm not denying that. It's vandalism... now, oftentimes it's very clever vandalism. It can be written on a dumpster, like a garbage bin, and if someone's attempting to make a garbage bin look a little prettier maybe that's not the worst thing in the world." Although Mailer was not alone in welcoming the flowering of creativity, the authorities hated it, as did many passengers.

    So when Mayor Ed Koch took office, he was determined to clean up the city and set about targeting graffiti.

    "I remember in 1982 he brought everyone out to a train yard and there was a single train painted white," says former New York Daily News reporter Salvatore Arena. Trains were taken out of service and cleaned as soon as graffiti was spotted. Carriages were protected at night and the city agreed to ban the sale of spray cans.

    If in 1984 80% of subway carriages contained graffiti by May 1989 the network was graffiti-free. “Graffiti has gone through an evolution, and it will continue to evolve. It's now socially accepted in places where 20-30 years ago that would have been impossible. It's now showcased(展示) in certain museums —and let's say in another 30 years from now it may be hanging in the White House,” says Nicer.

    Nowadays painted graffiti is largely gone from the New York subway trains themselves and is seen instead on the walls and tunnels of the city. It has been replaced by scratchiti(刮擦艺术) created onto carriage windows using keys, knives. Unlike the vivid images of 40 years ago, these ghostly patterns are somehow easy to ignore. After all, graffiti has faded quietly into the background.


    How do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children about the importance of kindness and patience? At a time more and more parents worry about the violent images (暴力形象) their children see on TV and on the Internet. So many parents are turning to fairy tales. They want to teach their children how to behave in society by this way.

    It is believed that fairy tales have a great influence on children because they describe the two sides of good and evil (邪恶) very clearly. When children hear the tales, they learn to care about others' feelings. In each tale, they can see that there are many different kinds of people in the world and that we all have a choice about what kind of person we want to be. We can choose to do good actions, rather than bad ones, in our lives.

    What kind of values can children learn from fairy tales? In The Princess and the Pea, a poorly dressed girl says she is a princess. Few people believe her, so she is given a difficult test. When she passes the test, we learn that her dream comes true because she stays true to herself. In the Little Mermaid (《小美人鱼》), the mermaid, who lives under the sea, wishes to be with the humans on land. Through her experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures.

    Teaching values is probably the main reason for encouraging children to read fairy tales. These tales can teach children lessons about human relationships that have been accepted around the world for many centuries. This might be the reason why they have been around for so long and will not disappear any time soon.


    Nowadays six Amazon Scout delivery robots rolled out in a pilot program in Snohomish County, Wash. The robots carry meals, groceries and packages to homes and offices in this region just north of Seattle. They have appeared on the sidewalks of London, Beijing and other cities and communities worldwide. These machines must overcome pedestrian legs, naughty dogs and broken pavement, which raises some questions.

    These services are gaining attraction as a growing number of city residents expect immediate or scheduled delivery for just about everything. Between 2017 and 2018 online retail sales in the U.S. increased by 16 percent. On the final step of all these deliveries, called the last mile, humans on bicycles, motorized scooters (电动车) or large delivery trucks typically deliver packages. All the vehicles compete for space on busy urban streets. "Deliveries are trending upwards in all crowded city centers, and if city and state leaders don't start thinking about creative solutions like robot deliveries, we can expect even worse traffic jams," says Paul Mackie, director of a transportation policy research center in Arlington.

    A study by this center found 73 percent of delivery vehicles in Arlington were parked outside of authorized areas, often blocking bike lanes and crosswalks. By moving the last step of deliveries from the road to the sidewalk, cities could reduce traffic jams and solve the parking problem entirely, Mackie says.

    Companies such as Amazon are not developing this delivery technology simply to clear up urban traffic. Self-driving vehicles and sidewalk robots could cut down last-mile delivery costs in cities by as much as 40 percent, according to a 2018 report by a consultancy firm. A delivery robot can cost thousands of dollars to manufacture, and most currently require human management and conservation. But in the long run companies that use autonomous delivery vehicles in the next several years could end up saving billions of dollars, the report stated.


    If you're encouraged by the tiny house movement and think 160 square feet is just enough for your needs, you may want to contact the Academy of Construction and Design (ACAD) at IDEA Public Charter School in northeast Washington.

    Students in the program built a micro house with a kitchen, a bathroom, a sleeping loft with space for a queen-size bed and a storage loft, all set on a trailer for mobility. The exterior (外部) of the house was part of a continuous living exhibit in 2015and was moved to the IDEA campus so students could work with builders to complete the interior earlier this year.

    McMahon said the D.C. government's approval to push companies to hire District residents (居民) was at odds with the school system not preparing students for careers in construction, exploring or electrical work. McMahon gathered industry and community leaders to establish ACAD in 2005 and he said 100 percent of the companies he contacted responded positively to the idea, including major firms such as JBG, Clark Construction, Hines Construction and Boston Properties.

    "When students make the connection between what they are learning and a potential career, their academics improve dramatically," said Carol Randolph, chief operating officer of the D.C. Students Construction Trades Foundation. "Some of them who didn't think college was an choice now have a better chance because their classes have become relevant to a job."

    "We teach them life skills and explain that even if you start as a laborer, there are opportunities to move up quickly," he said. "We rewrite the story for them and explain that they can work for a few years, make good money, get promoted, and start their own business or go to school with less debts."

    "Parents and school advisors can be the biggest obstacles because of the negative idea of construction as a blue-collar career," Karriem said. "I get middle-school advisors on board to talk about the opportunities this education provides. These kids are learning lifelong skills that can help them in other fields, provide them with income and allow them to take care of their homes."

