A guide dog is a blind
person's eyes. It helps a blind person do things and go to different places.
Guide dog puppies live
with families. The families take the puppies to stores, schools, and other
places. They teach the puppies to sit down and stand up. Then the puppies go to
school. Trainers teach the dogs to do more things there. The dogs learn
to go right and left. Next the dogs learn to wear harnesses. The harnesses fit
over and around the dogs' bodies. The harnesses have stiff metal handles on the
top. The blind people hold the handles. It helps them know which way the dogs
are walking.
When guide dogs finish
school, they are ready to help. The dogs will help their owners go to school or
work. They will help their owners get on and off the bus. They will lead their
owners around things in the way. They will guide their owners across the busy
The owner and a guide
dog become a team. Blind people will not feel lonely any more. They always have
their best friends with them.