阅读理解 Do you know whose job is to stop food fromgoing from one country to another? B-E-A-G-L-E-S! Do you know why? Becausethese dogs love food. They are perfect for the job.
Beagles work at airports in a lot ofcountries, such as Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Theirjob is to sniff (嗅) out food. Thesespecial dogs have special noses. They can even smell food in bags or boxes.When a dog finds a bag with food inside, it sits in front of the bag. If thedog finds the food, the workers will give them something good to eat.
These dogs don't live in a house becausethe food in houses distracts (干扰) them.Their noses are very important. Living away from people helps to protect theirnoses.
These working dogs should not be afraid oflarge groups of people or other dogs. They should not be afraid of loud noises.They should feel well when travelling in a car.
Next time when you're at an airport and seepolice dogs, don't play with then. They are busy. They're working to keep ussafe.