阅读理解Jin Ying, 25, is a lover of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). She took part in a three- month training course on acupuncture and tuina(针灸推拿)in the winter of 2023 at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
Jin's life has been different since the training. She changed her life habits after learning the Five Elements theory. For example,she avoided sweating too much during exercise in winter because the cold of winter means people should slow down,according to TCM. For her,learning these skills and theories was not about becoming a TCM doctor but rather about holding a new lifestyle.
She is not an unusual example of young people becoming interested in TCM. A survey by China Youth Daily showed that 93. 3 percent of the 1, 000 young people who took part had tried different TCM treatments.
"I have seen a rising number of young people come to me for neck and back pains, which are usually related to the elderly," said Ma Huifang,a TCM doctor at Guoyitang,a TCM hospital.
Between Western medicine and TCM,young people often choose TCM "because of its efficacy," according to Ma. Some people question why TCM treats the same illnesses with different prescriptions(处方); "This is actually an advantage of TCM,, rather than a shortcoming,as it can be a more accurate treatment(精准的治疗) for different patients, " Ma explained.
Younger age groups are accepting TCM,and,at the same time,TCM is also benefiting young people. As Jin noted,"It helps young people-understand Chinese medicine well. "