阅读下面材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。①When it comes to Chinese students considering studying in foreign countries, many of them usually believe that life will be easy and enjoyable. Unluckily, it's possible that students with those thoughts will be disappointed very soon after landing at the airport.
②So, what are the problems you may have, and how can you deal with them?
③Teaching and learning styles in America are very different from those in China, requiring more critical thinking (批判性思维) and teamwork. In a normal American classroom, one project might be done by a study group in which every person has their own responsibility.
④So don't worry about your language or any grammar mistakes. Just watch what other students do, and don't be afraid of asking any questions. The discussions, or sometimes even arguments, that your group members and you hold are possible to be the beginning of a friendship.
⑤Besides schoolwork, another important thing faced by overseas students is homesickness or loneliness. You may miss your parents' cooking, your pets, or even your old bed. Being away from home can create bitter feelings, especially when faced with the challenges of getting used to a new environment.
⑥What I strongly suggest is to try hard to deal with these feelings. Be open to new friendships. Sign up for school activities, and give yourself permission to enjoy life at school, even if you miss home a lot. Be organized and keep a diary to check your progress. Write down three new things that you're grateful for every evening, as well as three things you're looking forward to every morning.
⑦Studying abroad is never simple. In fact, there will be many difficulties every day. But I'm sure you will overcome your difficulties and make your time overseas a success.