
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    For high school leavers starting out in the working world, it is very important to learn particular skills and practice how to behave in an interview or how to find an internship (实习). In some countries, schools have programs to help students onto the path to work. In the United States, however, such programs are still few and far between.

    Research shows that if high schools provide career-relat­ed courses, students are likely to get higher earnings in later years. The students are more likely to stay in school, graduate and go on to higher education.

    In Germany, students as young as 13 and 14 are expected to do internships. German companies work with schools to make sure that young people get the education they need for future employment.

    But in America, education reform programs focus on how well students do in exams instead of bringing them into contact with the working world. Harvard Education school professor Robert Schwartz has criticized education reformers for trying to place all graduates directly on the four-year college track. Schwartz argued that this approach leaves the country's most vulnerable (易受影响的)kids with no jobs and no skills.

    Schwartz believed that the best career programs encour­age kids to go for higher education while also teaching them valuable practical skills at high school. James Madison High School in New York, for example, encourages students to choose classes on career-based courses. The school then helps them gain on-the-job experience in those fields while they're still at high school.

    However, even for teens whose schools encourage them to connect with work, the job market is daunting. In the US,unemployment rates for 16-to 19-year-olds are above 20 percent for the third summer in a row.

"The risk is that if teenagers miss out on the summer job experience, they become part of this generation of teens who had trouble in landing a job," said Michael, a researcher in the US.

(1)、In the author's opinion, American high school leavers    .
A、have enough career-related courses B、need more career advice from their schools C、perform better in exams than German students D、can get higher earnings in later years
(2)、According to Robert Schwartz, ____________,
A、there is no need for kids to go for higher education in the US B、students should get contact with the working world at high school C、education reform should focus on students' performance in exams D、teenagers in the US can't miss out on the summer job experience
(3)、What can be inferred from the text?
A、Unemployment rates for US teenagers remain high at the moment. B、Students with career-based courses never have problems finding a job. C、US companies work with schools to prepare young peo­ple for future employment. D、High school leavers with no practical skills can't find a job absolutely.

    I loved my aunt Suzy. She was such a kind old lady. I loved going to her house on holiday. She had been sick for the last few years and, though my job had taken me away across the town, I tried to visit her as much as possible. I helped with the shopping, the cooking and the cleaning and taking her pet cat Mazy to the vet.

    Sad as her passing away was, what happened to Mazy was even more worrying. Because aunt Suzy had no children, there wasn't anyone who seemed to care for her beloved cat friend. I would have taken her in a short time, but my apartment doesn't allow pets. First, we talked with her neighbors. Mr. Jenkins, who was alone and lived across the street, wasn't interested. Joe and Sally who lived next door had a small child with serious skin allergies(过敏症). My aunt's best friend Molly who had lived just down the road was unable to take care of herself as she had serious health problems.

    Second, we thought about our family members. My brother Bobby and his wife Jill were eliminated at once as they aren't cat people. My cousin in California was a bit interested, but we weren't sure about the trip as Mazy was nearly as old as my aunt (in cat years!). Finally, we came to the local humane society to see whether they would be able to help her find a new home. The problem was that most people and families only welcomed a smart little cat into their home, not a dull old one.

    In the end, we had to put Mazy to sleep. I had spoken with the vet and realized it was possible for the best. It was so hard to lose aunt Suzy and then have nowhere for Mazy to live. A few months went by and I had gone to my aunt's house to clear out some of her belongings. I happened to see her mailman. Jerry and we started to talk about my aunt when he asked about Mazy. I told him that we had to put Mazy to sleep because we couldn't find a home for her. Jerry got really quiet. “I promised Suzy that if anything ever happened to her, I'd take care of Mazy”, he said sadly. “Suzy always said she'd told her lawyer the arrangement.”

    Hearing this, my heart sank to my feet and I almost cried. The saddest part, I realized, was this all could have been avoided. I guess we were just so busy in those final months that we didn't think about it. We could have called my aunt's lawyer to take care of it in less than 10 minutes. I'll never forgive myself for not thinking of it sooner. And I'll never forgive myself for losing Mazy.


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    New Zealand's government is hoping to make the nation greener by planting 100 million trees each year, ensuring the electricity grid(电网) runs entirely from renewable energy, and spending more money on cycle ways and rail transport. The government's plan is to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissionto zero by the year 2050.

    New Zealand's prime minister Jacinda Ardern has set ambitious environmental policies to confronta warming planet. “We will absolutely focus on the challenge of climate change,” said Ardern. “That will include a zero carbon government policy. That will include an independent climate commission. That will include making sure that we have an all gases, all sectors emissions trading scheme,” she added. According to the Associated Press (AP), Arden said the goal of doubling the amount of trees the country plants each year is “absolutely achievable.”

    Not everybody is happy with the plans. Many farmers are worried they will be required to pay more if they are absorbed into an emissions trading plan. “There is concern that if this should happen, New Zealand will become less competitive with other food-producing nations.” said Katie Milne, the president of Federated Farmers.

    More than 80 percent of New Zealand's electricity already comes from renewable resources. The AP reported that Ardern wants to increase it to 100 percent by 2035, in part by investing more in solar, which currently takes up only 0.1 percent of the country's total renewable energy slice.



    Is it amazing that the WHO'S WHO IN THE ZOO makes it fun for young children to save? With the help of Standard Bank's Kidz APP and the Big Five animal friends, teaching your children about managing their cash has never been more fun. Let the WHO'S WHO IN THE ZOO show your little ones what it means to earn and save money as well as share in the enjoyment of spending their well-earned cash.


    As your children use the mobile app to complete various actions—achieving savings goals, completing missions and achieving wishes—here various medals will be rewarded.

    Earned medals are displayed in the elephant habitat as well as locked medals still to be achieved.


    Reward your kids with pocket money for completing ‘missions': household chores, achievements, etc.

    You can create a mission for your child, or your child can request a new mission. Once created, it must be accepted. The mission needs to be completed by your child and approved by you before you can pay him or her.


    Help your children create and fulfil wishes. Wish cards and their savings progress can be tracked from your banking app.

    Once their savings goal is reached, lion will inform you of their achievement.


    Kidz can request to withdraw cash or purchase airtime and data using their savings.


    Rhino shows your child's latest account balance and transactions.

    Download the Standard Bank's Kidz APP from Apple App Store on the phone. Use the comment section to interact with other Standard Bank customers and bank consultants.


    PARIS—A scaffolding(脚手架) firm that has worked on the roof of Notre Dame said some of its workers had smoked on the site, but ruled out that a cigarette butt(烟蒂) might have started the fire that destroyed the cathedral's oak-framed roof last week.

    A spokesman for family-owned Le Bras Freres, confirming a report in French weekly Le CanardEnchaine, told Reuters that some workers of its Europe Echafaudage scaffolding unit had informed police that they had "sometimes" smoked on the scaffolding, despite a smoking ban on the site.

    "We blame it. But the fire started inside the building...so for company Le Bras Frères this is not a hypothesis(假设), it was not a cigarette butt that set Notre Dame de Paris on fire, " Le Bras Frères spokesman Marc Eskenazi said. TheCanardEnchaine reported that police had found the remains of seven cigarette butts in the burnt-out cathedral."This is not wrong, " said a source close to the investigation, who declined all other comment. Eskenazi said it was impossible to set a log on fire with a cigarette butt and questioned how cigarette butts could have been found on the site."If cigarette butts have survived the fire, I do not know what material they were made of." he said.

    Europe Echaffaudage also ruled out the possibility that the fire might have been started by an electricity incident at one of the two lifts on the site."The lifts' electricity was perfectly within specifications and well maintained, " he said. He added that the two lifts were on the outside of the building, situated at 45 and 65 metres from the base of the spire(尖顶), where the first smoke and flames had been spotted and that the workers had cut the power to the lifts at 17:50 when they had left the site for the day.

    TheCanardEnchaine also reported that electrical wiring ran through the roof of the cathedral, but the church administration denied that safety norms had not been respected."Nothing was ever done without the approval of the state...There were no wires dangling, everything was properly installed," Notre Dame spokesman Andre Finot said.In 2012, electrical engines had been installed to sound the bells in the spire.


    With all the recent concern about the environment, people want to see their money used to better the planet. Here are four well-known environmental organizations.

    World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

    The World Wildlife Fund is perhaps one of the best-known organizations for the protection of endangered species and their habitats around the world. They've been around for over 45 years. You can donate through their website worldwildlife.org, join their organization as a member, or adopt an animal through their online adoption center.

    National Geographic Society (NGS)

    National Geographic Society is well-known for their magazine and their specials on TV. The organization itself is one of the longest-running in the world—they've been around since 1888, focus on exploration and conservation of forests, oceans, habitats, species and societies. You chopse to donate through the website nationalgeographic.com,buy something at their online store, or order a magazine subscription.

    National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

Founded officially in 1937, the National Wildlife Federation tries to protect wildlife at all costs. In fact, they believe that having the public educated is the best way to help the environment—the more you know, the more you can protect the world we live in. Donations to the NWF can be made through their website nwf. org or through other options, like matching gifts, workplace giving, or memorial donations.

    Ecology Fund, com

    Set up in 1976,Ecology Fund, com is run on user clicks. Advertisers buy ad space on the site every time someone clicks. The money goes to buy endangered wilderness land to protect it from companies that would destroy it. So far, Ecology Fund, com has bought land in many areas. The best thing about this site is that you needn't donate any money—all you have to do is click.

