修改时间:2021-06-05 浏览次数:228 类型:中考模拟
At the age of 16, Einstein was always busyplaying with a group of mischievous (顽皮捣蛋的) kids. He1hisfinal exam.
One morning, when Einstein was about to go fishing2hisfriends. His father stopped him and said, Einstein, you're so interested inplaying all day. I'm worried about your3 .
"What are you worrying about? Jack andRobert also failed,4don't they still get to go fishing?""My boy, you5think like that." his dad said.There is a fable (寓言故事) that people tell in our hometown.6it now.
There were two cats7onthe roof. One cat got caught off guardand fell down the chimney (烟囱)while holding8cat. When the two catsclimbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot (烟灰) on his face,9theother cat's face was clean. Seeing thesoot-faced cat, the clean cat thought its face must be10,so itquickly ran to the riversideand washed its face.The soot-faced cat saw the clean-faced cat, andthought its face was11clean, so it walked downthe street.
Einstein, no one can be your12. You have to think for yourself. If you just follow others, you will13learn.
Hearing this, Einstein walked back to his14. He decided to studyinstead of caring about what his friends were doing. This allowed him to be15.
OnApril 5, Queen Elizabeth II gave a short but powerful speech to inspire (激励)the British people. The UK, like many countries around the world, has been hithard by the coronavirus pandemic (冠状病毒流行). Many people have to stay at home andmany businesses have been closed.
In her speech,the Queen thanked people of all walks of life (各行各业)for both following stay-at-home rulesand making efforts to help their neighbors. She also thanked the country'smedical workers as they continue to fight the virus.
The Queen talked about her first-ever radiobroadcast—delivered in 1940—when she and her sister Margaret spoke to childrenwho had been evaluated (撤离) from their homes during World War II. Fearing thatGerman bombing (轰炸) would kill people in the cities, millions of children inEngland were sent to safer places in the countryside.
"Echoes (再现) of that struggle of the1940s, which for so long defined (定义) Britain and its self-image, ran throughthe broadcast," the BBC said.
She ended the speech with a familiar phras:"We will meet again." It's a reference (引用) to Vera Lynn's
We'llMeet Again, a song that encouraged unity (团结) and optimism (乐观) among Britonsduring the World War
II. With her speech, the Queen hoped toencourage national unity.
Englandhas roses, the Netherlands has tulips, and India has lotuses. When you think ofa particular country, its national flower might come to mind.
More than 100 countries have a nationalflower. But China, despite many beautiful flowers, does not.
China once had national flowers. During theQing dynasty, it was the peony (牡丹). The government of the Republic of Chinalater changed it to the plum blossom (梅 花). But after the People's Republic ofChina was founded in 1949, a national flower was not chosen.
Debate over which flower should representChina continues today. China's two former national flowers—the peony and theplum blossom, remain as the two most popular choices.
Compared with small plum blossoms, thepeony has large blossoms and vivid colors. Supporters of the peony think theyrepresent China's continuing rise.
However, plum blossom supporters argue thatthe peony is often connected with chasing wealth and fame, which is not encouraged.On the contrary, the plum blossom has very noble (高洁的) qualities. It is said tobe modest and persistent, as it is able to grow even during cold winters.
Some people have suggested that bothflowers could be China's national flowers. One country, two flowers, you mightsay. China is just so big geographically, and both flowers are popular. LiQingwei, an associate professor at Beijing Forestry University, toldChina Daily. So why not let both becomenational flowers? That wouldbe harmonious (和谐的).
Ina restaurant, a bug (虫子) suddenly flew in and landed on a woman. She startedshouting out of fear. With a panicked (惊慌失措的) face, she started jumping aroundwith both her hands shaking. Trying to scare away the bug. Her reaction was sostrong that it panicked everyone in her group.
She finally got the bug off of her. Butthen it landed on another woman in the group. Now it was her turn to continuethe drama (戏剧).
Awaiter rushed to their table. The second woman somehow managed to get the bugon the waiter. The waiter stood firm and looked at the bug on his shirt. Hecarefully picked up the bug with his fingers and threw it out of a window.People around him were impressed.
Watching the drama go on, I startedwondering: Was the bug responsible for their behavior. If so, then why was thewaiter not disturbed (打扰)?
He solved the problem perfectly without anychaos. It was not the bug, but the inability of those people to dealwith the disturbance caused by the bug that disturbed the woman.
I realized that it is not the shouting ofmy father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but my inability to deal withthe disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me. It's not thetraffic jams on the road that disturb me, but my inability to deal with thechaos caused by the traffic jams that disturbs me.
I understood. I should not react in life. Ishould always respond. The customers reacted, however, the waiter responded.Reactions are always instinctive (本能的), Well responses tend to be well thoughtout.
Tabletennis club matches.
Event:Men's, Women's, Boy's, Girl's
Fee:45 yuan per player Dates: 7-14, May
Times:Men's final: 1:45 p. m.
Women'sfinal: 2:30 p. m. Boy's final: 11:00 a. m. Girl's final: 1:00 p. m.
Forany questions, please call Maggie Zhu on 2862311.
Last year I realized that I hadn't spoken to anyone, but my family in days. When I (leave) my job in my late twenties to write a book, I thought I was a (luck) dog. No more getting up early in the morning. No more (worry) about what to wear to work. I could stay in my bed until late afternoon. I could wake up when I felt like it and enjoy my coffee.
But 20 (book) later, I began to feel lonely. It was just me, my work and the internet. I thought I was still close to everyone around me, but in fact I was (lonely) than ever. As a result, I became more afraid of being out in the world.
For the (one) time, I felt like I wanted to step away from the lonely life and have a routine again.
I called a few friends who worked at home as well and asked if they would like to join me. Each of (our) has found that we now love the routine of going to work again and we are happier than before.
Many students suffer from stress in their daily lives. They are (A) stress because their lives are not balanced. They focus too much on studying, dealing with peer pressure and worrying about what others think and not enough on other things. You may feel (B)surprised whether stress is a serious matter. The answer is yes. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age.
Here are some (C)methods to deal with stress and bring balance to your life.
Learn to relax.
Force yourself to take a break from your studies and worries about exams. You can do this by taking a walk, reading a book, going to a concert or seeing a (D) or just sitting in a private place and being silent for a moment.
Take up a hobby.
Learn to paint, take up skating, or start playing a musical instrument. When (E) 你忙于一个业余爱好, you will leave all your worries behind.
Take care of your body
Stress is your body's enemy. (F)Taking regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are all the things that can help you.
(A) (D)
(B) (C)
for you to take regular exercise, eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep.
With her snow-white hair and a pair of glasses, my grandma is a kind and adventurous (爱冒险的) traveler. During the summer of the last year, my grandma and I went to Japan (A) . We ate delicious Japanese food, visited beautiful temples, and took the speedy bullet train. She was so open-minded about the new things we saw there. We bought funny items from different stores that we would (B) find in America. We also went to Tokyo and Kyoto, which were all different and very fascinating.
①This summer break, my family and I flew to visit my grandma in Maine, a state about 3,000 miles away from Los Angeles. ② Her house is right on a lake, and (C) 我们去游泳 with her in the sparkling water. I love jumping off a small bridge and diving into the water. Paulinka, my grandma's dog, would join in the fun and jump in the water as well. In a little hidden town, the whole family got to walk in nature, lay under the stars and most importantly, enjoy each other's company. ③
(D)I am looking forward to the winter break. My grandma is going to come over and stay with us for some time, I am sure my house will light up while she is here.
(A) (B)
around him became common in Europe no longer the rest of |
Tomatoes were first grown in Central and South America. They were unknown to the world until the 16th century. In the beginning, many people refused to eat tomatoes because they thought the fruit was dangerous.
Tomatoes in the US in the 1820s. In one story, a man named Robert Johnson ate some tomatoes in public. Everyone in the town crowded to watch him die. When he did not die, they realized that tomatoes were safe and avoided them.