
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Once there was a very poor villager. He found it difficult even to support his family. He walked about in the streets, but he did not get a job. One day, he met a rich businessman, who gave him the job of cleaning the office. The villager began his work and he even started reading and writing in his spare time.

    One day, the businessman saw that the villager was writing something. He said, "You can also read and write! Your handwriting is very good." The villager began to do this job as best as he could.

    Later, the businessman learnt that the villager was good at accounting(记账), and he made him his shop accountant(会计). The other accountants were very jealous (嫉妒)of the villager's abilities. They told the businessman that the villager had a small room where he hid the money stolen from him.

    One day, they had their chance. They saw the villager going into 'that' room. When they came back and opened the door, there was nothing in that room except an ordinary box.

    The villager was ordered to open the box with his own hands. And there was only a pair of dirty shoes and some old clothes. At the same time, he was so angry with the jealous accountants that he fired them at once. The villager was made the only accountant for his office.

A. He came to a big city hoping to find a job.

B. They closed the door behind him and ran to the businessman.

C. So the businessman decided to give the villager a good lesson.

D. Seeing this, the businessman was moved by what he had seen.

E. So the villager was given the work of writing business letters for him.

F. The villager wished that some kind people might give him a good job.

G. But the businessman refused to believe them unless he had seen it with his own eyes.


    Things to Keep in Mind before Moving to New York City

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} So, reading up on New York's history, facts, statistics, facilities, etc, is always a good idea. Learn about the culture, how to deal with people, taxi drivers, manners, or lack of manners that is exhibited there, and so on. It is always best to know what exactly you are getting into rather than landing there and getting a complete shock.

    Before you buy your clothes or shoes, you always try them out first, right? In the same way, before you move to New York, you need to visit it for a couple of days, just do that you can see what the city is like. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    The best and worst thing about New York is that this city is controlled by money. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Then, you need to set aside (留出) an amount for emergencies only. If you are moving to New York with a job, or are planning to get a job once you are in the city, then you need to make sure that your salary covers up all your expenses and the amount that you would set aside for emergencies.

    Finding a neighbourhood in New York is the key to actually enjoying your stay there. If you are moving to the city due to work, then look for living accommodations close to your workplace.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Do you see yourself living in a place that is quiet, like the Upper West Side or East Side, or do you want noisy setups, like the East Village, Lower East Side, or West Village?

    Give the city a chance, make some good memories, and enjoy your stay there. Be safe wherever you go, and don't worry too much.


A. The easiest way to survive in New York is to have a friend who knows this city really well.

B. Once you are in New York, you would never want to leave it.

C. Before you move to any city, it is always best to know a little about the city.

D. To start with, you will need to make a budget.

E. You need to decide what kind of neighborhood you want.

F. Take a tour of the city and try to imagine yourself living there.

G. The experience of moving to New York depends on how the city treats you and what you make of the city. 

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Shaking hands, American style

    People often shake hands in the United States. American men shake hands with other men. American women often shake hands with men, and sometimes they shake hands with other women. Adults shake hands with children. And some people even teach their dogs to shake hands! {#blank#}1{#/blank#} How do they shake hands just long enough? Just hard enough? Here are four little rules to remember.

1)Use your right hand.

2)Use good eye contact(眼神交流). Look at the person in the eye while you are shaking hands.

3)Don't shake too long.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Then let go and pull your hand back toward you.

4){#blank#}3{#/blank#} When a handshake is weak, Americans think the person may not be a hard worker or a good leader. When a handshake is too strong, Americans think the person is too rough(粗鲁) or has bad manners.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They shake hands when they meet for the first time. They shake hands to say congratulations. They shake hands when they meet after not seeing each other for a while. And they often shake hands when they say good-bye. In business, shaking hands shows agreement and honesty.

    Handshakes are good everywhere.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} So make sure to shake plenty of hands.

A. Offer you hand first.

B. Shake for no more than three seconds.

C. How do people shake hands correctly?

D. Don't shake too strongly or too weakly.

E. It is not polite to refuse a person's hand.

F. When do people in the United States shake hands?

G. Make sure your hands aren't sweaty when you do this.


    We've always been fascinated by consistently successful people. Most of them were not born into success. And they simply continue to do things that help them realize their full potential{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Create and pursue goals. Successful people are objective{#blank#}2{#/blank#} They know what they are looking for and why they are fighting for it. Successful people always create and pursue their goals.

    Take decisive and immediate action. Sadly, very few people ever live to become the success story they dream about{#blank#}3{#/blank#} You can't change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action. So make the decision and take action immediately.

    Focus on being productive, not being busy. Busy people are heading to work, meetings, social engagements, etc. But it may be an illusion. They're like hamsters (仓鼠) running on a wheel. The solution: Slow down. Put first things first{#blank#}4{#/blank#} And always remember, results are more important than the time it takes to achieve them.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If you're selling a product line, don't keep it so complicated. And if you're trying to make a decision about something, don't waste all your time evaluating every last detail of every possible option. Choose something that you think will work, give it a shot, and keep pressing forward.

A. Keep things simple.

B. Do one thing at a time.

C. It will be hard in the beginning.

D. They have realistic targets in mind.

E. Here are some things they do differently.

F. And that's because they never take action.

G. Focus on making small, continuous improvements.


How to Recognize a True Friend

    Sometimes it can be hard to recognize a true friend. Hopefully this article will help you recognize which friends are the keepers.

    Be able to trust your friends. You should be able to trust true friends and they should return this trust. Do your friends tell you secrets that no one else knows? Ask you for advice?{#blank#}1{#/blank#} However, if your friends hide things from you and act secretly, then this is a sign that they may not trust you.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Think about it. How comfortable are your friends when they are around you? Are they being themselves around you? Are they acting fake or perhaps hiding something? True friendships can take a while to develop, but if your friends are true they should feel comfortable around you, and vice versa (You with them)

    Think about loyalty(忠诚). {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you are in need of a helping hand, your true friends should be there to offer it to you. True friends don't try to get one another into trouble. A true friend will always be loyal to you and will not reveal secrets.

    Think about nicknames. A lot of true friends love to give each other nicknames! If your friend is giving you nicknames, then this is a great sign. Think of the nickname your friend has given you, does it suit you well? {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Look at how you fight. Nearly all best friends fight. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} True friends will find their way through a fight, no matter what the size is. True friends will remain “faithful” to each other even during a fight. They will not tell each others' secrets, and they still care about each other.

A. Consider comfort.

B. Choose your friends carefully.

C. True friends are always there for one another.

D. Both are sure signs that your friend trusts you.

E. If so, this shows your friend must know you quite well.

F. So if you and your friend have a little argument, don't worry!

G. An inside joke shows that you share a special connection with your friend.


A. Keep a to-do list.

B. Relax yourself at the end of the day.

C. This combination (组合) is very fantastic.

D. There's nothing tiring about living your purpose.

E. Taking 20 minutes' exercise a day is good enough.

F. This will also make sure that you pay attention to what you study.

G. The best way to make your mind calm is to listen to light music or do yoga.

How to study for 10 hours a day without getting tired

    Get yourself some good coffee and great green tea. Have a cup of coffee and a cup of green tea beside you while you are studying. The coffee has caffeine (咖啡因), which keeps you refreshed (有精神的), and the green tea has theanine (茶氨酸), which keeps you relaxed and happy. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It helps refresh you and makes you concentrate on your study.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} This is important. You need to have a period of relaxation time at the end of the day. Relaxation time is important because it is the time that your mind consolidates (巩固) all the information you receive during the day.

    Tell yourself that you're training for becoming better and better. Keep yourself healthy and happy. Regard this as your purpose. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Be sure that you can do this! This is your task. And you have to complete it.

    Learn to keep the mind quiet. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When you are studying, you will sit down for long periods of time. So make sure you have a good yoga (瑜伽) exercise, which can help quiet your mind.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Every Sunday, write out what you will do over the week. And every day before bed, write out what you will do the next day. Then mark everything as you do it. This will give you happiness because you will feel a sense of achievement every day.


    If you're looking for ways to increase your income, you might be considering accepting ads for some companies' products on your website. Here are the ways:

    Promote an affiliated (附属) product on your site. Joining a company's affiliated program is one of the simplest ways to start Internet advertising. While affiliated links aren't technically ads, they allow you to make money by promoting someone else's product. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Use targeted advertising with Google AdSense. Google's AdSense program allows you to make money by placing targeted text ads made by Google on your pages. The ads appear in the bottom of a web page with the words "Ads by Google" over the top. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Anyone, even students, can use it. Google does all the work of finding relevant ads for your site, and you just collect the payments.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If your site is already getting lots of trade, try looking for sites that offer more products. Be sure to contact potential Internet advertising partners in a profession manner. Call them on the phone instead of just e-mailing them so your communication is more personal and professional. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The more information you can give them, the more likely they will be to consider your offer.

    Sign up for a blog-specific ad program. If you have a blog, consider signing up to feature blog-specific ads on your site. The key is to consider the kinds of ads your target audience will find valuable. Get advertisers interested in your blog with a link they can use to contact you for rates and requirements. This link can be a simple message saying "Click here to find out how to advertise on this blog!" {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. It's easy and free to join.

B. Approach companies directly.

C. Sign up for a context-based ad program.

D. Be ready to supply them with information about your business.

E. Making money from your site isn't a matter of putting up a few ads.

F. Through it, you can earn payments when someone makes a purchase.

G. In that way, anyone is free to discuss advertising opportunities with you.

