
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Can you be too beautiful? It is hardly a problem that most of us have to bother — as much as we might like to dream that it were the case.

    Yet the blessings and curses of beauty have been a long-standing interest in psychology. Do those blessed with shiny faces and an attractive body live in a cloud of appreciation — or does it sometimes pay to be ordinary?

    At the most basic level, beauty might be thought to carry a kind of halo (光环) around it; we see that someone has one good quality, and by association, our deep mind may assume that they have other good ones too.

    Even in the courts, a pleasing appearance can work its magic. Attractive criminals are likely to get less strict sentences, or to escape punishment entirely; attractive plaintiffs (原告), meanwhile, are more likely to win their case and get bigger financial settlements. “It's an effect seen everywhere,” says Walker.

    But if beauty pays in most circumstances, there are still situations where it can have opposite results. While attractive men may be considered better leaders, for instance, hidden sexist prejudices (偏见) can work against attractive women, making them less likely to be hired for high-level jobs that require power. And as you might expect, good-looking people of both sexes run into envy — one study found that if you are interviewed by someone of the same sex, they may be less likely to employ you if they judge that you are more attractive than they are.

    More worryingly, being beautiful or handsome could harm your medical care. We tend to link good looks to health, meaning that illnesses are often taken less seriously when they affect the good-looking. When treating people for pain, for instance, doctors tend to take less care over the more attractive people.

    Ultimately, scientists point out that focusing too much on your appearance can itself be harmful if it creates stress and anxiety — even for those already blessed with good looks. “If you are crazy about attractiveness, it may affect your experience and interactions,” she says. It's an outdated saying, but no amount of beauty can make up for a bad personality. As the writer Dorothy Parker put it so elegantly: “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.”

(1)、From paragraph 1, we can learn that _______.
A、some may be bothered by their unattractive appearance B、most people are not afraid of being too beautiful C、we might always dream about being bothered by others D、being too beautiful can be a problem bothering everyone
(2)、Which is the benefit for beautiful people?
A、All attractive plaintiffs have more chances to get away with punishment. B、Women with pleasing appearance will always be considered as better leaders. C、Good-looking people are often regarded as having many good qualities. D、Beautiful criminals are more likely to persuade the judge and win the case.
(3)、The writer mentioned the underlined sentence in the last paragraph to _______.
A、persuade us to pay more attention to our looks from now on B、suggest that beauty can help make a better personality C、encourage us to focus more on improving our personality D、ask ugly people to have more confidence in their personality
(4)、What might be the best title for the passage?
A、Beauty, a blessing? B、Sexist Prejudice. C、Real beauty. D、Benefits Beauty holds.

    Mosquitoes have an extraordinary ability to find humans far away and fly straight to their skin. Mosquitoes can do more than cause an itchy (发痒的)wound. Some mosquitoes spread several serious diseases, including Dengue, yellow fever and malaria.

    Over one million people worldwide die from these diseases each year. New research now shows how mosquitoes choose who to bite.

    Mosquitoes need blood to survive. They are attracted to human skin and breath. They smell the carbon dioxide gas, which all mammals breathe out. This gas is the main way for mosquitoes to know that a warm-blooded creature is nearby.

    But mosquitoes also use their eyes and sense of touch. Michael Dickinson is a professor at the California Institute of Technology. His research shows how these small insects, with even smaller brains, use three senses to find a blood meal.

    Michael Dickinson's team used plumes—a material that rises into the air of carbon dioxide gas into a wind tunnel (隧道). They then used cameras to record the mosquitoes. The insects followed the plume.

    Then, the scientists placed dark objects on the lighter colored floor and walls of the tunnel. Mr. Dickinson said, at first, the mosquitoes showed no interest in the objects at all. “What was quite surprising is that the mosquitoes fly back and forth for hours. These are hungry females and they completely ignore the objects on the floor and wall of the tunnel. But the moment they get a hit of CO₂, they change their behavior quite obviously and now would become attracted to these little visual blobs (斑点).”

    This suggested to the researchers that a mosquito's sense of smell is more important in the search for food. Once mosquitoes catch a smell of a human or animal, they also follow visual signals.


    We're always looking for well­written reviews of books, music, movies, television shows, websites, video games and other products. When writing a review, concentrate on exactly what you liked or didn't like. Give examples of strengths and weaknesses,be descriptive and provide background information on an author,director,actor or musician,if possible. Find professional reviews in magazines or newspapers and see how reviewers deal with their topics,but be sure to express your own voice in your review.

    Grammar Hint for Reviews:When describing a book,movie, album or anything else,use the present tense.

Book Reviews

    Discuss an author's technique,strengths and weaknesses instead of focusing on the plot. Does the story flow? Is there a strong sense of character and place?Did you stay up until dawn to finish it?Is it good reading for teenagers?What influence did it have on you and why?If you've read other books by the same author, discuss how this book compares.

Movie Reviews

    Think of the major Oscar categories and consider the performances, music, lighting and setting, etc. Do these work together? Did some hold up while others didn't? If the movie is based on a book, discuss whether one is better than the other and why. If the movie is a remake, compare the film to its original.

    Remember that a well­written movie review should discuss strengths and weaknesses. Some readers may not have seen a movie yet, so don't give away an exciting scene or the ending!

College Reviews

    Begin by providing an overview of the college,including location,size and a description of the campus and/or dorm life. Think about all aspects of your college visit. What academic,athletic and after­class programs are available? What are the students like? What makes the college different from others? Every school has strengths and weaknesses. Be objective. Consider what the school has to offer and who might enjoy or benefit the most from attending there.


Common public speaking problems

    The use of "I feel", "I think" and "maybe"

    In the question-and-answer session of the speaking competition, many contestants began their answers with uncertain expressions like "I feel", "I guess", "I hear", "maybe" and "perhaps".

    These words show that the person is only speaking from his or her point of view. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    Work on keeping your answers brief and to the point, {#blank#}2{#/blank#} . Instead of the empty-sounding "I guess", using facts, together with a clear conclusion based on those facts, is far more likely to be popular with an audience.

    Using only one speaking style

    Don't stick to the same tone. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} 

    For example, when they spoke about their dreams, some sounded romantic. Others used humor. Very few used several different styles together. Try mixing more than one style, rather than just sticking with the same one.

    Irresponsible answers

    Public speaking is different from personal conversations. You're responsible for your words. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} So you should think twice before you talk. Don't be like the student who, when asked about his opinion on book piracy(盗版), started by saying he supported it.

    Talking around the topic rather than directly answering it

    You should focus on one point and give a clear solution. The key is to work out what question is being asked. Is it asking you to discuss a certain topic or to present your own point of view?

    Use one or two arguments together and give a strong conclusion. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} 

A. It can be boring. Try to mix it up.

B. Even though you want to answer quickly, you don't want to sound foolish.

C. Also work on delivering them with calmness and confidence.

D. Deliberate gestures and affected(做作的)expressions of feelings are improper in a successful speech.

E. Remember that judges are not judging you on whether they agree, but on your ability to say what you think clearly.

F. This lacks the support of facts and seems not to be reliable for the judges and audience.

G. Confidence is extremely important in public speaking as it lets a speaker sound more convincing.


    All languages change over time, but some change at a faster rate than others. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The most important factors are the number of people who speak a language, where they live and whether they move around, the importance of the language for world trade and communication, and changes in technology.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} However, today English is the most widely used language in the world. English is spoken by about 350 million people as a first language in countries such as Great Britain, the United States. In addition, about a billion more people speak English as a second language.

    English started to take over French as an international language during the period of British colonialism (殖民主义) when the English ruled many countries in Africa and Asia. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The colonial period came to an end at the same time that several other changes occurred. For example, the U.S. started to play a greater part in global affairs and the international economy. New means of communication technology such as television and the Internet spread English worldwide. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} In addition, they could use the Internet for information, business, or e-mail communication, all in English. Just as the use of English spread, other languages changed English by contact or by new inventions and technology.

    In contrast, Icelandic is a language that has changed very slowly. Icelandic speakers today can understand poetry written in a slightly different dialect over 1,000 years ago! Why has Icelandic changed so slowly? The main reason is the isolated (孤立的) location of the island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Compared to England, Iceland had no history of colonialism. Iceland's small population has not played a major role in international trade or communication. Today, most Icelanders speak English in addition to their native language. With outside influences, Icelandic is changing more rapidly now.

A. People everywhere could watch the news or sports events in English.

B. These changes have a great influence on the development of society.

C. Isolation meant that for hundreds of years, Icelanders had little contact with speakers of other languages.

D. What are some of the factors that influence how quickly a language changes?

E. The language communication brings about the communication of technology.

F. In the past, other languages such as Latin or French were more important than English.

G. English was the primary means of communication in these colonies.


    Rainforests, it turns out, are not created equal. Take the Amazon rainforest, an area that covers about 7 million square kilometers. But within that huge expanse are all kinds of ecological zones, and some of these zones, says Greg Asner, are a lot more crowded than others.

    “Some forests have many species of trees,” he said, “others have few. Many forests are unique from others in terms of their overall species composition…” And all of these different small areas of forest exist within the giant space that is the Amazon Rainforest.

    So Asner, using the signature technique called airborne laser-guided imaging spectroscopy, began to map these different zones from the air. “By mapping the traits of tropical forests from above,” he explains, “we are, for the first time, able to understand how forest composition varies geographically.”

    The results show up in multicolored maps, with each color representing different kinds of species, different kinds of trees, the different kinds of chemical they are producing and using, and even the amount of biodiversity, the animal and plant species that live within each zone.

    Armed with this information, Asner says decision-makers now have “a first-time way to decide whether any given forest geography is protected well enough or not. If not, then new protections can be put in place to save a given forest from destruction.”

    Asner says the information is a great way for decision-makers to develop a “cost-benefit ratio type analysis.”  Conservation efforts can be expensive, so armed with this information, government leaders can ensure they are making the most of their conservation dollars by focusing on areas that are the most biologically diverse or unique.

    The next step, Asner says, is to take his project global, and to put his eyes even higher in the sky, on orbital satellites. “The technique we developed and applied to map Peru is ready to go global.” Asner said. “We want to put the required instrumentation on an Earth-orbiting satellite, to map the planet every month, which will give the best possible view of how the world's biodiversity is changing, and where to put much needed protections.


    Susan couldn't help it. She and her friends began lunch with cheese. Then they ate cheeseburgers and drank milk. Things seemed fine, but then suddenly Susan's stomach started making noise. Her stomach hurt, and, racing to the restroom, she had terrible gas! She was so ashamed. She had been so excited to go to lunch with her friends that she totally forgot to watch how many dairy products (奶制品) she ate! Susan is lactose intolerant (乳糖不耐受的), and eating too many dairy foods can make her feel really sick.

    Lactose intolerance means that the body can't easily digest (消化) a special sugar called lactose. Unfortunately for Susan and millions of other people with this problem, lactose is found in almost all dairy products — cheese, milk and ice cream.

    Our body uses lactase (乳糖酵素) to break lactose into a simpler form of sugar. Once lactose is broken down, it's easy to digest and it provides great energy for the body. But people like Susan don't have enough lactase to break down all the lactose they take in. So, about half an hour to two hours after eating dairy­rich foods, their stomachs begin to hurt and they have gas, making their stomachs get bigger. Sometimes they even get diarrhea (腹泻) when they eat too many dairy foods.

    So how can someone living with this problem still eat out with his or her friends? Here are some tips. If you're going to eat a dairy­rich food like ice cream, eat something that doesn't have any dairy with it, like a salad or a sandwich without cheese. This will help slow digestion, and your body will have time to create more lactase.

