
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If something that you're doing doesn't challenge you, then it doesn't change you. We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all. So challenge the following limits:

    ⒈Figure out what you're scared of and do it continuously.

    If you're a salesman, and you're scared of talking to people personally or over the phone now, instead of being scared and thinking you'll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call. But don't stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eye and say, “Go on. I'm not scared!”


    Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra income.

    ⒊Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.

    A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself. Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself.

    ⒋Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.

Don't just limit yourself to your fellow travelers—-try to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people they're going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class.

A. You should do it continuously.

B. Someone may hang up on you.

C. You don't need to go to the gym.

D. Running in the gym may be a better choice.

E. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.

F. Take a class for a hobby you've been wanting to develop.

G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.


    We are told that 'a family that eats together stays together'. We even follow it by making the whole family sit in front of the television while eating, right? Wrong. Television does nothing to help make the family relationships better. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} It's thus better to give the TV a break and to sit at the dinner table. Family dinners need another important part-conversations that bring in a pleasant atmosphere.

    It often serves well to start the conversation right before dinner so that setting the table and doing other things may become less boring. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} as a result, there are no embarrassing moments when people are actually eating. Also, you can change the topic if you feel that it might start arguments.

    Children aren't usually very good at sharing information and don't know how to reply when you ask them questions like 'How was your school today?' {#blank#}3{#/blank#} For this, you can ask them about the after-class activities that they might be taking part in.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Therefore, all controversial (有争议的) topics should not be talked about. Actually, if you have had a funny incident in your day at the work, share it with others. What's more, it serves well if you share your childhood memories with your family. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} In a word, it is always important to choose the right topics for the family dinner conversations.

A. Try to know more about them than just their school life.

B. It's often difficult to start a conversation at a family dinner.

C. But try to keep in mind some family dinner conversation ideas.

D. Doing things together can make family members feel interested.

E. In fact, it only increases the distance between members of the family.

F. They, especially your kids, will feel excited to hear about what you did as a child.

G. Conversations during dinnertime should encourage family members to eat well.

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项.

Ways to Make People Like You

    ⒈Remember a person's name.

    It is said that the sweetest sound to a person's ears is their own name. "The average person is more interested in their own name than in all the other names in the world put together." People love their names so much that they will often donate large amounts of money just to have a building named after themselves. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ⒉Be a good listener.

    Encourage others to talk about themselves. The easiest way to become a good conversationalist is to become a good listener. To be a good listener, we must actually care about what people have to say. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They just want someone who will listen to them.

    ⒊Talk in terms of the other person's interest.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If we talk to people about what they are interested in, they will feel valued and value us in return.


    "You can make more friends in two months by being interested in them than in two years by making them interested in you." The only way to make quality, lasting friendships is to learn to be genuinely interested in them and their interests.

    ⒌Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} We love to feel important and so does everyone else. People will talk to us for hours if we allow them to talk about themselves. If we can make people feel important in a sincere and appreciative way, then we will win all the friends we could ever dream of.

A. Become genuinely interested in other people.

B. We should think of questions in the shoes of other people.

C. Many times people don't want an entertaining conversation partner.

D. We should offer as much time as we can to other people who talk to us.

E. The golden rule is to treat other people as we would like to be treated.

F. The royal road to a person's heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most.

G. We can make people feel extremely valued and important by remembering their name.


A. Children may get upset when they are hungry.

B. Tell your children how much fun it is to fly before the trip.

C. Most kids have a stuffed animal or a blanket that they love.

D. If a child brings them up, tell him that flying is perfectly safe.

E. Leave a little extra time so you can make your children walk.

F. Bring a favorite book and a new book your kids have never read.

G. Your phone is another favorite tool for keeping them happy on a flight.

    There are some children who love to fly and then there are the kids who are afraid of the unknown. The following tips may help you if you want to travel with your children by plane.

    ●{#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you tell the child he will soon be flying on an airplane and leave it at that, his imagination can turn to fear. Instead, tell him how wonderful it is to fly.

    ●Don't tell children about the dangers of flying. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} And you can promise him that the plane will not crash.

    ●Read a book to your children. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Reading may also make your children fall asleep.

    ●Bring a comfort thing that your child enjoys. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Be sure to bring that blanket along as it will provide a safety net for the child. Having this blanket along may also help him fall asleep. Bring a safe electronic device that shows movies or supports video games, and offers children puzzles.

    ●Bring snacks. Children are picky eaters and may not like the food being offered. Three to five hours can be a long time on an airplane without food. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} When they are upset, it is easier to let fear of the unknown take control.


How to lead a balanced life

    Many students suffer from stress in their daily lives. They are under stress because their lives are not balanced. They focus too much on studying, worrying about what others think, and not enough on other things.

    You may wonder whether stress is a serious matter. The answer is "Yes". You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} They can help to bring balance to your life.

    Be positive.

    You should always look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you will have a happy and successful future. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}


    Force yourself to take a break from your studies and worries about exams. You can do this by taking a walk, reading a book, going to a concert or seeing a film. You can also just sit in a quiet place and be silent for a moment.

    Take up a hobby.

    Learn to paint, take up skating, or start playing a musical instrument. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Take care of your body.

    Stress is your body's enemy. Taking regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are all the things that can help you.


    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Seeing a funny film or telling jokes with friends will often make you happy when you are low.

A. Learn to relax.

B. Take some medicine for stress.

C. Here are some ways to deal with stress.

D. Work hard at your lessons before exams.

E. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine for stress.

F. One way to cancel out stress is through positive thinking.

G. When you are busy with a hobby, you leave all your worries behind.


Nearly everyone has spent at least one night lying in bed wishing for sleep. But for many, it's a nightly struggle. The key, or secret, is to experiment. What works for some might not work as well for others. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Set a regular bedtime. Go to bed at the same time every night. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be attractive to stay up late. If you want to change your bedtime, help your body adjust (调整).

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you're getting enough sleep, you should wake up on time naturally without an alarm.  As with your bedtime, try to keep your regular wake﹣up time even on weekends.

Be smart about napping (打盹). Though taking a nap can be a great way to become energetic again, especially for older adults, it can make insomnia (失眠)worse. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you must nap, do it in the early afternoon, and limit it to thirty minutes.

Fight after﹣dinner drowsiness (睡意). What should you do when getting sleepy before your bedtime?{#blank#}5{#/blank#} For example, washing the dishes, or calling a friend. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep.

A. Wake up at the same time every day.

B. Spend more time outside in the daytime.

C. When it's time to sleep, make sure the room is dark.

D. Get off the couch and do something to avoid falling asleep.

E. If insomnia is a problem for you, consider giving up napping.

F. It's important to find the sleep methods that work best for you.

G. Choose a time when you normally feel tired so that you can fall asleep easily.

