
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Many heroes are not even human, such as dogs, horses and cats. They are so brave and helpful that human beings are proud of them, too. Lucca, a 12-year-old dog, is a great animal hero. She is a retired US Marine Corps dog. On April 5, 2016 she received the Dickin Medal from PDSA in London, England. And PDSA will provide free medical care for the sick and wounded animals in need. The Dickin Medal was founded in 1943 by Maria Dickin.

    The Medal is the highest prize for animals working in wars in the world.

    Lucca is the first U.S. Marine Corps dog to receive the medal. As a search dog, Lucca's work was dangerous. She was trained to find hidden weapons and explosive devices. According to the US Marine Corps, Lucca protected the lives of thousands of soldiers, and no soldiers were killed while she was going around. She completed over 400 dangerous pieces of work during six years in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2012, she lost her front left leg in an explosion while working in Afghanistan.

    Lucca is the 66th animal to receive the Dickin Medal. 30 dogs (including Lucca) have got the Medal as well as 32 World War II messenger pigeons, three horses and one cat.

(1)、From the first paragraph, we know that _______ .
A、Lucca is working in the US Marine Corps B、PDSA treated Lucca on April 5, 2016 C、soldiers can win the Dickin Medal D、the history of the Dickin Medal is over 70 years
(2)、Lucca lost one of her legs in _______ .
A、the USA B、England C、Iraq D、Afghanistan
(3)、So far _______ dogs have got the Dickin Medal in the world.
A、thirty B、thirty-two C、sixty-two D、sixty-six
(4)、What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?
A、To tell us some hero animals. B、To introduce a hero dog. C、To let us know the prize for animals. D、To warn people against wars

    Dereck and Beverly are wildlife animal filmmakers(电影制片人). They have made lots of films about animals and plants.

    Their job is to keep and protect the big cats of Africa from damage(伤害). Beverly also takes photos of the lions and her pictures have appeared in National Geographic magazines.

    When they were kids, Dereck was quiet and healthy, he was good at math and science. Beverly had a twin brother. At that time, her brother and she often got their mother into trouble! Beverly was a dancer, an athlete, played the piano (not very well), and was a class leader. Her favourite subject was science and she always got excellent grades in her science exams.

    When in the field, their work starts at around 4 am. After drinking a cup of tea, they drive out into a bush(灌木丛)to find their subjects. Sometimes that is a lion pride(群). Lions are family animals, they usually live in groups of 15 or more. Sometimes that is a single leopard(花豹). They follow the animals for the day, filming, researching, and collecting facts, information or pictures. They don't stop working even when they have lunch. They are often back in camp by 8 pm.

    When talking about the favourite places to explore, Dereck says, “We live in it!” Beverly thinks being in nature is her favourite. Dereck thinks running or taking a swim in the Okavango swamp(沼泽)—especially swimming close to crocodile(鳄鱼)is great fun, but Beverly says, "Swimming is fun but crazy in these waters."

