
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia, some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud burp (饱嗝)after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please”.

    In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners(没礼貌) to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.

    What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

(1)、In Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that __________.
A、you are impolite B、you enjoyed the meal prepared by the host C、your meal was not enough D、you are friendly with your host
(2)、In Polynesia, to be polite while eating you should __________.
A、eat quickly B、sit still C、turn your back on others D、say “Excuse me, please”.
(3)、People in an East African town are being polite by __________.
A、waiting for a long time before visits B、sitting down beside others C、seeing a friend quickly D、trying not to see you
(4)、The best title for this passage is _______.
A、Good Manners B、All manners is the Same Way C、Different Kinds of Manners D、Do Have Manners

    As we know, DNA testing is very useful for crime fighting. But now crime fighters could have a new tool at hand. Researchers have developed a cutting-edge (前沿的) technique to identify human hair. Their test is quicker than DNA analysis techniques currently used by the police.

    DNA testing is commonly used for identification because DNA is unique to each individual. However, environmental and chemical processes can degrade(降解) DNA, limiting its usefulness over time. Protein (蛋白质) in hair, on the other hand, is more stable than DNA but can also have variations (变异体) that may be unique to the individual.

    “Our analysis process can be used universally, ”says Ms. Huang, “One of our samples even included dyed hair and the test was 100 per cent accurate. The test was able to distinguish East Asians, Caucasians and South Asians.”

    Dr. Beauchemin says she has got in touch with law enforcement agencies about using the new technology. She is also planning to collect more hair samples and continue her research with a goal of finding where exactly in the world hair sample is from, to look for more races and determine specific age.

    “We are in a very similar place with protein-based identification to where DNA testing was during the early days of development,” said chemist Brad Hart. “This method will be a game-changer, and while we've made a lot of progress toward improving it, there are steps to go before this new technique is able to reach its full potential.”


    During his first week as a new Atlanta police officer, Officer Che Milton answered a call for shoplift at the nearby Family Dollar store. When he arrived, Milton found a 12-year-old girl in tears over trying to steal a $2 pair of shoes. Crying, she told Milton that the shoes were supposed to surprise her 5-year-old sister.

    Milton, instead of arresting the girl, asked her to take him to her home instead. When he arrived, Milton's heart sank. He found a house nearly empty, with only a sofa and sheets on the floor instead of beds. There was no food in the kitchen and the kids were there. The girl's mother told the officer that her husband worked but didn't make much money and that she couldn't afford to do the same with several children to take care of and no daycare money to spare.

    Moved, the officer drove to a restaurant and bought four pizzas for them and he called the Division of Family and Children Services and asked if there was a social worker who could help.

    When the police department found out about Milton's trips, instead of punishing him, the department decided to share his story on Facebook and added that “not only is he here to enforce(实施) the law but also to go the extra mile and be a bigger part of the community he is policing.”

    Hundreds of citizens liked the post, asking how they could help. The department followed with posts including the six children's sizes and mother's clothing sizes. It also called for blanket and furniture donations. Visit the posts to learn how you can help and find more useful ways to donate your old things.


    Here are Important Travel Notices from United Airlines, March 20, 2016 7:12 AM. Information is updated as it is received.

    ⒈Travel and the Zika virus

    If you have a ticket for travel to a country affected by the Zika virus(as listed on the CDC website) and have concerns, please contact the United Customer Contact Center with any questions or changes to your reservation. Customers advised to avoid the affected regions based on CDC guidance may change their destination or travel date without a fee or may choose to receive a refund(退款) if their tickets were booked before February 29,2016. The new travel date must be within the validity of the ticket. Additional charges may apply if there is a difference in fare for the new travel route.

    ⒉Longer lines at security checkpoints

    Procedural changes at TSA checkpoints throughout the United States may result in longer lines at security checkpoints. Please plan accordingly and allow for extra time at the airport. The TSA advises arriving at the airport two hours before your flight for US travel and three hours before for international travel. To save time at security, we encourage you to visit www.tsa.gov.com and apply for TSA pre-check.

    ⒊Notice for flight departing the European Union, Norway and Switzerland

EU Regulation 261/2004 requires airlines to provide the following notice: If you are not allowed to board or if your flight is canceled or delayed for at least two hours, ask at the check-in counter or boarding gate for the form, stating your rights, particularly about compensation assistance.


    Flying devices called drones(无人机) may be one of the most important technologies of the future.

    The number of jobs for people who know how to design, build and control them is increasing. Because of this increase, several U.S. universities have started offering degrees in unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS.

    One of these universities is the University of Washington in Seattle. Ward Handley is seeking a master's degree in UAS at the university. When the drone program first began, he did not think it was a good idea. “Drones can be used to invade privacy(侵犯隐私).” He said. But later, Handley changed his opinion. He said, “I think there are good enough purposes for them.”

    The FAA (the part of the U.S. government that controls air travel and traffic) is creating new rules to control the use of drones, however. A new law requires drone owners to register(登记) their drones. People who do not register their drones could face fines of up to US$20,000.

    The new rules may also present problems for students. One problem is finding a legal place to fly.

    Students at Blue Mountain Community College fly inside the college gym. In Seattle, University of Washington students test their drones in a big room.

    Christopher Lum, a scientist at the University of Washington, helps students explore how drones can safely share the sky with regular aircraft. Lum explained why they test drones inside a building, “We need to register our aircraft and get permission to fly outside. That process can take months.”

    At this time, Kansas State University is the only school with permission to offer unmanned aircraft flight classes to students outside. The FAA selected Kansas State University and 15 other universities to be part of a national research group.

    Lum and some of his students recently moved their research to Australia. Australia has fewer rules limiting drones. A professor at Western Washington University also took his department's drones to Canada for the same reason.


    No rows of desks in this classroom, and no teacher lecturing at the front. In fact, that's something Barrie teacher Liz Collett rarely does. Instead, she's on the move, talking to students about their work, from the small group sitting on the floor playing games to others nearby figuring out a math problem.

    The children in this class do not take a spelling test all year-in fact, the school avoids all pencil-and-paper tests-nor do they get assigned homework. Instead, their teacher gives them immediate feedback(反馈)on their work throughout the day.

    Welcome to the school of the 21st century, a place where teachers and students cooperate all the time. Such advanced classrooms are trying things, which some might consider as coddling kids-letting students give a voice-recorded essay instead of a written one or even allowing teens to design their own courses.

    Though some people blame(谴责)schools for dumbing things down(降低教育标准), others will say such changes are actually based on the newest research on how to attract today's youth and increase not only their interests, but also their achievements. Many of today's school are not holding kid's interests. And if they Ye not interested, they're not learning-and isn't that the point?

“Students today say they want their education to be useful and valuable, and don't want it to be simply repeating the facts. That's the kind of learning that be happening for many kids,” says Penny Milton, a researcher. “What we could argue is that to become good learners, they need to become thinkers.”

    Jan Olson, anther researcher, says schools have been operating the same way since the Industrial Revolution. But the digital age is bringing an education revolution. While using technology is a part of it, what's important for students is being able to use information and understand it, not just remembering it.

    Today's learner needs fewer traditional tests and more “effective” feedback, ongoing discussion with a teacher, which studies have found is the number one factor in improving achievement.


    Some international languages are widely used for many purposes. Some minority languages will die out and some nations tend to keep minority languages. I reckon that most common used international languages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities. On the other hand, we need to help improve minority languages.

    There are many languages in the entire world but two or three minority languages die out each year. Some countries try to save dying languages. For instance, Australian Government created a project to save the language and culture of Maori who are Australian aborigines. And there are other projects to keep minority languages such as American Indian language.

    However, the worldwide job market usually requires candidates who can speak English or other international languages. People who cannot speak lingua franca (共通语) could hardly be promoted at work. For example, some companies need an employee who can deal with foreign companies. So most people tend to learn at least one international language that helps them to find a better job.

    Therefore, world needs one common lingua franca that should be spoken in any country. Consequently, one common language should be a required subject in every school. So anyone speaking one common language can travel without worries to any point of the world and trade their products. People will not be forced to learn many languages.

    In conclusion, we should help minority nations to keep their languages for the cultural diversity. To ease the worldwide communication among nations, we should create a common language and provide courses of it. As a result, no one will face a language issue.

