
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    After the quake hit northeast Japan on March 11, many moving stories that I saw with my own eyes happened around me.

    I had to walk home since all the 1 had stopped after the earthquake. On my way home I 2 an old lady at a bakery shop who was giving out free bread, which made my heart 3. A man was holding a sign that said, “Please use our 4.” He was 5 his house for people to go to the restroom.

    My friend wanted to 6 others. He stood in the cold with a sign “If you're okay with a motorcycle, I will 7 you to your house.” And then I saw him take one gentleman home, all the way to a faraway place! 

    Then next day I drove to 8 my car with gas. There is a lack (缺乏) of 9  now and many gasoline stations are either closed or have very 10 lines. I got 11, since I was behind 15 cars. Finally, when it was my 12, the man smiled and said, “13 this situation, we are only giving $30 worth gas per person. Is that alright?” “14. I'm just glad that we are all able to 15,” I said. His smile gave me so much comfort.

    I saw a man at the evacuation (疏散) center 16when people brought food to him. It was the first time in three days that food was brought to their center. However, after he wiped the tears, his next 17 surprised me. “I am very 18 that we are provided with food. But people in the city next to us haven't 19 any food at all. Please go to that center as well.” And when hearing that, I realized there is a bright future in the 20.

A、rescue B、life C、traffic D、business
A、missed B、caught C、noticed D、heard
A、kind B、soft C、broken D、warm
A、toilet B、hotel C、hospital D、home
A、selling B、opening C、repairing D、building
A、encourage B、change C、save D、help
A、drive B、follow C、lead D、send
A、start B、fill C、check D、wash
A、information B、gas C、food D、salt
A、direct B、fine C、long D、thin
A、worried B、lucky C、sad D、angry
A、time B、turn C、duty D、decision
A、Except for B、Together with C、Because of D、Instead of
A、Not at all B、Of course C、No way D、Never mind
A、share B、work C、learn D、choose
A、singing B、eating C、smiling D、crying
A、words B、roles C、ways D、promises
A、sure B、grateful C、surprised D、proud
A、bought B、wasted C、prepared D、received
A、country B、chance C、center D、city

    Having said good-bye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home. Still1Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily. And even little Alax2from time to time. The family were3their trip.

    But three hours later things began to 4. It was starting to snow. Alvin sped up the car,5to arrive home before dark. But it was too dangerous to drive fast now because it was snowing more and more heavily. So Alvin had to 6down. The snow on the 7was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to 8on it. Their car slipped(滑落)off the highway and got caught in the deep snow and the engine refused to start again.

    “The snow doesn't seem to9. Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen(冻)to death or walk ahead 10the snow?”Alvin asked. Clare said she 11to walk. So they got out of the car with their Alex and began walking. But something 12was to come. Soon they lost their 13 and had to walk aimlessly(无目标的)on and on.

    Night came. They were not 14of the dark. But they feared that poor Alax would die of cold. However, their faith(坚信)to keep Alax 15filled them with courage, warmth and strength. They slept and rested in turn and then continued their 16. They had fallen down many times but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their 17again.

    One, two, three, …seven days passed. On the eighth day, 18 at last came from Alvin's parents, the police and local people. But the young 19had to have their feet cut off because of the bad frost-bites (冻伤). Fortunately, there was 20 seriously wrong with little Alax.



    As I walked down the hall on the last day of the school year, I watched wide-eyed as my fellow students 1their drawers into the dustbins in front of the hall. Paper flew in all directions; broken shelves were 2 everywhere.

    Suddenly, I came up with an idea: my school really needed a 3 programme. I believed that one person could make a 4so I wrote out my recycling5 As I told the schoolmaster about my 6 my heart was beating wildly.

    With her agreement and encouragement, I would 7 cardboard boxes in the library, offices and classrooms to 8 papers, magazines and newspapers.

    That night, I designed a dozen 9and planned to arrive at school early to stick them up and hand out 10to classrooms on Monday. But when I arrived, I was very disappointed-the night-watchman had 11down all of the cardboard boxes I had saved. I was so upset. I began searching for other boxes, but I met with 12 success.

    A few days later,13 my English teacher took me into the new computer lab, and before my eyes sat a 14of cardboard boxes. I am sure I was the 15 person in the world when I saw these boxes. These were the boxes that the new computers had arrived in, and they were the16size.

    I rolled my recycling rubbish bins to the dining room, stuck up my posters, and17made an announcement18 the loudspeaker, letting the whole school know they now had a(n)19 about what would happen to their unwanted papers, cans and bottles.

    Since that day, recycling has become part of everyday life at my school. Students and teachers now take active 20 to save trees and other natural resources.


    A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had loved a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well 1 it, he told him that was all he wanted.

    As 2 drew near, the young man expected 3 that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of the special day, his father called him into his study. His father told him how 4 he was to have such a fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装好的) gift box. Curious, but a little bit5, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound (皮边的) Bible (圣经).

    Angrily, he raised his 6 to his father and said, “Is a Bible 7 you can give me with all your money?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

    Many years 8 and the young man was very successful in business, but 9 his father was very old, he thought perhaps he 10 go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. 11 he could make the arrangements , he received a telegram which 12 him of his father's death, and all the possessions (财产) left to him.

    13 arriving at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to 14 through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had 15 it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to 16. As he was reading, a car 17 dropped from the back of the Bible.

    How many times do we 18 blessings (祝福) because they are not wrapped as we expected? Do not spoil (搞糟) what you have by desiring (渴求) what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once 19 the things you hoped for. What may appear as bad fortune (运气) may 20 be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

