
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Have you ever changed your mind, or even given up a dream because you were afraid of what someone else might think of you? If you're often worried about what friends, family, or even strangers in the street might think, then you're using up a huge amount of energy worrying. But the steps below should help.

Step 1: Ask yourself what matters to you.

    Maybe you can't stand the gym, but your best friend works out every day. It's natural for people around you to have different values from you.

Step 2:

    The truth is that I'm not the centre of the world, and neither are you! Most of the people around you are far too busy going about their own lives to think much about you.

Step 3: Recognize that their opinion can't hurt you.

    There are a few cases where opinions will make a difference. But the people who really matter are going to love you for who you are.

Step 4:

    You can't control people's thoughts. You've got no idea what might go through their head, or why. You can't please everyone all of the time, and there's no need to try to.

A. Do whatever you want to do.

B. This is a hard habit to get rid of.

C. You should make everyone around you happy.

D. So just be clear and honest with yourself.

E. Remember that they're not all watching you.

F. Accept that you can't control what people think.

G. For instance, your boss's opinion is usually important to you.


    The steady increase in women having babies later in life is undeniable. First-time mothers are more likely to be 35 or older than their counterparts (对应者) from two decades ago, according to the Pew Research Center. While the number of first-time moms between ages 20 and 24 falls, the number of births to women in their 30s and 40s keeps growing. In addition, recent wide-ranging studies have found significant long-term benefits in waiting to have babies. These benefits counterbalance (抵消) some worries about being an older mother and the effects it may have on children.

    Longevity for women who wait

    A study in the journal Menopause examined older mothers' life expectancy (寿命) and found that women who had their last child after the age of 33 are more likely to live to 95. In fact, researchers reported that these women had twice the chance of living to 95 or older than those who had their last child before their 30th birthday. The news for women having babies after 40 is equally promising.

    Boosted brainpower for older mothers

    It's also possible that later pregnancies (怀孕) protect against cognitive decline. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that women have better brainpower if they have their last baby after age 35. The researchers looked at the pregnancy history of a group of 830 women ages 41 to 92. Their research provides strong evidence of a positive association between later age at last pregnancy and late-life cognition.

    Increased income over time

    There's a measurable link between the age you have your first child and income gains and losses. Women who start their families when they are older are likely to increase their earning potential.

    Educational and emotional support for children

    Older parents who are less stressed about income or job security tend to be more patient and can spend more time with their children. Parents who have more secondary education can also offer more specific stimulation to their children, which can be helpful for development. An investigation of 8- to 12-year-olds explored how specific parenting beliefs and behaviors—such as reading, constructive play and emotional support—affected child development. The research published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that parent education and income positively affect child achievement.

    Having babies later in life



It can't be{#blank#}1{#/blank#}that the number of women having babies later in life is steadily {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Long-term  {#blank#}3{#/blank#} in waiting to have babies

Longevity for women who wait

• {#blank#}4{#/blank#}with those who had their last child before 30, women giving{#blank#}5{#/blank#}to last child after 33 or even 40 are more likely to live to 95 or older.

Boosted brainpower for older mothers

• Later pregnancies prevent late-life cognition from {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.

• Research on 830 women proves that there is a {#blank#}7{#/blank#} association between later age at last pregnancy and late-life cognition.

Increased income over time

Older mothers have the potential of increasing their income in the future.

Educational and {#blank#}8{#/blank#}support for children

• {#blank#}9{#/blank#} more patience and more time, older parents with higher income and education can also offer specific stimulation to children.

• Specific parenting beliefs and behaviors have influence on child {#blank#}10{#/blank#}


    When I was younger I was fascinated with stories of magic.I was absorbed in books where wizards(法师)and fighters battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds.I was delighted when they won bringing peace and happiness to their lands{#blank#}1{#/blank#}I wanted to be able to magically make my pain disappear,to make my problems go away,and to have power over this world that so often has power over us.

    As I got older,however,I realized that there was no such thing as magic{#blank#}2{#/blank#} I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed(治愈)right.I still sometimes dreamed of magic but in time even that faded away.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} This magic grew stronger in my heart,soul,and mind day by day.It was called LOVE.This magic connected me to my own highest self and to all of the other souls in this world.It didn't abolish my poverty but it made every day of my life feel richer{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    There is such a thing as magic in this world.There is such a thing as magic in each one of us.This magic is called LOVE{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Also,I hope you use it to help others,to heal this world,and to build a bridge to souls of everybody.

A.I struggled through a long period of poverty.

B.I was not eager to have any power that controlled the world.

C.Then one day I started to discover a different kind of magic.

D.May you choose it,share it,and live in it every single day of your life.

E.It didn't get rid of my pain but it helped me deal with it so much better.

F.It helped me see them as the beautiful,loving and joyful souls they truly are.

G.Most of the readers like me secretly wished for magical powers for themselves.


    Have you ever cleaned and organized your increasingly high-tech households, your hard drive, phone or tablet? It's not just stuff. Your privacy needs a cleanup too. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ⒈Clean up your browsers(浏览器)

    Cookies are blocking everything up and keeping your computer from running fluidly. A free program called CCleaner helps you sort out the cookies and archives(存档)you don't really need. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Cleaner analyses its backlog of information and lists the data that seems unnecessary.

    ⒉Speed up your smartphone

    Most of us already know about e desktops, but what about smartphones? Our phones are essentially handheld computers, and when they overflow with useless information, their operations can also slow down. These aren't necessarily apps, but overburdened call logs, search history, and saved texts.

    For Android users, there's 1Tap Cleaner, an app that earns its name. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Most of us are surprised by how many updated messages and URLs get archived, a data stream that we will probably never refer to again. Then again, you do want to make sure irreplaceable bits (landmark texts, unsaved photos) survive the deep clean.


    Digital photos are easy to shoot, upload and copy, which is handy in almost every respect, especially if you grew up lugging rolls of film to the one-hour photo lab. The downside is that you may end up with multiple copies of the same picture. If you're shooting with a decent camera, each shot could take 10MG or more of space. This volume adds up.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} This is the premise behind Duplicate Photo Fixer, which is designed to filter through your photo collection in search of double takes.

A. Make your photos shine.

B. The app gathers that data in one place, letting you decide what to keep.

C. This aim of this app is to clean your smartphones.

D. Remove redundant images.

E. When you download the app, you can focus on a specific browsers that you would like to clean up.

F. Here are three tools that can help you organize your virtual (and real) environments.

G. The trick is to safely delete redundant photos without losing the original image.


    Summer is the perfect time to relax.As you plan for your trip,here are some tips on how to protect yourself. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Fight against the mosquitoes in the hot spots.

    There are many mosquito-borne illnesses in tropical regions,which are traditionally vacation hot spots. Therefore,mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂)that contains DEET should be an essential item in your travel bag.


    In lesser-developed countries there is less equipment for clean water and public health.If you can't avoid unhealthful water,make sure you bring along a tea or coffee—making pot that will boil water for you.You'd better buy a case or two of water and check that all bottle caps are sealed to assure the bottled water isn't just a refilled bottle of dirty tap water.

    Always protect your feet.

    It's best to wear slippers in the shower,but if you must be barefoot,put a towel down on the floor.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}You should never walk barefoot in any area of a foreign country,including your hotel room.

    Be sure to eat safe fruits.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}They may have been washed in the same water,or wiped with the same rag used to clean work surfaces in kitchens.The best advice is to bring your own peeler(削皮器)so that you know that something clean has been applied to the fruit.

    Enjoy the smell of roadside stands,not the food.

    Unless the food is piping hot when served,it's best to stay away from roadside stands,no matter how good the smell of the food might be.If you are concerned about whether a restaurant is clean,order the food to go.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Don't trust the local water

B.Any fruit served fresh may be polluted

C.Look out for any water not served in a bottle

D.The boxes may be cleaner than the plate or fork on the table

E.You should know how to keep yourself away from dirty fruits

F.They are necessary to avoid coming back with a major illness from your trip

G.Parasites(寄生虫)can enter the skin of your feet and travel to different parts of the body


    Why do some people feel obliged to do the craziest things, while most of us are happy to sit on the sofa and watch their exploits on TV? Robin Styles ponders(考虑)this question.

    Generally, we love to watch someone's bravery and drama--a single person against the wilds of nature, testing their endurance beyond belief. And our pleasure is greater because we live a comfortable and increasingly risk-free life, where the greatest test of endurance is getting to work through the rush hour. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}However, there are countless ways to test the limits of your endurance, if you should wish to do so, by attempting something unpleasant, uncomfortable or just plain dangerous.

    American Lynne Cox swims in sub-zero temperatures through the planet's most dangerous oceans wearing only a swimsuit--for fun! According to Lynne, there is always something driving her on. At age 9, when she was swimming in an outdoor pool one day, a violent storm blew up, but she refused to get out of the pool. Something make her carry on. Then she realized that, as the water got colder and rougher, she was actually getting faster and warmer, and she was really enjoying it. At age 14, she broke her first endurance record. Years later, experts discovered that Lynne has a totally even layer of body fat, like a seal. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    The famous British explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, has led many major expeditions (远征) in the extreme cold, including walking right round the Arctic Circle. He has also led expeditions in the extreme heat, and discovered the Lost City of Ubar in the Omani desert. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Sir Fiennes has said, "If I am getting sick, I find a very powerful way of conquering it is to know that my father would have definitely done it."

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}There is probably no such thing as a "normal" adventurer. Unsurprisingly, risk-takers tend to be single-minded and unusually determined people who hate the stability and routine that most people prefer. They tend to take risks for the "fun" of it. The excitement becomes addictive, and they want more and more of it. Ordinary life seems boring in comparison.

A. She is perfectly made for doing what she does, it seems.

B. Adventurers are clearly different from the rest of us.

C What she did was really beyond our imagination.

D. It seems that many adventurers spend their lives trying to live up to the image of a parent.

E. And most of us would prefer it to remain that way.

F. Many adventurers have amazed the world with their extraordinary skills.


Try This at Home!

    Are you looking for a new pastime that will create a balance between physical activity and relaxation? Then yoga may be the perfect choice for you. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of fitness.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It's a great way to strengthen your muscles and become more flexible.

    In the 1930s, Indian Sri Tirumali and K. Pattabhi developed one of the most popular forms of yoga practised worldwide today. They worked together using an ancient Sansknt text called Yoga Korunta to create a set routine of yoga movements and breathing exercises. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Ashtanga is different from other forms of yoga. It is a very powerful form of aerobic (有氧的)exercise which creates deep heat in the body. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In other forms of yoga, however, the routine can change each time and the stretching exercises aren't aerobic.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}As well as making you stronger and more flexible, it can also help you to stay calm. By focusing on your breathing while doing physical exercise, you are able to get a balance between mind and body. In addition, yoga helps to make us healthier so we are less likely to get common illnesses like colds.

    Furthermore, yoga encourages you to think about what you're doing. Often you will close your eyes while doing certain movements. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}After a few lessons you'll stop looking at what the others around you are doing. You will stop comparing yourself and start focusing on yourself.

A. It can also be done anywhere at any time.

B. The result of their co-operation was ashtanga yoga.

C. Whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are many long-term benefits.

D. This allows you to concentrate better and it makes you less competitive.

E. Every time someone practices ashtanga, he or she does exactly the same movements.

F. If you're interested in yoga, but can find a class near you, then it might be an excuse to travel.

G. Recently, it has become extremely common for beginners as well as advanced yoga students to go on yoga holidays.

