
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Recently, American President Trump announced his budget. One of the budgets would cut all funding to the Institute of Museum and Library services and libraries across the United States. However, as far as I'm concerned, we need to save our libraries.

    Libraries provide books and after-school programs for children. They encourage literacy (识字)with summer programs. They help inspire a life-time love of learning and reading in children of all ages. Without them, where will kids with no Internet at home do their homework? Where will kids have a place to study or borrow books after school? Therefore, we need libraries for our kids. We need them so that kids can grow up with a place, other than school, where learning and exploration is encouraged. For adults, libraries serve as a place where they can use the Internet to apply for jobs, get job training, early voting centers as well as book clubs to help make new friends. It can also serve as a place to pick up a book and learn something new. What's more,they can also borrow a book and get away from it all.

    Libraries save our information for the next generation. When we live in an age of alternative (选择性的)facts, where science is ignored in favor of personal feelings, we need libraries now more than ever. We need them to educate ourselves on the facts and hold the government responsible for them. We need them to have strong public participation(参与).

    If you agree with me,you shouldn't be silent on this issue. You can write or call directly to tell the president to save our libraries. You can also write to both your state Senators (参议员)and your district representative. If you do not know who they are, you can find out here. Let them know this is a beneficial issue because all people use public libraries in their daily life.

(1)、The author thinks that Trump's decision about his budget is___________.
A、difficult B、practical C、personal D、wrong
(2)、Unlike kids, adults use libraries to ________.
A、surf the Internet B、borrow some books C、do social activities D、explore the world
(3)、Which statement about libraries does the author agree with?
A、Libraries play a more important role nowadays. B、Information can be stored in libraries forever. C、Government needs libraries more than before. D、Science should be learned in our libraries.
(4)、What is the author's purpose of writing the last paragraph?
A、To call on us to disagree with the government's decision. B、To call on us to fight with the American president. C、To encourage us to talk about the issue. D、To persuade us to agree with his viewpoints.

                                                                                                  Sleep Struggle

     One in every five young people has a sleep problem, so you're not alone. Getting enough sleep has become as important as eating vegetables and exercising regularly. It's very important for your body.

     Most young people only get seven hours of sleep each night, when they actually need nine hours. And making up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping on weekends doesn't really work. In fact, sleeping late on weekends may actually do you more harm than good, if you have sleep problems.

     What happens if you don't get enough sleep? If your sleep problem continues for a few nights, you could suffer serious problems. Lack of sleep can affect learning and memory. Worse, if your sleep difficulties last a long time, that could lead to anxiety (焦虑). Therefore, you've got to have some healthy sleep habits. Below are some suggestions:

     •Go to bed at the same time—including weekends, if possible.

     •Wake up around the same time every morning. When you sleep late just one morning during the week, it may disturb your body clock. This will make it hard for you to sleep that night.

     •Do something relaxing before going to bed.

     •Exercise during the day. Don't exercise right before going to bed.

     •Avoid drinking. Alcohol (酒精) makes you excited. This prevents you from falling asleep or wakes you up during the night.

     •Don't smoke. Smoking is always bad for the body. Smoking before bedtime keeps you awake.

     If trying these tips over a couple of weeks does not help you, speak to your doctor. Do not take any medicine without first asking your doctor. Many of them have strong side effects.

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

    There is so much competition in the world where we live. Every single person has a(n) 1 to succeed and be the best at what they can. There are college basketball players 2 reaching the professional level and students trying their best to get an "A" on their math test. We meet businessmen that have 3 a lot of money. We all have a role 4 we look up to, or have looked up to at some point in life, whether it is a respected elder in our family, a trusted friend around us, or a(n) 5 person often appearing on TV screens or magazine covers.

    It is 6 having role models and looking up to people that 7 us. However, how often do you ask yourself, "Why is he smarter than me?" or "How did this person achieve such a great 8 at such a young age?" I went to a great high school that was very 9 and demanding; I saw many very 10students graduate and get into a famous school. I also 11 when I got my math test paper back, I sometimes 12 why I never got consistent "A"s like the student sitting two seats away from me.

    However, what I 13 after entering college was that one should never 14 their skills or levels of success with other people's. Every single person is 15 and we all have some sort of unique talent. If you are not good at 16 or want to improve a specific skill, you have to learn how to be patient and understand your 17 and try to overcome them.

    The 18 is that you can all become an honor student if you want to or even improve your running skills. But you have to keep in 19 that understanding your weaknesses and strengths is a very 20 step in the process. You have to learn how to look at yourself and set goals step by step so that you can track your improvement.


The Best and Worst Things to Buy in March

Frozen food

    Grocery store ads aren't the only places to find deals on freezer-section treats. To take advantage of the deepest discounts, combine coupons (优惠券) from sponsoring brands, such as Dole, Green Giant and Tyson Foods, with grocery store sales. Plus, look for printable savings on Coupons.com and EasyHomeMeals.com. Brands participating in National Frozen Food Month will offer more than 180,000 coupons that make frozen food among the best things to buy in March.

Boxed chocolates

    If you desire to give a gift to a friend in March, consider chocolate. Two minor holidays in March provide the perfect excuse: National Chocolate Caramel Day on March 19 and National Chocolate-Covered Raisin Day on March 24. You can discover chocolate deals online as well as in stores. Head to sites like RetailMeNot.com to find discount coupons for boxed chocolate savings of 10 percent or more.

New cars

    With the latest car models filling dealers' lots, you'll have a hard time finding discounted models from the year before. Car dealerships are less motivated to offer steep discounts from March through May. Instead, plan to buy your car during the fall or winter. You should also research the auto you want at TrueCar before heading for the dealership. The site offers information on what people in your area paid for vehicles equipped with the options you want.

Spring clothing

    When warm weather makes you want to head outdoors, resist the urge to do so wearing the latest fashions. You won't find March deals on swimsuits, Easter dresses or other spring items. To find discounts on clothes of this spring, hold off until Memorial Day weekend. You can also look for online and in- store savings at Amazon, Macy's, Saks Fifth Avenue and other retailers.


    The older we get, the more we learn, the better able we are to know what's right. Right? Not always. Sometimes the aging process can remove completely the natural aspects that keep us curious and give us strength to figure out what to do. As a matter of fact,children of all ages teach us lessons in our own lives.

    When a kid says“ That wasn't nice 'or' I don't like your shirt” or “I hate that kind of food!”, it's a natural reaction(反应)to shush the child not to do so, but what they say is true. When children see a wrong being done, they will interrupt to say it's not right. As adults, we usually sit nearby rather than hold a strong opinion or say something that might be unpopular.

    Kids cry, stamp( 跺) their feet or yell with excitement while it isn't socially acceptable for an adult. Letting emotions out and then moving on to deal with things, so jump and yell "yippee" when you are happy about something. Have a good cry when being upset. Stamp or throw a pillow when being alone and need to release. Most of life becomes a series of things once you reach a certain age. Finding pleasure and laughing seems out of place or silly when gaining knowledge or skills.

    “Why is the sky blue?” “ How much does an elephant weigh?” There are certain things that the Internet can tell you, but what about learning something in the first hand like the science experiment in the kitchen, digging up rocks in the backyard, how high the bicycle's wheels can fly over the gravel( 砂砾)? Don't stop exploring and find new learnings in the real world.


    After disappearing for over 19 years, measles (麻疹) is making a comeback in America. Since January 2019, the disease has infected more than 700 people, mostly small children, and the number seems to be increasing daily.

    Measles is an infectious disease that typically begins with a high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. Many people also lose their appetites and feel sleepy. About three to four days after the symptoms start, the person breaks out into a rash (皮疹) that begins on the face at the hairline and then spreads to the neck and the rest of the body.

    In healthy people, the recovery, which takes between two to three weeks, starts soon after the rash begins. However, for about 40 percent of patients ­ mainly kids under the age of five or older adults ­ the disease often leads to pneumonia (肺炎), which, if left untreated, could result in death.

    The recent outbreak is thought to have been caused by travelers picking up the virus in a country where the disease is still existing and exposing it to an unvaccinated (未接种的) community in the US. In New York, it was carried back by someone who had recently visited Israel, which is currently undergoing a significant measles, while in Washington, "patient zero" was infected by a type that is currently circulating in Europe.

    To limit the spread of the disease before it gets out of hand, US health officials are attempting to educate communities with high rates of unvaccinated children. They are also urging adults to consult with their physicians and get injected if considered necessary by the doctor.

    Hopefully, health officials worldwide will be able to convince parents that vaccinating their children will protect, not harm, them.

