
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



    All Poetry, the largest poetry writing group, would improve poets' works, create a fan base, and read the best poetry of our generation. It is the home base for poets. Many poets are willing to show their works and over 500,000 poets get feedback(反馈)and improve their poetry. Both beginners and experts are welcomed. All Poetry helps poets learn what they need to improve.

    Writing groups

    All Poetry is designed as a big writing group. Every poem gets several .encouraging comments. We also have private comments for friends.

    Award-winning poets

    The best poems are featured, and many poets have won national contests. Experts encourage amateurs(业余爱好者)to improve their poems.

    Various contests

    All contests are totally free and some are with cash prizes. Dozens of free contests are started every day. Let fair judging inspire you.

    Poets are Saying

     “All Poetry has helped me improve my work so much! I'm now so much more confident about my use of concrete images, and other poetic devices. My own poetry is well received and appreciated and that makes me very happy.”

    Sarah Versa

    “As a member, I've made some good friends at All Poetry. I really appreciate the exchange of constructive comments and general contact with some excellent writers of poetry.”

    Anthony Christopher

(1)、According to the passage, All Poetry ________.
A、publishes the top-ranking poems B、helps build up poets' self confidence C、has gained recognition among poets D、advises beginners to read the best poetry
(2)、What do we know about poem contests of All Poetry?
A、Some of them offer awards to winners. B、All of them are designed for amateurs. C、Competitors need to pay entry fees. D、They employ experts to select top poems.
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Everyone, from homeless people to billionaires, is likely to be influenced by stress; there's simply no way to avoid it {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are five powerful tips for ways to kill stress in almost any situation.

Eat Healthier

    Though a lot of stress is psychological, there are also plenty of physical factors that lead to this natural human response to noticed danger, In order to relieve stress, make sure you're treating your body right. A big part of this is eating healthier {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Anyway, adopting an alkaline(碱性的)diet instead of an acidic (酸性的)one is recommended.

Wake Up Earlier

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, waking up 15 or 20 minutes earlier each morning may have more benefits than sleeping in. By giving yourself some extra time, you won't feel quite rushed in the morning, which leads to better preparation and more confidence.


    Since you are never going to remove 100 percent of the stress in your life, one of the best things you can do is let it be one of your motivations. This is what stress is designed to do, after all. The psychological and physical reactions brought on by stress are supposed to heighten our senses and empower us to fight off a threat.

Watch a Funny Video

    Here is a simple and practical tip: watch a funny video on You Tube, Research shows that seeing something amusing activates the part of the brain that produces calm physiological(生理的)responses. This can lead to less anxiety and more happiness.

Take Walk Outside

    Whenever possible, make sure you take your walk outdoors {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It can improve energy levels and memory by as much as 20 percent.

A.A number of studies are two important keys to good health.

B.Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

C.There are no magic”anti-stress”foods.

D.However, there are ways to reduce the amount of stress you suffer from.

E.Keep Positive Relationships

F.Let Stress Motivate You

G.It is certainly true that the more sleep you get, the less stressed you'll be.


    Bill Gates recently predicted that online learning will make place-based colleges less significant, and five years from now, students will be able to find the best lectures in the world online. I applaud Mr. Gates. But what's taking us so long?

    As early as 1997, MIT(麻省理工) decided to post videos of all university lectures online. for free, for all people. But today, how many students have you met who mastered advanced mathematics or nuclear physics from an MIT online video? Unfortunately, the answer is not many. The problem is the poor quality of online education websites and the experience they provide to students. Those who go to the MIT website and watch courses online are surely very smart people, but it's not like playing a video game such as World of Warcraft. Only the most ardent students, those who are highly motivated, will devote themselves to studying these boring online videos.

    The real question is why we aren't spending more to develop better online education platforms. Where is the Avatar of education? Think about this. The market for Hollywood films per year is worth around 30 billion USD. Education in the world is a trillion-dollar-a-year market, hundreds of times bigger than Hollywood movies. Yet the most expensive digital learning system ever built cost well under 100 million dollars.

    Bill Gates' prediction is going to happen. There is no doubt about it. But it will only happen when we create high level educational content and experiences that engage and excite more than has ever been possible in the real world.



    Can exercise during childhood protect you against memory loss many decades later? Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain, in rats at least.

    “This is an animal study, but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very important—not just for physical development, but for the whole lifelong track of cognitive (认知的) development during ageing,” says Martin Wojtowicz of the University of Toronto, Canada. “In humans, it may delay the appearance of Alzheimer's symptoms (阿兹海默氏症), possibly to the point of preventing them.”

    Wojtowicz's team divided 80 young male rats into two equal groups, and placed running wheels in the cages of one group for a period of six weeks. Around four months later-when the rats had reached middle age-the team taught all the rats to connect an electric shock with being in a specific box. When placed in the box, they froze with fear.

    Two weeks later, the team tested the rats in three situations: exactly the same box in the same room, the same box with the room arranged differently, and a completely different box in a different room.

    The rats without access to a running wheel when they were young now froze the same percentage of times in each of these situations, suggesting they couldn't remember which one was dangerous. But those that had been able to run in their youth froze 40 to 50 percent less in both changed box settings.

    “The results suggest the amount of physical activity when we're young, at least for rats, has influence on brain and cognitive health-in the form of better memories-when we're older,” says Arthur Kramer of Northeastern University in Boston, who has found that, in humans, exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells.


    As a Chinese saying goes, “Taste is actually a memory of childhood”. Local specialty food may not be popular among all people, but it offers outsiders a glimpse of local culture and history.

    Gongcheng “oil tea” is such a kind of food that would be considered “weird” by many first-time visitors to the remote county in the north of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Many people dislike its bitter and astringent(涩的)flavor when they take a sip.

    “It felt like drinking Chinese herbal medicine. I never expected that I would gradually accept it afterwards, and even become addicted to it,” said a traveler surnamed Zhang who comes from Shijiazhuang in northern China's Hebei province.

    Langshan village is said to be birthplace of Gongcheng “oil tea” whose ideal ingredients are green tea and fermented(发酵)tea. The village has preserved well its buildings and roads dating back to late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), as well as its traditional way of making the special tea.

    Lin Fengyou, 60, introduced the cooking process. She looks younger than her age, and attributes this to the benefits of drinking “oil tea” throughout the year.

    The first procedure is to use a wooden hammer to pound the tea while heating it in an iron pot, and then add edible(可食用的)oil and boiled water afterwards. She filters off the solid residues(余渣), and pours the glue-like green tea soup into bowls. Then, she adds salt, caraway seed(葛缕子籽), green onion, dried rice, fried groundnuts, sliced taro(芋头)and fried beans.

    The taste of the “oil tea” is a mixture of the distinctive(特有的)flavors of all its ingredients. Local people usually eat it together with glutinous rice(糯米)balls, rice dumplings and glutinous rice cake.

    The villagers consume “oil tea” three times a day. The tea soup is a healthy and refreshing food. “The tea soup to us is coffee to Westerners”, said Lin. “But it is tastier.”


    They train four hours a day, often waking up at 4:30 or 5:00 for before-school practices. Their evenings and weekends are eaten up by twice-weekly travel games. Every day is the same; there's no break. No, these aren't Olympic athletes; they're kids.

    The benefits of sports are obvious. So, it's not surprising that, according to CNN, 41 million American children play competitive sports. But when does this become too much of a good thing?

    Seven years ago, a survey in Sporting Kid magazine found 84 percent of athletes' parents had observed belligerent behavior in other parents at games and that 80 percent had been targets of this behavior. What does this say about sports culture, and our culture as a whole? Some parents have become so crazy about their children's winning that they don't stop to think about what example they are setting.

    If athletes are constantly surrounded by adults who scream at coaches and attack sports officials, they may think that this is acceptable behavior. They'll try to win at all costs. In other words, they won't know how to accept defeat, and learn from it.

    The amount of time some athletes spend practicing can be dangerous. According to Sports Illustrated, over 3.5 million athletes younger that 15 suffered from a sports-related injury—that's nearly one in ten! Many injuries cause permanent(永久的)damage if not treated.

    So what can we do about this situation? Some argue that there is no problem, because sports has always been and will always be competitive. But did your grandparents spend hours each day practicing tennis or volleyball? No, they probably played with the neighborhood kids after school, not worrying about winning. All they wanted was to have fun. And that's what we need to change in youth sports—focus on enjoyment.


    Washing habits have changed over the years. In the 16th century, most people had a bath once a month…if they were lucky. Up until the 1950s, it was once a week. Only just recently has the concept of daily showering become popular. But now, according to the New York Times, things are changing again.

    The latest trend is known as "soap-dodging". It basically consists of washing less, having fewer showers and using less soap. "I just wash my hair once a month now," said Brett Dawson, a 32-year-old management consultant. "I have just one bath a week," said Miriam Bayliss, a 28-year-old accountant.

    And it appears to be growing in popularity. A poll last year for tissue manufacturer SCA found that 41% of British men and 33% of women don't shower every day. And 12% of people have a proper wash just once or twice a week. Further research by Mintel found that more than half of British teenagers don't wash every day-with many opting for a quick spray of deodorant (除臭剂) to mask any smell. But why?

    There are a variety of reasons. Some claim that daily hair-washing is unnecessary. Commentator Matthew admitted that he hadn't shampooed his hair for a decade. Others say they just don't have the time. In 2008, the chemist Boots reported a 45% rise in sales of dry shampoo - a product that can be sprayed on hair between showers.

    And some people want to help the environment. "I limit my showers to about twice a week," said Nigel Hamerstone, a 42-year-old architect. "The rest of the time I have a sink wash." he adds. "I believe that I'm as clean as everyone else, and it's helped get my water consumption down to around 20 litres a day - well below the 100 to 150 average in the UK."

    So, will you be joining the new "washing revolution"?

