
试题 试卷


题型:阅读判断 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通


Judge the following sentences true or false according to the passage.

    Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."

    The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.

    After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."

(1)、There were two mice living in the country.
(2)、The Country mouse lived in a hole in the field.
(3)、The house of the City mouse was a very good house made of sand.
(4)、There was a cat in the house of the City mouse.
(5)、The two mice lived in the city happily.
      Once there was a little girl who lived in a small, very simple, poor house on a hill. From there she could see across the valley to a wonderful house high on the hill on the other side. This house had golden windows, so golden and shining that the little girl would dream of how magic it would be to grow up and live in a house with golden windows instead of an ordinary house like hers. She wanted to live in such a golden house and dreamed all day about how wonderful and exciting it must feel to live there.
       When she got to an age and got enough skill and sensibility to go outside, she asked her mother if she could go for a ride outside the gate and down the lane. After pleading with her, her mother finally allowed her to go, insisting that she should keep close to the house and not wander too far. The day was beautiful and the little girl knew exactly where she was heading! Down the lane and across the valley, she got to the gate of the golden house across on the other hill.
       As she arrived, she focused on the path that led to the house and then on the house itself. She was so disappointed as she realized all the windows were ordinary and rather dirty, reflecting(反映出) nothing other than the sad neglect of the house that was derelict(废弃的).
So sad she didn't go any further and turned, and heart broken. As she glanced up she saw a sight to amaze her. There across the way on her side of the valley was a little house and its windows glistened golden as the sun shone on her little home.
      She realized that she had been living in her golden house and all the love and care she found there was what made her home the “golden house”. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose! 


Mr and Mrs Albina, with 64 children, have the world's largest family. Not one of their children is adopted(领养).
When people hear about the Albinas' large family, the first question they ask is, "How is it possible? How can one woman give birth to 64 children in her lifetime?" The answer is simple: Every time Mrs Albina gave birth, she had twins or triplets.
Soon after the Albinas got married the children came quickly, in twos and threes. The first 21 children were boys. Mrs Albina loved her sons, but she wanted a daughter very much.
The Albinas spent the early years in Argentina. Then they decided to move to Chile. To travel from Argentina to Chile, they had to cross the Andes Mountains. Mr and Mrs Albina and their 21 sons made the difficult, two-week joumey on mules. One night there was a terrible snowstorm in the mountains. During the snowstorm, Mrs Albina gave birth to triplets, a boy and-two girls!
The oldest Albina children are in their thirties and forties. They are on their own now, but 18 of the Albina children still live with their parents The family lives in a two-room shack in Colina Chile. The shack has electricity but no toilet or running water. The children wash in a small bowl in the dusty backyard.
At times there is very little food in the Albinas' small house. When there is not enough food for everyone, Mrs Albina makes sure the youngest children do not go hungry. "The smallest eat first, and then the bigger ones. We've always done it that way," she says. Obviously, the Albinas do not have enough money for their big family. Why, then, do they continue to have children?
The Albinas do not use birth control because it is against their religion (宗教).They could let other people take care of their children, but Mrs. Albina will not allow it. "When my two brothers and I were babies," she says,"our mother left us at an orphanage(孤儿院)and never returned. We lived there together until we were five. Then a couple adopted my brothers, and I was left behind. I was heartbroken. I promised myself that when I became a mother, I would never give my children away. Even if I didn't have much money, I would always take care of my children myself." Mrs Albina has kept her promise.


    My father was German, but he worked in England. He married my mother, who was English. Her family name was Robinson, so when I was born in 1632 in England, they called me Robinson, after her.

My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job, and live a quiet, pleasant life. But I wanted adventure and an exciting life.

    "I want to be a sailor and go to sea", I told my mother and father. They were very unhappy about this.

    "Please don't go." my father said, "You won't be happy you know. Sailors have a difficult and dangerous life." And because I loved him, and he was unhappy, I tried to forget about the sea.

    But I couldn't forget, and about a year later, I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship and my friend said to me, "We are sailing to London tomorrow. Why don't you go with us?"

    On September 1, 1651, I went to Hull and the next day we sailed for London.

    But, a few days later, there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous, and the ship went up and down, up and down. I was very ill, and was very afraid.

    "Oh, I don't want to die!" I cried, "I want to live! If I live, I will go home and never go to sea again!"

    The next day the wind stopped, and the sea was quiet and beautiful again.

    "Well, Robinson," my friend laughed, "How do you feel now? The wind wasn't too bad."

    "What!" I cried. "It was a terrible storm."

    "Oh, that wasn't a storm," my friend answered, "Just a little wind. Forget it, come and have a drink."

    After a few drinks with my friend, I felt better. I forgot about the danger, and made up my mind not to go home. I didn't want my friend and family to laugh at me!

    I stayed in London for some time, but I still wanted to go to the sea. So, when the captain of a ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa, I agreed. And so I went to the sea for the second time.

    It was a good ship, and everything went well at first, but I was very ill again. Then when we were near the Canary Islands, a Turkish pirate (海盗) ship came after us. They were famous thieves of the sea at that time. There was a long, hard fight, but when it finished, we and the ship were prisoners. The Turkish captain and his men took us to Sallee in Morocco. They wanted to sell us as slaves (奴隶) in the market. But in the end, the Turkish captain decided to keep me for himself, and took me home with him. This was a sudden and terrible change in my life.

